Savoiardi cookies: traditional recipe

Savoiardi cookies: traditional recipe

Savoiardi cookies, which are also known as “lady fingers”, are very soft and tender, perfectly absorb syrups and jams, and therefore are used as a base for almost all desserts. Savoiardi sponge cookies can be prepared using a traditional recipe, or you can get a little creative and create it unusual, unlike the others.

Savoyardi was invented back in the 15th century in Italy, at the court of the Savoy barons. The cook invented the recipe on the occasion of the arrival of the King of France in the County of Savoy. The cookies were so loved by guests and dukes that they soon received the status of an “official” dessert.

Dessert cannot be called something extraordinary and mind-blowing. No, on the contrary, it captivates with its simplicity and perfect taste, amazingly accentuating the taste of the cream and impregnation. That is why savoiardi is used as a base for making tiramisu, ice cream cakes, and Russian-style charlotte.

Savoiardi can be purchased at the store, but it is quite easy to make the cookies at home. The base of “lady fingers” is biscuit dough, which any housewife is very familiar with.


Savoiardi, prepared according to a traditional recipe, is a true work of art. Drinking tea with cookies is a great pleasure, because they do not crumble or crumble. Even children who have not acquired a full set of teeth can enjoy the dessert.

Just dip the “lady fingers” in milk for a few seconds and they will become soft, without losing their airiness. It is important that homemade cookies do not contain flavorings or synthetic preservatives or flavor enhancers; you can be 100 percent confident in their quality.

Ingredients needed for making:

  • Wheat flour – 200 gr.;
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • Sweet powder – 80 gr.;
  • Sweet sand – 200 gr.


Manufacturing sequence:

  1. First you need to separate the whites from the yolks. This must be done very carefully so that not a drop of yolk gets into the bowl with the whites.
  2. Add half of the sweet sand to the bowl with the yolks. Beat the mixture with a whisk or mixer until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Send the second half of the sweet sand into the mask with the egg whites. Beat with a mixer with clean whisks until a fluffy and stable foam forms. In order for the whites to beat better, they need to be kept in the refrigerator before, while beating the yolks.
  4. It's time to mix the whites with the yolks. You need to do this carefully, evenly pouring the yolks into the whites and stirring with a whisk. The egg mass must retain its airiness and size as much as possible.
  5. After the whites are mixed with the yolks, add wheat flour. Add flour in portions, first passing through a sieve.
  6. Knead into a fluffy dough, stirring with a whisk until lumps of flour are completely dissolved.
  7. The savoiardi dough is ready, now is the time to form the cookies and send them to the oven. For this, a pastry bag or a tablespoon is useful, and also a little skill. Scoop a little dough into a pastry bag and lay out cookies, approximately 8-10 cm long. After all the dough has been laid out on a baking sheet, sprinkle the “lady fingers” with sweet powder.
  8. Bake savoiardi in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

To make the cookies easier to separate from the baking sheet, it is better to cover the sheet with parchment paper, greased with oil. The dessert can be served warm, or it can be stored in a hermetically sealed jar so that the savoiardi remains soft and airy longer.

"Guests on the Doorstep"

From time to time situations arise when guests are already on their way, and apart from tea there is nothing even to put on the table. In such a situation, one of the quickest, but not the least delicious, recipes for making savoiardi cookies at home will help out. “Lady fingers” have an inimitable, tender taste and smell that will be remembered forever.

Ingredients needed for making:

  • Wheat flour – 150 gr.;
  • Sweet sand – 150 gr.;
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • Sweet powder – 100 gr.;
  • Lemon juice.

"Guests on the Doorstep"

Manufacturing sequence:

  1. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks, distributing them into different bowls. Place the whites in the refrigerator for a while.
  2. Add half of the sweet sand to the bowl with the yolks and whisk gently until the mixture is completely dissolved.
  3. Add the rest of the sweet sand and a few drops of lemon juice to the cooled whites. Beat well with a mixer at high speed. The mass should turn white and increase in volume a couple of times. Thanks to lemon juice, things will go faster, and the protein foam will be the most stable. In addition, a gentle, barely perceptible citrus smell will appear.
  4. Gently mix the whites with the yolks. To maintain airiness, it is recommended to add the yolks to the whites in several approaches, stirring the mixture until the mixture is homogeneous.
  5. Sift the wheat flour through a sieve into the eggs. Stir the dough until the flour and lumps are completely dissolved.
  6. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and grease it with butter. Using a pastry bag or a tablespoon, place oblong cookies approximately 10 cm long onto the parchment.
  7. Bake the savoiardi for 10 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.
  8. Sprinkle the finished, still hot cookies with sweet powder and return them to the switched off oven. If time is pressed, then the savoiardi can be cooled outside the oven to a convenient temperature and served.

The preparation time for the lady fingers dough is only 5 minutes; baking takes another 10 minutes. It is better to start preheating the oven in advance, during the first step of making cookies. To make savoiardi even more appetizing, you can sprinkle it not with ordinary sweet powder, but mixed with vanilla.

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"Sea of ​​Delights"

When describing recipes for making savoiardi cookies at home, one cannot fail to mention the most famous recipe based on the delicacy - tiramisu. In restaurants they serve it for a decent amount and the dessert looks simply delicious, but nothing prevents you from preparing literally the same tiramisu at home. Guests and household members will admire the served dish and will certainly ask for more.

Ingredients needed for making:

  • Savoyardi cookies – 400 gr.;
  • Cognac – 40 ml;
  • Coffee – 340 ml;
  • Chicken eggs – 6 pcs.;
  • Cream cheese – 480 gr.;
  • Sweet powder – 120 gr.;
  • Cocoa powder – 15 gr.

If desired, the dessert can be decorated with mint or lemon balm leaves.

"Sea of ​​Delights"

Dessert making sequence:

  1. The whites must be separated from the yolks by dividing them into separate dishes. First, the yolks will come in handy, so the bowl of chicken whites should be put in the refrigerator so that they cool down and working with them is easier and faster.
  2. Add sweet powder to the bowl with the yolks and beat with a whisk. The mass should lighten and increase in volume.
  3. Add all the cream cheese to the beaten yolks and mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  4. Now is the time to brew the coffee, let it steep slightly and cool down.
  5. While the coffee is brewing, you should take care of the chilled chicken whites. The whites need to be beaten with a mixer at high speed until they turn white and double in volume. The mass must be airy and stable.
  6. Mix the whipped whites with the cream cheese cream. At this step you can adjust the sweetness and add more sweet powder. It is important to combine the cream very carefully so as not to lose the airiness of the mass.
  7. Add cognac to the cooled coffee.
  8. When all the ingredients are ready, you can create the dessert. To do this, you need to take a portioned dish or a huge dish and lay out the first layer, consisting of savoiardi cookies. Soak “lady fingers” in coffee and cognac.
  9. The cookies will quickly absorb the impregnation, so there is no need to feel sorry for it. Place egg-butter cream on a layer of cookies. Place another row of savoiardi on top and repeat soaking with cream. Repeat this until the cookies are finished. Please note that the dessert should end with cream, not savoiardi.
  10. Place the tiramisu in the refrigerator for 40-60 minutes. If time permits, refrigerate the dessert for at least 2 hours.
  11. Before serving, sprinkle tiramisu with cocoa powder.

Tiramisu must consist of at least 3 levels. Under this condition, the dessert is quickly soaked in cream, but at the same time it is very satisfying. Tiramisu is a good way to end a meal.

Cookies like savoiardi do not require special equipment or special skills. It is enough to follow the recipe step by step to get a wonderful result.

How to make savoiardi cookies

Master class: preparing savoiardi cookies

Nowadays, everyone understands savoiardi biscuits, as they are an essential component of the unique tiramisu dessert. “Savoyardi” means “Savoy”, and this name is connected with the history of the first cookie recipe. One fine moment, the ruler of France came to visit Prince Amadeo of Savoy, and he was treated to an unusually delicious cookie, soft, fragrant and melting in the mouth. The king liked the treat so much that he asked for the recipe and, as a symbol of gratitude, named the dessert in honor of the province of Savoy in order to immortalize it in French culinary art. Soon the cookies became the official confectionery product of the Duchy of Savoy and the pride of all of France.

Lady fingers

These cookies are also called “lady fingers” because they have a long, elongated shape. Savoyardi perfectly absorb syrups and creams, which is why they are used to make cakes, pastries, charlottes and ice cream cakes.

It is also loved by very small children who are not yet accustomed to hard food, because if you lightly moisten the savoiardi with milk, it instantly becomes soft. This is precisely why almost all pediatricians advise using tender “lady fingers” soaked in milk for complementary feeding.

Making lady fingers is very simple. The basis of these cookies are whites whipped to a fluffy foam, which make them soft, and the cookies are sprinkled with sugar or sweet powder on top.

How to make savoiardi cookies

The principle of making savoiardi cookies is quite simple - the whites are separated from the yolks and whipped into a foam along with sugar, while sugar is added to the dough evenly. The yolks are also well ground with sugar and mixed with the whites in small portions, and later the sifted flour is carefully added to the testicles. You need to knead the dough very carefully so that the foam does not settle, because the cookies should turn out light, airy and tender. The main task of mixing the dough is to remove lumps and at the same time not allow it to fall. Step-by-step mixing helps to maintain the airiness and lightness of the dough; otherwise, the dough will be languid, and the products themselves will turn out very loose and damp.

Next, the dough is squeezed out of the pastry bag onto baking paper greased with butter or vegetable oil, in the form of strips - at a small distance from each other, because the “lady fingers” will rise and increase in volume. They should be sprinkled with a thick layer of sugar or sweet powder on top. Cookies are baked quickly - for 15 minutes at a temperature of 180–220 ° C, until golden brown. Do not open the oven door during baking, otherwise the savoiardi will sag and become very flat. Also, do not take out the biscuit sticks until the oven has cooled down, as the temperature difference can also lead to the biscuit settling. It is best to wait half an hour before taking out the fragrant pastries.

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Savoiardi cookies: traditional recipe with photos

Try making savoiardi cookies at home and you will see that it is not difficult at all!

Ingredients: eggs - 3 pcs., sugar - 150 g, flour - 150 g, sweet powder - 50 g.

Manufacturing method:

1. Separate the yolks from the whites, place the whites and yolks in various containers, which should be clean and dry.

2. Beat the yolks with 75 g of sugar to form a smooth mass with a snow-white color.

3. Literally beat the whites with 75 g of sugar in the same way - into a fluffy foam to strong peaks.

4. Carefully combine the whites and yolks, gently stirring the mixture until the texture is homogeneous.

5. Add sifted flour to the egg mixture.

6. Stir the dough very carefully using up and down movements until the mixture is homogeneous.

7. Place the mixture into a pastry bag or syringe.

8. Line a baking sheet with baking paper and grease with butter.

9. Squeeze 10–15 cm long strips out of the pastry bag.

10. Sprinkle the strips of dough with sweet powder through a strainer.

11. Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 180–200 °C, for 10–15 minutes.

12. Turn off the oven, let the liver cool, remove from the baking sheet and serve - your loved ones will enjoy trying this tasty and fragrant dessert. They will certainly like it, because you cooked with love and the desire to please them.

How to make savoiardi cookies even tastier: beat the eggs correctly

In order for the cookies to come out thick and porous, the whites must be beaten when cooled and preferably not with a whisk, but with a mixer - the foam should turn out to be quite fluffy. First, beat the whites without sugar at low mixer speed until the mass becomes large. After this, you can add sweet sand and increase the speed of rotation - this method allows you to quickly obtain a thick protein mass. The readiness of the whites is checked as follows: the container is tilted; if the whites do not flow down, then they are considered whipped.

You can add a little more yolks than indicated in the recipe - for example, instead of two yolks, take three, this will make the dough more tender and airy. During the beating process, the yolks should become lighter, thicker and larger in volume.

A few secrets of making savoiardi cookies

Some confectioners believe that sweet powder can cause the protein dough to settle, so they advise using only sweet powder. But there are other ideas as well. For example, almost all housewives combine powder with sugar and cover the surface of the cookie with half of the consistency given to us. After 10 minutes, when the sugar is absorbed, they spread the remaining sugar. They say that with a double sweet coating it turns out much tastier.

Remember that the cookies must be dry. If they come out very soft, you can dry them a little more in the oven or leave them overnight (that is, in the dark) on the table. By the way, there is also the most common method for preparing savoiardi cookies at home - simply bake a very narrow sponge cake, placing the dough in a thin layer in a mold covered with pastry paper, bake literally the same way as cookies, cool, cut into strips and dry as necessary in the oven.

You can add a little salt, whiskey, cognac or vodka to the dough; these cookies turn out to be the densest, but very tasty. Alcoholic drinks are introduced into the dough during the process of combining the yolks with whites, and dry additives such as cocoa powder, starch and citrus zest should be added to the flour before kneading the dough. Some confectioners add baking soda slaked with vinegar to the dough to raise it.

Extraordinary savoiardi cookies: a regular recipe with photos

Mix 190 g flour and ½ tsp. baking powder, and in a separate bowl combine 100 g of sugar and 70 g of butter. Add 120 ml of milk, a pinch of vanillin, flour to the egg-sugar mixture and knead into a soft dough. Place it in a pastry bag or in a plastic bag with the tip previously cut off. Press the dough onto greased baking paper placed on a baking sheet and bake the cookies for 10 minutes until they are soft and creamy.

Now you understand how to bake savoiardi cookies, which can become a favorite family dessert. Crispy and tasty biscuit sticks are baked not only for making tiramisu, they are also good on their own with tea, coffee and milk. The advantage of cookies is that they remain fresh for a long time, so you can bake them for a certain number of days and store them in a sealed container. This is the perfect low-calorie pastry for homemade tea! Noteworthy recipes for savoiardi cookies, which are easy to prepare at home, can be found on our website.

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Sweet powder – 30 g

  • 251 kcal
  • 20 minutes.
  • 20 minutes.

Photo of the finished dish

Video recipe: Savoiardi

Step-by-step recipe with photos and videos

Savoiardi biscuits are the basis of the famous Italian dessert tiramisu. In order for it to come out airy, tender and light, during production it is necessary to thoroughly beat the ingredients, and specifically the eggs. The cookies are prepared very quickly, and eaten even faster.

To prepare savoiardi cookies for tiramisu at home, take the products from the list.

Separate the yolks from the whites. It is necessary to do this carefully so that not a drop of yolk gets into the whites.

Add half a portion of sugar to the yolks and set aside for now.

At the highest speed of the mixer, start beating the egg whites. Beat them into a strong foam and pour in the remaining sugar in a narrow stream. Continue whisking until it is completely dissolved.

Beat the yolks until white. The sugar should also be one hundred percent dissolved.

Combine the whites with the yolks and carefully, slowly mix.

Add the sifted flour and mix lightly again. The dough must be homogeneous, without lumps.

Place the dough in a pastry bag or regular file, cut off a corner 10-13 mm wide and place finger-sized sticks on a baking sheet.

Sprinkle generously with sweet powder.

Bake savoiardi in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 10 minutes. The cookies should become golden.

Remove the cookies from the oven and let them cool completely, then remove them from the baking paper.

Delicate, dry and airy elongated cookies can be served with tea and coffee or with ice cream, with fruit salad, or you can prepare the most complex desserts with it.

Cooled savoiardi cookies have a crispy, narrow crust and a soft, tender center.

Blog of Maria Snow White

Savoyardi cookies

Hi all. In the end, my hands reached the newest article. And this week I will share with you a recipe for the Tiramisu dessert. Now I’ll post the recipe for cookies, because not everyone can find ready-made ones in their town, and then the delicacy itself.

Savoyardi... Such an extraordinary word, and the production itself is simple. In fact, it's the same biscuit. Only denser, with a crispy crust and a porous interior.

Are homemade cookies different from store-bought ones? Naturally!

For me, homemade tastes better, but the external appearance is not entirely accurate) It is very difficult to achieve a completely even surface. But these cookies go into dessert as a filler. They bathe significantly in coffee syrup, so their appearance is not important to us.

Of course, if you have the opportunity to purchase something ready-made, then you don’t need this article, but if there is no luck with such an ingredient for our upcoming dessert in your town, then I will help you.

Well, I think there are no more hesitations left! It's time to get started.

So, how to create Savoyardi cookies/sticks at home, recipe with photos step by step.

  1. 3 testicles
  2. 90 g flour
  3. 20 grams of corn starch (if there is no starch, then replace it with 20 grams of flour)
  4. 90 g sugar
  5. a pinch of salt
  6. sweet powder for sprinkling

First you need to carefully separate the yolk from the white. It is not allowed to allow the yolk to get into the white, otherwise it may not beat.

Whisk the yolks with half a portion of sugar until they lighten and increase in volume.

We begin to beat the whites with a pinch of salt at medium speed of the mixer, gradually increasing the speed.

Once a compacted foam appears on the surface of the whites, you can add the remaining half of the sugar. Add one spoon at a time without ceasing to beat, wait each time until the sugar dissolves, this is approximately 1-2 minutes.

The resulting meringue should be glossy and shiny. A compacted mass, so-called dense peaks, will form. If you turn the bowl over, the whites will not budge.

Add the yolks to the whites and mix with gentle movements with a spatula.

Flour and starch need to be sifted and mixed.

Sift the flour mixture into the egg mixture in parts. We also mix carefully with a spatula, trying to retain the entire volume of whipped whites.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is not permissible to interfere for a long time. Otherwise the dough will become watery. It will have to hold its shape perfectly when the sticks are deposited.

Transfer the dough into a bag. If you don’t have a pastry bag, then just put it in a tight bag. Cut off the edge.

And squeeze the sticks onto the parchment. Approximately 8-9 cm long and 2 cm wide.

Sprinkle powder on top. The cookies will increase slightly in size in the oven.

And put it in a preheated oven. Bake at 200º for the first 5 minutes, then reduce to 180º and bake for another 10-15 minutes. Baking time is personal and depends on the size of the cookies and oven power.

The finished cookies must have a narrow, crispy crust. Be soft and airy inside.

It can be stored for up to a month in an airtight container. The yield from this portion is approximately 30-35 pieces.

Here are the Savoyardi or other ladies' chopsticks I came up with.

In just 30 minutes you can quietly prepare these cookies, and every housewife has all the basic ingredients in her kitchen.

And in the next article I’ll tell you how to assemble the Tiramisu dessert itself.

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