Delicious pies with the freshest berries: individual production and recipes

Delicious pies with the freshest berries: individual production and recipes

There is a huge number of different and delicious desserts. In the winter, almost all housewives love to cook cakes and pastries, in the spring - Easter cakes and Easter cakes, in the autumn - charlotte. And in the summer, pies with the freshest berries are very popular. After all, this is not only a tasty, but also a very necessary dessert. Now we will tell you about all the intricacies of their manufacture, and also share ordinary recipes.

Pies with the freshest berries

Your family will be in great ecstasy if you prepare this tender and fragrant pastry. What berries are best for making pies? With at least some. Happy owners of gardens and vegetable gardens usually collect them themselves. But if you do not have this ability, then do not despair. In the summer, a large number of different berries are sold near large stores or local markets. What you won't find here. Strawberries, currants, gooseberries, cherries, blackberries, wild strawberries. Just the first enumeration takes your breath away. Imagine what will happen when you start making pies with these tasty and healthy berries. Your family will certainly ask for not one, but several pieces of fragrant sweetness and will appreciate your efforts.

Ingredients needed

What else could be useful for making pies with the freshest fruits and berries? We list the main products:

  • flour;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • butter;
  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • baking powder.

Because there are a huge number of options for making pies with the freshest berries, the set of ingredients, in each individual case, may change. Next, we would like to invite you to choose one of the tested and available recipes. Even a completely inexperienced housewife can cook them. After all, all that is needed for this is the right set of goods, a certain amount of free time and desire.

Easy Recipes

There are a huge number of different options for pies with the freshest berries. They can be prepared not only with different entrails, but also with different doughs. Next, we offer you several common manufacturing recipes.

Yeast pie with fresh berries. The recipe should not cause any difficulties. You can buy the dough at the store or knead it yourself. We offer you an easy recipe. Dissolve three teaspoons of yeast in half a glass of milk. Add half a glass of wheat flour. Mix everything thoroughly. Then cover it with something and put it in a warm space. Let's start preparing the filling.

Recipe for making yeast pie with fresh berries

The dough will be ready in about an hour. In the meantime, we will prepare any berries. They need to be sorted out as necessary, leaving only the mature ones. Then the berries need to be washed and thrown in a colander to drain the water. Then knead the dough, adding flour if necessary. Turn on the oven and give it time to heat up. Roll out the dough. Grease a baking sheet with margarine or butter. We put the dough on it. Pour out the berries and sprinkle them with sugar. Pinch the edges of the pie and place in a preheated oven. Production time is about 40 minutes. The pie comes out fluffy and delicious.

Shortcrust pastry pie with fresh berries. One of the easy and very tasty recipes. Almost all housewives can prepare shortbread dough. Let's remember the sequence of actions. First, let's decide on a set of products. We will need the following ingredients:

  • flour (one glass);
  • butter (half a pack);
  • sugar (half a glass);
  • sour cream (1-2 tbsp);
  • eggs (1-2 pieces);
  • baking powder (1 tsp).

We make dough from the goods listed above. Mix all the products and beat thoroughly. Add flour last. There is no need to knead the shortbread dough for a long time.

Divide the dough into two unequal parts. We roll out a huge one like a base for a pie. And we put the small one in the refrigerator. We won't need it for now. Roll out the dough and make small sides. Place it in a frying pan or a special form. Let's move on to the interior. If the berries we took for the pie give a lot of juice, then it is necessary to drain it. You can also add one or two teaspoons of starch. Why is this being done? Starch binds the berry mass and prevents it from spilling. On top of the pie with the insides we rub a piece of dough, which we put in the refrigerator. Put it in the oven. After 25 - 30 minutes, remove and check readiness. You can sprinkle some sweet powder on top. The delicious pie is ready!

Regular and tasty

Pie with the freshest berries made from puff pastry. We offer you another beautiful recipe that will take up space among your favorites. Let's not bother with making puff pastry, but buy it ready-made. For production you will need:

  • puff pastry packaging;
  • berries – 2 cups;
  • sugar – 0.5 tbsp;
  • potato starch – 2 tablespoons;
  • testicle.

Carefully roll out one piece of dough and place it on a greased baking sheet. Sprinkle the berries with sugar and starch. Cover the top with puff pastry. It is best to make small holes on it. Brush the top with egg and place in the oven. Baking time up to 25 minutes.

Jellied pie with cherries

Do you think you've learned how to make pies with different types of dough? There is also one option that will seem completely easy to you and will definitely appeal to you. We invite you to prepare a jellied pie with cherries. Don't worry if you don't have fresh berries, frozen ones will do. The list of required goods will look like this:

  • sugar - one incomplete glass;
  • butter - one tablespoon;
  • baking powder – 0.5 tsp;
  • flour – 1-2 cups;
  • drink (can be replaced with sour cream);
  • cherry – 1 glass;
  • testicle – 2 pieces.

Let's prepare the berries. Wash them, remove the seeds and let the water drain. Beat eggs with sugar. Add drink, flour, baking powder. Mix everything well. Pour the dough into a special form. Don't forget to lubricate it beforehand. Place the berries and put them in the oven. The pie bakes for 35-40 minutes.

Recipe for pie with cottage cheese and berries

This pie can be made with shortbread or jellied dough. It comes out unusually tasty and tender. We have already looked at the manufacturing recipes in the article. Add only small additions to them. Before placing the berries on the dough, place 300 grams of cottage cheese on it, which is kneaded with sugar and vanilla.

We have already talked a lot about how to make pies with the freshest berries. If desired, they can be made perfectly by almost any housewife. But, as is clear, repetition is the mother of learning. Therefore, we will again list the sequence of actions when making any pie with the freshest berries. The diagram will look something like this:

  1. Decide on the basis of what dough you will create the pie. As you can see, it can be yeast, puff, sand, or aspic.
  2. Prepare or buy ready-made dough.
  3. Take the berries, wash them well and select the spoiled ones.
  4. Grease a baking sheet or special frying pan with butter or margarine. Roll out the dough. Place it on a frying pan or baking sheet.
  5. We spread our filling. Sprinkle sugar on top.
  6. We put our dessert in a previously preheated oven.
  7. After 40-45 minutes, the tasty and fragrant delicacy is ready.

Tips for housewives

Your pie will certainly be tasty and appetizing if you take the advice of knowledgeable people.

  • For your dessert to be the most delicious, the dough must be perfectly baked and the berries juicy.
  • If you do not want the pie to become saturated with berry juice and become wet, then do not mix the berries with sugar in advance. This only needs to be done before putting it in the oven.
  • Almost all readers are interested in whether it is possible to make a pie with frozen berries? After all, many housewives freeze a huge number of new berries for the winter. They are usually used for compotes. Fortunately, frozen berries can also be used to make various pies. Currants and cherries are best suited. Before making, you need to get rid of excess water. You can put the berries in a colander and defrost.
  • To make the pie have a special taste and smell, you need to grind the sugar with orange or lemon zest.
  • For the inside, you can use not just one berry, but several at once.
  • The surface of the pie can be greased with egg before putting it in the oven. In this case, it will look the most ruddy.
  • A frisky pie with the freshest berries on yeast dough will turn out the most delicious and fluffy if you heat the milk for the dough in advance.
  • If you use sour cream in a recipe, it is best to use the fattest one.
Read also:  Vegetable stew


Pies with the freshest berries are absolutely easy to make. If you master all the intricacies of making them, your family will be in complete ecstasy. There are a huge number of recipes. You can use those given in the article or come up with your own. Pies with the freshest berries will make your home more comfortable and festive. And the aroma they spread will immediately make your mood joyful.

Pie with frozen berries: TOP 4 recipes

  • Useful tips
  • Shortcrust pastry pie
  • Shortbread pie made from curd dough
  • Sponge cake
  • Fruit jellied puff pastry pie
  • Video recipes

In winter, a delicious piece of pie with frozen berries constantly reminds you of summer. Favorite berries in shortbread, biscuit, butter, puff pastry or yeast dough - satisfaction for the whole family. This is an easy dessert that won't take much time. Baking a berry pie can be delicious even with frozen berries. This pie will serve as a delicious dessert not only for home tea. And a treat for guests who unexpectedly showed up on the doorstep.

Useful tips

  • To defrost berries or not? There are two views. If you add berries to the dough without defrosting, the pie will turn out the juiciest. But there is a risk that the juice will begin to flow out of the pie, which will require it to be cooked longer.
  • Mix the defrosted berries with starch to create a thick mass. The starch will absorb the released berry juice during baking.
  • For the inside, you can create mixes of frozen berries, combining different types and adding the freshest fruits: apples, pears, bananas, oranges, kiwis, etc.
  • The amount of sugar can be adjusted depending on preferences: increase for sweet lovers and reduce for fans of sweet and sour pies.
  • Decorate the finished fruit pie with sweet powder, cinnamon, cocoa powder, and chocolate chips. You can create entire pictures by sifting powder through a stencil for baking.
  • If you decide to defrost the berries, the next evening remove them from the freezer and place them in the upper compartment of the refrigerator so that defrosting occurs without loss of vitamin composition and structure.
  • It is not recommended to defrost berries in the microwave, because... a sharp temperature change will reduce the amount of necessary substances, the fruits will lose juice, elasticity and integrity.
  • You can defrost the berries at room temperature; this does not harm the beneficial contents, but will worsen the appearance of the fruit.

Shortcrust pastry pie

The recipe for shortbread pie with frozen berries is made very quickly and simply, and bakes in the oven in almost half an hour. The product always comes out fragrant, appetizing and healthy. For the inside, use any frozen fruit. But especially sweet and sour berries and fruits are mixed with shortbread dough: cherries, lingonberries, plums, apricots, blackberries.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 489 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 1 pie
  • Production time - 1 hour 45 minutes


  • Butter - 100 g
  • Sugar - 0.5 tbsp. into the dough, 10 tbsp. into the filling
  • Sour cream 20% - 2 tbsp.
  • Frozen lingonberries - 300 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp.
  • Frozen pitted cherries - 300 g
  • Testicles - 1 pc.

Making a shortcrust pastry pie:

  1. Place slightly melted butter in a bowl, add sugar and vanilla sugar and mash everything with a fork until smooth.
  2. Beat the egg into the mixture and mix thoroughly.
  3. Add sour cream and stir again.
  4. Add flour mixed with baking powder and use your hands to knead the mixture into a thick dough. Do not knead the shortbread dough for too long, because... it doesn't like it.
  5. Divide the finished dough into two parts, where one part should be larger (approximately 2/3 of the dough), and the other much smaller (1/3 of the dough).
  6. Roll the dough into a ball, wrap in cling film and place in the freezer for 30 minutes.
  7. Roll out a larger ball of dough into a narrow layer and place it in a baking dish, greased with oil, forming sides.
  8. Mix frozen berries with sugar and place sparingly on the dough.
  9. Grate the second piece of dough on a large grater and distribute the shavings moderately over the entire surface of the pie so that it covers the entire filling.
  10. Bake the pie in a preheated oven at 200°C for half an hour.

Shortbread pie made from curd dough

Cottage cheese pie with frozen berries in the oven - a recipe for the winter menu. The dough for baking is simple to prepare, and it doesn’t take long to cook in the oven, yet the taste is simply mind-blowing. In addition, it should be noted that the pie is very necessary, because... it contains fruits and cottage cheese in the dough and entrails.


  • Flour - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp. into the dough, 1 tbsp. for the inside
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Cool butter - 150 g for the dough, 150 g for the inside
  • Cottage cheese – 120 g
  • Cool water - 3 tbsp.
  • Frozen berries (any) - 250 g
  • Starch - 1 tsp.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Testicles - 1 pc.

Making shortbread pie from curd dough:

  1. Mix flour with sugar, salt and cottage cheese to form crumbs. Cut the cool butter into pieces.
  2. Combine the two masses and rub with your hands until the mixture looks like wet sand. Then pour in ice water and gather the dough into a ball so that there is no dry flour left.
  3. Form the dough into a ball, wrap in cling film and place in the refrigerator for one hour.
  4. For the inside, mix frozen berries with sugar and starch. Add grated lemon zest and lemon juice (1 tbsp). Combine cottage cheese at room temperature with sugar, eggs and lemon juice (1 tsp), and knead until smooth.
  5. Roll out the chilled dough and place it on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, making 2 cm sides. Place the curd mass on top, and place the berries on it.
  6. Preheat the oven to 200°C and bake the pie for 30 minutes until golden brown.
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Sponge cake

When the smell of a newly baked sponge cake with fruits or berries comes from the kitchen, it’s impossible to resist the temptation. The base of the dessert is warm, juicy and airy, with a slightly perceptible subtle scent of lemon zest and light berry sourness.


  • Testicles - 5 pcs.
  • Flour - 250 g
  • Sugar - 250 g
  • Baking powder for dough - 1 tsp.
  • Frozen pitted cherries - 250 g
  • Starch - 1 tbsp.
  • Butter - for greasing the pan

Making sponge cake:

  1. Combine the eggs with sugar and beat with a mixer into a fluffy airy mass.
  2. Combine the flour with baking powder, sift through a fine sieve to enrich it with oxygen and add to the egg mass.
  3. Using a mixer, knead the dough until smooth and homogeneous. It should be a watery mixture, like thick sour cream.
  4. Combine frozen cherries with starch and stir so that any berry is covered with it.
  5. Grease a baking dish with butter and lay out the berries in an even layer.
  6. Pour the dough over the cherries and spread it moderately over the entire surface so that all the berries are covered.
  7. Preheat the oven to 180°C and bake the pie for 40 minutes until golden brown. Check readiness by piercing a wood stick, which should not have any sticking on it.

Fruit jellied puff pastry pie

Puff pastry pie with frozen berries is the most common homemade baking option. Since the recipe does not even require kneading the dough, because... it is sold in any hypermarket. Dark currants, raspberries, and blackberries are best suited for the product, because... they do not need to be defrosted in advance, which significantly speeds up the manufacturing process.


  • Store-bought frozen puff pastry - 500 g
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Mix of frozen berries (currants, raspberries, blackberries) - 300 g
  • Starch - 1 tbsp.
  • Sour cream 20% – 150 ml
  • Testicles - 1 pc.

Making fruit pie from puff pastry:

  1. Defrost the puff pastry naturally without using a microwave.
  2. Sprinkle the table with flour and roll out the dough into a narrow layer about 5 mm wide.
  3. Place the dough into a parchment-lined pan, forming a border of about 2 cm.
  4. Mix frozen berries with starch and place in an even layer on the dough.
  5. Combine sour cream with sugar and eggs, and beat the products with a mixer until smooth. Pour the sour cream mixture over the fruit so that they are completely covered.
  6. Heat the oven to 180°C and bake the fruit jellied puff pastry pie for 35 minutes.

Video recipes for making pies from frozen berries.

Summer berry pies: a selection of delicious homemade recipes

A fragrant, catchy berry pie is the best dessert in the summer. The selection contains ordinary, but very tasty recipes that do not require special culinary skills. For perfect results, use the freshest berries and follow the recommended proportions. Your family will appreciate your efforts, because no one can resist a piece of tender summer pie!

Tender pie with black currants

Blackcurrant is fragrant in baked goods; pies with it turn out very appetizing and have a rich color. Be sure to sift the flour for the dough, this will make it mega airy.

  • 125 g butter;
  • 2 testicles;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 150 g flour;
  • 1 packet of baking powder;
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar;
  • 200 g black currants;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil for greasing the mold.

    Beat soft butter with sugar.

Soft butter with sugar should acquire a fluffy consistency.

It is best to beat eggs with butter and sugar using a mixer.

Wheat flour for the cake must be of the highest grade

The currant pie acquires a golden brown crust when baked.

This sweet blackcurrant pie is especially delicious when warm.

Bulk pie with cherries and strawberries

Bulk pies are easier to bake than usual! And the result constantly amuses both in taste and appearance. The recipe is just for beginner housewives.

  • 200 g butter or margarine for baking;
  • 500–600 g wheat flour;
  • 1 packet of baking powder;
  • 300 g strawberry and cherry consistency;
  • a pinch of salt.

    Grate the frozen butter into the flour. Add salt and baking powder.

The flour should be sifted ahead of time.

You can wet your hands with ice water and then wipe them dry - this will give extra time to create the crumbs.

Removing pits from cherries using a bottle and a stick - a clever and simple home method

After formation, the bulk cake must be immediately placed in the oven

Bulk pie with cherries and strawberries is also suitable for a festive table

To make the bulk cake look more appetizing, use a tall springform pan to bake it. With all this, it is better to arrange the berries and the top layer of crumbs in a cone, so the pie will turn out to be the highest.

Jellied pie with raspberries and blueberries

Raspberries and blueberries are an amazing combination of flavors and smells. Baking with these berries turns out excellent.

Products for jellied pie:

  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 3 testicles;
  • 100 ml butter;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 450–500 g wheat flour;
  • 1 packet of baking powder;
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 200 g raspberries;
  • 200 g blueberries.

    Mix soft butter with one egg, a packet of baking powder and flour (300 g). This will be the base for the pie.

The mixture of flour, baking powder, butter and eggs must be transformed into a thick, homogeneous dough

The filling for the pie must have an airy density

It is best to use potato starch

The filling will seem watery at first, but it will thicken as it bakes.

Jellied pie with raspberries and blueberries

Curd pie with reddish currants

Reddish currants are no less fragrant than black currants. It looks very appetizing in baked goods and gives it a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

Ingredients for berry pie:

  • 300 g wheat flour;
  • 3 testicles;
  • 50 g sweet powder;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 200 g cottage cheese;
  • 125 g butter;
  • 1 packet of baking powder;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil for greasing the mold;
  • 300 g reddish currants.

Wheat flour is saturated with oxygen during sifting

The dough for a pie with berries must have the thickness of thick sour cream.

Reddish currants for pie must be dry and unblemished

The formed pie with reddish currants should be immediately put in the oven

When serving, cottage cheese pie with reddish currants must be sprinkled with sweet powder

If you want the cake to remain soft for more than 2 days, then add two tablespoons of potato starch to the wheat flour.

Video: Boston cranberry pie from Svetlana Anikanova

In the summer, I don’t buy ready-made baked goods at all, I only bake myself. The wealth of fruits and berries allows you to experiment and create small culinary masterpieces. The good thing about summer pies is that you can try unusual combinations. In my family, two baking options in particular have taken root: a pie with cottage cheese, raspberries and snow-white chocolate and a delicate sponge cake with blackcurrants. From time to time I cover the berry pie with chocolate frosting, in which case it turns out to be a light homemade cake.

Airy dough and sweet and sour interior - summer berry pie is impossible to resist. While baking, a wonderful smell will fill the kitchen and create an atmosphere of comfort. The recipes presented will also be needed in the winter season, because frozen berries can be used for them.

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Making a pie with frozen berries - 4 recipes

The individuality of making a pie with frozen berries

  • Should I defrost the berries? Several views are widespread among culinary experts. If you add berries to the dough without pre-thawing, the finished baked goods will be very juicy. But there is always the possibility of juice leaking out of the cake during the manufacturing process.
  • Stir previously defrosted berries with starch to obtain a thick consistency. Potato starch absorbs the released berry juice.
  • To create the interior, you can use any wild berries. It is acceptable to add fruits - for example, bananas, oranges, tangerines.
  • The amount of sweet sand varies depending on your preference. If desired, you can prepare a sour pie, the consumption of which will reduce the possibility of gaining excess weight. If you want to treat yourself to sweet pastries, add an increased amount of sweetener. But remember the high calorie content of such a product.
  • Finished baked goods are decorated in several ways. An excellent option is the use of sweet powder. If you forgot to buy a bag of powder, you can grind the sugar yourself using a mortar and pestle.
  • There are also additional options for decorating the pie. Some cooks use coconut flakes or previously grated chocolate. You can form an inscription or picture on the surface of the finished baked goods.
  • If you decide to defrost the berries, it is recommended to evenly increase the temperature. In the evening, transfer the berries from the freezer to the top compartment of the refrigerator. During the day, place the ingredients on the table. If you defrost fruits very quickly, they will lose vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) .
  • It is not allowed to defrost berries using a microwave oven. Due to rapid temperature changes, the fruits will become dry and lethargic. The amount of vitamins will also decrease.

Shortbread pie recipe with frozen berries

To prepare shortbread pie with wild berries, you need to spend about half an hour. The finished baked goods have an unsurpassed aroma and pronounced taste properties. You can use virtually any frozen fruit as the inside. But the best option would be sour berries: lingonberries, blackberries, cherries.


  • One hundred gram stick of butter;
  • Half a spoon of sugar for the dough;
  • Two spoons of sour cream with twenty percent fat content;
  • 10 tablespoons of sugar for the inside;
  • Three glasses of frozen lingonberries;
  • Vanilla bag;
  • Small packet of baking powder;
  • 3 cups frozen cherries;
  • 1 chicken egg.


  1. First of all, melt the butter in a deep bowl at room temperature. Wait a little until the ingredient becomes soft. Add sweet sand and a small bag of vanilla. Mash the ingredients with a fork until smooth.
  2. Beat the chicken egg. Mix the mixture well.
  3. Add sour cream. Stir again.
  4. Add the wheat flour previously combined with baking powder. Knead into a thick dough using your hands.
  5. Divide the finished dough into two parts. But the 1st part must be greater than the 2nd by a third.
  6. Form the dough into a small ball. Wrap the workpiece in cling film and place it in the freezer for half an hour.
  7. Roll out a large ball with a rolling pin. You should get a narrow round sheet. Place it on a previously greased iron pan. Form the sides with your hands.
  8. Stir frozen berries with sweet sand. Spread the mixture sparingly over the surface of the shortcrust pastry.
  9. Grate the second part of the dough (previously cooled). Sprinkle the purchased shavings over the pie. The shavings must completely cover the entire filling.
  10. Place the berry pie in the oven. The approximate baking time is about half an hour at a set temperature of 200 degrees.

Curd dough pie

Let's look at the option of making a berry pie from curd dough, which is perfectly suitable for beginner cooks due to its simplicity. Preparing the necessary ingredients takes about 10 - 20 minutes, but the result is unusually tasty and fragrant. An additional advantage is the presence of the necessary substances.


  • One and a half glasses of wheat flour;
  • A teaspoon of sugar;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • 300 g chilled butter;
  • 120 grams of natural cottage cheese;
  • 3 tablespoons of water;
  • 2.5 cups of all frozen berries;
  • A teaspoon of starch;
  • One lemon;
  • One chicken egg.


  1. Combine wheat flour with sugar to obtain a homogeneous consistency. Cut the previously cooled butter into small pieces.
  2. Connect the components. The result should be a mixture that resembles wet sand in structure. Add ice-cold drinking water and form into a round ball.
  3. Wrap the purchased ball in plastic cling film and place it in the refrigerator for an hour.
  4. Meanwhile, mix frozen berries with potato starch and sugar. Be sure to add the previously grated lemon zest and lemon juice (a tablespoon will come in handy). Mix cottage cheese with sugar, lemon juice and chicken eggs.
  5. Refrigerate the purchased dough. Roll out using a rolling pin. Then place on an iron baking sheet covered with parchment. Don't forget to create small sides about 2 cm high. Place the curd mixture on top and arrange the berry mixture.
  6. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Bake the berry pie for about half an hour. It is unrealistic to give a clear production time, since it varies depending on the thickness of the flour product and the amount of ingredients. A golden crust should form on the surface.

Sponge cake with frozen berries

This type of pie has a slight citrus scent due to the use of lemon zest. The main advantage is the juicy interior and airy dough. It will take about half an hour to make the dessert.


  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • 250 grams of wheat flour;
  • A teaspoon of baking powder;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 2.5 cups frozen cherries;
  • Spoon of starch;
  • A little butter.


  1. Take chicken eggs. Mix with sweet sand until a strong foam forms. It is recommended to use an electronic mixer for best results.
  2. Then combine the wheat flour with baking powder. Sift the resulting mixture through a fine-mesh sieve into the egg mixture.
  3. Using a mixer, knead a homogeneous dough. It should turn out soft and thick. It is better to focus on the thickness of sour cream.
  4. Take frozen cherries (with the pits previously removed). Combine fruits with starch. Stir well. Any berry must be covered with starch powder.
  5. Meanwhile, prepare an iron baking dish. Grease the surface with butter. Place the cherries in an even layer.
  6. Fill the berries with the dough. Spread the dough moderately over the surface of the future pie.
  7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake the pie for 40 minutes. Pay attention - the time is indicated approximately. The exact manufacturing time varies depending on the ingredients, layer thickness, and other reasons. Therefore, it is recommended to frequently check the readiness of baked goods using a wooden stick (for example, a toothpick). The surface of the object must remain dry if the cake is ready.

Layered berry pie

A simple version of making berry pie involves using puff pastry. It is not necessary to knead the dough without the help of others - it is enough to use a semi-finished product, which is sold in any store. Dark currants, blackberries or raspberries are perfect for the interior.


  • Half a kilogram package of puff pastry;
  • Two glasses of sugar;
  • Three glasses of berry consistency (raspberries, currants, blackberries);
  • 150 ml sour cream with twenty percent fat content;
  • One chicken egg.


  1. Thaw puff pastry at room temperature.
  2. Sprinkle the table with wheat flour. Roll out the dough - you should get a sheet half a centimeter wide.
  3. Place the sheet of dough into the previously lined pan with parchment. Form sides approximately two centimeters high.
  4. Mix frozen berries with potato starch. Place the fruits on the dough. Spread moderately over the surface of the future pie.
  5. Mix eggs, sugar, sour cream. Beat the ingredients until smooth. Pour the mixture over the surface of the berries.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake the layer cake for about half an hour.
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