Chocolate Panna Cotta: a popular Italian dessert at home

Chocolate Panna Cotta: a popular Italian dessert at home

A savory and tender dessert is a good way to amuse family and friends on a special or weekday day. But from time to time there is a desire for the newest, unusual, not yet tried. Italian panna cotta is a unique dish with an inimitable taste. How to prepare a chocolate dessert according to a traditional recipe and with the addition of berries, orange, caramel?

History of the dessert and general principles of production

It’s hard to say who and when made panna cotta for the first time. It is clear that the dessert was invented in Northern Italy, and most likely, in the province of Piedmont, although at the moment in every corner of this country they prepare panna cotta in their own way. In France, Greece and even Finland there is a similar delicacy.

The correct name of the dish is “panna cotta”. But it has been simplified, which is why the dessert is often called “panna cotta” or Panna-cotta (in Italian). Translated into Russian - “boiled cream”.

Cream is the main ingredient of this dish, and together with it sugar, gelatin and vanilla are indispensable. Milk, syrups, citrus zest, chocolate, berries, and juices are also added.

In ancient times, instead of gelatin, they used boiled fish bones (as for fish aspic). At that time, sugar was a rare and precious product, so it was added to dessert later.

Traditional panna cotta has personality. The dish looks complicated, but it cooks in a couple of minutes (although it takes even longer to harden). The selection of any ingredient must be taken with care.

    Tips for choosing gelatin. In various recipes it is soaked in water or milk, but the liquid must always be cool, at most at room temperature. The main thing is to stir thoroughly. Gelatin swells in 2-3 minutes. Currently they sell sheet gelatin. It is comfortable to store and use. A typical serving requires up to 10 g of gelatin.

Do you understand that “correct” panna cotta can hardly be experienced in most of our cafes and restaurants? Instead they will bring milk jelly with a rubber mixture. Having cut a piece from it using a dessert fork, you can see a flat, smooth surface on the cut. This dish has nothing in common with the popular Italian dessert. The “correct” dessert has a velvety cut surface.

Basic recipe - step-by-step {instructions} for making dessert

We present the usual method for making Italian chocolate dessert.

  • 350 ml cream with 20% fat content;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest (dried);
  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • 8 g gelatin.

You can use cream with higher fat content, but this is not necessary. Dark chocolate gives the dessert the desired richness and density.

    Soak the gelatin in cool water. This will take 5 minutes. If the gelatin is sheet, cut it into pieces for convenience.

To create a brighter taste of chocolate panna cotta, sprinkle it with mint and pour over sour berry sauce.

Several recipes for chocolate panna cotta

The basic recipe has been mastered and now is the time to get creative. Let's see how to vary panna cotta to create a tastier and more aromatic dessert!

With rum

A small amount of alcohol added to the chocolate mixture saturates the taste and smell of the dessert with unique notes. Rum works great in panna cotta. For a dish with this ingredient you will need:

  • 500 ml cream 20% fat;
  • 260 ml milk;
  • 100 g bitter dark chocolate;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sweet powder;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Roma;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  • 10 g gelatin.

Pay attention! During production, the chocolate mass often forms lumps. It’s not scary and it’s easy to fix - rub through a sieve or beat with a blender.

  1. Pour 3 tbsp into a glass. l. milk (cool) and add gelatin. Stir and let it brew.

Video tutorial on making chocolate panna cotta with rum

Two-layer dessert with condensed milk: recipe with photo

For a romantic evening with your loved one, you can prepare sweet panna cotta with condensed milk, consisting of 2 layers. This recipe requires great attention and accuracy.

Ingredients for the snow-white layer:

  • 200 ml cream with 22% fat content;
  • 200 ml milk with 3.5% fat content;
  • 10 g gelatin;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. l. condensed milk;
  • 0.5 tsp. vanillin.

For the chocolate layer you will need:

  • 100 g milk chocolate;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. cane sugar.
  • 150 ml cream;
  • 150 ml milk.

We will prepare the mixture for each layer separately.

    Dissolve 10 g of gelatin in 100 ml of milk and set aside for a while. Mix another 100 ml of milk in a saucepan with 200 ml of cream and place on low heat. Stir all the time, adding sugar evenly and pouring in condensed milk.

You can serve this panna cotta garnished with citrus slices and mint leaves.

With orange

Another version of two-layer panna cotta. For the dark layer take:

  • 300 ml low fat cream;
  • 125 g dark chocolate;
  • 1 tsp. dried orange zest.

For a light layer you will need:

  • 300 ml low-fat plums;
  • 125 ml milk;
  • 2 tsp. gelatin;
  • 2 tbsp. l. bitter orange confiture;
  • ½ cup sugar.
  1. First prepare the dark chocolate layer. Place finely chopped chocolate in a bowl. Pour hot cream, add zest. Stir thoroughly until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Place the glasses at an angle and pour in the resulting mixture. Place in the refrigerator for two hours.

    Chocolate and oranges are a good combination for dessert

  2. Meanwhile, make the light orange layer. Pour gelatin into 25 ml of milk, place in a water bath and wait until completely dissolved. Pour the remaining milk, cream into the saucepan, add sugar. Place over low heat and bring to a boil. After removing the mixture from the stove, add gelatin and confiture to it, mix well. When the mixture has cooled to room temperature, pour it into glasses on top of the chocolate layer and return it to the refrigerator for 4 hours.

Serve the treat with orange slices.

Chocolate orange panna cotta - video

Caramel panna cotta

This type of dessert is not bad because you can experiment with its design, not to mention its great taste. Take these products:

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 250 g cream;
  • 1 bar of snow-white chocolate;
  • 5–6 tbsp. l. fructose;
  • 2 packets of instant gelatin.

We will cook in several steps to create a certain number of types at a time.

  1. Heat a third of the milk in a saucepan, pour in the cream and add fructose. Stir and monitor so that the mixture does not start to boil.
  2. Pour the remaining milk into another bowl, add chopped snow-white chocolate; heat until completely dissolved. If you have chocolate with nuts or other additives, strain the mixture. Mix milk-cream and milk-chocolate mass.
  3. Take a third of the purchased water and dissolve gelatin in it. Let sit for 5 minutes, strain and add to the main mixture. Place over low heat and heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. At this step, you can go in 2 ways: set the panna cotta base aside for a while, or pour it into molds (but not to the brim) and place it in the refrigerator. It all depends on where, in your opinion, the caramel should be: on top or bottom of the dessert.
  5. Prepare caramel by melting sugar with a small amount of water in a frying pan. You can take part of the finished mass and add half a teaspoon of salt to it. But I warn you: salted caramel is not for everyone!
  6. Let's go back to the molds again. If you have already poured panna cotta into them and it has frozen in the refrigerator, feel free to pour a layer of caramel on top and put it back in the cold for two hours. For the second option, pour the caramel onto the bottom of the mold, let it cool slightly and thicken, then add the creamy milk chocolate mixture to the edges.

You can create half the mass with snow-white chocolate and half with dark chocolate and combine these layers in different compositions.

Panna cotta with chocolate and condensed milk

Preparation time: 10 min.

Production time: 40 min.

Number of servings: 2 pcs.


Chocolate panna cotta with condensed milk

I propose to prepare a very tasty dessert, consisting of two delicious parts: creamy chocolate and creamy milk. The dessert turns out very tender and will look beautiful in transparent glasses or glasses.

To give the dessert the most interesting look, after filling them with a light consistency, the glasses can be placed in the refrigerator at an angle to harden. The introduction of instant gelatin will speed up the dessert making process.

You can use cream of any fat content you wish.

How to prepare “Panna cotta with chocolate and condensed milk” step by step with photos at home

To make panna cotta we need milk, cream, chocolate, gelatin, and condensed milk.

Combine gelatin with milk and cream. Leave for 10 minutes to swell. Heat to 80ºC, stirring constantly, until the gelatin dissolves.

Divide the mixture into 2 unequal parts - one larger, the other much smaller.

Combine the smallest part with broken chocolate.

Stir until the chocolate dissolves.

Combine the smallest part with condensed milk and stir until the milk dissolves.

Pour into glasses and refrigerate for 15-20 minutes to set. You can tilt the glasses while doing this.

Place the chocolate mixture on top and place in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Panna cotta is ready.

We advise

Reviews (56):

Oh, Leshenka, such a perfect holiday gift. Thank you for the recipe, wonderful, wonderful photo and congratulations.

Thank you! Happy holiday!

Judging by the composition, it’s quite tasty! And not only delicious, but also very beautiful!

Thanks a lot! Happy holiday!

Thank you! Happy holiday!

Alexey, the dessert is certainly very tasty, but it’s not panna cotta. Panna cotta is certainly prepared by boiling the cream. Then the boiled cream, which is already much thicker and fattier, has this unforgettable taste. You have delicious jelly. :))

Olya, I expected this comment from you much earlier - here in this recipe

Thank you for your congratulations! So, firstly: I’m still offended by you for that purely girlish remark (Indian biscuit). secondly: Olesya’s cream has boiled, which means it has already acquired the taste of panna cotta, well, yes. She didn’t boil them down, which means it won’t be so fatty, but there’s chocolate in there. such a low boil is enough for the taste and the chocolate will give the fat content. You also have chocolate, which means the fat content is also okay, but the taste itself. and the very name “boiled cream” is verbatim. Here.

Olya, you still decide on the panna cotta according to the rules, Olesya did not boil it for 15 minutes, as it should according to the rules for making panna cotta, but simply brought it to a boil. And I brought it to 80*C - pasteurized it. 😉 And after that you pointed out to me that panna cotta must be boiled down. (And this is completely true) 😉 Your words: “Panna cotta is certainly prepared with boiling. cream. Then specifically boiled. cream, which is already much thicker and fattier, has this unforgettable taste. 😉 ” Simply bringing the cream to a boil is not reducing it. them for 15 minutes and the cream does not acquire that unforgettable taste of boiled cream. That recipe also didn’t contain panna cotta, but there were only words of praise from you and not a word about how Italians would be outraged by all this 😃

I don’t care what the dessert is called either. I never specifically wrote “panna cotta” in the description – always “dessert”. I changed the title “Panna Cotta” at the last minute in order to personally check your selective reaction to such things. You don’t need to be selectively conscientious. Fortune! Let's finish here.

Alex, well, you've already graduated. I’ll finish for now.. I agree that Olesin’s recipe has some digressions and she herself writes “liberties”. she understands what panna cotta is. And you understand. Google understands and the Italians know. We are amateurs here, but everyone is rewarded for their efforts. Therefore, it is not good for the style of a website when mistakes are made in the title.. Call it what you want, but if panna cotta means “boiled cream”, and not pasteurized at 80°C, and no one will stand with a thermometer and measure it. You, as always, do not want to accept my comments. And you constantly perceive it painfully. Sorry, I'm constantly impartial, not selective. And you deliberately give the wrong title, i.e. prepare a completely different dish, and look specifically at my reaction. Surprisingly, the website is not mine. and you personally check my selective reaction. I didn’t evaluate your recipes or discuss them, it’s still useless. I am not authoritative enough for you to listen. But despite our mutual misunderstanding, I promised everyone and I mean to you that I will evaluate competition recipes without paying attention to personal sympathies. So, if your work contains no mistakes made specifically for me, you can count on my subjectivity. Fortunes for you! :)) 😎

You can count on my subjectivity. Fortune for you!” 😉 - it was a specially made mistake or a typo occurred by chance on its own, strictly according to Freud 😉😃

All competitions are personal. Every judge has his own requirements. I have my own. you have your own.. My personal attitude towards the creators does not play a role in the evaluation of works. So don’t worry, I promised everyone, but you didn’t. So I have to not count on your voice, but I don’t care. The main thing is that I don’t bring my feelings into the judicial work. I wish you good fortune in return!

6 recipes for panna cotta - the most delicate Italian dessert

Traditional, chocolate, coffee and even vegan panna cotta with coconut milk.

1. Traditional panna cotta

The traditional dessert is made from cream with the addition of milk, real vanilla pod, sugar and gelatin.

Most often, panna cotta is served with fruit puree or berry sauce. To do this, simply puree your favorite fruits or berries with or without sugar and, if desired, grind through a sieve. Determine the amount of ingredients according to your own taste.

Using a traditional recipe and experimenting with additives, you can create different desserts every time.


  • 10–12 g leaf gelatin;
  • 100–150 ml water;
  • 1 vanilla pod;
  • 500 g cream with a fat content of 33-35%;
  • 250 ml milk;
  • 60–90 g sugar or sweet powder.


Pour cool water over the gelatin and leave for the time indicated on the package. Usually, it swells in 5–10 minutes.

Cut the vanilla bean in half and scrape out the seeds with the back of a knife. Pour cream and milk into the pan, add sugar or powder, also seeds and the vanilla pod itself.

Place the pan over medium heat. Stirring with a whisk, bring the mixture to the first bubbles and immediately remove from the stove. Remove the vanilla pod from the mixture. You can strain through a sieve to get rid of the black vanilla seeds.

Cool the mixture slightly and squeeze out the gelatin. Add it to the mixture and stir thoroughly until smooth. Do not shake the mixture too much, otherwise bubbles will appear and the dessert will not be uniform.

Pour the mixture into silicone molds, glasses or bowls. Place in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours until completely set.

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2. Panna cotta with yoghurt and strawberry jelly

You can simply pour jelly onto panna cotta, or you can give the dessert an unusual shape. Feel free to replace strawberries with any other berries.


  • 16 g powdered gelatin;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 1 vanilla pod;
  • 250 g cream with a fat content of 33–35%;
  • 160 g sugar;
  • 250 g of thick yogurt, for example Greek;
  • 300 g strawberries;
  • ½ lemon.


Pour 8 g of gelatin into various containers and pour 50 ml of cool water into each. Stir and leave to swell for 10 minutes.

Cut the vanilla bean in half and scrape out the seeds with the back of a knife. Pour the cream into the pan, add the seeds and vanilla pod and half the sugar.

Place the pan over medium heat and, stirring, bring to a boil. As soon as the first bubbles appear, immediately remove the mixture from the stove. Remove the pod and, if desired, strain the mixture through a sieve.

Add 8 g of swollen gelatin and stir thoroughly until the mixture is homogeneous. Add yogurt and puree the mixture with a blender.

Place panna cotta glasses at an angle. You can insert them into the muffin tins at an angle. Or carefully place in a baking dish, supporting the glasses with a towel and leaning them against the walls. The main thing is that the glasses do not fall off.

YouTube channel Home Cooking Adventure

Fill the glasses approximately halfway with the creamy mixture and refrigerate for 4–5 hours until completely set.

Place strawberries, remaining sugar, finely grated lemon zest and juice into a saucepan. Place over medium heat and bring to almost a boil.

Punch the berries with a blender, combine with the second part of gelatin and beat again. Cool the mixture and pour it into glasses with frozen panna cotta. You can also add it at an angle or place the glasses straight.

Place the dessert in the refrigerator for another 4-5 hours so that the jelly hardens.

Experiment 👍

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3. Chocolate panna cotta with chocolate sauce

The wonderful taste and smell of this dessert will not leave anyone indifferent.


  • 5 g powdered gelatin;
  • 30 ml water;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • 360 g cream with a fat content of 33–35%;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract;
  • 240 g dark chocolate.


Pour cool water over the gelatin and leave to swell for 10 minutes. Combine milk and 200 g of cream in a saucepan, add sugar and salt and place over medium heat.

Bring the mixture to the first bubbles and remove from the stove. Add vanilla extract and half the broken chocolate and stir until smooth.

Add gelatin and stir thoroughly again. It should completely dissolve. Distribute the mixture into silicone molds, glasses or bowls and refrigerate for 4-5 hours.

Pour 160 g of cream into the remaining broken chocolate. Place the container in a steam bath and stir until the mass becomes homogeneous. Serve panna cotta with cooled sauce.

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4. Coffee panna cotta

Coffee lovers will literally appreciate this dessert.


  • 1½ tablespoons instant coffee;
  • 120 ml water;
  • 10 g powdered gelatin;
  • 360 g cream with a fat content of 33–35%;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.


Dissolve coffee in 60 ml of hot water. Dilute the gelatin with the remaining cool water and leave to swell.

Pour the cream into the pan and add sugar. Place over moderate heat and stir until the sand dissolves. When the first bubbles appear, remove the cream from the heat.

Add coffee and gelatin and stir thoroughly. Pour in vanilla extract and stir again.

Pour the mixture into silicone molds, glasses or bowls and refrigerate for 4-5 hours until completely set.

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5. Vegetarian panna cotta with agar agar

Agar-agar is a plant analogue of gelatin. This panna cotta does not differ from the classic one in taste, except that the structure is a little denser.


  • 500 g cream with a fat content of 33–35%;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon agar-agar;
  • 1 vanilla pod.


Pour the cream into the pan, add sugar, agar-agar, seeds and a vanilla pod. Place over medium heat and, stirring, bring the mixture to almost a boil.

As soon as the first bubbles appear, reduce the heat to low and cook, stirring, for another 2-3 minutes. Remove the vanilla bean and, if desired, strain the mixture through a sieve.

Pour the mixture into silicone molds, glasses or bowls and refrigerate for 1 hour.

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6. Vegan chocolate panna cotta with coconut milk

You can enjoy this delicious dessert even if you do not consume animal products at all.


  • 400 ml coconut milk with a fat content of 17–19%;
  • 120 g bitter chocolate;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon agar-agar;
  • 200 ml water.


In a saucepan, heat the milk to 70–80 °C, without bringing to a boil. Break the chocolate, pour in half the milk and stir thoroughly until the bar dissolves.

Place the remaining milk on the heat again, add sugar and agar-agar and stir thoroughly. Pour in water and bring the mixture to a boil.

Remove from heat and immediately mix with chocolate mixture. Pour into silicone molds, glasses or bowls and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Chocolate panna cotta

This dessert is a good substitute for a cake on a festive table. I made this panna cotta based on a book by Yulia Vysotskaya, which I won at a presentation in Moscow. True, during the manufacturing process, I had to change some ingredients right on the fly - at first the composition should contain sugar and processed cream cheese. I didn’t have any cream cheese on hand (my beloved household members ate it on the sly the other day), so I decided to replace it with regular condensed milk - they are very similar in mixture. Well, sugar, accordingly, also had to be completely removed. It turned out delicious.

  1. Main
  2. Recipe groups
  3. Chocolate panna cotta

Ingredients and how to cook

ingredients for 4 servings or - the number of products for servings suitable for you will be calculated automatically!'>

tea spoon 5 ml
dessert spoon 10 ml
tablespoon 20 ml
cup 200 ml


Composition weight: 100 gr
363 kcal
Belkov: 7 g
Zhirov: 23 g
Carbohydrates: 17 g
Used: 15 / 49 / 36
H 12 / C 0 / B 88

Production time: 8 hours 30 minutes

Step-by-step production

Step 1:

Prepare the ingredients. To make chocolate panna cotta, we need: cream, dark or bitter chocolate, condensed milk, butter, gelatin (in plates or powder).

Step 2:

If you are using powdered gelatin, then pour 100 ml of cream into it and let it swell for 10-15 minutes. If you have gelatin in plates, then fill it with a small amount of water and let it swell.

Step 3:

If the gelatin is powdered: pour the remaining cream into the saucepan, add condensed milk. Put on fire and, stirring, bring to a boil. But don't boil. If the gelatin is in plates, then pour all the cream into the saucepan.

Step 4:

If the gelatin is powdered: add the swollen gelatin to the heated cream and stir until it is completely dissolved. If the gelatin is in plates, then remove it from the water and squeeze it out. Then put it in cream. Stir until it is completely dissolved.

Step 5:

Break the chocolate into small pieces. Pour the hot creamy gelatin consistency over the chocolate pieces and stir the mixture with a whisk until the chocolate is completely dissolved.

Step 6:

Grease the molds or bowls with oil.

Step 7:

Pour the resulting creamy chocolate mass into buttered molds or bowls.

Step 8:

Cover them with cling film and place the panna cotta in the refrigerator for 5-8 hours.

Step 9:

Turn the finished panna cotta onto plates, sprinkle with cocoa, garnish with mint and serve. Bon appetit!

Panna cotta can be prepared in portions, in small molds, or you can create one large dessert, which, after cooling, can be cut into pieces of a suitable size.

You can create mini cakes by placing the prepared sponge cake on the bottom of a springform pan. And pour the creamy mixture on top.

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