Tomato puree soup: a simple and delicious step-by-step recipe for making

Tomato puree soup: a simple and delicious step-by-step recipe for making

Greetings, dear readers! It turns out that you can make a cream soup from tomatoes - almost the same as from broccoli with mushrooms. I discovered this dish quite recently and its distinctive taste amazed my taste sensors. Therefore, now we will prepare tomato puree soup according to the traditional recipe. It comes out delicious and is easy to prepare!

The traditional recipe for making tomato cream soup uses only tomatoes, onions, garlic, basil and spices.

But there are at least fifty different versions of this dish. It is prepared with cream, with various spices, with the addition of celery, carrots and other vegetables, in water, in meat broth, in vegetable broth. It is also served hot, for example, in Turkish cream soup, or cool, as in the Spanish version of the dish, which is called gazpacho.

We will start with the classics and create a puree soup from fresh tomatoes. Let me remind you that we have already written about other types of puree soup - read on.


Step-by-step recipe with photos

Video recipe

The benefits of tomato puree soup

  1. Strengthens the cardiovascular system, prevents the thickening of platelets in the blood (the internal environment of the human and animal body) .
  2. Increases immunity.
  3. Prevents premature aging.
  4. Contains huge amounts of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent cancer.
  5. It has low calorie content, but reduces the feeling of hunger.
  6. Being a natural antidepressant, it strengthens the nervous system and improves mood.

Other options

  • With herbs

If you cook a dish with herbs such as oregano and thyme, you will feel the real smell of Italy. Fry them with onions and garlic and then simmer with tomatoes. The soup will be deliciously aromatic. And for decoration, use a sprig of fresh basil.

You can add other vegetables to the soup, but only so that the tomatoes predominate and the other vegetables complement the taste of the soup and do not interrupt it. Celery, carrots, and zucchini are great. All vegetables are fried in advance, and then stewed together with tomatoes and chopped in a blender. Serve the dish with sour cream and herbs.

Cream soup made from canned beans and tomatoes will be ready in 20 minutes. Beans will make it filling and nutritious. Set aside the third part of the beans, and simmer the rest together with the vegetables and then grind the soup with a blender. Place the reserved beans directly on a plate before serving. You can also serve this dish with pieces of bacon fried until crispy.

One pod of chili pepper will give the dish a special spice. But if you don’t really like it spicy, then take half or a quarter of the pepper. Be sure to use gloves when cutting chili peppers. Or carefully wash your hands after contact with it. This will help avoid burning on the skin. There is no need to fry the pepper itself. Add it when you start blending the soup.

  • With meatballs

If you can’t imagine eating without meat, then prepare creamy tomato soup with meatballs. Any minced meat will do: chicken, pork, beef or mixed. While the tomatoes are stewing under the lid, add spices and a chicken egg to the minced meat. Mix the minced meat thoroughly and form small meat balls. After you have pureed the soup, add the meatballs and cook for another 15 minutes. Serve with fresh herbs.

Useful tips

  1. Choose only ripe, fleshy tomatoes. This is how the vegetable grows in natural conditions, but the fruits grown in a greenhouse are not juicy enough. Therefore, instead of fresh, you can take tomatoes in your own juice.
  2. To make cream soup, tomatoes can not only be stewed, but also baked. I cut them into 4 pieces, place them on a baking sheet in 1 layer, drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar and put them in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes.
  3. Serve hot puree soup immediately after preparation. When reheated, most of the necessary substances will be destroyed and the taste will become less noticeable and pronounced.
  4. To neutralize the acidity of tomatoes, add sugar to the soup. I usually put 1 tbsp. l. per 1 kg. tomatoes. Be guided by your own taste.
  5. The puree soup will be the most satisfying if you cook it in meat broth. My favorite version of the dish is cooked in chicken broth.
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Now you understand how to prepare tomato cream soup. The recipe is simple, and you will certainly succeed, and useful tips and suggested dish options will help you create your own unique culinary masterpiece.

By the way, tell us in the comments how you prepared the soup - according to a traditional recipe or did you add your own configurations?

Tomato soup

Tomato soup with cheese crust

I would like to offer you a recipe for a frisky, tasty soup. I've been preparing it for many years. And, despite this, they sweep it away very quickly.

Tomato soup with lentils and meatballs

This is a very comforting, warming, flavorful soup that is perfect for cooler days. The combination of lentils, tomatoes and meat is very harmonious, soy sauce adds a fascinating deep taste, and thyme imparts an indescribable smell. The soup is prepared quite quickly, as it does not require long cooking of the broth. But with all this it turns out to be very rich and satisfying. My family appreciated the soup, I hope you will like it too.

Turkish tomato puree soup

Finally, spring has come. The colorful warm sun is shining outside. And after the winter rich and rich soups, I wanted some light, vegetable soup. This is the tomato puree soup we just ate with great pleasure. )))

Thick tomato soup with white beans

I offer a recipe for a fragrant dish - vegetable tomato soup. This is a very tasty and satisfying soup based on stewed tomatoes and celery with the addition of snow white beans. A piece of marinated feta will help create a unique flavor bouquet. Delicious, healthy, nutritious! The production time is indicated without taking into account the production of beans. I thank Eduard Nasyrov for the idea and inspiration.

Tomato soup from Madame Maigret

Do you like detective stories? More precisely, do you love detective stories as much as I love them? I just love them! Especially at the moment, when it's pouring rain outside, it's nice to spend the weekend cuddling with your beloved detective. - What do we have for lunch? - asks the husband. “. “What are we having for lunch now?” he called, sitting down on the box. -Tomato soup. -Unsurpassed!” (“Maigret” by J. Simenon). This soup was also rated “unsurpassed” by my family. Do you think it's easy? It doesn't seem like that. more than 2 hours of time.

Tomato soup with lentils

Low-calorie and satisfying soup. 100 g contains 41 kcal (my approximate value). If you count kcal, you need to count your prepared dish. Production time is given without taking into account soaking of lentils.

Frisky Chinese tomato soup with egg

Chinese tomato soup with eggs - “fansedan tan” - is prepared, one might say, instantly. Consists of a minimum of simple and affordable ingredients. It has a rich tomato taste and a spicy ginger smell. It nourishes and warms wonderfully, and is especially good for cool winter days in our latitudes.

Spicy tomato soup with beans

Tasty, moderately spicy and satisfying! The brightness of the taste senses is guaranteed.

Tomato soup with mushrooms and minced meat

Now I would like to offer you to prepare a rich and very comfortable soup. He approaches the word in an inadmissible way for the autumn time. Catchy and satisfying, it will certainly warm you up on those first cool days. Soy sauce behaves amazingly in soups; it brings the desired saltiness, as well as an incomparable zest in taste. The recipe was borrowed from Tatyana Nazaruk.

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Tomato soup with meatballs and chickpeas

A pleasant, warming soup, just right for winter. Nothing complicated, everything is as simple as possible. Come in.

Tomato soup . Tomatoes are not only a source of antioxidants and part of the diet, but they also taste amazing and lift your spirits. Following such a “diet” is a pleasure. There could be tomatoes in the refrigerator!

In the summer, which pampers us with the freshest tomatoes with a wonderful taste, vegetables are mainly used for salads. Almost everyone forgets or simply does not know that tomatoes are used to make fragrant soups with appropriate acidity, which can be found in abundance in Mediterranean and Oriental cuisine. For example, in the Middle East it is a very rare dish without tomatoes - either the first or the second. This is partly explained by the fact that, for example, in Egypt, tomatoes grow all year round, which means that tomato soups can be prepared at any time. And who is not familiar with ordinary Spanish gazpacho?

Therefore, in the summer, do not miss the opportunity to amuse your family with tomato soup made from fresh tomatoes. In general, where did ours not disappear during the winter? For tomato soup, you can use canned tomatoes (it’s not in vain that we close the jars all summer).

Tomatoes, as you know, cook very quickly, and therefore the soup can be prepared in just half an hour.

A hearty tomato soup comes with beans, for example, in beef broth. Don't forget the onions and chili peppers!

Tomato soup can be cooked with meat broth, or you can do without it. You can prepare cool tomato soup with fish (both fresh and smoked are suitable - for example, ordinary herring). By the way, almost all tomato soups can be served either cool or hot.

Tomato soup can be prepared from a variety of ingredients without fear of tests. The one thing you can’t get a fragrant tomato soup without is herbs. In summer, use the freshest, in winter - dried.

Tomato soup made from fresh tomatoes

At the end of summer, when the freshest and most delicious tomato is at its peak, it’s time to prepare a fragrant tomato soup. The dish is versatile, it can be eaten both hot and cold, or served as a sauce for spaghetti. In any case, this soup literally won’t get boring in the refrigerator.


Tomatoes 1.5 kg.
Bulb onions 2 pcs.
chicken broth 400 ml.
Garlic 3 cloves
Bay leaf 1 PC.
Soy sauce 3 tbsp.
Sweet paprika ½ tbsp.
Butter 100 gr.
Thyme (fresh or dried) taste
Basil 1 bunch
Parsley 1 bunch

How to make “Tomato soup” from fresh tomatoes

Finely chop the onion and place it in the pan in which the tomato soup will be cooked. Fry it until golden brown in a small amount of vegetable oil.

Cut the tomatoes in half and grate them into a separate bowl. We will not use the remaining skins.

Another way to peel tomatoes is by immersing them in boiling water for a short amount of time, having previously made small cuts at the base.

Let's put our grated hero in a saucepan with onions, add thyme, basil, 3 tablespoons of soy sauce. Let the contents boil and leave to cook over moderate heat for 20 minutes. At the end of the stated time, add the bay leaf.

If you are using fresh thyme, tie a bunch before sending it out to cook. This way you won’t have to fish it out all over the pan.

Pour in chicken broth and place finely chopped garlic, half a tablespoon of paprika and a piece of butter. Add ground pepper, salt and sugar to taste. Bring everything to a boil and leave on the stove for another 2-3 minutes. This completes the production of tomato soup from fresh tomatoes. Pour the soup into bowls and garnish with fresh parsley and basil. Bon appetit.

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Tomato puree soup: traditional recipe

Traditional tomato soup is a recipe originally from Italy.

In the summer, Italian tomato soup is best prepared from ripe tomatoes - fresh, just picked from the garden, filled with warmth and sun; they taste and smell completely different from those from the greenhouse. In the cool season, you can use tomatoes in your own juice (the Italians call them “pelati”; you can prepare a couple of jars for the winter with your own hands - see the recipe).

The composition of tomato soup is very ascetic. In addition to the main ingredient, you will only need onions and garlic, a little olive oil for frying and, of course, basil. I advise you to cook it with the freshest greenish basil, it will give a magical smell. If you don’t have it, then dried will do, but then it would be great to let the soup brew for the smell to fully develop.

Advice! It is more convenient to prepare soup in a saucepan - you can cook it in it and then puree the tomatoes using an immersion blender.


  • ripe reddish tomatoes – 500 g
  • fresh basil – 2 sprigs
  • dried oregano – 1 chip.
  • onions – 1/2 pcs. (50 g)
  • garlic - 3 teeth.
  • chicken broth or water – 150-200 ml
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt - to taste
  • sugar – 1-2 chips.


Wash the tomatoes, remove the stems and cut the skin crosswise. Pour boiling water over it, after a few minutes drain the water and remove the skin.

Cut the tomatoes randomly, you can use large pieces, because later they will still be chopped in a blender.

Peel the onion and cut into cubes. Heat olive oil in a saucepan and saute the onion.

When it becomes soft, add garlic - crush a few cloves with the flat side of a knife blade and chop coarsely. Fry briefly until fragrant.

Coarsely chop a couple of basil sprigs with a knife. Throw into a saucepan and heat everything together for a few seconds.

Next add tomatoes. Fry uncovered, stirring, for 10 minutes.

Add a pinch of dried oregano, as well as salt and sugar, to balance the tomato sourness - here you need to focus only on your taste, because tomatoes come in different degrees of ripeness, they can be very sour or sweetish.

Pour in broth or water - just a little, look at the mixture (some tomatoes are the most fleshy, others, on the contrary, are very liquid). If you cook with broth, you should cook it in advance from the chicken over low heat for 2-3 hours so that the broth comes out clear and rich.

Cover with a lid and simmer for another 10 minutes. Adjust for salt. Let cool slightly and blend with an immersion blender to obtain a homogeneous puree.

Before serving, drizzle with a little olive oil and garnish with basil leaves. You can complement the tomato puree soup with toasted snow-white toast with cheese, for example, mozzarella. Bon appetit!

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