Carp dishes, Fried fish

Carp dishes, Fried fish

Recipes for main courses → Fish dishes → Fried fish

Carp dishes

Fried carp in a frying pan according to this recipe comes out very tasty. The fish is warm, juicy, with a crispy crust.

How to fry carp? There is nothing complicated in making fried carp, but if you use little culinary tricks, the fried carp will turn out especially tasty. We offer a recipe for fried carp in Korean - carp in starch is very tender and with a crispy crust.

Fried fish with garlic sauce is a very tasty and special dish, common in Central Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean.

Now a recipe for a cool appetizer of fried fish - with garlic and a sauce of new tomatoes, peppers and fried onions. Very, very tasty! You can cook it from any kind of fish. The manufacturing process is simple. Try it for your health!

The deliciously cooked carp and the fascinating title suggest that the recipe is South Bohemian, ancient, and was invented by one of the cooks of the authoritative Rožmberk family.

A simple and tasty recipe for carp with vegetable sauce will perfectly diversify your evening menu. Tender carp fillet mixes well with juicy tomatoes, sweet peppers and fresh herbs.

I don’t understand where the recipe got such a fascinating title. A recipe from Czech cuisine, and in the Czech Republic carp is highly respected. Maybe this fried carp was named after the chef who invented this magical breading specifically for carp. Both me and all my household members really liked the fried carp a la Petr Vok.

Delicious, juicy fried carp with vegetables. The dish is not at all difficult; anyone can cook fried fish with vegetables. The main thing is to choose the freshest fish - then the fried fish will turn out to be the most delicious.

There are quite a lot of recipes for grilled carp. I like to cook it in an onion marinade with salt and sugar, and a cornstarch and spice coating. The onion marinade gives the carp meat a gentle and sweetish taste, and the breading gives it an indescribably delicious crispy crust.

An original fish dish made from ordinary goods! Fried carp with special tomato sauce and vegetable garnish.

Carp with sour cream – classic! The finished fish is placed on a plate, poured over the sour cream in which it was stewed, sprinkled with finely chopped herbs, and a vegetable side dish is placed next to it.

Carp is an authoritative fish.

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Fried carp

Fried carp is an incredibly tasty, but fantastically easy to make dish. We buy or catch huge fish (1.5-2 kg) on ​​our own, clean, wash, bread and fry in vegetable oil. On the way out we feast on some great gourmet food. The calorie content will be greater, and the pleasure from what you eat will not be the least. Once a month you can arrange a loading fishing day.

There are many delicious frying methods: baking in the oven, grilling, frying. The extreme option is more necessary and unpretentious.

Individualities of making carp fried in a frying pan

Fish selection

Perfect if the fish is fresh. If you have to defrost, then it must be done evenly. Place the fish in a bag in a suitable sized bowl and place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. For example, they put it in the evening, and in the morning you can do magic. If you use express methods (microwave, hot water), then most of the necessary substances will be lost and the fish will not hold its shape well.

Cleaning Aspects

Most recipes for fried carp start with filleting. But there are several aspects to note:

  1. We clean the fish from tail to head.
  2. We rip open the abdomen and gut it carefully so as not to touch the gall bladder. If he gets pierced, don’t panic. Just generously sprinkle the inside with salt and leave to absorb the bitterness for half an hour. Then wash it well with a brush.
  3. We cut off the head and tail and save it for fish soup.
  4. To get rid of countless bones, cutting from the ridge with small cross strokes will help. This way all the bones will be cut and become so small that they can be eaten. All the tricks of making fried carp are concentrated in the secrets of its preparation.

How to remove swamp smell

Naturally, pour lemon juice over the pieces of cooked fish. You can sprinkle or grate with dried (fresh) herbs: rosemary, mint, thyme. After the marinade, the smell will go away and will not interfere with enjoying the taste of imperial fish.

Secrets of the recipe for fried carp in a frying pan

  1. Take a metal frying pan with a thick bottom. All pieces will be moderately cooked on it. The risk of burning is minimized.
  2. We use vegetable oil without aroma. Pour it into the pan and wait until it heats up perfectly. Specifically, hot oil is the key to a crispy crust.
  3. After breading (in flour, breadcrumbs or batter), immediately place it in bubbling oil. We don’t want the flour to get wet and the crust of the carp fried in a frying pan to spoil in pieces.
  4. Cook for the first minute over high heat, then reduce it to medium.
  5. Turn over carefully so as not to destroy the fish.
  6. Fry on both sides for 5 minutes. If you are not convinced that it is ready, you can cover it with a lid at the end and simmer over low heat for 3 minutes.

Calorie content of fried carp

It is clear that frying is not the best method of temperature processing of goods. And fish cooked in a frying pan will not be the healthiest. But from time to time it is very desirable to deviate from the rules and create something illegal. Even if these laws are in your head. Even before the swimming season. I want to eat with all my heart. Fried carp contains about two hundred calories. And this is in 100 grams. A lot of. Yes, and there is a way out of this culinary impasse.

One has only to bake the fish in the oven and its harmfulness will be significantly reduced. And the taste will practically not be lost. And you won’t have to suffer from steamed or boiled fish. Just salt and pepper, wrap in foil and pop into the oven. Afterwards, you can relax and eat an appetizing fillet without worrying about how many calories are in fried carp.

Very simple. And if we are conscientious to the end, it’s pure. In the sense that there will be no smoke in the kitchen from frying in a frying pan. As we see, if it is not possible to change events, it is necessary to change your attitude towards them. And it will be tasty, satisfying, and not ashamed of your figure for eating junk food. In total there are about 18 g of protein, 11 g of fat and 5 g of carbohydrates in 100 g of fried carp. The calorie content and nutrient content are sufficient that you won’t be able to eat anything else apart from a piece of fillet. This is the case of a powerful addiction to diet.

If your soul desires a holiday and is not afraid to organize it, you need to read further and follow the recipes.

How to bake roasted carp in the oven

We cut the fish or use it completely. Wash well, pat dry with cardboard towels and salt. Place in a bowl, pour over lemon juice, sprinkle with rosemary (dried or fresh). It seems like we are rubbing spice into the fillet. Leave for 30 minutes.

Then cover the baking sheet with foil and lay out the fish pieces. Place a slice of lemon on each one, cover with foil and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 40 minutes.

If we bake whole fish, then lower the temperature to 190 and bake for 50 minutes.

Development of production of fried carp in batter

Cut the steaks into fillets. Sprinkle with salt and rub with spices. Marinate in lemon juice. After 20 minutes, bread in flour, then dip in beaten egg and place in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil.

Types of batter are available in the publication “Fried fish in batter.”

You can choose according to your own taste. And you need to fry for 5 minutes on each side until the crust turns golden. Serve with a slice of lemon.

Carp fried in a frying pan - simple, tasty and healthy

Carp fried in a frying pan is a good substitute for meat. Fish dishes are always tasty and healthy, and having bought carp at the market or in a store, you can easily cook it at home.

We recommend that you immediately cut the fish into steaks so that it turns out quickly and deliciously. It is also ideal to purchase a large carp, weighing from 1-1.5 kg. After cleaning such a fish, cutting off the head, tail and removing the entrails, you will get 600-800 g of unsullied meat. In addition, a large fish will have fewer bones than a small one.

Frying carp in large pieces is very simple and our current recipe will help you with this. Spices include salt and pepper. For breading, we will take ordinary premium wheat flour. Carp is very fragrant, so additional spices and sauces are not needed. Regular breading in flour will give the fish a crispy, fried crust.


  • Carp (steaks) – 600 g.
  • Flour – 2-2.5 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil – 50 g.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.


1. Wash the carp steaks and season with salt. If desired, sprinkle with a small amount of dark ground pepper. If you purchased uncleaned fish, then cut the carp, peel and cut into large pieces.

2. Bread the pieces of fish in flour on all sides; when fried, you will get the most ruddy and crispy crust. This fish will turn out simply excellent.

3. Heat the oil in a frying pan and only then add the carp. In this way, the fish will absorb not much oil.

4. Fry the fish for 2-3 minutes, then turn it over and finish frying on the other side. After turning, reduce the heat slightly and fry for another 3-4 minutes.

Fried fish can be served immediately. Carp itself is quite fragrant, so it does not require the brightest spices. Fish can be served on its own or together with fresh vegetables.

How long to fry carp

Fry the carp over medium heat without a lid for 15 minutes.

How to fry carp

Carp – 2 fish
Lemon juice – 3 tablespoons
Flour – 2 tablespoons
Vegetable oil – 3 tablespoons
Salt and pepper – to taste

How to fry carp
1. Gut the carp and wash under water, cut off the head and fins, remove scales and wash again.
2. Cut the carp into steaks.
3. Sprinkle the carp with lemon juice, salt and pepper, and marinate for 20 minutes.
4. Roll the carp in flour.
5. Heat a frying pan, pour oil, add carp.
6. Fry the carp on each side for 7-8 minutes.
Serve the fried carp hot; serve boiled potatoes or rice as a side dish.

Carp in sour cream in a frying pan

Carp – 1 fish
Onion – 1 onion
Lemon – 1 slice
Sour cream – 200 g
Water – 50 g
Vegetable oil – 3 tablespoons
Salt and pepper – to taste
Fresh herbs (dill or parsley) – 1 bunch

Wash the carp, remove scales and entrails.
Salt and pepper inside and out. Sprinkle lemon juice over 1 lemon slice. Peel the onion, rinse and cut into half rings. Pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the frying pan, add the onion and fry it until golden brown. Using a slotted spoon, remove the onion into a separate bowl, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil to the frying pan, add the carp and fry for three minutes on each side over medium heat. Pour 50 grams of water into sour cream, add fried onions, stir.
Add sour cream with onions and water to the carp, cover the frying pan with a lid and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Wash the greens, dry and finely chop. Place the carp stewed in sour cream in a deep dish, sprinkle with the freshest herbs and serve with pleasure!

Facts about carp in sour cream
Calorie content of fried carp in sour cream – 350 kcal/100 g.

Usefulness of carp fried in sour cream: phosphorus and calcium found in carp strengthen hair, nails and teeth, and a huge amount of microelements and vitamins, which are contained in both sour cream and carp, have a beneficial effect on the digestive flora and digestion.

Fried carp in sour cream can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

The average cost of 1 kilogram of carp in Moscow is 280 rubles. (as of June 2016).

Tip : to prevent the carp from falling apart during frying, you need to sprinkle it with lemon juice.
To make the sour cream sauce thicker, you need to choose the fattest type of sour cream, for example, 30%.

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