Zurek (Polish soup)

Zurek (Polish soup)


Snow-white sausages – 500 g

Smoked sausage – 300 g

Bacon (brisket) – 200 g

Onions – 3 pcs.

Garlic – a couple of cloves

Salt and pepper - to taste

Bay leaf – 2 pcs.

Greens - for serving

Chicken eggs - 1 per serving

Vegetable oil - for frying

Sourdough zhur – 400 g

For the starter you will need:

Boiled water – 500 g

Rye flour – 10 tbsp.

Garlic – 3-4 cloves

Bay leaf – 2 pcs.

Allspice – 4 pcs.

Rye bread - slice

  • 190 kcal
  • 40 min.
  • 120 hours
  • 120 hours 40 minutes

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

First you need to prepare the starter for the zhurk. Naturally, at the moment it can be purchased in any Polish hypermarket, but preparing it at home is very simple and straightforward, especially since there is simply nowhere to buy it here. By the way, the Poles also prepare snow-white borscht using the leaven given to us.

Place a slice of rye bread broken into pieces into a liter jar and add rye flour.

Crush the garlic directly into the husk, put it in a jar along with a bay leaf.

Add aromatic pepper, pour in cool boiled water, stir everything well.

Cover the jar with gauze folded in half and tie with twine. Place in a warm space for 5 days. The starter needs to be stirred every day. On the 5th day, strain the starter along with the flour through a sieve and you can start making soup. If you don’t plan to prepare zurek yet, then the starter must be transferred to the refrigerator to prevent mold, etc. from forming. She smells absolutely great!

Prepare all the ingredients for making Polish Zurek soup. Snow-white sausages in soup usually come in the form of wieners; here I found them only in the form of sausages, but they are also of a very respectable quality. Peel and rinse the onion and garlic. Be sure to boil the eggs in advance for no longer than 10 minutes, cool in cool water, and peel off the shells. Remove the casing from the smoked sausage.

Polish zurek soup is prepared both in broth and in water; I don’t even see the point in arguing about this in the comments. It all depends on the region and housewives. It’s like ours - every housewife has her own borscht.

Pour water into the pan, place the sausages in it, and place on the stove to cook over moderate heat.

While the sausages are boiling, pour a little vegetable oil into the frying pan and add the diced onion. Fry over low heat until translucent and soft.

Place the onion in a saucepan and add the bay leaf, garlic and marjoram. Cook over moderate heat for about 10 minutes. In total, it takes about 15 minutes to make snow-white sausages, look at the instructions on the package and calculate the time for cooking them in the soup, otherwise they will explode.

At the same time, fry chopped smoked bacon (brisket) and sausage.

Stir the starter well, pour it into the pan along with the flour - it will give the soup thickness and make the broth velvety. The sausages should have been cooked by this point, put them on a plate and let them cool slightly to make it easier to peel off the casing. Place the fried smoked meats into the pan and simmer for 5 minutes.

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Add good quality sour cream to the soup, stir vigorously so that it does not curdle. Now you can add salt and pepper to taste and collect foam from the surface. Be sure to let the soup sit before serving: the longer it sits, the tastier it will be. In particular, zurek is not bad for the next day.

Cut the peeled snow-white sausages into pieces, place in a deep plate, add a boiled egg. Usually it is cut in half or into quarters.

Pour a couple of ladles of soup and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

The most delicious, very nourishing and fragrant Polish zurek soup is ready. You can invite your family to the dinner table and serve soup with your favorite bread.

Polish soups are very tasty!

Poles love and can cook first courses

The most Polish soup is Zurek

There is a legend that it was invented by the wives of miners in Silesia. The warm soup was poured into a loaf of bread, taking out the crumb earlier. The lid of this unusual pan was the top crust of the loaf. All this was wrapped in a clean linen towel, with a knot-handle made at the top. By lunchtime, the little miners with their bundles hurried to the mine with a warm lunch for their breadwinner parent. Zhurek soup replaced both the first and second courses for the miners, because it had everything: rich broth, meat and the freshest bread. Zurek was once a dish of the poor. And at the moment, all Poles eat it, without fail.

What does Zurek consist of?

The base and main ingredient for the soup is a special starter that is prepared separately. Sourdough based on rye flour. In Silesia, there are still masters who specialize in homemade sourdough. Everyone has their own secret to the recipe, passed down from generation to generation. Real sourdough takes up to 3 days to prepare! Usually, it is made in reserve, for several servings and kept in the refrigerator. Nowadays, zurek starter can be purchased at any hypermarket, both in powder form and in bottles.

Zurek also contains other essential ingredients:

- homemade pork sausage, often smoked.

- hard-boiled egg. For aroma: parsley and dill, garlic.

Zurek is surrounded by glory in Poland. The Ministry of Agriculture entered this soup into the State Register of Traditions of the country! Every region of Poland has its own ZHUREK. The soups differ little from each other, but in each version the basis of the Old Polish dish is sourdough, which gives the soup a corresponding sourish taste and smell.

Advice. In restaurants you will definitely look for ZUREK w chlebie (zhurek in bread) and then you will feel the real taste of the state culinary symbol of Poland.

The second soup that the Poles are proud of is FLAKI.

“Flanks, please,” Warsaw residents say when ordering this soup. The capital of Poland, Warsaw, claims that this soup was invented here.

So, what makes the difference between Warsaw-style flaki soup?

Flaki are prepared from beef (or less often veal) tripe, cut into very thin strips. The fundamental detail of the Warsaw-style flask recipe is the presence of beef MEATBALLS. In addition to meat, there are also onions, parsley (root), celery and carrots. Indispensable seasonings - bay leaf, dark pepper, herbs.

What literally does not have to be in ordinary flasks? There doesn't have to be garlic and vinegar!

The dish is rich and spicy, with a very intense taste and smell . FLYAKOV even have certain medical indications. Since the scar contains a large amount of collagen, after fractures or in case of age-related dilemmas with the musculoskeletal system, flask soup is “what the doctor ordered.”

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Tip: Soups Žurek and Warsaw-style FLAKI with meatballs (Flaki powarszawski z pulpitami) are served in the Ancient Town. The restaurant is called “Kuchnia warszawska” and is located on the Market Square. Address: Rynek, 21.

Don’t worry that this is a historical center, they say it won’t be cheap or tasty. No way. The prices are affordable here. In the restaurant you can also taste ZHUREK in bread! Both Polish specialties - 18 zlotys each!

Bon appetit, or as the Poles say “Smacznego!”

Flakes in Polish

The uniqueness of Polish state cuisine is the huge number of soups. Flaki is a rich multi-component first course. In order to prepare this hearty soup, you don’t necessarily need to take a ticket to Poland. Using our recipe, with patience and accuracy, you can amuse your household and guests with a bowl of thick soup “Flyaki in Polish”.

Personality of the dish

The main component of the dish is tripe, in other words, beef or pork stomach. That is why the name of the soup comes from the Polish word flaki, which means tripe.

Another important ingredient is celery roots, carrots, and parsley. The smell of the dish is given by spices - bay leaf, nutmeg, pepper, salt, paprika, ginger. If desired, you can add flour, lard or onions to the soup. Prohibited ingredients for flask are vinegar and garlic.

The finished soup is served hot in deep bowls. Often in restaurants, chefs pour flasks into edible “pots” made from bread. It looks sophisticated and homey at the same time.

Often there are different names for the dish - flask, flaki, flaczki, polish tripe soup or tripe.


This recipe makes 6 servings. For real soup “Flyaki in Polish” you will need:

  • one kg of beef stomach;
  • two heads of onions;
  • one kg of beef bones for broth;
  • two carrots;
  • one celery root;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 50 g flour;
  • a pinch of grated nutmeg;
  • one tsp. dark pepper;
  • salt;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • three pieces bay leaf.

Let's start cooking

In order for the flasks to come out real - thick and rich, it is important to adhere to the advice of the most experienced chefs. The method for creating the dish is as follows:

  1. The main task in making soup is to get rid of the specific aroma of the stomach. To do this, you need to soak it in cool water overnight (that is, in the dark) , or better yet, during the day. It is important to drain the water from time to time and replace it with clean water.

After time has passed, fill the stomach with cool water again and bring to a boil. Drain the water and repeat this step again. After 2 procedures the smell should go away completely.

  1. Boil the soup set for 30 minutes along with the spices.
  2. Fill the stomach with water and cook for 2-4 hours until soft.
  3. Prepare the vegetables. Cut the onion into small pieces, and carrots and celery into thin slices.
  4. Fry the vegetables in 25 g of oil until half cooked. Make sure your hands don’t burn and remain translucent.
  5. Take another clean and dry frying pan. Sauté the flour for 3 minutes and add the remaining butter.
  6. Cut the cooked stomach into strips.
  7. Mix all the ingredients - broth, gizzard, vegetables and flour. Season with spices to taste. Cook for another 20 minutes.
  8. Finely chop the dill and parsley.
  9. When serving the soup, sprinkle with herbs.
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It should be noted that flaki is a rather labor-intensive dish. It will take several hours to make. That is why soup was previously the most frequent guest on tables. At the moment, it can almost always be experienced in restaurants with an emphasis on Polish cuisine.

Pomidorova Zupa - Polish tomato soup

Polish tomato soup (Zupa pomidorowa) is prepared in meat broth, with a huge amount of tomatoes and other vegetables. The taste is rich and catchy. And the products can be found in any kitchen.

In Poland, tomato zupa is prepared with rice or pasta. Each family has its own signature recipe.

Some housewives prepare it in the form of a puree soup, others - as a liquid first course with rice, and still others prefer to add small pasta. Serve tomato soup with sour cream. By the way, it can be added to the soup itself at the end of cooking or placed on plates - as you like.


  • chicken soup set – 300 g
  • water – 2 l
  • onions – 2 pcs.
  • carrots – 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.
  • tomatoes – 500 g
  • rice – 100 g (or 150 g for thick soup)
  • parsley - 1/4 bunch.
  • salt - to taste
  • dark peppercorns – 3 pcs.
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.
  • chicken eggs and sour cream - for serving


Cook the broth . A soup set is suitable, you can take thighs or drumsticks, and for a dietary option - chicken breast on the bone. Pour the chicken, one onion and one carrot with water in a saucepan, add a bay leaf and a few dark peppercorns. Cook over low heat, skimming off the foam, for 20-30 minutes (for poultry, increase the cooking time). When the broth is ready, discard the vegetables and spices.

Create a vegetable roast. In a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil, saute the diced onion. When it softens, add carrots, grated on a large grater. Continue frying until the vegetables turn golden brown. And send the frying into a pan with broth.

Add rice. Wash the rice (100 g for a watery soup or 150 g if you like it thicker) and place it in a saucepan. Add salt to taste.

Prepare the tomatoes. Cut the fruits into 4 parts. Pour them into a frying pan and add approximately 50 ml of water. Cover with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes.

The tomatoes should become soft.

Grind the tomatoes through a sieve. Pour the pulp along with the juice into the pan, and discard the pulp (skins with seeds).

Cook the soup until the rice becomes soft - in total this will take 20-25 minutes from the moment you add the cereal. When ready, chop the parsley and let it boil again. Remove from heat and let sit, covered, for 15 minutes (in the meantime, you can hard-boil the eggs for serving).

Serve tomato zup with sour cream and boiled eggs.

By the way, almost all housewives immediately put sour cream in a saucepan with soup - for the indicated amount of ingredients you need to add 100 g of sour cream, let it boil and remove from the heat. Then it will turn out like in the photo, with small splashes of sour cream. Bon appetit!

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