Ear from catfish head

Ear from catfish head


Catfish (head and tail) – 700 g

Potatoes – 3-5 pcs.

Bay leaf – 1-2 pcs.

Salt, hot pepper - to taste

  • 69 kcal
  • 45 min.
  • 45 min.

Photo of the finished dish

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Step-by-step recipe with photos

If you have the option and your “nets bring in” a large catfish, you can use one carcass for two dishes. For the fish soup, just throw in the head and tail, and cut the main part into steaks or chop into minced meat for fish cutlets.

Catfish has very tender, tasty meat and practically does not have small bones, nor does it have the usual large scales, which makes cutting very simple. To add the smell of yushka, add spicy spices, roots, and herbs.

Take the ingredients for making catfish fish soup according to the list of ingredients. Remove the gills, scrape and thoroughly wash the fish before cooking.

Place the head and tail of the catfish in boiling water, boil again, and skim off the foam.

Throw in cilantro, dill, parsley or other herbs, bay leaf, and peppercorns.

Add coarsely chopped carrots and onions.

Add salt and cook the catfish soup at a gentle simmer for the next 30 minutes.

If you don’t plan to strain, add potatoes to the already boiled fish and cook for the next 10-15 minutes.

You can strain the yushka, add the potatoes and cook until they are soft.

Separate the meat from the bone.

Return the fish and carrots to the fish soup, remove from heat and pepper. Add chopped fresh herbs, a lot, let it brew for 10 minutes.

Serve hot homemade fish soup made from the head and tail of a catfish.

Ear from catfish head

Does boiled or fried catfish taste better?

Some people prefer fried fish, so it’s a pity to waste the caught catfish on making first courses; they prefer to bake or fry it:

A good option for a first course is catfish head soup. It is impossible to fry large catfish heads, but they are excellent for making a nice rich fish soup. For taste, you can add a small part of the fish carcass or get by with just the heads.

If the heads are very large, they are previously cut into several parts. The gills and eye sockets are removed so that there is no bitter taste.

Recipe for fish soup from catfish heads - how to prepare fish soup from fish heads

Save the fish heads! Never throw them away. Hide it in a far corner of the freezer. In difficult times, when the food in the house is running out, and wages are still a long way off, these moderate defrosted supplies with the addition of a minimum of spices will allow you to eat deliciously for a number of days.

Fish heads are a storehouse of essential substances, plus pleasant-tasting head meat and rich soup. Even from just the heads, it’s easy and quick to cook fish soup or fish soup, and feed your household a fresh dish. Although “yesterday’s” fish soup, which has been standing and brewed, is no less tasty than freshly prepared one.

Together with the heads or separately from them, it is useful to freeze cut fins, tails, and removed ridges. These bony parts give a good fat, releasing valuable nutrients into the water. To prevent them from clogging your ear, you can boil them in a gauze bag.

Literally, fish soup is also cooked from catfish heads. Moreover, it is not necessary to add meat from carcasses to it. If, nevertheless, catfish meat is added for taste, then it should be understood: the heads are cooked 2-2.5 times longer. First, you should boil the bony parts for 45–60 minutes, then add pieces of fish to the strained broth and bring the dish until cooked. The time for making fish soup increases and takes more than an hour, but the time spent is compensated by the pleasant taste and pleasure acquired from tasting a hot, watery dish with pieces of fish meat.


Thoroughly wash your hair and rinse it with boiling water, washing away the emerging blood (the internal environment of the body, formed by liquid connective tissue. Consists of plasma and formed elements: leukocyte cells and postcellular structures: erythrocytes and platelets) . Before placing them in cool water, be sure to cut out the eye sockets and gills*.

*Gourmets ignore this point and cook the fish together with its eyes and gills.

After cooking, the head parts are cut, removing the meat from the cheeks and neck, and adding it to the finished fish soup.

The usual recipe for fish soup from catfish head

For 1 kg of catfish:

  • water - 1.5-2 liters
  • onion - 1 head
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • peppercorns - 5-6 pcs. ordinary and fragrant
  • greens with roots (celery, parsley) - 1 sprig with roots
  • salt - as usual for soup
  • laurel - 1-2 pcs.

Place the heads (along with other bony trimmings) in a saucepan, add water, and bring to a boil. If the head is very large, it is better to cut it into pieces or place it in a pan with a small bottom diameter so that the water completely covers the contents. The amount of water should not be increased. The less water, the richer the dish will be.

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After boiling, skim off the foam and add peppercorns. Reduce heat and cook, stirring occasionally, removing scale. There doesn’t have to be a violent boil, otherwise the taste of the fish soup will worsen! Cook (simmer) for about an hour, at least 45 minutes. Remove the heads or pieces of a large head, cut into pieces, and prepare for serving (separate the head meat from the bones).

Strain the broth, bring to a boil, add whole roots, onions (right in the husks), carrots cut into slices and potatoes into pieces. Cook over low heat until the potatoes are tender, stirring occasionally. 5 minutes before removing, add salt, bay leaf, chopped herbs.

In general, you can sprinkle greens on a plate when serving, not forgetting to put pieces of meat removed from the head. Gourmets put a spoonful of sour cream, mayonnaise, heavy cream or butter (vegetable) in their ear. The oil can be added a minute before removing from the heat, and before serving, let the ears sit for 10 minutes under the lid, removing from the stove.

Options for catfish soup recipe

If there is a small amount of caviar, add it to the fish soup, cut into pieces, 10 minutes before removing from heat. The caviar separates into individual eggs and nicely decorates the soup.

Plant roots are placed whole so that they can be easily pulled out of the fish soup when poured onto plates. But they are completely edible, they can be grated or finely chopped and thrown in a pan without removing them.

Those who are afraid that fish head soup will have a nasty aftertaste can flavor it with vodka. 20 ml is enough to “destroy” the smell of mud. Alcohol vapor will evaporate during cooking, and the color of the fish soup will be excellent - transparent, without turbidity. Vodka is poured in 5 minutes before the end of cooking and the fish soup is allowed to sit for a little while (at least 10 minutes) after it is cooked.

After boiling the heads, simply lighten the fish broth without adding alcohol. Chicken white from 1 egg is diluted in three tablespoons of cool water. Stir thoroughly. Pour into the pan in a narrow stream, stirring continuously. Bring to a boil (do not let it boil!) and strain.

A pinch of turmeric added a few minutes before removal will give the cloudy ear of the heads a nice color. For taste and aroma, other spices are added: saffron, tarragon, basil, anise, nutmeg, ginger, paprika.

Any dish benefits from being sprinkled with green dill. In the absence of fresh herbs, 2-3 pinches of dry herbs are poured into the pan with the fish soup, which an excellent housewife will certainly stock up on for the winter. Herbs will improve the smell and give a subtle flavor without overshadowing the fishy taste of the dish.

Potato consumption can be reduced by 2-3 times if you add a handful of millet, rice, pearl barley, corn or wheat grits. And even noodles. The result is an appetizing fish soup that will pleasantly diversify the daily table.

We will be grateful to all readers who will share recipes in the comments on how to cook catfish soup and catfish heads!

Don't forget to check out the noteworthy recipes listed first in the article!

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How to cook catfish soup at home

Catfish soup is a hearty first course that you can simply prepare on your own; for this you need to know the intricacies of making soup from fish or even from its head.

Ingredients Quantity
fish carcass - about 1 kg
tomato, carrot, onion – 2 pcs.
potato - 2-3 pcs.
burning water - 3 l
parsley and celery - a couple of twigs
sugar, salt - taste
Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
Production time: 90 minutes Calorie content per 100 g: 118 Kcal
Read also:  Duck soup

It is logical that almost all housewives use catfish to make fish soup at home, because among all river fish it contains the fewest bones. The dish can be prepared either from a whole fish or from one head. The traditional recipe involves the inclusion of the entire carcass: the fillet itself, the backbone with bones, and the head.

  1. We process fish. To do this, wash it well in cool water, make a horizontal cut under the head and gut it. There is no need to completely cut the belly; the insides of the catfish can simply be removed through a small incision. Then wash the fish again. We clean the mucus from its surface to avoid the development of a bitter taste in the finished dish;
  2. Leave the head whole or cut it into 2-3 parts, cut the rest of the carcass into large pieces;
  3. Transfer the cooked, chopped fish into the pan in which the fish soup will be cooked. Pour boiling water, add salt, and if desired, you can use other spices. Bring to a boil, skim off the foam, turn down the heat and cook for 15-20 minutes;
  4. At this time, they are busy preparing vegetables. We peel the potatoes, onions and carrots, just wash the tomatoes. Cut everything into cubes and add to the pan with the fish;
  5. Cut the tomatoes into large cubes, add them to the pan along with finely chopped celery and bay leaves, add a little sugar;
  6. Cook the fish soup for another 15 minutes and turn it off. Let it brew for a few minutes;
  7. When serving, place a piece of fish on a plate, pour vegetable broth on top and sprinkle with small chopped parsley.

How to cook catfish head soup without flavor

Some people believe that it is impossible to make fish soup from one catfish head. It's true that if you cook a dish incorrectly, it may have a nasty, specific smell. If you approach the preparation with care, you will get a fragrant, rich soup. To do this you need to prepare:

  • big head;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • onions, carrots;
  • a couple of sprigs of parsley and celery;
  • salt;
  • 2 bay leaves.

The time to make fish soup is 1 hour 10 minutes. Calorie content per 100 g – 105 kcal.

  1. We wash our hair, place it in a saucepan and pour in 2 liters of water, put it on medium heat, and bring it to a boil. If there are remaining parts of the fish, bones, ridge, you can add them;
  2. Chop the onion, grate the carrots on a large grater, cut the potatoes into slices;
  3. Place a frying pan on the stove and fry the onions and carrots in a small amount of sunflower or olive oil;
  4. When the broth has boiled, add finely chopped celery to the pan and cook for 10-15 minutes;
  5. We take out the head, strain the broth using gauze;
  6. Add the roast and potatoes to the broth, cook until the potatoes are ready (about 15 minutes);
  7. Turn off the heat, add finely chopped parsley, cover with a lid and leave to steep for 10 minutes.

Read how to make banana roll - a unique and tender dessert, very tasty.

If you want to cook something unusual, try the recipe for the “Tears of an Angel” cottage cheese cake.

Read our article on how to cook delicious cranberry compote.

Recipe for making fish soup in a slow cooker step by step

Making catfish fish soup in a slow cooker can be varied at your own discretion. Almost all housewives note that they and their loved ones like a recipe that does not use the head, then the dish is not very greasy, and eggs are also added at the end. For this recipe you need to prepare:

  • catfish carcass with a tail, but without a head;
  • 4 tbsp. millet;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • carrot;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 2 testicles;
  • salt pepper;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • greenery.

The time for making fish soup is 2 hours. Calorie content per 100 g – 137 kcal.

Step-by-step production of catfish soup in a slow cooker:

  1. Preparing the fish. Usually fish without a head is sold already cleaned; all that remains is to cut it into large pieces. Place in a bowl, squeeze out lemon juice, and leave to marinate for half an hour;
  2. Peel 1 onion and carrots, cut into cubes, put into a bowl, adding a little sunflower oil and salt, set the “Frying” mode for 10 minutes;
  3. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes, add to the frying and turn on the “Baking” mode for another 10 minutes;
  4. Place vegetables in a separate container;
  5. Do not wash the bowl, add fish, parsley and celery stems, bay leaf, spices, 1 whole onion. Pour 2 liters of water, turn on the “Soup” mode for 45 minutes;
  6. We take everything out using a slotted spoon, add millet and vegetables to the broth, turn on “Stew” for 30 minutes;
  7. When the fish has cooled, separate the fillets and add them to the bowl;
  8. Serve the finished fish soup with half a boiled egg.

Chefs' tricks

  1. You can tell whether the catfish is fresh or not by the color of the gills. If they are pink or even red, the fish is fresh, if they are grayish in color, then not;
  2. If children will eat the fish soup or for other reasons it is required that it be not greasy, then it is imperative to strain the broth;
  3. It is celery that gives the finished ear its smell and rich taste, which is why its stems are found in virtually any recipe.
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recipes for making in a cauldron

Catfish soup

Hello friends! Now we will prepare catfish soup.

Catfish meat contains many essential microelements, and most importantly, it is very soft and extremely tasty.

If you are a fisherman and you were lucky enough to catch such a huge catfish like ours, or you simply purchased it, then we will show you how to create two very tasty dishes from a whole fish. In this recipe, we will prepare fish soup from the catfish's head, belly and tail.

As for the catfish carcass itself, we will prepare a kebab, the recipe for which you can read more

You can also watch a video recipe for making catfish soup at the end of the page.

Ingredients that are useful for making catfish soup:

The amount of ingredients is calculated for the size of a five-liter cauldron.

Catfish meat, specifically:

  • Catfish head
  • Abdomen
  • Pieces from the tail
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 2 pcs. (by preference)
  • Potatoes 3-4 pcs.
  • Green onions
  • Dill
  • Parsley
  • Dark pepper
  • Reddish pepper
  • Flavored peppercorns
  • Bay leaf

Also 50 ml. vodka.

Note: when making fish soup, it is possible to do without onions, but we like it better when it is in the dish. The broth comes out the richest, but if you wish, you can easily dispense with the onions.

First, the catfish needs to be gutted. We make a cut from the head to the beginning of the caudal fin and through it we take out all the insides. After this, we carefully rinse the inside of the catfish with water.

Now we clean the mucus from the skin of the catfish. There are two options:

1. Wipe the fish with salt and remove the mucus from the skin of the catfish with a knife.

2. If you don’t have enough salt or are on a hike, do the same, only use wood ash instead of salt.

We completely clean the gills so that the space where they are located looks like this.

Now, let's start cutting up the catfish.

Let's separate the tail part and cut off all the fins.

Next, we separate the head of the fish, and begin to make a cut under the fin.

Also, for fish soup, we cut off the lower part of the abdomen.

We cut the tail part into large portioned pieces, which we will use as the main meat in the ear.

To make the broth rich, place the catfish head in a cauldron, add aromatic pepper and bay leaf.

Fill the contents of the cauldron with water and salt.

After that, cover the cauldron with a lid and put it on the fire.

While the fish head is cooking, chop the vegetables.

Cut the potatoes into large cubes.

Cut carrots into rings.

If you still decide to add onion to the soup, cut it into rings or half rings.

When the water in the cauldron boils, look at it from time to time and skim off the foam.

After the contents have boiled for 20-30 minutes, remove the cauldron from the heat and remove the fish head. If the catfish's head starts to fall apart, don't worry, just remove all the bones individually, they are quite large.

After we have taken out the head of the fish (or all that is left of it), we return the cauldron back to the fire and add onions and carrots there.

Now, remove the remaining meat from the head of the fish and separate all the bones from the meat.

After we have separated the meat from the fish's head from the bones, add it to the cauldron. We will also add the belly of the catfish, prepared in advance.

Let the contents of the cauldron simmer for several minutes.

After a couple of minutes, add the previously chopped potatoes.

When the potatoes are half ready, add pieces of the catfish tail, reddish and dark ground pepper. Don't forget to test the broth for salt; add a little salt if necessary.

When the potatoes and catfish tail meat are ready, be sure to add 50-70 grams of vodka. Cover the cauldron with a lid and let the fish soup boil.

Next, remove the cauldron from the heat and leave the fish soup with the lid closed for a couple of minutes.

In the end, the soup is ready!

We recommend serving the fish soup by adding a couple of slices of lemon to the plate and garnishing it with chopped herbs.

You can also watch a video recipe for making catfish soup.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel, we will show you a huge number of methods for preparing delicious dishes in nature and on camping trips.

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