The best lemon tea recipes

The best lemon tea recipes

What is your favorite tea? For example, I prefer to drink it with lemon. But it turns out that even this drink can be varied by adding equally healthy foods to it. Let's find out all the details in this article.

This fragrant and invigorating drink is pleasant to drink at any time of the day. But doctors advise preparing it every spring and autumn in order to support a weakened body due to a lack of vitamins. In winter, it is absolutely suitable as a warming agent for colds and other ailments.

However, before you start brewing your favorite tea, you need to keep one fundamental rule in mind - the lemon in the mug should not be placed in boiling water. And into slightly cooled water. Otherwise, vitamin C is completely destroyed (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C. And tea becomes just tasty water, which no longer brings any benefit.

Traditional lemon tea recipe for everyone

What tea with lemon do we brew most often? Naturally, traditional black. Therefore, let’s start specifically with this simple and accessible recipe.

What will be useful:

  • High-quality loose tea leaves at the rate of one teaspoon per person.
  • Boiling water.
  • Lemon - a couple of slices for each mug.
  • Sugar - optional.

In order for the drink to be essentially tasty and healthy, you need to choose only a good loose brew of loose leaf tea. What is poured into bags is not suitable at all. This drink simply has no smell or taste.

How to cook

Pour boiling water over the kettle and pour out the water. Pour tea leaves into it at the rate of a teaspoon per person. Pour boiling water, close the lid and let it brew for a couple of minutes. It is better to act according to the instructions that are on each tea package.

Pour the finished drink into mugs and let it cool slightly.

Next, place a couple of lemon slices in each mug. And to enhance the smell and give the drink an indescribable taste, it is better to mash the citrus directly in the cup with a small spoon.

Add sugar as desired. Mix everything and serve with your favorite dessert.

Making a drink with lemon zest - an extraordinary recipe

If you had to use lemon for baking, and at the same time there was zest left from it, then why not use it as an additive for tea? It will turn out tasty, fragrant and healthy. Be sure to try this drink during the cold season - I’m sure you’ll like it!

What will be useful:

  • Lemon peel.
  • Black tea of ​​the highest quality.

Before zesting a lemon, it is recommended to first wash the citrus well under water and dry it.

How to cook

Remove the washed and dried lemon from the skin using a sharp knife. Cut it into small pieces, place it on a sheet in the oven and dry it at 100 degrees.

Grind the well-dried peel in a coffee grinder. Mix the resulting fragrant mixture with dry black tea in any proportion. Brew at the rate of one teaspoon per mug. Moreover, you can create this right away in a tea cup or in a teapot.

For more taste you can add a piece of lemon. If desired, add a teaspoon of sugar and mix everything until the mixture dissolves.

Delicious recipe with mint and honey - necessary and fragrant for colds

How to prepare lemon tea so that it is very healthy? It turns out that mint and honey will help us here. After all, black tea with the addition of medicinal linden or flower honey is a true salvation during the season of colds, flu and acute respiratory infections. If you drink it every day, the risk of falling ill will decrease several hundred times.

What will be useful:

  • Honey - a couple of teaspoons.
  • Mint - a couple of leaves.
  • Lemon - a few slices.
  • Black tea of ​​the highest quality - a teaspoon for each mug.
  • Boiling water depends on the volume of the kettle.

Wash mint leaves well under running water. Cut the lemon into slices. Boil the kettle.

How to cook

Rinse the teapot with boiling water, add the tea leaves and pour boiling water over it. Cover with a lid and let it brew. After 5 minutes, add a couple of mint leaves directly to the kettle and let it steep again for about 10 minutes.

Pour tea into mugs. Add lemon, and a teaspoon of honey as a sweetener. Stir, wait for the honey to dissolve and serve.

This drink is an excellent substitute for tea with sugar and also helps you relax and calm down before bed.

Soothing lemon and mint tea for those who can't sleep

If you cannot sleep at night, if you are constantly tormented by worries and other problems, then before going to bed, be sure to prepare yourself some tasty and much needed mint tea. With all this, you can safely replace the mint with lemon balm - it will turn out no less tasty.

What will be useful:

  • A few mint or lemon balm leaves.
  • Lemon slices.
  • Boiling water.
  • Leaf tea of ​​the highest quality.

If you do not have new leaves of these plants, you can safely take dried ones. You can buy them at any pharmacy.

How to cook

Rinse the teapot with boiling water. Pour tea leaves into it, add mint, dried or fresh, and pour boiling water over it.

Cover with a lid and wait for everything to brew. This may take up to 10 minutes.

Pour the finished tea into mugs, add a piece of lemon and drink 30 minutes before going to bed.

There is no sugar in this tea, and it is also not recommended to use honey, because it will be able to interrupt the calming effect of mint.

Green tea with lemon - preparing the most necessary drink

It turns out that tea with lemon can be not only black, but also green. Moreover, this drink turns out to be even healthier than the usual version, which almost everyone likes so much. But it’s better not to put additives like honey and sugar here. They will only spoil the whole taste and smell, and, of course, the benefits.

What will be useful:

  • Green tea in bulk - a teaspoon per mug,
  • Boiling water,
  • Lemon pieces
  • Jasmine petals - optional.

It is believed that green tea with lemon is best brewed with jasmine petals. They will give the drink a special smell that cannot be confused with any other tea.

How to cook

To get an essentially savory and very fragrant tea, first we will pour boiling water over the teapot. Place one teaspoon of tea leaves in it for each mug. And pour boiling water, but not boiling water. Cover with a lid and wait for about 4 minutes.

Next, pour into mugs and place a slice of lemon in each. If you want to vary your tea ceremony, then you can safely add jasmine petals to your favorite drink.

If you cannot find such an additive, then buy ready-to-pack green tea with jasmine. And infuse just that in the teapot. This aromatic drink will perfectly warm you up in the cold and give you vigor during a period of complete loss of strength.

Ginger tea with lemon - for those who dream of losing excess weight

This is perhaps the most popular and most medicinal drink based on lemon and ginger. It helps improve metabolism, strengthens the immune system, and at the same time eliminates excess weight. And you can completely prepare it at home.

How to cook

To make the healthiest drink we will need a thermos. Here we put ginger, which we cut into thin slices. All we need is a piece measuring 2 cm.

Place the chopped ginger in a thermos, add boiling water, close the lid and leave for 40 minutes. Pour into a cup and add a thin slice of lemon. You see, in this recipe we do not use tea leaves - neither black nor green tea. But to enhance the smell, you can add a spoonful of ground cinnamon or a couple of cloves.

Cool lemon tea traditional

Yes, almost everyone prefers to drink tea with lemon hot. But it turns out that he is quite good and cool. With all this, the amount of necessary substances in it does not decrease, but, on the contrary, increases.

This drink is especially useful in the summer heat; there is no shame in serving it to the table at a party or when guests arrive as a means that complements all dishes.

You can prepare cool lemon tea using a variety of methods. But the most common one is to cool the already brewed black or green one, and then add a couple of slices of lemon to it. But there are a few more recipes that you should also pay attention to.

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Cool green tea with sparkling water and lemon at home

This drink is very reminiscent of a store-bought one, but unlike it, it is completely natural and necessary.

We start as usual - by brewing tea. 2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water. Add half a lemon slice here and sugar to taste. When the drink has cooled, you need to strain it, pour it into a bottle and add 150 ml of sparkling water. It turns out delicious, indescribably delicious and refreshing. Just what you need in the summer heat.

Cool lemon tea with vanilla syrup for hot summer

Would you like to experience a fragrant and indescribably delicious tea that you would never buy for money in a store? then this recipe was created especially for you!

Brew regular lemon tea and cool it. It doesn’t matter whether it’s black or green, it’s all up to taste.

Add two or even three spoons of fresh lemon juice to it. Pour in 3 tablespoons of sweet syrup.

Mix everything, put it in the refrigerator and after 30 minutes the drink is ready. Moreover, it will no longer be just tea, but a delicious non-alcoholic cocktail.

This is the kind of necessary and tasty tea we got. You can drink it at any time of the year. It perfectly relieves thirst, helps to cope with a bad mood, refreshes in the summer heat and warms in the winter cold. A universal drink that everyone without exception likes, isn’t it?

Tea with lemon - 8 delicious tea recipes. Benefits of lemon tea

Tea with lemon is a drink that is known to everyone. Not only does it provide warmth on cool evenings, but it also has beneficial qualities. The main thing is to cook it correctly.

Tea with lemon: benefits and harms

If we talk about the usefulness of this drink, then it is worth immediately noting that such characteristics are inherent only in high-quality tea, and not in the husk, which is often sold under its guise.

The essential oils, ascorbic acid and phytoncides included in good tea help to quickly recover from colds. They increase immunity and restore strength.

Plus of constant tea consumption:

  • perfectly relieves thirst;
  • kills bacteria in the mouth and throat;
  • lowers cholesterol levels (an organic compound, a natural fatty, lipophilic alcohol contained in the cell membranes of all living organisms with the exception of nuclear-free ones) ;
  • brain activity is activated (the central part of the nervous system of animals and humans) ;
  • the level of lethargy decreases;
  • skin condition improves;
  • digestion work improves.

As for harm, lemon is a citrus, which means it can cause an allergic reaction. Sometimes this sour drink is contraindicated for certain stomach diseases.

How to properly brew tea with lemon?

If you really want to enjoy the drink and feel all the hidden notes, then you need to know how to brew tea with lemon correctly.

Brewing process:

  1. Let the water heat up. It should be hot, but not boiling. Although the exact temperature depends on what specific type of tea is consumed.
  2. We take a special container created for tea and pour hot water over the inside.
  3. Pour in the required amount of tea leaves based on the size of the container and fill the contents with water.
  4. Cover and leave for about 5 minutes, then pour into cups and add a slice of lemon.

Production option with green tea

Greenish tea with lemon is a tasty tonic drink. In addition, it has disinfecting properties.

Brewing process:

  1. To make the drink, take your favorite cup, pour a spoonful of green tea into it and fill it with hot water. Its temperature must be 90 degrees.
  2. Cover the container with a napkin and leave for 5 minutes.
  3. After this time, strain the tea so that the leaves do not float in it.
  4. Now all that remains is to add lemon, this can be done using 2 methods: simply pour in lemon juice or add a cut slice.
  5. Wait until the tea cools to 60 degrees and you are ready to drink.

Tea with ginger and lemon

Tea with ginger and lemon is an indispensable assistant during colds. It warms, helps to breathe better and removes phlegm when coughing. Please note that this tea should not be drunk at high temperatures.

With ginger you can prepare regular tea, green tea, or even a drink based on the root.

Traditional brewing process:

  1. The ginger root needs to be peeled and cut into small thin strips.
  2. We put these pieces into a teapot or cup, and put the required amount of tea leaves there - dark or greenish.
  3. Pour boiling water over the mixture, cover and leave for 3-4 minutes, after which we get rid of the leaves by straining the drink. If you have a special teapot, then you won’t have to do this.
  4. After this time, you can squeeze a little lemon juice or add a cut piece.

With added honey

Tea with lemon and honey is probably one of the best combinations, because honey in particular can fully reveal all the taste characteristics of this generous drink.

The most important thing is to rule out allergies to the sweet component in advance and, of course, brew it correctly.

It is recommended to add honey to the finished drink when its temperature is no more than 40 degrees. In this case, it is best to drink tea and eat it with honey from a small spoon, then it will retain all its beneficial characteristics.

You should not abuse the beekeeping product, because it can lead to extra pounds, and the fructose contained in it destroys tooth enamel.

Tea brewing process:

  1. We prepare the teapot for brewing, pour hot water over the inside of it and fill in the required number of sheets, based on the size of the container.
  2. Pour in water: for dark tea its temperature should be about 90 degrees, and for greenish tea – 70-80. Cover with a lid and leave for about three minutes, then strain.
  3. We wait for the drink to cool down to 60-40 degrees, put a spoonful of honey and lemon juice or a slice into it.

Delicious tea with lemon and mint

This tea not only perfectly refreshes on hot days, but also relieves lethargy, because mint has a relaxing effect. Drink a cup and feel how much easier it becomes for you.

Required products for brewing:

  • two spoons of tea leaves;
  • three sprigs of mint;
  • slice of lemon.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Take an unstained teapot, pour boiling water over the inside and drop mint sprigs to the bottom. You can use both fresh and dry herbs, but the first one produces the most fragrant drink.
  2. Pour in the indicated amount of tea leaves and add hot water so that it covers the contents.
  3. Add a slice of lemon cut into squares there.
  4. Cover with a lid or napkin and let stand for about 2 minutes. You can add honey or sugar to taste.

Ginger tea

If you start drinking ginger tea regularly, you can see how your complexion has improved, your immune system has strengthened, and your digestive processes have become more gentle.

It’s very simple to brew this tasty and incredibly useful drink.

Required ingredients:

  • liter of water;
  • 6 pieces of ginger, fresh or dried;
  • three slices of lemon;
  • honey, sugar optional.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We will need a suitable teapot. If you have dry ginger, then immediately place it at the bottom of the dish. If the root is fresh, then it must be peeled and cut into thin strips and also sent to a container.
  2. Pour hot water over the pieces, cover and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. After this time, you can add lemon, pour into cups and enjoy the taste.

The benefits of the drink for weight loss

Don’t think that if you start drinking 5 cups of this drink a day, you will definitely lose excess weight without any effort.

No, no and NO.
Firstly, tea with lemon has an effect only if you drink it regularly.
Secondly, black tea contains a lot of caffeine, so it is better to quit it and give preference to greenish varieties if we are talking about losing weight.

In addition, it contains catechins, which help the body:

  • reduce sugar and cholesterol levels (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) ;
  • reduce the risk of heart disease;
  • enhance thermogenesis, which means they help break down fats;
  • increase the body's energy expenditure.

Lemon in green tea plays the role of anti-stress due to vitamin C (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C, which helps maintain physical and intellectual activity.

Green tea has a slight diuretic effect, which is completely harmless to the body and does not lead to any bad consequences. But it helps to remove all excess liquid, this is especially important during sports exercises, when the water begins to stagnate. By getting rid of it on the scales, you can see a plumb line of 2-3 kilograms after just a couple of days of constant consumption of the drink. Well, things will begin to sit on your figure much more freely.

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But please note that drinking this tea on an empty stomach is not allowed - it can lead to the appearance or exacerbation of diseases.

Lemon tea: beneficial characteristics and contraindications

Tea with lemon is a tasty and necessary drink, vital at any time of the year, especially in winter, at the height of colds and viral diseases. It is clear that lemon tea has almost all the beneficial qualities, but in case of certain diseases it is better to refrain from consuming it. The greatest benefit comes from tea brewed using a certain technology.

Composition and calorie content of lemon tea

The drink contains:

  • Tannins and pectins.
  • Essential oils, organic acids and beneficial minerals.
  • Highest concentration of ascorbic acid.
  • Vitamin (low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, essential for all living things) P, also vitamins (group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) group B.
  • Proteins and beneficial amino acids.
  • Alkaloids (for example, caffeine).

The question about the calorie content of almost all products is mainly of concern to ladies who want to look great and have a slim figure. Lemon contains a small amount of calories (30 Kcal per 100 g of product without peel). One slice contains about 4 Kcal + tea contains about 5 Kcal. In total, one cup contains no more than 9 Kcal.

This calorie content is relevant only for lemon tea without sugar and the addition of additional components, which can increase the amount of Kcal contained in 1 cup by 10 times.

A cup of dark tea with sugar and lemon - about 60 Kcal.

Benefits of lemon tea for the body

  • Lemon tea has the highest concentration of vitamin C (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C, which increases the body’s defenses and increases immunity. Also, ascorbic acid maintains normal collagen, on which the condition of the skeletal system, blood vessels and joints depends, and also helps in the process of iron absorption.
  • Tea with a slice of lemon has a positive effect on the following diseases (disturbances in normal functioning, performance) : hypertension in the initial stage, scurvy, diseases (disturbances in normal functioning, performance) of blood vessels.
  • The hot drink contains a lot of calcium, which restores blood circulation (blood circulation throughout the body) , which in turn protects muscle tissue (the medical system of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common origin, structure and functions) and bones from destruction.
  • Lemon tea is an excellent help when the first symptoms of respiratory tract diseases occur, eliminating irritation of the mucous membrane.
  • During the hot season, it relieves thirst, invigorates and refreshes.
  • The citrus tea drink contains a powerful dose of antioxidants that promote cleansing, remove accumulated waste, toxins (Ancient Greek toxin (toxikos) - poisonous - poison of biological origin) and free radicals.
  • Tea has a disinfectant effect, improves metabolism, stimulating intestinal motility and the production of gastric juice.
  • Particularly useful is green tea with lemon, which contains such useful substances as: antioxidants, flavonoids, vitamin C , polyphenols. This drink can be consumed to prevent constipation, improve skin condition and lose excess weight.

Do the benefits of lemon remain the same when added to tea?

Not every person understands that when lemon is added to hot water, ascorbic acid is actually completely destroyed, depriving the drink of almost all the necessary parameters. Naturally, the taste of the tea will not deteriorate, but it will become the least healthy. To preserve the largest amount of vitamin C (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C, you need to add lemon to warm tea. Fans of hot tea are advised to cut the lemon separately and then eat it as a bite, this will allow the greatest benefit to be extracted from the citrus fruit and the tea drink.

Why does lemon discolor tea?

If you add a slice of lemon to tea, it does not lose its strength at all, as almost everyone thinks due to its discoloration. It slightly changes the taste to a milder one and becomes healthier. What makes the color brighten when citrus is added? This is combined with citric acid, which has whitening properties, which is why products based on lemon juice are used in cosmetology and dentistry.

The lemon drink contains tannins and tannins, which give a dark brown color. When combined with citric acid, they “bleach” and change color.

Brewing recipes

Dark tea with lemon

The recipe, familiar since youth, is ordinary dark loose-leaf tea with the addition of lemon. To make a healthy drink you need to follow the following technology:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp into an unstained teapot for brewing or a mug with a test tube and filter. spoon of high quality tea leaves.
  2. Pour boiling water over it and leave it like this for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Pour into a cup, wait until the tea becomes warm, throw in a slice of lemon.
  4. To enhance the smell and taste, crush the lemon with a teaspoon, then stir. You can also use only the zest. It needs to be cooked before adding. It is necessary to cut the skin from the citrus, put it in the oven and dry it well at a temperature of 120 degrees. After drying, finely chop the skin or grind it into powder in a coffee grinder and add tea leaves: the more there are, the stronger the drink

This tea drink is brewed in the same way as an ordinary one.

Green tea with lemon

It is suitable for lovers of refreshing and tonic drinks. Greenish lemon tea has a beautiful taste without additional additives in the form of honey or sweet sand. When brewing, you need to follow the usual rules:

  1. Pour 2 heaped teaspoons of greenish tea leaves into a clean glass or porcelain container and pour boiling water over it.
  2. Leave to brew for 5-7 minutes to fully develop the flavor.
  3. When the tea has cooled to room temperature, add 1-2 lemon slices to taste.

The perfect complement to such a fragrant drink will be the leaves of jasmine inflorescences, thanks to them the drink will sparkle with a gentle smell and a new taste. In order not to waste time searching for jasmine, you can purchase ready-made Chinese balls made from tea leaves and jasmine petals.

Ginger tea with lemon

Tea with the addition of yellowish citrus and ginger root is not only tasty, but also very healthy. It has disinfecting properties, helps strengthen the immune system, improves metabolism, restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and helps to lose excess weight in a short time. There are different methods of brewing the drink, but all will be equally useful.

To make healthy, fat-burning tea you will need:

  1. Prepare ginger tea in a thermos. Take ginger root, peel, cut and add to a thermos along with tea leaves. It is necessary to observe the proportions - for 200 ml of boiling water - 2-3 thin slices of ginger.
  2. Pour boiling water over the ginger, leave it in a thermos for 1 hour, after cooling, add lemon to taste. A tea drink prepared according to this recipe will appeal to men. It comes out strong, rich, with the appropriate bitterness for ginger. To improve the taste and aroma, you can add a little cinnamon powder or a couple of cloves.

For ladies, there is another recipe for a ginger drink, the softest, without bitterness and sharp aroma, made from green tea.

  1. Brew green tea leaves according to the usual procedure, add peeled ginger root to the teapot, following the proportion - half a teaspoon of ginger root per 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. After making and cooling the drink, add a slice of citrus.

The choice of ginger for the drink depends on what effect you want to achieve. If you need to keep warm and prevent colds (disturbances in normal functioning, performance) , dried ginger is suitable; if the goal is to lose excess weight and speed up metabolism, you need to choose the freshest ginger.

With lemon and honey


  1. High-quality dark tea - 2 level teaspoons.
  2. A couple of slices of fresh lemon.
  3. Honey - 40-50 gr.
  4. Additional components can complement the medicinal drink and enrich its taste.
  5. Step-by-step {instructions} for manufacturing:
  6. Pour boiling water over the kettle, add 2-3 tablespoons of dark loose leaf tea, and add hot water.
  7. Leave to let the drink steep for 10 minutes.
  8. After time, pour into mugs and add honey and lemon to taste.

With mint and lemon

This tea is great to drink in hot weather; it prevents dehydration, saturates the body with useful substances, relieves thirst and refreshes.

Will come in handy:

  1. 3-5 sprigs of mint.
  2. Dark tea - 2 teaspoons.
  3. Lemon - 2 slices.
  4. Boiling water.
  5. Brewing process:
  6. Place mint in a glass container, cut lemon slices, divide them into 2-3 parts, then add them to the mint leaves.
  7. Add boiling water to the resulting mixture and leave for 5 minutes with the lid closed.
  8. The drink is ready. A little honey or sugar - optional.
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Ginger tea with lemon is a panacea for almost all diseases

With the arrival of cold weather, any of us wants to warm ourselves up with a hot drink, which will not only relieve thirst, but also strengthen the immune system. One of these drinks is ginger tea with lemon - an incredibly useful and popular tonic drink. The combination of lemon and ginger makes this tea not only incredibly healthy, but also effective for weight loss. In this article you will find the most noteworthy recipes for ginger tea with lemon.

Ginger tea with lemon: benefits, composition

Ginger is a root native to Northern India, recognized by almost everyone as a spicy, fragrant seasoning. This plant is intensively used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. The root is considered a favorite for the content of micro- and macroelements; ginger is rich in vitamin A, C, B vitamins, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, manganese, iron, oleic acid, and various essential oils.

The benefits of ginger tea are as follows:

  • Beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, strengthens muscles (Designed to perform various actions: body movements, contraction of vocal cords, breathing), blood vessels , thins the blood (the internal environment of the body formed by liquid connective tissue. Consists of plasma and formed elements: leukocyte cells and postcellular structures: erythrocytes and platelets) .
  • Improves digestion, eliminates gas formation in the intestinal tract.
  • Has a mild laxative effect.
  • Cleanses the liver.
  • Removes toxins (Ancient Greek toxin (toxikos) - poisonous - poison of biological origin) .
  • Increases potency.
  • Provokes brain activity (the central part of the nervous system of animals and humans) .
  • Eliminates the state of anger.
  • Effective in the treatment (process of relieving, removing or eliminating symptoms and disease) of influenza and colds.
  • Accelerates metabolic processes in the body.
  • Increases body tone.

In addition to the ginger root, the tea contains lemon, which makes the drink most special. The combination of spicy ginger and sour lemon gives the tea a wonderful taste. Tea with ginger and lemon should only be drunk hot, because it contains the maximum of necessary substances. Lemons are rich in vitamin C (a low-molecular organic compound of relatively simple structure, essential for all living things) C; the juice of 1 lemon contains 33% of the daily value of vitamin (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism in as an integral part of food) C. Since vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) are destroyed in boiling water, you need to add lemon to tea when it has cooled slightly. According to some data, vitamin C (a low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, essential for all living things) C is destroyed at temperatures above 60 ºС.

Lemon contains about 300 components that have a beneficial effect on the body:

  • Alkaloids – activate the nervous system.
  • Amino acids and proteins normalize metabolism.
  • Ascorbic acid and citrine - strengthen blood vessels.

Lemon juice also contains tannins, dietary fiber and organic acids.

When combined, ginger and honey have the following effect on our body:

  • antibacterial;
  • expectorant;
  • diaphoretic;
  • warming;
  • antioxidant;
  • cleansing;
  • calming.

With constant consumption of this tea, you will be able to strengthen your immune system, improve your health, give you strength and protect against a number of diseases.

Contraindications and harm

Drinking the drink is not recommended for those who have an allergic reaction to lemon or ginger.

There are also the following contraindications:

  • Acute form and acquired diseases (disturbances in normal functioning, performance) tract (gastrointestinal tract - the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) - gastritis, ulcers, high acidity.
  • Heat.
  • The body's tendency to bleed, also during the period of open bleeding. Therefore, during exacerbation of hemorrhoids and for women with heavy menstruation, it is better to avoid drinking tea.
  • Liver disease.
  • Malfunctions of the gallbladder.
  • You should be careful with drinking this tea during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester. It increases the tone of the uterus and provokes bleeding.
  • During breastfeeding, you should also be careful, because tea can have a bad effect on the taste of breast milk.

In some situations, when taking ginger tea with lemon, the following side effects are likely:

  • difficulty sleeping;
  • exacerbation of acquired diseases;
  • excitability of the nervous system;
  • swelling;
  • the occurrence of belching and heartburn;
  • feeling of heat in the body.

If any symptoms occur, you should stop consuming this drink. In the absence of all the above diseases, you can safely enjoy delicious ginger tea with lemon.

How to brew tea with ginger and lemon

In order for the drink to bring only benefits and minimize possible harm, you need to know how to prepare it correctly. The drink can be prepared from dry, ground or fresh roots. If the drink is based on the freshest root, it must be thoroughly washed and dried.

Some features of brewing this tea:

  • Boil water with ginger root for 10 minutes in a small saucepan without a lid.
  • You need 2 times more fresh ginger than dry ginger.
  • After boiling, it is better to infuse the drink for 3-4 hours in a thermos.
  • For 1 liter of water you need to take a ginger root 3-4 cm long.
  • You can add lemon juice or a couple of slices to the drink that has already cooled to 60 degrees.
  • For healing, it is better to drink ginger tea with lemon unsweetened, but if you want to make it a little sweeter, give preference to honey rather than sugar.

This recipe makes a fairly rich drink. We also offer a couple more recipes.

Recipe for colds

In the autumn-winter period, colds await almost everyone; tea according to this recipe will help you cope with the first signs of the disease:

  • ginger root – 150 g;
  • half a lemon;
  • honey – 100 g.

You need to peel the ginger root, carefully remove the skin from the lemon and cut everything. Then grind the ingredients using a blender, transfer to a glass jar and add honey. Everything is mixed well and tea is prepared: for 1 glass of hot water (not boiling water) 1 tbsp. acquired vitamin consistency.

For effective weight loss

In the fight against excess weight, this drink will be an active assistant. Peel the ginger root (100 g) and grate it and put it in a thermos, pour boiling water (1 l). Leave the drink to brew for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, squeeze out the juice of half a lemon and add to the drink. It is recommended to drink 1/2 glass before meals.

To increase immunity

In the autumn-winter period, to strengthen the immune system, we recommend brewing the following drink:

  • Peel 25 g of ginger root, grate and add to the teapot;
  • pour boiling water and leave to steep for 10 minutes;
  • Finely chop 1 lemon into slices and add to the teapot;
  • pour into cups and drink 3 times a day.

Ginger Lemon Tea Recipes

We offer the TOP 3 most exciting recipes for ginger tea with lemon:

For 1 liter of boiled water, take 2 tablespoons. ground ginger, 3 cloves garlic (chopped). In the teapot, fill everything with water and leave to infuse for 15 minutes, then add 2 tbsp. lemon juice.

  • Sea buckthorn tea

To make it you need 1 tbsp. sea ​​buckthorn, 2 tbsp. grated ginger, 1 tsp. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. honey Pour a glass of boiling water over the ginger and leave for 10 minutes, then add pureed sea buckthorn, lemon juice and honey. Everything mixes well and the drink is ready to drink.

To make it, prepare:

  • 10 g ginger;
  • ¼ lemon;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 1 tbsp. apple juice;
  • 1 tbsp. honey

Heat water in a small saucepan, after boiling, add ginger, boil for another 10 minutes and remove from heat. Finely chop the lemon and add it to the water, after 5 minutes apple juice and honey.

How and how much to drink tea with ginger and lemon

Nutritionists have not yet agreed on the quantity in which tea with ginger can be consumed, and where the benefits end and harm to the body begins. But there are general tips for drinking this drink:

  • Since ginger tea with lemon has a tonic effect, it is not recommended to drink it before bed.
  • The finished drink cannot be stored for longer than a day.
  • For the purpose of losing weight, you can consume a couple of liters. tea with ginger.
  • For colds, you should only drink hot tea.
  • If you drink ginger only once, then it is better to drink this drink in the morning.

If you drink tea with ginger not for the purpose of losing weight, then you should drink it in small sips and no more than 0.5 liters per day.

  • Add lemon to already cooled tea so that the drink retains its beneficial properties.

Ginger tea can bring irrefutable benefits to the body: relieve tension, speed up metabolism, remove toxins (Toxin in ancient Greek (toxikos) - poisonous - poison of biological origin) and almost everything else. Nutritionists recommend drinking it for those who want to improve their figure and regain weight.

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