Master class with photos on dyeing eggs for Easter “Mosaic”

Master class with photos on dyeing eggs for Easter “Mosaic”

Now Kastryulkina. Ru gives you a unique and harmless method of coloring eggs for Easter - using onion peels and brilliant green.

The surface of such eggs becomes very artistic and beautiful - a turquoise-green background and splashes of reddish-brown. So that everything works out for you, we have built descriptions of the process in the form of a master class with step-by-step photos.

Master class on coloring Easter eggs:

To obtain Mosaic Easter eggs, we use onion peels that have been tested for centuries.

Also useful:

  • gauze;
  • scissors;
  • threads (I used knitting yarn);
  • brilliant green - 10 ml bottle;
  • saucepan;
  • salt;
  • water;
  • vegetable oil.

Coloring process with step-by-step photos:

Step 1. Finely chop the onion peel or tear it with your hands, you can grind it with a blender.

Step 2. Roll a raw egg moistened with water over the husk.

Step 3. Cut a piece of gauze larger than an egg and sprinkle some chopped husk on it.

Step 4. Place the egg and add more pieces of husk.

Step 5. We tie gauze knots tightly, trying to distribute the husks moderately.

Step 6. Pour water into the pan, add a spoonful of salt and lower the knots with eggs.

Step 7. Pour the brilliant green (at the rate of 1 bottle per liter of water).

Step 8. Cook for 7 minutes from the moment of boiling.

Step 9. Wash the eggs in the nodules with cool water and remove the gauze and husks.

Step 10. Wipe the eggs dry and rub the surface with a drop of vegetable oil.

“Mosaic” eggs purchased using this method turn out to be different and colorful. You can also use this method for coloring Easter eggs along with children of senior preschool and primary school age.

If any child ties an egg with a thread of his own color, then later they can compare the result with each other and see what different and beautiful eggs each one came out with for Easter.

In addition, some eggs can be colored simply in a decoction of the husks, and if there is a poplar tree near your house, cut small branches, add cool water and boil the eggs with them. The color of the shell will be greenish-olive (as in the photo).

And of course, all three of these methods of painting eggs are completely harmless to health.

A master class on coloring eggs for Easter was provided by Natalya Salmina.


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Master class with photos on dyeing eggs for Easter “Mosaic”

Saturday, April 04, 2015 13:05 + to quote book

Now we are giving you a unique and harmless method of coloring eggs for Easter - using onion peels and brilliant green.

The surface of such eggs becomes very artistic and beautiful - a turquoise-green background and splashes of reddish-brown. So that everything works out for you, we have built descriptions of the process in the form of a master class with step-by-step photos.

To obtain Mosaic Easter eggs, we use onion peels that have been tested for centuries.

Also useful:

threads (I used knitting yarn);
brilliant green - 10 ml bottle;
vegetable oil.

Coloring process with step-by-step photos:

Step 1. Finely chop the onion peel or tear it with your hands, you can grind it with a blender.

Step 2. Roll a raw egg moistened with water over the husk.

Step 3. Cut a piece of gauze larger than an egg and sprinkle some chopped husk on it.

Step 4. Place the egg and add more pieces of husk.

Step 5. We tie gauze knots tightly, trying to distribute the husks moderately.

Step 6. Pour water into the pan, add a spoonful of salt and lower the knots with eggs.

Step 7. Pour the brilliant green (at the rate of 1 bottle per liter of water).

Step 8. Cook for 7 minutes from the moment of boiling.

Step 9. Wash the eggs in the nodules with cool water and remove the gauze and husks.

Step 10. Wipe the eggs dry and rub the surface with a drop of vegetable oil.

“Mosaic” eggs purchased using this method turn out to be different and colorful. You can also use this method for coloring Easter eggs along with children of senior preschool and primary school age.

If any child ties an egg with a thread of his own color, then later they can compare the result with each other and see what different and beautiful eggs each one came out with for Easter.

In addition, some eggs can be colored simply in a decoction of the husks, and if there is a poplar tree near your house, cut small branches, add cool water and boil the eggs with them. The color of the shell will be greenish-olive (as in the photo).

And of course, all these methods of painting eggs are not at all hazardous to health.

Categories: Cooking/Holidays

Tags: cooking holidays Easter painting eggs

Cited 4 times
Liked by: 6 users

DIY “mosaic” Easter eggs: 3 master classes + 30 thoughts + 2 videos

Looking for a unique yet economical way to decorate eggs for Easter? We invite you to create something that you had never even imagined before - eggs with a mosaic effect.

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Despite the sonorous title, mosaics do not necessarily have to be made of a special material. It can even be made from something that you didn’t consider decor - for example, from multi-colored shards. In the case of testicles, this means that the role of decoration will be played unrivaled by the eggshell. Just imagine: you will get a unique Easter decor without spending a penny!

In this gallery you will see:

  • 3 detailed master classes on how to decorate Easter eggs with a mosaic effect (material: eggshell);
  • 18 ideas for mosaic decoration of eggs using other materials.
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Fundamental note: this idea was created for the decoration of inedible eggs - for example, an empty shell. In addition to difficulties in cleaning, decorating with mosaics involves the introduction of glue, which will make the contents unsuitable for food. But this also has advantages - you don’t have to break this beauty, and decorative eggs can be saved until the next holiday.

Here's how these “mosaic” Easter eggs might look:

And now about how to create them with your own hands.

Basic control

So, first, blow out the testicle (the easiest way to create this is using a syringe). Now that you have an empty shell (or several), you can move on to the next point.

Creating a mosaic is even easier: take egg peels or break one of the empty shells. Then paint them in different colors with watercolors - voila, the decoration is ready!

The most important thing remains: to cover the egg with a mosaic. To create this, use a glue gun, then gently press the shells. In fact, you can limit yourself to this, but if you want something more exciting, here are a few thoughts.

Easy method: color sketch or color base

Master class No. 1

Before applying glue, cover the egg with a layer of paint. The best option is contrast: for example, a blue base and a snow-white mosaic. Doesn't it look like melting ice?

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Variation on the previous method: different patterns.

The basic option involves completely covering the egg with mosaic, but you’re not looking for the usual ways, are you? Try laying out different patterns with the shells, and then collecting several designs on one dish. They may not be edible, but they look very festive.

Creative Method: Gradients

Who said that it is necessary to limit yourself to only one color? If you have already mastered ordinary mosaic, it’s time to “upgrade” it. Paint the shells in different colors to create a beautiful transition, and then cover the egg with them. Naturally, this takes time, but the end result is worth it.

Here are just a few thoughts on what you can create from eggs using only shells and paints. Be inspired, and let your festive table be not only appetizing, but also beautiful!

“Easter eggs” – eggshell mosaic

Easter is a holiday of peace and goodness, on this excellent holiday we would like to congratulate our family and friends, a gift made by ourselves will help us with this.
You can create the Easter mosaic yourself or involve your children in this entertaining process. So let's get started. For the master class we will need:
– eggshells;
– acrylic paints or egg paint;
– snow-white and gold outline;
- PVA glue;
– cardboard.
1. Clean the raw eggshell from the snow-white film, then wash the shell in a soda solution.

2. Paint the prepared eggshells with acrylic paints or special dyes for eggs. For this master class, we will need shells of yellowish, pink, blue, greenish, purple and gold colors.

3. Prime the cardboard sheet with a special primer or snow-white acrylic paint. We make a sketch, while not pressing too hard on the pencil, so that we can simply erase unnecessary stripes.

4. When the sketch is smooth, you can confidently draw the contours by pressing on the pencil. Let's draw the eggs in detail and apply a pattern on them in the form of zigzags and stripes.

5. Chop pink eggshells into small pieces.

6. On the part of the drawing where the pink color will be, using PVA glue, we begin to lay out the pink shells in a random order, but close to each other.

7. The next step is to lay out the yellowish shells.

8. Then the blue shell.

9. Using a greenish shell, we finish laying out the mosaic on the eggs.

10. Now let’s start laying out the stand for the egg with a lilac-colored shell, while in the central part we lay out a rose with a golden-colored shell.

11. The final step will be to draw a snow-white outline of the transition of colors.

12. If desired, place dots on some stripes using a gold-colored outline.

13. This composition can be thrown on a sheet of cardboard by drawing the background in a greenish color, or it can be cut out. Our Easter mosaic is ready, it can be used as a greeting card or as a separate composition. We want creative success!

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