Is starch a problem for your diet? Baked potatoes with mushrooms in a pot

Is starch a problem for your diet? Baked potatoes with mushrooms in a pot

There are a huge number of views on dietary nutrition, which are not always impartial. What true healthy food is in essence does not coincide with a number of conclusions and legends. Diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) is not always the “path of the lettuce leaf”. You can lose weight and become healthier with a complete lunch “1st, 2nd, third, compote”.

Rules for proper weight loss

The main principle of dietary nutrition is maintaining balance. It is not permissible to go hungry, but it is not permissible to overeat; It is not permissible to suffer from a lack of certain substances, but it is not permissible to eat everything at once.

During a diet (Diet is a set of rules for a person’s consumption of food), it is necessary to eat in such a way as not to feel hunger, to give the body energy for work, but not to provide it with excess food, which will immediately go into supplies. For proper weight loss, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are equally important. If there is a lack of a certain substance, metabolism is inhibited, and weight comes off “with a squeak.”

Losing weight on salads and light snacks alone is dangerous to your health; your diet should be complete. The path of a raw food diet is very difficult, not many people can do it for health reasons, so you can’t do without roast food. The base of the menu is specifically the 2nd dishes. Without them, neither lunch nor dinner would be possible. We eat soups a little less often.

For weight loss, it is best to give preference to specifically vegetarian main courses or those where the amount of ingredients of animal origin is kept to a minimum. Prerequisites:

  • fruits and vegetables are very rich in vitamins, and their deficiency slows down metabolism and weakens the body;
  • vegetable proteins and fats are easier to digest than animal counterparts;
  • plant foods contain “leisurely” carbohydrates, which are responsible for a long-lasting feeling of fullness.

Vegetarian dishes fit equally well into any diet. But thanks to the richness of carbohydrates, they are given respectable space specifically in carbohydrate nutrition plans. One such dish is potatoes with mushrooms in a pot.

Affordable luxury from the oven

Potatoes with mushrooms baked in a pot is one of the most popular recipes in classic Russian cuisine. Very tasty food no matter what. I don’t immediately believe that you can allow yourself this culinary splendor on a diet, but there is nothing criminal about it:

  1. Although potatoes are pure starch, consuming them in moderation will not harm your figure. This root vegetable contains vitamin (a low-molecular organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) , copper, potassium and phosphorus, and “binds” free radicals.
  2. Mushrooms are the best nutritious alternative to meat on a vegetarian table. They contain protein in large quantities. Without protein you cannot build a sculpted figure.
  3. Baking in the oven is one of the healthiest cooking methods. When baked, many of the necessary molecules are retained, and the ingredients do not lose their taste appeal.
  4. There are several dozen recipes for potatoes with mushrooms in a pot, which makes the dish attractive even for picky gourmets.

The best recipes

Perhaps any housewife understands one, or even several options for making potatoes with mushrooms in a pot using the oven. This recipe can “save” any feast when there is not enough time, but a tasty and healthy hot dish is very necessary.



  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 0.5 kg of new mushrooms (all);
  • 3 onions;
  • salt and spices;
  • vegetable oil;
  • the freshest greens.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the potatoes, peel and cut into round slices. You shouldn’t make them very thin, just like you shouldn’t make them very thick: either they will break or they won’t bake. The potatoes are placed in the first layer on the bottom of a pot greased with oil. Place onion chopped into half rings on top. The top layer is mushrooms, cut into slices.
  2. Any layer is sprinkled with oil (evenly) and sprinkled with spices. The top of the dish is decorated with herbs. Cooking will take approximately 40 minutes at an oven temperature of 200 degrees.

Curious! The mushrooms are soaked in advance and the water is drained. You can put them in a dish fresh, or you can boil them for 15-20 minutes. You will need broth for cooking. Add quite a few spoons to the pot so that the second one comes out juicier and more aromatic.

With cheese

  • 5 potatoes;
  • 0.5 kg of new champignons;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 onions;
  • 150 g low-fat cheese;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and spices to taste.

How to cook:

  1. To make potatoes in pots with mushrooms and cheese, you need to cut the peeled potatoes into small cubes and place them on the bottom of the pot.
  2. Rounds of fresh carrots are placed on top.
  3. Mushrooms are cut into slices and fried together with finely chopped onions until golden in a small amount of oil. The frying is sent to the pot.
  4. The topmost layer is dietary curd cheese, cut into medium-sized cubes.

Cook the casserole at a temperature of 180 degrees for at least 40 minutes. It is best served hot, sprinkled with herbs.

Curious! Cheese cubes can not only be placed on top. Any layer can be “paved” with cheese to make the dish juicy. The cheese will melt and stretch appetizingly.

In tomato sauce


  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 0.3 kg of new white mushrooms;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • tomato paste;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings.

How to cook:

  1. Soak white mushrooms, peel and fry until half cooked with onions and herbs. Potatoes cut into thin slices are fried separately until golden brown. The carrots are placed fresh, grated on a large grater.
  2. The ingredients are placed in random order: you can mix everything, or you can lay it out in layers.
  3. Tomato paste is heated in a frying pan with a small amount of oil and a glass of water, boiled with spices, and then poured with a stew consistency.

Bake everything together in the oven for 35 minutes at 200 degrees. After that, potatoes with white mushrooms in a pot can be served.

Fundamentally! You can “play” with the sauce at your own discretion. If you want something spicy, add chopped chili pepper and a spoonful of mustard to the tomato paste. A little wine is added for flavor.

Stew "Tsarskoe"


  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 0.6 kg assorted mushrooms;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 bell pepper (reddish);
  • 1 large pumpkin;
  • sheet of unleavened dough;
  • vegetable oil;
  • pepper, salt, herbs.
Read also:  Bell pepper and tomato sauce recipe

How to cook:

  1. Potatoes are cut into cubes and fried. Assorted mushrooms are fried separately from potatoes, onions and carrots.
  2. Take a ripe pumpkin. It will be both an ingredient and a utensil. The top part with the tail is cut off from the fruit. The pulp is cleaned out, leaving the thickness of the “pan” at least 1 cm. Seeds and coarse fibers are not needed, they can be thrown away (or the seeds can be sent to dry).
  3. The edible pulp is crushed into cubes. Bell peppers are also cut into cubes. When all the ingredients are ready, they are mixed and sent to the pumpkin “pot”, having previously been salted and seasoned.
  4. The top of the mold is sealed with a rolled out sheet of dough. Lubricate the top with oil and make several holes with a fork so that the contents of the pumpkin “breathe.” Cook the stew for 50 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. The dish must be served directly in the pumpkin. The pastry crust will replace the bread.

Fundamentally! “Royal” stew with potatoes and mushrooms can be served in one large or several small pumpkins. You can experiment with melons and replace pumpkin with zucchini.

How to create an unusual dish

Potatoes with mushrooms baked in a pot are naturally not a dish for every day, especially during a diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) . If you receive such a portion of carbohydrates every day, weight loss will turn into gain.

Potatoes with mushrooms are, rather, a permissible liberty for contrast, when you want to enjoy yourself, but you are not allowed to go beyond the limits. A few tips that will make this treat even more gastronomically exciting:

  1. Potatoes and mushrooms mix well with garlic. You can add whole cloves or crushed ones. In the summer, you can also add garlic arrows, juicy and spicy.
  2. If you want to create a juicier dish, coat it with lean mayonnaise, but without fanaticism.
  3. Instead of new mushrooms, dried ones are suitable. Before using them in cooking, the mushrooms are soaked for at least 12 hours and painstakingly washed.
  4. The list of vegetables is not limited to recipes. You can add any fruit depending on your tastes and season.
  5. You can serve the dish either in one large pot or in small portions.


Potatoes with mushrooms in the oven are a good option for a hearty and healthy second course. It is universal, equally suitable for both children and sensitive adults. The recipe is as simple and economical as possible, however, it can feed both a huge family and a lot of guests. Everyone will be happy.

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Potatoes with mushrooms in pots: the best recipes with photos

Potatoes with mushrooms in pots are a tasty, satisfying and healthy dish. In addition, when you cook in the oven by baking foods, you avoid harmful frying, because all the ingredients retain their beneficial properties. Well, your guests will be pleasantly surprised if you serve dinner in pots, so ordinary potatoes will become a true celebratory meal.

If you want to know how to prepare potatoes with mushrooms in pots, recipes can be found on our website. So, in this case we will take snow-white mushrooms and tomatoes. The result will be an indescribably delicious lunch or dinner for your family.

Recipe: potatoes with mushrooms in pots

For four servings you will need 10 potatoes, 50 g of dried boletus, one onion, one small carrot, 200 ml of tomato juice, salt to taste, vegetable oil. We will begin production with dried mushrooms, and immediately note that this is a beautiful ingredient for various dishes, you can also prepare puree soup with mushrooms with them, the best recipes will tell you how to prepare a creamy soup of the perfect mixture. So, dried fruits need to be dumped into a bowl, filled with water, and left for some time to soak. Since forest gifts will intensively absorb liquid, you need to take purified water, not from the tap. Ideally, they need to be soaked for 8-12 hours, then they will straighten out completely and more than double their size. Do not rush to pour out this liquid, because you will need it for mushroom soup and stewed vegetables.

When you have your mushrooms ready, you can start learning step by step how to cook potatoes with mushrooms in pots . Here it is necessary to note two main methods: the first involves pre-frying the vegetables, the other does not. If you fry the ingredients ahead of time, the dish will cook even faster, so if you are in a hurry, this option is for you.

Without frying, it turns out to be much healthier, and can be eaten even by those who want to quickly get enough and at the same time watch their own figure. Place a frying pan in a frying pan, pour in vegetable oil, add chopped onion to fry. Peel the carrots, grate them on a large grater, add them to the pan, stir and reduce the heat. When the vegetables are soft, you can add mushrooms. Salt and fry. This will be the base; the potatoes themselves do not need to be fried, they need to be peeled and cut into cubes. In a large bowl, mix potatoes with fried vegetables and mushrooms. Place the mixture in prepared clay baking containers, pour tomato juice on top, or you can take tomato paste previously diluted with water.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place the pots and cook for about 40 minutes until the potatoes are fully cooked. If you didn’t fry the vegetables before, but put them in their raw form, then the dish will take about an hour to prepare.

If you understand how to preserve cucumbers, popular recipes will reveal all the intricacies of the process for you, then you can serve crispy cucumbers with potatoes, which children especially love to eat.

Potatoes with mushrooms in pots

You already understand how to cook chicken with mushrooms; you can add a step-by-step recipe with photos to your own taste, for example, take potatoes and choose cooking in pots. You need to take half a kilo of chicken breast, eight potatoes, two medium onions, 300 g of new champignons, 40 g of mayonnaise, 50 g of hard cheese.

Read also:  Fried potatoes with pork recipe

Potatoes with mushrooms in pots quickly have the highest calorie content, 450 kcal, so it is better to eat it before 2 o’clock in the afternoon, so that all the energy has time to be used up during the day.

Peel the onion and cut it into half rings. Cut the champignons crosswise, you can take any mushrooms to your own taste, but champignons are the easiest to buy, because they are sold in any store and markets, but forest gifts purchased by hand can be unsafe, so take only a proven product.

Heat oil in a frying pan, add onion, fry for a couple of minutes, then add mushrooms.

Now you need to take the pots, lay out the chopped breast, add salt and pepper, and you can season it to your own taste if you wish. Next lay out the potato cubes. Top with fried vegetables. You can put a little mayonnaise on the vegetables and sprinkle with grated cheese. Pour a little water into any pot, it could be broth or water. Place them in the oven at 200 degrees and cook for half an hour.

There is another recipe: potatoes with mushrooms in pots can be cooked with pork or lamb. So, if you decide to take pork, then the production design changes somewhat.

As usual, we fry the onion, but then we add meat cut into pieces; the pieces should not be very small, about 3 by 3 cm, so that they come out juicy after cooking. The meat needs to be fried for about 10 minutes.

The champignons are fried in a separate pan. We will also fry the potato slices until they are browned. First you need to put the potatoes in the pot, drain a few tablespoons of water, then add the meat and onions, mushrooms on top and a spoonful of mayonnaise or sour cream.

Cook at 170 degrees for 1 hour. Now you understand how quickly potatoes with mushrooms are prepared in pots, our recipe photo will be your main guide.

Potatoes baked in pots with wild mushrooms and vegetables


Let's cook potatoes with mushrooms in pots . At first glance, an ordinary and ordinary dish, you say. To some extent I agree with you. Yes, the most common products that everyone has in their kitchen. But I suggest baking the potatoes in the oven with wild mushrooms in pots, which we fill with sour cream sauce with herbs and garlic. I like to serve zucchini pancakes with this sauce.

All this deliciousness will be baked under a crust of cheese and unsalted cheese. Sounds intriguing? It looks appetizing and very tasty!


  • potatoes – 1 kg.,
  • pickled forest mushrooms – 300 gr.,
  • one big onion
  • carrots – 1 pc.,
  • rast. oil – 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • salt - to taste,
  • garlic – 4 cloves,
  • chopped dill greens - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • sour cream – 150 ml.,
  • milk – 100 ml.,
  • a piece of cheese or unsalted cheese (porridge) – 150 gr.

How to cook:

There's nothing complicated about it. The manufacturing process is the same as for roast in pots.

Peel the potatoes, wash well and cut into small slices (squares). To prepare potatoes with mushrooms in pots, I took pickled wild mushrooms, instead of which you can safely put the freshest champignon mushrooms available to everyone.

Both fresh and pickled mushrooms must be fried for a while. oil But first, let’s take one huge peeled onion and chop it finely. Then we’ll send it to a hot frying pan with a little heat. butter and lightly brown. Next I added diced carrots.

By the way, you don’t have to put carrots in there. But I quite like the presence of that orange color in the dish.

While the vegetables are sautéing, place the marinated mushrooms in a colander and let all the brine drain. If they are huge, cut them to the size you want and place them in the pan with the vegetables. Add salt and pepper to taste. Fry everything together for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly. After that, remove the pan from the heat and you can start {filling} the pots with vegetables.

In clean, dry pots, place the first layer of chopped potatoes, 1/3 of the total volume, and add lightly salt. Then add 1-2 tablespoons of fried mushrooms with vegetables.

Next again, potatoes, salt and the remaining mushrooms, up to the shoulders of the pots.

As you know, mushrooms mix well with garlic, because where there are mushrooms, I always add garlic. It must be peeled and passed through a garlic press or chopped finely. Pour sour cream into a small bowl and combine with chopped garlic. Salt and add finely chopped dill: fresh or dry, there is no difference. Mix everything well. The mass comes out quite thick, so you can dilute it with sour cream, or boiled water or milk. And pour the resulting consistency into our pots of potatoes and mushrooms.

Now, either by tradition or by preference, pots of potatoes must be filled with the outermost layer - grated cheese. I added cheese to two pots, and grated unsalted cheese to the other two. We call it porridge.

the pots with potatoes and mushrooms with lids and place in a preheated oven for 1 hour and 20-30 minutes. The readiness of the dish depends on the potatoes. If it is soft, it means it’s ready. At the end of production, such a beautiful golden brown crust has formed in any pot.

Baked potatoes with mushrooms in pots Now you can transfer it to plates, sprinkle with the freshest parsley and serve.

Potatoes with chicken and mushrooms in pots

Sunday, November 5, 2017

And again we have a usual and tasty dish - we prepare fragrant, tender and juicy potatoes with mushrooms and chicken. Thanks to preparatory frying of goods, as well as baking them in pots in the oven, vegetables and mushrooms are especially aromatic and tasty. Try it, you won't regret it!

Despite the long list of required ingredients, they are all simple and accessible. It is best to use forest mushrooms (in my version they are already boiled and frozen), but in the absence of them, champignons or oyster mushrooms are also completely suitable (although the taste and smell will certainly suffer). Adjust the amount of salt and ground pepper to your own taste - the same as garlic and herbs.

Read also:  Pink salmon head soup recipe

You may be asking why it is necessary to fry vegetables and mushrooms if they are going to cook in the oven for quite a long time. So it is, but the difference is just big. We do not fry the products until they are fully cooked, but only achieve a light golden brown crust within a matter of minutes: thanks to this, all the taste and smell are not only preserved inside the product, but are also enhanced.


Making a dish step by step:

To make this ordinary, tasty and satisfying dish, we will need the following ingredients: potatoes, chicken fillet, boiled wild mushrooms, carrots, onions, refined vegetable (I use sunflower) oil, fresh herbs (I take dill and parsley), also seasoning for potatoes, salt, ground dark pepper. In addition, in this recipe I used a large clove of fresh garlic and a little butter, which I simply forgot to photograph.

Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces of random shape (to make it comfortable to eat). In this case, I took two medium legs and trimmed the meat - it turned out to be just 350 grams of fillet. You can cook chicken broth on the bones (there is still a decent amount of meat left there).

Pour some of the vegetable oil without aroma into a wide and deep frying pan, heat it up and fry the chicken fillet over the highest heat until golden brown - 2-3 minutes is enough. We do not need to completely fry the meat, but only seal it so that the meat juice remains inside. To prevent the meat (or, more precisely, the oil) from splashing when frying, it is important to dry it well before heat treatment (for example, with cardboard napkins).

Using a slotted spoon, remove the fried pieces of chicken fillet and transfer them to a separate bowl. Place boiled wild mushrooms in hot oil (before hot oil, it is important to squeeze them thoroughly, otherwise the mushrooms will not be fried, but stewed). Don't forget to stir so it doesn't burn.

In the process, we clean and cut large carrots and onions into small cubes. Naturally, you can grate the carrots on a large grater, but in the form of small pieces, I personally find it much tastier, so decide for yourself what you like best.

In 8-10 minutes the mushrooms had time to fry - they were golden, and some even had a slight crunch. We also remove the mushrooms with a slotted spoon and transfer them to the chicken fillet.

Place the chopped vegetables on the mushroom space, turn the heat to medium and cook, stirring, until soft, pleasantly fragrant and lightly golden.

While the onions and carrots are frying, peel and cut the potatoes into small pieces (weight indicated in unpeeled form). I prefer to cut the potatoes quite large - the size of an apricot.

Now the onions and carrots smell pleasantly like fried vegetables - it’s time to remove them using the same slotted spoon (a large spoon with holes - for those who don’t understand), transferring them to a bowl with chicken and mushrooms.

Add more vegetable oil, let it warm up properly and place the potato pieces in the frying pan. Fry them over high heat until a light golden crust appears. There is no need to stir the potatoes so as not to start falling apart - just carefully turn the pieces over 1-2 times.

All that remains is to rinse and finely chop the freshest greens. I use parsley and dill, but you can add whatever you like best. We clean and chop a large clove (or several small ones) (you can use a knife, a grater, or through a press).

The potato slices were fried - it’s not very clear in the photo that a light crust had formed and there was already a smell of fried potatoes.

Transfer the fried potatoes to other foods. We no longer need the vegetable oil that remains in the pan - pour it out.

Season with chopped herbs, garlic, salt and pepper. In addition, I really like ready-made seasoning for potatoes - a tablespoon of it will come in handy.

Mix everything so that the products are moderately coated with flavoring additives.

We take the pots and put cooked vegetables and mushrooms in them. For this quantity of goods I needed 2 pots of 600 ml and 1 pot of 500 ml.

We put a small piece of butter in each - you don’t have to add it, but thanks to this ingredient, potatoes with mushrooms and chicken will turn out even tastier and more aromatic. Pour water into the pots (cool or hot - it doesn’t matter so much) - I needed 400 ml for all three. You don’t need a lot of water, we’re not preparing soup - as soon as you see liquid through the vegetables, don’t add more.

Cover the pots with lids and place on the middle level in the oven. Cook at 180 degrees until the potatoes become soft. For example, if you place the pots in an oven already preheated to 180 degrees, the cooking time will be about 1 hour. When the dishes are placed in a cool oven, the time increases by 20-30 minutes. Constantly focus on the readiness of the potatoes, because there are different varieties (I have Scrub according to tradition). About 10 minutes before the end of cooking, I remove the lids so that the contents brown, but this is not an inevitable moment.

Fragrant, rosy, juicy, soft and so delicious potatoes with mushrooms and chicken, cooked in pots in the oven - this is one of the most delicious second courses that can be created from ordinary and affordable goods. By the way, 1 such pot is completely enough for two.

We serve our pots hot, accompanied by fresh vegetables and herbs. Natasha, thank you very much for this delicious order. Cook for your health, friends, and bon appetit!

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