Gingerbread Cookies with Icing Recipe

Gingerbread Cookies with Icing Recipe

  • Traditional Ginger Cookie Recipe
  • Perfect Glaze Recipes
  • Small but important secrets

Ginger cookies are a traditional treat that is usually prepared for Christmas and New Year. This is not only a tasty and fragrant dessert, but also a table decoration and a popular gift for children and adults. It can be prepared ahead of time because the cookies have a shelf life of 1-2 weeks. Knowing several aspects of production, you can have a win-win version of a fragrant and catchy dessert in your arsenal.

Traditional Ginger Cookie Recipe

Making ginger cookies is quick and easy. It takes more time to decorate it. These are multi-colored patterns made of glaze, complemented by sprinkles. Thanks to ginger, the dessert acquires a spicy smell, creates a festive atmosphere and increases the mood, especially for children.

Gingerbread cookies with glaze according to a traditional recipe are prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 100 g natural butter;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1 testicle;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 2 tsp. baking powder;
  • an excellent pinch of cinnamon;
  • 3 tsp. grated ginger.

The first step is to prepare the flour mixture. For it, flour is mixed with baking powder, cinnamon and ginger. In the second step, prepare the dough base. The day before, use a fork to knead the butter perfectly. For convenience, it is kept for 1-2 hours at room temperature. Add beaten egg and sugar to the butter. Whip everything with a whisk until the mixture is airy. Next, add the flour mixture evenly to the base.

After combining all the ingredients, the dough is left in the refrigerator so that it sets and is easier to work with. Previously, the dough is divided into several parts. Next, take the dough out of the refrigerator one piece at a time and roll it out with a rolling pin. The thickness of the layer is not more than 0.5 cm.

Then creativity begins. Using molds or tools at hand, cut out shapes from the dough. These are Christmas trees, stars, snowflakes, people. The smaller they are, the more exciting and festive the cookies will be. You need to work quickly with the dough, because the butter softens and the base can stick and break. If you add additional flour to the dough, the resulting cookies will not be crispy and melt in your mouth.

After waiting for it to cool, you can start decorating. Icing is constantly used as a New Year's decoration.

Perfect Glaze Recipes

To decorate the dessert in an original way, you can use snow-white and colored icing for gingerbread cookies. Options for its production come down to the use or non-use of egg white.

Recipe 1: a simple, effortless decoration made from sweet powder, egg white, lemon juice, warm water. If desired, add any food coloring. The proportions are as follows: for 1 white, 1 glass of sweet powder, 1 tbsp. l. citrus juice (orange, lemon), 2 tbsp. l. water. Combine everything and beat with a mixer until a thick mixture. If the glaze seems watery, add more powder. The thicker and more elastic the sweet icing, the easier it is to trace onto the cookies.

Recipe 2: glaze without chicken egg white is prepared on a base of water and citrus juice with the addition of sweet powder. Ratio: 1 tbsp. l.: 1 tsp.: 150 grams respectively. First, combine the sweet powder with lemon juice, then add water evenly. A mixer for mixing the glaze for this recipe is not necessary, because it does not contain protein. The glaze is prepared in a bowl and carefully kneaded with a spoon until smooth and suitable mixture. To check the readiness of the glaze, a drop of the consistency is applied to the saucer; if it does not spill or harden in a matter of seconds, the festive decor is ready. Now you can cover the cookies with it.

Recipe 3: protein-free custard glaze is prepared with water and sweet powder. For it, boil water in a saucepan, then turn down the heat and add sweet powder evenly, stirring vigorously often, then add lemon. Cook the glaze for about 5-7 minutes. The proportions of ingredients depend on the number of cookies. This is approximately 350 grams of sweet powder per 50 ml of water plus 1 tsp. lemon juice.

Recipe 4: the glaze can be prepared using dry egg whites; it comes out with an intense snow-white color. Proportions: 50 ml of cooled boiled water, a pinch of citric acid, 360 grams of sweet powder, 4 tsp. without the top of dry protein. The whites are poured with part of the water, mixed, and left to swell and dissolve. After a few minutes, add the remaining ingredients and beat with a mixer until smooth.

Cookies are decorated using a pastry bag or an ordinary plastic bag with a corner cut off. This must be done quickly, because the glaze hardens quickly. If this happens, you can add water to it and continue decorating the cookies.

How long do gingerbread cookies with icing decor last? Short shelf life - 1 week. This is comfortable because you can prepare for the holiday in advance and not burden yourself the day before Christmas or New Year.

Small but important secrets

  1. To prevent the cookie dough from sticking to the rolling pin, table and hands when rolling out, place it between 2 sheets of parchment paper lightly sprinkled with flour.
  2. To create the correct glaze, water is added to it in small portions, almost drops.
  3. After applying the glaze, the topped cookies are left to dry for 8-10 hours. Later you can pack it for gifts without fear that the figures will stick together.
  4. To ensure uniform color of the glaze, it is better to use gel food coloring.

Spicy ginger cookies are quick and easy to prepare. You can involve children in its production and decoration, so the atmosphere of future holidays will be felt brighter. The cookie recipe proposed above is very accessible; even a novice housewife can handle it.

Icing for gingerbread cookies

During the New Year and Christmas holidays, a special atmosphere reigns: dreams come true, fairy-tale characters come to life, stars descend from the sky, and there is nothing impossible that the inhabitants of the Earth wish for. Grievances are forgotten, enemies are forgiven, things are settled - and in any home, family members gather around the comfortable hearth to express their endless love for each other. And this warm and magical atmosphere is very successfully complemented by savory treats, for example, ginger cookies.

Once upon a time, in the 11th century, a monk, who decided to prepare a treat for his brothers in faith, thought about it and instead of flour added ginger to the cookie dough. The monks liked the treat so much that making it became a good tradition in the monastery. Now this recipe is known in every home. Cinnamon and cocoa are added to the dough, so the figures have a pleasant golden color. They definitely make icing for gingerbread cookies - it turns Christmas trees, houses, deer, snowflakes and rabbits into true masterpieces of art. If you add colored powder, edible beads or dragees to the snow-white pictures, the treat will look so decorated that the figures can be safely hung on the New Year tree.

Modern traditions

Prepare gingerbread cookies with glaze not only for New Year and Christmas, but any other day. Children really like it, because any figure comes out big and looks as if it is alive. You can use the recipe for gingerbread cookies with glaze, replacing some ingredients with others, but ginger has been and remains a constant component of this wonderful sweetness. Grate the freshest ginger on a small grater or buy a ground product (the first option is much preferable). Cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves - if you have any of these additives in the house, feel free to add them to the dough.

Other modern traditions of gingerbread cookies include various production methods. The main recipe calls for adding water, but add milk instead, and the white foam will develop a sweet, creamy flavor. If anyone in your family is allergic to chicken eggs, remove the whites and make a powdered icing with lemon juice and water. These options are endless, just like the different decorations for the finished cookies. If, for example, you add a new element (butterflies or flowers made from icing) to the “composition” of multi-colored New Year’s cookies topped with white icing, then the household will clap their hands in ecstasy.

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How to create gingerbread cookies?

To make cookies with ginger, prepare a set of goods:

  • butter – half a small pack (150 g);
  • snow-white flour - 2 cups (be sure to sift);
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 0.5 cups;
  • baking powder - 1 tbsp. l (maybe a little less);
  • cinnamon, nutmeg - optional to taste;
  • grated ginger – 3 tsp.

Mix the dry ingredients thoroughly. Beat the egg and sugar. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance to make it soft. Combine watery and dry ingredients. Place the refrigerator in the bag. When the dough hardens, remove half. Roll out the dough - its thickness should be approximately 0.5-1 cm. Do everything very quickly, otherwise the dough will “float”.

Cut out the shapes, take a baking sheet and place them at a distance of 2 cm from each other. Remove the rest of the dough from the plastic bag and repeat. Or bake the first batch of cookies first, and then repeat the manipulations with the remaining raw dough. As soon as the cookies “grab” with a brown crust on the sides, the cookies will be ready. Prepare the glaze that will be used for filling or painting.

The incomparable advantage of ginger baked goods is the ability to store them for a long time. Place the cookies in a cool place (definitely in the refrigerator) and they will retain their flavor for up to 2 weeks. You can get it at any time and treat it to relatives or guests who drop by for a visit. If the glaze has frozen for quite a long time (at least 12 hours), then the painted pictures and patterns will retain their original appearance right until the moment when people dear to your heart sit down at the table.

What icing can be used to decorate cookies?

If you want the icing to be thicker, then increase the amount of sweet powder. To make it wateriest, increase the water size. Correctly prepared glaze “sets”, first turning into a viscous mass, and then hardening. For gingerbread figurines, good decorations are those that will not peel off the cookies, but will stick perfectly to the entire surface. Since the texture of the dough is crumbly and warm, the glaze from which the patterns are made should also be light, airy, melting in the mouth. Before decorating gingerbread cookies, think about the preferences of your loved ones. Take into account not only the wishes of relatives, but also their state of health.

Can they eat sugar, lemon juice, and proteins? Based on this, choose a suitable glaze recipe for gingerbread cookies - there are so many of them that you will definitely find the best one, which you will use from now on constantly to decorate baked goods. Prepare an incredibly delicious glaze that you can use to color not only gingerbread cookies, but also any other baked goods:

  • from sweet powder, egg whites and lemon juice (this recipe is the basis for icing, which can also be used to color treats);
  • from powder and citric acid (without proteins) - cooked over fire;
  • made from milk, sweet powder and sweet syrup.

If making snow-white glaze alone seems like a sour task for you, involve the children in it, then the process of decorating the figurines will turn into an interesting culinary adventure for all family members. How to make colored glaze? Prepare several cups, and when the watery glaze is ready, pour it into the cups in equal parts. Add various food colorings to the protein portions. Decorating baked goods with colorful solutions is a pleasure.

Buy several pastry bags in advance. Fill them half or a third full with icing of various colors. Trim the ends of the bags with scissors. Gently squeeze this glaze onto the shortbread dough shapes, forming patterns. Children will be ecstatic as they transform faceless pieces of dough into their beloved fairy-tale characters with their own hands!

Video of making glaze for gingerbread cookies


In some glaze recipes for gingerbread cookies, all the ingredients are combined and whipped together. It is not correct. In order for protein and sweet powder to transform into stable protein foam, you need to be “saturated” with oxygen. Therefore, the ingredients are added one by one.

Lastly come the dyes. Prepare foods:

  • sweet powder – 1 cup;
  • chicken egg white – 1 piece (choose a larger egg);
  • citrus juice – 1 tbsp. (orange or lemon);
  • water – 2 tbsp.

Sweet powder and protein are the base from which a lush foam is formed. And lemon juice fixes it and gives the glaze the appropriate sourness. If you don’t have sweet powder, then replace it with sugar, but then it’s better to create a sweet syrup from it in advance (boil water with sugar and stir until it dissolves and the liquid becomes a thick mixture).

To make a sweet coating for eggless gingerbread cookies, you can add:

  • milk – 4 tbsp;
  • sugar – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • grated chocolate or cocoa – 2 tbsp;
  • a piece of butter weighing 50 g.

Fast manufacturing process

Knowing the main recipe for how to create the glaze, you can change it as desired. Add milk instead of water or add a pinch of vanilla to the protein mixture - the taste of the glaze will instantly change. Recipes without eggs are chosen by people who are not allowed to eat chicken eggs, and egg delicacies are difficult for them to access due to illness or a vegetarian diet. Apply the glaze to the gingerbread cookies very quickly, so that it hardens instantly, and after it is applied, do not touch the figures for several hours. Prepare the icing for the cookies, taking your time (icing doesn’t like to be rushed) and following the exact sequence of steps:

  • beat the egg whites with a fork or whisk (if you have a mixer or blender, use them);
  • add the pre-sifted sweet powder in small portions to the egg whites, continuing to beat the mixture;
  • add water and lemon juice without stopping the stirring process.

Chocolate glaze is also very easy to prepare. Heat milk and sugar, add cocoa or chopped chocolate, stir with butter. The result is a delicious and perfect coating for cookies. This dessert is often used by chefs for various types of baking. Take the mixture with a spoon and spread in small portions over the surface of the product. It is better to prepare the glaze for gingerbread cookies and spread it several hours before guests arrive. You should end up with a thin, shiny brown crust.

Without ginger, cooking is unimaginable, and although it is not required for other baking, its special, “warm” taste turns ordinary tea drinking into a feast for the soul. A special, trusting atmosphere is created in which people feel suitable and loved. Perhaps at this time their dreams are already being realized by the heavenly magician.

Gingerbread cookies with glaze - a simple and delicious recipe

Baking homemade cookies is not at all difficult. Baking it takes little time, but you will always have delicious pastries for tea. Since the New Year holidays are lasting, and Christmas is ahead of us. Signs of this holiday include a Christmas tree, a wreath, a nativity scene, gifts, a roasted goose and, of course, delicious gingerbread cookies with icing.

The delicacy prepared according to this recipe comes out very tasty, fragrant and at the same time easy to prepare. To make it, you can use any spices: ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, you can also add zest from citrus fruits.

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Christmas baking differs from other baked goods in that the finished delicacy is covered with icing on top. You can use it to draw snowflakes, a Christmas tree, a gingerbread man. Also, the form of baking can also be different; it is best for these purposes to use special kits for cutting out dough, or use improvised ones, for example, clean children's molds.

Gingerbread New Year's cookies with glaze - regular recipe

Baking a delicacy according to this recipe is essentially very simple. To knead the dough, just mix the ingredients and put the finished dough in the refrigerator for some time. Then the dough is rolled out, shapes are cut out of it and baked in the oven. And the last step is to make icing and use it to draw pictures on the cooled baked goods. And at the moment, most carefully about the process of making cookies.

  • Wheat flour – 250-300 g,
  • Butter – 100 g,
  • Sugar (can be brown) – 100 g,
  • 1 chicken egg,
  • Honey – 2 tbsp. l.,
  • Soda – 0.5 tsp,
  • Ground ginger – 2 tsp,
  • Spices as desired - 1 tsp.

As spices you can take cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, aromatic pepper, anise, nutmeg. Spices need to be ground in a coffee grinder in advance so that they have a powder consistency.

How to bake New Year's gingerbread cookies with icing

Sift the flour into a deep cup, add soda and ground spices there.

Mix flour and spices well.

In another cup, stir the softened butter and sweet sand, beat them with a mixer until a fluffy mass is obtained. When the butter and sugar lighten, add 1 egg and continue beating. Add slightly heated honey to the egg-butter mixture. I had sinful honey, that’s why it is black.

Mix everything well, and then first add half the flour with spices, mix with a whisk. Then add the remaining flour and knead the dough with a spatula.

If the dough is very soft and sticks to your hands, you can add more flour. In total, you will need from 250 to 300 grams of flour.

We form the dough into a ball (it is still soft), put it in a cup, cover it with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, ideally overnight (that is, in the dark) . After refrigeration, the dough will be stiffest and easier to roll out.

Place parchment on the surface and roll out the dough on it to a width of 3-4 mm. To ensure the dough rolls out perfectly, place another sheet of parchment on top.

Cut out shapes on the rolled out dough.

Using a spatula or a wide knife, carefully transfer the shapes onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Place the shapes at a small distance from each other, because they will increase in size during baking.

We collect the excess dough into one lump and put it back in the refrigerator so that it cools slightly: soft dough is more difficult to roll out.

Place the baking sheet with the preparations in an oven preheated to 180ºC for 5-7 minutes, until a golden crust appears.

Place the finished treat on a flat surface to cool.

How to make eggless gingerbread cookie frosting at home

The coating for painting cookies is very simple to make. The most important thing in this matter is patience. For the glaze you will need:

  • 150 g sweet powder,
  • 1 tbsp. l. boiled cool water,
  • 2 tsp. lemon juice.

Place the sweet powder into a tea cup or small bowl. First, add lemon juice to the sweet powder and mix very well.

Then add water in small batches (a few drops at a time). Each time we mix it very well so that the end result is a sweet syrup that does not spill and holds its shape perfectly. True glaze comes out viscous, snow-white homogeneous mass with a glossy surface.

Place the finished coating in a plastic bag, cut off the very edge of the corner, and, squeezing the icing out of the bag, decorate the finished gingerbread cookies.

Glaze for decorating (painting) gingerbread cookies

If you want to create a multi-colored coating, you can use natural dyes. Then add juice instead of water.

  • Reddish color - add raspberry, lingonberry, cherry, lemon juice. The most striking color comes from dark currant juice.
  • The greenish color is watery chlorophyll, it looks like brilliant green on the outside. If you drip much less, you get a light salad color, more - greenish.
  • Yellowish color. Turmeric powder is added to water and stirred, but you should not overuse it, because it imparts a certain taste to the liver that not many people will like. You can dilute turmeric with sea buckthorn juice. Or dilute the sweet powder with carrot juice.

  • A sky blue color can be obtained by adding red cabbage juice to sweet powder. But it can also add an unnecessary aftertaste.
  • Blueberry juice will give the glaze a grayish or gray-lilac color.
  • The brown color can be achieved by adding cocoa powder. You can also add a few crystals of instant coffee to the water, you will also get a wonderful brown color.

How long do homemade gingerbread cookies with icing last?

Store-bought delicacies are usually packaged in a suitable manner, which allows them to be stored in packaged form for up to 6 months at a temperature not exceeding 21º and a humidity not exceeding 73%.

Ginger cookies can be baked at home in advance for the New Year or Christmas. Then you need to take care of its proper storage, so that on holiday it will please everyone with its taste. It is better to store finished baked goods in tin cans lined with parchment paper.

Thanks to honey, which is constantly present in the composition and has antibacterial properties, baked goods in a tightly closed container can be stored for quite a long time. Honey also helps develop the taste of the finished product over time, making it softer and more fragrant.

But it is not recommended to store baked goods in a closed plastic bag; they will simply “suffocate” there and become completely tasteless.

Dear readers, try to bake these delicious gingerbread cookies with icing. And it’s not bad luck that New Year or Christmas has already passed; such a delicacy will always be in place for your tea party throughout the year.

Master class: preparing ginger cookies

Gingerbread cookies in the form of New Year's figures are an emblem of Christmas in Europe, like the Christmas tree, Christmas cake and Santa Claus. It is customary for the whole family to bake ginger cookies - this charming tradition, which has come to us from time immemorial, brings relatives together and turns Christmas and New Year into the brightest, most comfortable and savory holidays. I would like to thank an unknown monk who lived in the 11th century, because it was thanks to his absent-mindedness that the traditional recipe for ginger cookies arose. While preparing for the monastery's Christmas meal, the monk confused ground ginger with flour, but everyone in the monastery liked the baked goods so much that the recipe spread to other monasteries. At the moment, homemade ginger cookies have been transformed into a wonderful culinary handmade product that decorates the festive table for Christmas or New Year. Gingerbread cookies in the shape of deer, snowflakes, Christmas trees and houses painted with sweet icing are a very tasty and spiritual gift that constantly evokes satisfaction and warm feelings.

DIY gingerbread cookies for New Year

The German city of Nuremberg is called the ginger capital of Europe, which is why almost everyone specially goes there for the best ginger cookies in the world.

To make the dough, first combine dry products - flour, soda and spices, and separately grind soft butter with sugar, eggs and honey. After this, the ingredients are combined together, and the dough is kneaded until the crumbs stick together into a dense, homogeneous ball. Properly prepared dough usually does not stick to your hands and has a texture similar to marzipan. The finished dough is wrapped in cling film and sent to the refrigerator for 30 minutes. This is necessary so that the butter hardens, because it is easier to cut out shapes from the densest dough using gingerbread cookie molds.

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Next, part of the dough is rolled out with a rolling pin on the table, shapes are cut out of it, they are placed on a greased baking sheet at a small distance from each other and baked for 5–15 minutes at a temperature of 180 °C - the baking time depends on the thickness of the cookies. By the way, another part of the dough is in the refrigerator at this time, otherwise it will begin to melt. For this reason, the figures need to be cut out as quickly as possible so that their contours are not blurred. By the time the baking sheet is filled with cookies, the oven should already be preheated. When the cookies have darkened slightly on the sides, they are considered ready, but if they are left in the oven, they will become hard. Properly prepared gingerbread cookies are soft at first and later become crispy.

How to decorate gingerbread cookies

A traditional decoration is gingerbread cookie frosting, which can be made from 1 egg white, a glass of sweet powder, 2 tbsp. l. water and 1 tbsp. l. lemon or orange juice. Beat all ingredients in a mixer or blender until the glaze thickens. You can add more sweet powder if the mixture is too runny. The thicker the glaze, the easier it is to draw patterns on the cookies.

You can make glaze without protein. In this case, for 150 g of sweet powder, take 1 tbsp. l. water and 1 tsp. citrus juice. Grind the mixture until smooth. When the sweet drop does not spill, but remains in a ball on the saucer, the glaze is considered ready.

The custard glaze is also very tasty. To make it, boil 50 ml of water in a saucepan, then reduce the heat and evenly add 300 g of sweet powder. Stirring the mixture constantly, pour 1 tsp into it. lemon juice and cook for 5 minutes.

You can add food coloring to the glaze, and to apply designs, use a pastry bag or plastic bag with a corner cut off. You just have to draw on the cookies very quickly, because the icing hardens instantly. You can find standards of ornaments in photos of gingerbread cookies with glaze posted on the Internet, or come up with your own version.

Gingerbread cookies topped with glaze must sit for 10 hours until the glaze is completely dry. Now you can wrap New Year's gifts without worrying about the cookies sticking together. And if you poke holes in the cookies with a cocktail straw before they go in the oven, you can hang the delicacy on the tree or create a spectacular and delicious garland. The new year is the best time for culinary creativity!

Ginger cookies: recipe step by step

To make these delicious cookies using a traditional European recipe, you will need the following products.

Ingredients: for the dough: flour - 250 g, butter at room temperature - 70 g, brown sugar - 80 g, egg - 1 pc., cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l., ground ginger - 1 tsp., freshly grated ginger - 1 tsp., ground cinnamon - 1 tsp., ground cloves - 0.5 tsp., soda - 0.5 tsp. .; for glaze: sweet powder - 250 g, egg white - 1 pc. (about 40 g), warm water - 2-3 tbsp. l., lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l., food coloring of all colors, edible beads and snowflakes - to taste.

Manufacturing method:

1. Chop the butter into cubes.

2. Mix butter with sugar and eggs, beat with a mixer for 3 minutes.

3. Add soda, cocoa, spices, ginger and flour to the mixture.

4. Using a mixer, knead the dough.

5. Wrap the dough in cling film and place it in the refrigerator.

6. Roll out half of the dough with a rolling pin on the table, and leave the other half in the refrigerator. You should get a layer 7 mm wide.

7. Turn on the oven and preheat it to 180°C, cover a baking sheet with baking paper.

8. Cut out shapes with molds and place them on a baking sheet.

9. Bake cookies for 10 minutes.

10. Do the same with the 2nd batch of dough.

11. Mix all the ingredients for the glaze.

12. Beat the mixture with a mixer for 10 minutes. To check readiness, run a knife across the surface of the glaze. If the mark remains for at least 10 seconds, then this glaze can be painted on.

13. Place the glaze in a pastry bag and draw any designs on the cooled cookies.

14. Decorate the icing with colorful food beads, snowflakes or colored sprinkles.

15. Let the liver stand for 4 hours and serve.

Fragrant gingerbread cookies, smelling of cinnamon, will lift your spirits on cool winter evenings, because you don’t have to bake them just for Christmas!

Secrets for making gingerbread cookies

In the process of kneading the dough, sometimes not everything goes according to plan, since the ginger dough is very capricious and often crumbles and diverges. But you can safely make your own adjustments. If the crumbs do not come together into a ball, add a little butter; If the dough is very sticky to your hands, add a little flour.

You need to learn to feel the dough, despite the fact that the recipe for gingerbread cookies with the photo gives completely different proportions, because the dough mixture also depends on the properties of the goods.

In pictures in magazines, gingerbread cookies have the wonderful color of coffee with cream. To get this color, you need to add a little dark syrup, molasses, burnt sugar or cocoa to the dough. The most common and affordable option is cocoa, with which the cookies will acquire a wonderful chocolate taste.

The sticky dough can be placed between 2 sheets of baking paper sprinkled with flour and rolled out to a suitable thickness - this way you won’t have to mix excess flour into the dough, the layers won’t stick to the table and will turn out even.

If you want the cookies to be as soft and crumbly as possible, bake them on a greased baking sheet; If you want crispy cookies, use baking paper lightly dusted with flour.

As you decorate, the icing may set in the piping bag. In this case, it must be placed in a cup, diluted with a small amount of water and rubbed well. During the process of making the glaze, water is constantly added drop by drop to ensure the correct mixture is obtained.

Recipe for ginger cookies from Yulia Vysotskaya

Shortbread ginger cookies according to Yulia Vysotskaya’s recipe come out tender and crumbly. To make it, you will need 125 g of pre-softened butter, which must be combined with 50 g of sweet powder, ¼ tsp. grated ginger and zest of 1 orange. Mix all the ingredients well, sift 200 g of flour into the resulting mass in small portions and add 0.5 tsp. sea ​​salt. Knead the dough, roll it out and use the molds to make beautiful cookies. Bake it for 10 minutes at 180°C on a baking tray lined with baking paper, and decorate later. In general, the cookies are insanely delicious even without fondant and icing.

Yulia Vysotskaya also has other recipes worthy of attention - gingerbread prepared with maple syrup and cream, and crispy gingerbread cookies with spices.

Gingerbread cookies can be different, and it doesn’t matter which recipe you prefer. With the smells of baking, everything in the house transforms, and we become closer to the New Year's magic and... to ourselves.

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