Stuffed cabbage rolls in tomato sauce recipe

Stuffed cabbage rolls in tomato sauce Stuffed cabbage rolls in tomato sauce Stuffed cabbage rolls in tomato sauce is a satisfying, nutritious, healthy and very appetizing dish. This dish can be prepared in different ways with the addition of various…

Homemade milk ice cream recipe

Ice cream at home from milk Ice cream at home from milk Why waste a lot of money on buying store-bought ice cream, which contains a bunch of harmful...

Beet kvass recipe

Beet kvass - useful characteristics and 5 recipes Beet kvass - useful characteristics and 5 recipes In Rus', kvass was the number one drink. An image immediately pops up in ideas...

Apple juice mash recipe

Fragrant moonshine from apple juice: {instructions} for making Fragrant moonshine from apple juice: {instructions} for making In the era of selling alcohol with fake excise taxes, the art of moonshine is gaining more momentum...

Solyanka mushroom recipe

Mushroom solyanka Mushroom solyanka Mushroom solyanka with vegetables for the winter 3.6 5 Do you want to create a hearty and appetizing preparation? Then pay attention to this recipe for making mushroom...

Homemade candy recipe

Homemade candy recipe Candy Candy a la “Snickers” This recipe is from my culinary notebook. I prepared it for the first time about 10 years ago. Since then I often make these...

Easter braids recipe

Easter braid; comes from youth Easter braid “comes from youth” How to cook Step-by-step photos Similar recipes Ingredients ingredients: 1-1.2 kg. wheat flour 2 tsp. dry yeast (...

Baked potatoes with garlic

Very tasty garlic potatoes baked in the oven - a wonderful side dish Very tasty garlic potatoes baked in the oven - a wonderful side dish Oven baked garlic potatoes - a beautiful side dish...

Lenten yeast buns recipe

Lenten buns Lenten buns Lenten buns can be prepared not only during Lent. Naturally, it is unacceptable to say that buns without butter, milk and eggs can become dietary, but the calories...

Corn and cabbage salad recipe

Recipe: Salad with cabbage and corn Recipe: Salad with cabbage and corn Share with friends: Salad with cabbage and corn has gained extraordinary popularity, which, despite its simplicity and…