Manti in a multicooker – 2 homemade delicious recipes for making Manti in a multicooker – 2 homemade savory recipes for making Manti in a multicooker If you want to enjoy a surprisingly juicy dish – cook manti in a multicooker….
Caesar salad Caesar salad A collection of Caesar salad recipes with photos and step-by-step instructions. Our chefs talk and demonstrate how to prepare Caesar salad at home. Sort recipes by...
How to properly cook peeled mussels How to properly cook peeled mussels? How are they useful? How to choose? Defrosting Recipes Fried mussels Belgian-style clams Baked mussels Marinated mussels in oil A regular appetizer…
How to create baklava at home How to create baklava at home Baklava, without exaggeration, is the most popular and beloved oriental sweet. It combines all the possible...
Barley soups Barley soups A recipe for barley soups will diversify your menu. They can be prepared using a variety of methods, but there is a generally accepted rule - before adding pearl barley to...
Achma (Georgian pie with cheese) Achma (Georgian pie with cheese) Tuesday, December 11, 2018 Recipe for Georgian layer pie with cheese - extremely tasty, fragrant and filling. Cooking...
How to fry Suluguni cheese in a frying pan How to fry Suluguni cheese in a frying pan Among the countless types of cheese, Suluguni is especially popular. This variety has an elastic texture and a pleasant salty...
Protein-butter cream Protein-butter cream Tuesday, October 4, 2016 Now I have for you the newest recipe for pastry cream - let's prepare custard protein-butter cream. This is a truly perfect option for those…
Pork ribs with potatoes in the oven – 5 ordinary and tasty recipes with step-by-step photos Pork ribs with potatoes in the oven – 5 ordinary and tasty recipes with…
The best recipes for blackcurrant confiture for the winter The best recipes for blackcurrant confiture for the winter Dark currants are one of the most beloved berries among gardeners for home...