Chicken legs with potatoes in the oven – 5 recipes with photos step by step Chicken legs with potatoes in the oven – 5 recipes with photos step by step This is extremely tasty and…
Pears in syrup for the winter; 3 best recipes with photos: without sterilization, slices, whole Pears in syrup for the winter - 3 best recipes with photos: without sterilization, slices,…
Crispy pickled squash: 6 recipes for winter preparations; special yummy, impossible to slow down Crispy pickled squash: 6 recipes for winter preparations - special yummy, impossible to slow down! I quite enjoy canning vegetables….
How to prepare custard without eggs according to a step-by-step recipe with photos How to prepare custard without eggs according to a step-by-step recipe with photos The taste of almost all desserts depends on ...
Curd cake Curd cake Recipes: 9 dough: 1. all-purpose brown sugar “mistral” – 5 tbsp. 2. cottage cheese (5%) – 100 g3. chicken egg – 1 pc. 4. wheat flour...
Okroshka with radishes Okroshka with radishes The composition of okroshka can be quite different. Most often it includes the freshest cucumbers and green onions, and other greens, but they are also found...
Quick buns Buns Pancake buns Amazing buns are made from pancake (really) dough! They cook very quickly and are eaten instantly! It’s very convenient to cook for breakfast for your household! Recipe…
Cake; Pancho; with pineapples, step-by-step recipe with photos Pancho cake with pineapples, step-by-step recipe with photos Pancho cake with photos step by step. Recipe with pineapples Now we have...
5 recipes for savory dishes with raspberries 5 recipes for savory dishes with raspberries Cake, cookies and other sweets Summer has passed the halfway point and, although it amazes us with its weather surprises,…
Red rowan liqueur Red rowan liqueur Red rowan liqueur is easier to prepare than usual, it will only take you half an hour of free time! You will receive a fragrant, moderate...