How does espresso differ from regular coffee?

How does espresso differ from regular coffee?

Often, lovers and connoisseurs of coffee drinks say “coffee”, meaning specifically espresso. This is one of the most common methods of making coffee, and it is especially popular in Italy, where it was invented in the early 20th century. It is valued for the fact that it does not take long to prepare, because “espresso” means “spirited”.

  1. Main personalities
  2. Espresso based drinks
  3. Ristretto
  4. Lungo
  5. Manufacturing development
  6. Choosing a coffee maker
  7. Coffee selection
  8. Choice of water
  9. Traditional recipe
  10. Is Turk suitable?

Main personalities

Espresso contains only two ingredients: ground coffee and water. Coffee lovers are convinced that its taste and smell do not need any additives; sweetening it is the same as putting sugar in dry wine.

Portion size is important. Traditional Italian version – 30 ml. In some countries, including Russia and Scandinavian countries, more water is consumed - 60-80 ml.

This is not just dark coffee without sugar. Espresso differs from ordinary espresso by the presence of golden foam on the surface, which is called crema. It is figuratively called coffee bean juice because it is indeed a fragrant extract obtained by passing hot water through crushed coffee. Prepared in a coffee maker or coffee machine. Thanks to a special technology, the taste becomes rich and the mixture becomes dense.

Espresso based drinks

Many cocktails and desserts are prepared based on this laconic recipe. Adding milk, cream, spices or alcohol turns espresso into cappuccino, latte, iced glass or raff. And the closest “relatives” are ristretto and lungo.


The differences between ristretto and espresso are volume and strength. A serving of ristretto is 2 times smaller than regular espresso - only 15 ml. But it requires the same amount of ground grain - 7 g. The grind should be finer than for espresso.

The amount of caffeine per serving is less, so in 15 seconds of treatment with hot steam, the coffee powder does not have time to give its full strength. But essential oils transfer into water one hundred percent, so the taste and smell are concentrated. Ristretto is usually prepared in the 2nd half of the day.


A cup of lungo is 50-60 ml of strong coffee with pronounced bitterness. It will require 7 g of coarser ground coffee powder than for espresso. Cook for 60 seconds. Due to the length of time it took to make the drink, it got its name: “lungo” means “long, long” in Italian.

The difference between lungo and espresso is also in strength. In a minute, the coffee powder heats up very much, and one hundred percent of the caffeine flows into the water. Lungo is a large portion of strong coffee without a subtle aroma, which is suitable for waking up in the morning.

Manufacturing development

Translated from Italian, “espresso” also means “compressed.” When it is prepared, hot water is pressurized through compacted coffee powder.

Choosing a coffee maker

Real espresso is prepared only in a device that creates a pressure of 9 bar or higher. Automatic and automatic coffee machines perfectly meet this requirement. They also provide the best water heating for an invigorating drink to 86-92 °C. The hottest water will give a burnt taste, the coolest water will not brew coffee.

An iron holder is better because the plastic one smells when heated. You can make espresso coffee at home without a coffee machine if you have a high-quality carob coffee maker.

Coffee selection

Espresso blends often consist of Arabica and Robusta beans in percentage ratios of 80% and 20%. Arabica gives the drink an appropriate bouquet, and robusta gives strength and density. The beans should be medium or black roast. Shelf life is of great importance: old coffee will not have the required bouquet, the required density and foam. A month after roasting, the beans are no longer suitable.

Flavored beans do not fit: essential oils settle on the internal parts of the coffee machine and can harm its operation.

The grind used is “narrow espresso”. It is a little coarser than for a Turkish coffee maker, but finer than for a geyser coffee maker. The narrowest fraction will give extra bitterness or clog the coffee maker filter, and the largest fraction will not give the drink the right smell and density. Normal is the size of a small salt.

Choice of water

The taste of espresso is not complemented by milky, spicy or sweet components, so the properties of the water are of great importance. Regular tap water will not work. It is better to cook with bottled drinking water with a mineralization of 100 mg/l. The hardest one leads to the formation of scale on the heating elements of the coffee machine.

Calcium levels should be between 51-68 mg/l, and sodium levels should be about 10 mg/l. The presence of chlorine is unacceptable. The pH level is from 6.5 to 8. Incorrectly selected water can give a sour or bitter taste.

Traditional recipe

To prepare espresso coffee correctly, it is not enough to have modern equipment. It is necessary to get your hands on preparing the device for operation. The skillful handling of a coffee maker is no less important than high-quality ingredients.

For production you will need:

  • 7 g ground coffee;
  • 30 ml water.

Pour coffee into the coffee maker or coffee machine, form a pill (tamp with tamper). There should be a gap of 1-5 mm between the coffee powder and the strainer. The more homogeneous the powder and the smoother the surface, the better the quality of the spill and the tastier the drink.

Pass hot (about 90 °C) water through coffee at 9 bar pressure. If the amount of powder, the density of the pill and the grind are correct, then a cup of the fragrant drink will be ready in 20-28 seconds.

If the result is not satisfactory, and the properties of the grains do not cause fluctuations, it is worth experimenting with grinding, powder weight, and pressing force. Cracks, channels and holes in the coffee tablet indicate a violation of technology.

True espresso is thick, opaque, with a persistent nutty foam. Pour it into a heated thick-walled cup with a volume of 65-70 ml. Drink it hot.

Is Turk suitable?

You won't be able to brew espresso at home in a Turkish coffee pot. In a cezve, coffee particles remain in water for a long time, heating evenly. Extraction of caffeine and essential substances occurs according to a different principle. On the stove you can achieve a good smell and taste, but it will not be espresso, but Turkish coffee.

Secrets of inimitable espresso

What can unite Napoleon, George Clooney, Catherine II and Salvador Dali? Love for coffee. This invigorating drink is one of the most popular in the world today. Some people can’t imagine starting their day without a fragrant cup of coffee, for others it’s part of business negotiations, while others take their favorite book and a glass of coffee and spend their leisure time. More than 2 billion cups of coffee are drunk in the world once a day, 4th of which are espresso.

The exotic name of the coffee drink has puzzled our fellow citizens for a long time: which is right, espresso or expresso? In order not to be branded as an illiterate coffee drinker, you need to understand that there is no letter “k” in the name of this type of coffee.

What is espresso coffee

Espresso is not ordinary coffee, but a whole art presented in a small cup. This invigorating drink is just over 100 years old, but it has long captured the hearts of coffee lovers around the world. Coffee gourmets know that the rich taste of espresso, its indescribable smell, and velvety aftertaste notes cannot be confused with any other drink.

The principle of making this type of coffee has been improved over the years. But its important components remained constant: freshly ground coffee beans and hot water - this impeccable tandem is enough to get a quality product.

Invention of espresso

Espresso originates from colorful Italy, where the world's first coffee machine was invented to satisfy lovers of the dark, tart drink. From now on the history of espresso begins. Milanese engineer Desiderio Pavoni obtained a license for the sensational invention back in 1903 and began producing coffee machines. In the first two decades of using coffee machines, their main drawback was revealed: the tones of burnt beans were felt in the drink. Bartender Achille Gaggia improved the invention, and the manufacturing development benefited greatly from this. Now the coffee was not brewed, but hot water of 90-95°C under high pressure (9 bar) was passed through a compacted layer of beans on a filter. Manufacturing time is only 25-30 seconds. In this way, it was possible to extract the greatest amount of flavoring and aromatic substances from ground coffee.

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Grinding coffee for espresso

The fundamental condition for making an impeccable drink is the correct grinding of the grains. Before grinding coffee, it is necessary to take into account that large fractions will not have time to impart flavor during production. Then the drink will be liquid and not rich. Very small, dusty grinds will produce a bitter and hard taste.

The grind should be small, but not too much. You can make sure that the main ingredient is prepared properly by the coffee grinder by checking the readiness of the beans by touch. If, when you rub a pinch between your fingers, the coffee resembles sea sand, this grind is suitable for production. The main sign that the drink is of high quality is the corresponding thick, stable creamy foam. Baristas call it crema.

How many grams of coffee is needed for a cup of espresso?

Any barista prepares a drink according to the espresso coffee technological map. This ensures that the taste is recognizable no matter where you order it.

For a traditional serving of espresso coffee, 7-11 grams of coffee are required, through which 35-40 ml of hot water will be passed in the coffee machine. It is important to keep in mind that the more water, the greater the espresso yield, but the taste will seem “diluted”. This is precisely why such proportions are considered good.

Espresso size

The drink is usually served in small clay cups up to 100 ml in size with thick walls. Demitasse cups made specifically for serving this invigorating drink are also considered more suitable. In them it retains the temperature and the well-known taste. The usual serving is 35-40 ml of coffee. In bars, the drink is served in small glass cups with measuring units: an espresso shot holds 25-30 ml.

The size of the espresso also depends on the coffee culture of the country in which it is prepared. In Italy, for example, they serve a serving of 25-30 ml, in the USA (the United States of America is a state in North America) - 80-100 ml. Europeans are the most restrained in their coffee consumption, they enjoy 40-50 ml. In Russia, the most needed size is also up to 50 ml, but from time to time there are options for 60-80 ml.

How much caffeine is in espresso

The amount of caffeine in a serving of drink directly depends on the choice of beans. For its size, this variety of coffee is quite a caffeinated delight. The decisive factor is the proportions of Arabica and Robusta espresso. If the invigorating drink is prepared only from Arabica beans, the caffeine content will be 40-50 mg per serving. Depending on the percentage of Robusta to Arabica, the caffeine component increases: 60-90 mg.

Espresso calories

The number of calories in a regular cup without sugar is 2 kcal, with cream - 14 kcal. By adding sugar, it comes out to +20 kcal/1 tsp.

Cost per cup

A serving of espresso costs on average from 50 to 130 rubles. The most affordable price will be if you order coffee to go. In a cafe or restaurant it will cost significantly more. The cheapest way is to prepare the drink at home, then its cost will not exceed 10-15 rubles.

Espresso: benefits and harms

What effect does coffee have on the body? It is impossible to give an absolutely precise answer, because each of us has personal characteristics of the body and a different state of health. We must not forget about the amount of product consumed, which must be within the acceptable limits. But there are accepted provisions about the dangers and benefits of espresso that are worth paying attention to.

  • Pregnant and lactating women are not recommended to drink such invigorating coffee due to the high caffeine content, which excites the nervous system.
  • For people who have digestive difficulties, drinking a cup of espresso on an empty stomach can cause discomfort, heartburn and even painful feelings.
  • Espresso can cause heart palpitations, which should be considered for people with heart rhythm disorders.
  • The slight coloring effect of strong drink can lead to darkening of tooth enamel.


  • Some researchers believe that coffee is a preventive measure against cancer.
  • Espresso helps to invigorate you due to caffeine, which provokes the release of adrenaline.
  • After eating, a drink can improve the digestion of food.
  • Researchers from South America say that guys who drink espresso in the morning increase potency and libido. A reverse effect awaits a coffee lover if he allows himself a cup in the evening.
  • Drinking this energizing drink between meals reduces appetite. But don’t get carried away and replace a real lunch or dinner; it’s better to treat yourself to a coffee delicacy instead of a hearty snack or afternoon snack.
  • The boost of caffeine promotes increased brain activity and improves mood.

How much espresso can you drink per day?

For a healthy person, the recommended amount of caffeine consumption per day is up to 300 mg. Since this coffee drink has a fairly high caffeine index of 50-80 mg, you should not drink more than 4-5 cups per day.

How and with what to serve espresso

This type of coffee is a classic of coffee art; during its existence, the drink has accumulated special traditions that must be observed when serving it correctly.

  • The main rule is to serve this type of coffee hot. It should be drunk in small sips, but quickly, because the drink should be drunk hot and not lose its unique taste during preparation for the coffee ceremony. To do this, the barista pours the newly prepared drink into heated cups. Some drink their portion without leaving the bar.
  • The drink is brought on a saucer with a spoon and a stick of sugar on it. If you are treated to a compliment from the chef, it will be brought on a different plate. Connoisseurs of this invigorating drink insist that neither sugar nor cream is needed to reveal its originality.
  • When serving the drink, it must certainly be accompanied by a glass of cool drinking water. In order to fully experience the taste, you need to drink a couple of sips of water before tasting. This will help cleanse your taste sensors. After a cup of coffee, a few sips of water will help prevent the formation of dark plaque on tooth enamel.
  • From the contrast of desserts served with this type of coffee, small ones are best: a couple of pieces of chocolate (preferably bitter), small pieces of fruit or cheese, profiteroles, candied fruits. The dessert should seem to continue the taste of the drink, emphasize it, but not interrupt it.

Having become familiar with the secrets of creating and serving unique coffee, it becomes clear that this traditional coffee drink occupies a special space. This is the embodiment of classics, confirmation that the greatness of taste lies in its apparent simplicity.

Today, anyone can choose a drink from the following types of espresso: con panna with cream, bitter lungo, rich ristretto, milk macchiato, citrus romano, coretto, “flavored” with a drop of alcohol. The gallery of tastes is very diverse. It’s worth allowing yourself the coffee pleasure.

Secrets of inimitable espresso

What can unite Napoleon, George Clooney, Catherine II and Salvador Dali? Love for coffee. This invigorating drink is one of the most popular in the world today. Some people can’t imagine starting their day without a fragrant cup of coffee, for others it’s part of business negotiations, while others take their favorite book and a glass of coffee and spend their leisure time. More than 2 billion cups of coffee are drunk in the world once a day, 4th of which are espresso.

The exotic name of the coffee drink has puzzled our fellow citizens for a long time: which is right, espresso or expresso? In order not to be branded as an illiterate coffee drinker, you need to understand that there is no letter “k” in the name of this type of coffee.

What is espresso coffee

Espresso is not ordinary coffee, but a whole art presented in a small cup. This invigorating drink is just over 100 years old, but it has long captured the hearts of coffee lovers around the world. Coffee gourmets know that the rich taste of espresso, its indescribable smell, and velvety aftertaste notes cannot be confused with any other drink.

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The principle of making this type of coffee has been improved over the years. But its important components remained constant: freshly ground coffee beans and hot water - this impeccable tandem is enough to get a quality product.

Invention of espresso

Espresso originates from colorful Italy, where the world's first coffee machine was invented to satisfy lovers of the dark, tart drink. From now on the history of espresso begins. Milanese engineer Desiderio Pavoni obtained a license for the sensational invention back in 1903 and began producing coffee machines. In the first two decades of using coffee machines, their main drawback was revealed: the tones of burnt beans were felt in the drink. Bartender Achille Gaggia improved the invention, and the manufacturing development benefited greatly from this. Now the coffee was not brewed, but hot water of 90-95°C under high pressure (9 bar) was passed through a compacted layer of beans on a filter. Manufacturing time is only 25-30 seconds. In this way, it was possible to extract the greatest amount of flavoring and aromatic substances from ground coffee.

Grinding coffee for espresso

The fundamental condition for making an impeccable drink is the correct grinding of the grains. Before grinding coffee, it is necessary to take into account that large fractions will not have time to impart flavor during production. Then the drink will be liquid and not rich. Very small, dusty grinds will produce a bitter and hard taste.

The grind should be small, but not too much. You can make sure that the main ingredient is prepared properly by the coffee grinder by checking the readiness of the beans by touch. If, when you rub a pinch between your fingers, the coffee resembles sea sand, this grind is suitable for production. The main sign that the drink is of high quality is the corresponding thick, stable creamy foam. Baristas call it crema.

How many grams of coffee is needed for a cup of espresso?

Any barista prepares a drink according to the espresso coffee technological map. This ensures that the taste is recognizable no matter where you order it.

For a traditional serving of espresso coffee, 7-11 grams of coffee are required, through which 35-40 ml of hot water will be passed in the coffee machine. It is important to keep in mind that the more water, the greater the espresso yield, but the taste will seem “diluted”. This is precisely why such proportions are considered good.

Espresso size

The drink is usually served in small clay cups up to 100 ml in size with thick walls. Demitasse cups made specifically for serving this invigorating drink are also considered more suitable. In them it retains the temperature and the well-known taste. The usual serving is 35-40 ml of coffee. In bars, the drink is served in small glass cups with measuring units: an espresso shot holds 25-30 ml.

The size of the espresso also depends on the coffee culture of the country in which it is prepared. In Italy, for example, they serve a serving of 25-30 ml, in the USA (the United States of America is a state in North America) - 80-100 ml. Europeans are the most restrained in their coffee consumption, they enjoy 40-50 ml. In Russia, the most needed size is also up to 50 ml, but from time to time there are options for 60-80 ml.

How much caffeine is in espresso

The amount of caffeine in a serving of drink directly depends on the choice of beans. For its size, this variety of coffee is quite a caffeinated delight. The decisive factor is the proportions of Arabica and Robusta espresso. If the invigorating drink is prepared only from Arabica beans, the caffeine content will be 40-50 mg per serving. Depending on the percentage of Robusta to Arabica, the caffeine component increases: 60-90 mg.

Espresso calories

The number of calories in a regular cup without sugar is 2 kcal, with cream - 14 kcal. By adding sugar, it comes out to +20 kcal/1 tsp.

Cost per cup

A serving of espresso costs on average from 50 to 130 rubles. The most affordable price will be if you order coffee to go. In a cafe or restaurant it will cost significantly more. The cheapest way is to prepare the drink at home, then its cost will not exceed 10-15 rubles.

Espresso: benefits and harms

What effect does coffee have on the body? It is impossible to give an absolutely precise answer, because each of us has personal characteristics of the body and a different state of health. We must not forget about the amount of product consumed, which must be within the acceptable limits. But there are accepted provisions about the dangers and benefits of espresso that are worth paying attention to.

  • Pregnant and lactating women are not recommended to drink such invigorating coffee due to the high caffeine content, which excites the nervous system.
  • For people who have digestive difficulties, drinking a cup of espresso on an empty stomach can cause discomfort, heartburn and even painful feelings.
  • Espresso can cause heart palpitations, which should be considered for people with heart rhythm disorders.
  • The slight coloring effect of strong drink can lead to darkening of tooth enamel.


  • Some researchers believe that coffee is a preventive measure against cancer.
  • Espresso helps to invigorate you due to caffeine, which provokes the release of adrenaline.
  • After eating, a drink can improve the digestion of food.
  • Researchers from South America say that guys who drink espresso in the morning increase potency and libido. A reverse effect awaits a coffee lover if he allows himself a cup in the evening.
  • Drinking this energizing drink between meals reduces appetite. But don’t get carried away and replace a real lunch or dinner; it’s better to treat yourself to a coffee delicacy instead of a hearty snack or afternoon snack.
  • The boost of caffeine promotes increased brain activity and improves mood.

How much espresso can you drink per day?

For a healthy person, the recommended amount of caffeine consumption per day is up to 300 mg. Since this coffee drink has a fairly high caffeine index of 50-80 mg, you should not drink more than 4-5 cups per day.

How and with what to serve espresso

This type of coffee is a classic of coffee art; during its existence, the drink has accumulated special traditions that must be observed when serving it correctly.

  • The main rule is to serve this type of coffee hot. It should be drunk in small sips, but quickly, because the drink should be drunk hot and not lose its unique taste during preparation for the coffee ceremony. To do this, the barista pours the newly prepared drink into heated cups. Some drink their portion without leaving the bar.
  • The drink is brought on a saucer with a spoon and a stick of sugar on it. If you are treated to a compliment from the chef, it will be brought on a different plate. Connoisseurs of this invigorating drink insist that neither sugar nor cream is needed to reveal its originality.
  • When serving the drink, it must certainly be accompanied by a glass of cool drinking water. In order to fully experience the taste, you need to drink a couple of sips of water before tasting. This will help cleanse your taste sensors. After a cup of coffee, a few sips of water will help prevent the formation of dark plaque on tooth enamel.
  • From the contrast of desserts served with this type of coffee, small ones are best: a couple of pieces of chocolate (preferably bitter), small pieces of fruit or cheese, profiteroles, candied fruits. The dessert should seem to continue the taste of the drink, emphasize it, but not interrupt it.

Having become familiar with the secrets of creating and serving unique coffee, it becomes clear that this traditional coffee drink occupies a special space. This is the embodiment of classics, confirmation that the greatness of taste lies in its apparent simplicity.

Today, anyone can choose a drink from the following types of espresso: con panna with cream, bitter lungo, rich ristretto, milk macchiato, citrus romano, coretto, “flavored” with a drop of alcohol. The gallery of tastes is very diverse. It’s worth allowing yourself the coffee pleasure.

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What is espresso and how to prepare it in a Turkish coffee machine

Espresso is more than just coffee. This is true art, quite complex. A black, intense, velvety drink - the result of the interaction of almost all causes. From the first sip, espresso strikes you with its thickness and concentrated aroma, which distinguishes it from coffee prepared by other methods.

There have been unsuccessful attempts all over the world to do something similar. But any Italian understands that there is no better coffee than at home, in Italy. In any bar, at any time, in any cup, you will find perfect harmony, rich in aromatic notes and unique taste.

What is espresso

The first espresso machine was born at the instigation of Milanese engineer Luigi Bezzera at the dawn of the 20th century. Businessman Desiderio Pavoni launched a coffee maker under the brand name “La Pavoni”. After a couple of 10 years, bartender Achille Gaggia, experimenting with coffee machines, figured out how to create an automatic coffee maker. Gaggia coffee equipment is clear to this day. The market provides both manual geyser coffee makers and super-automatic models for every taste and color. But the principle of making espresso coffee remains the same.

The coffee maker is designed in such a way that water (steam-water mixture) flows through a filter with coffee, which is compacted and represents a certain obstacle, under a pressure of 9 bar. It will take about 25-30 seconds for the liquid to extract the best from the coffee powder, gain organoleptic parameters and flow freely in the form of a thick, oily, fragrant drink.

The speed of production may have been reflected in the title. “Espresso” is frisky, fast, like “express” in Russian. A different interpretation of the name emphasizes that the word is derived from “extra” and “pressure” and means filtration under pressure - the main factor without which coffee will not be “espresso”. The term also has a third meaning - “clearly expressed.” Espresso coffee is just that – bold and rich. It makes no sense to speculate on any version. The title completely showed all the main nuances associated with the drink.

To obtain the “correct” espresso, the following conditions are necessary:

  • The most delicious drink comes from freshly ground beans or freshly opened vacuum packaging of ground coffee. Over time, coffee powder oxidizes under the influence of air, acquires bitterness, and almost half of the odors evaporate within 20 minutes after grinding.
  • Espresso is easiest to prepare in a coffee machine, which has special options to produce a perfect drink. It can also be brewed in a manual portable coffee maker. The burning water, passing through the coffee powder, transforms into a rich, rich drink.
  • It is very important to maintain the degree of grinding. The small powder is like dust and forms a paste-like mass with water that will simply clog the holes in the filter. Large coffee particles will quickly let water through and will not have time to saturate it with aromatic substances. The drink will be liquid. Therefore, only medium grinding, with the same name “espresso,” is suitable.
  • The calyx is of fundamental importance. It must be quite thick-walled so that the temperature of the drink remains constant and heated for as long as possible. In bars, cups are kept on top of the coffee machine, covered with a napkin. Almost all coffee makers are equipped with automatic heating of the dishes. And real coffee connoisseurs drink it right away “in the heat of the moment,” without leaving the bar.

Even insignificant differences from the listed criteria can irreparably spoil the finished product. The correctness of production is assessed by the appearance of the stream of coffee flowing out. In international coffee jargon, it is called “mouse tail.” The quality of the drink is determined by the color of the “crema” - the foam on the surface of the coffee.

Turkish espresso recipe

It is not always possible to get a cup of fragrant coffee from a barista and not everyone is a happy owner of coffee equipment. Therefore, at home, you can safely prepare espresso in an ordinary Turk. It is recommended to use copper utensils. In this case, it is better to take a very small grind, because our goal is to get a rich drink.

  1. Let's measure out 7-9 g of coffee, pour it into a slightly warmed pot and fill it with cool water (30 ml).
  2. Cook over low heat until foam appears. When it starts to rise, remove the Turk from the heat for a few seconds and, if desired, throw in a pinch of salt.
  3. When the foam goes down, return everything to the heat again. We will repeat the function a couple of times, but without salt, without bringing the liquid to a boil.

Types of drink

In addition to the traditional one, there are a number of types of espresso:

  • Doppio (espresso doppio) - simply put, this is a double portion of regular espresso. Accordingly, a 2-portion cone is used in a carob machine, and if there is no such thing, then 1 portion is prepared twice. Coffee consumption for doppio 2 tsp. with a slide of 60 ml of water.
  • Con panna (espresso con panna) - coffee with cream. An ordinary portion of traditional espresso is poured into a huge cup. Place 25 g of whipped natural cream on top, which can be powdered with grated chocolate or nuts.
  • Lungo has the least intense coffee taste and noticeable bitterness. However, it contains an excessive amount of caffeine. Caffe lungo translated from Italian means “long” or is also called “diluted coffee”. To make it, you need a regular portion of ground grains (7 g) and a double portion of water (60 ml). Accordingly, the production time increases to 50 seconds. Because of this, a double portion of hot water removes additional components from the coffee, which impart bitterness to the drink. Nevertheless, this is a great way to cheer up at any time of the day.
  • Ristretto (ristretto) or corto (corto) is a thick, rich drink, a regular portion of which is drunk in one sip. To make it, take 7-11 g of coffee and half a portion of water (15-20 ml). The drink has an amazing coffee taste with the lowest caffeine content, which simply does not have time to accumulate in it during the short cooking time. A cup of ristretto is usually served paired with a glass of cool water, so you can enjoy the richness of your taste senses longer.
  • Macchiato (caffe macchiato) - coffee with the addition of frothed milk, literally translated - “with a stain”. Espresso is prepared in the usual way, and then comes the turn of that very milky speck. Usually it is taken 1 tbsp. l. There are manufacturing options. Milk is added to the drink or whipped and placed on top with a cap. A variety of macchiato with cool milk is called “Freddo”, and with hot milk it is called “Caldo”.
  • Espresso Romano or Roman coffee is a sophisticated tonic drink with sunny citrus. To make it, brew a regular portion of traditional espresso and add 1 tsp to it in a cup. lemon juice. When serving, espresso romano is decorated with a piece of zest or a slice of lemon.
  • Corretto is coffee flavored with alcohol. In this case, the drink is chosen according to preference, it can be lungo, ristretto, but more often ordinary espresso. Alcohol is added to the finished portion: cognac or anise liqueur, brandy, sambuca or Italian grappa. It is customary to add alcohol to taste, but there is an unwritten rule that more than 1 tsp. alcohol will spoil the drink.

Italians, with their characteristic humor, say that it is not at all necessary to season coffee, and the recipe for “caffe corretto” was born only as an excuse to have a glass after dinner. In addition, after taking “corretto” it is customary to create the so-called “resentin”. You need to pour a little grappa into a cup of coffee, swirl it to remove the foam from the walls, and drink it in one gulp. Italians believe that science has not yet come up with anything more invigorating after dinner.

Coffee can do almost anything. You just need to choose the most delicious recipe and sit in good company. And the drink will do everything else, filling any moment with a bouquet of smells and incomparable taste.

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