Salted saffron milk caps for the winter - 4 delicious homemade recipes

Salted saffron milk caps for the winter - 4 delicious homemade recipes

Salted saffron milk caps for the winter are the most colorful and delicious mushroom preparation that lifts your spirits. Ryzhiki can be eaten as a separate dish or added as an ingredient to any salads, soups, snacks, and baked goods. Choose the best recipe with photos, saffron milk caps are waiting! Read more...

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  4. Mushrooms for the winter
  5. Saffron milk caps for the winter
  6. Salted saffron milk caps for the winter
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  • Snacks
  • Mushrooms
  • Preparations for the winter
  • Mushrooms for the winter
  • Diets (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) recipes for weight loss
  • Pickles
  • Horseradish for the winter
  • Dishes with horseradish
  • Lenten table
  • Vegetable preparations
  • Cool snacks
  • Vegetarianism
  • Pickling mushrooms
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  • Recipes without butter and margarine

How to pickle saffron milk caps for the winter in a very tasty way

One of the most beautiful and delicious mushrooms, saffron milk caps are salted for the winter using two methods: hot and cool. There are recipes for which the mushrooms are not cooked first, but taken raw. Moreover, they are not even recommended to be washed, but only to be cleaned of blades of grass, soil and other debris. A similar method could be 100% viable in an impeccable ecological environment. But, unfortunately, most of us live in areas with the highest levels of pollution. So, to avoid “anything”, it’s better to play it safe and boil the mushrooms.

The 5 most commonly used ingredients in recipes for salted saffron milk caps for the winter:

Product Calories kcal per 100g Proteins g per 100g Fats g per 100g Carbohydrates g per 100g
Saffron milk caps 17 1.9 0.8 2
Currant leaves
Peppercorns 255 11 3.3 38.3
Carnation 323 6 20.1 27
Greenery 41 3.7 0.4 7

If you absolutely do not want to do this, then at least soak it in cool water with added salt for several hours. This makes it easier for everything unnecessary to stick off the mushrooms. It is important to understand that due to the increased content of oxide acids in saffron milk caps, not very beautiful bluish spots begin to appear on their surface. There is no need to be afraid of this, you just need to continue cooking.

The main difference between the hot method of pickling mushrooms and the cool method is the use of water of different temperatures. Everything else is, in fact, monotonous. In other words, almost all recipes for salted saffron milk caps, after washing and cleaning, begin with the process of laying mushrooms in a suitable container in layers, sprinkled with salt and spices.

It’s great to lay dill branches and horseradish root on the bottom, on top of them there is the first mushroom layer the width of one real saffron milk cap) The calculation is approximately this: 50 grams of salt per kilo of reddish children. It is better to lay them out with their caps down, and cut off the long legs (if any). The layers are interspersed; on every 2nd or 3rd there is a set of spices. In addition to the above, it can be garlic, pepper, currant leaves, bay leaf, cloves and so on.

5 of the fastest recipes for pickling saffron milk caps for the winter:

Name of the dish Preparation time Calories kcal per 100g User rating
Salting mushrooms using the cool method for winter saffron milk caps 1 hour 24 +33
Salted saffron milk caps in jars for the winter 1 hour 11 +6
Pickling saffron milk caps 14 d 16 +26
Salting saffron milk caps for the winter - cool method 14 d 1 h 26 +31

When the dish is full, its contents are filled with water, cool or hot. Or they simply place a plate on top and put pressure on them so that the mushrooms themselves release liquid and salt in their juice. Usually the first sample can be taken after a day. If all this mushroom wealth is not immediately rolled into jars for the most comfortable and long-term storage.

Mushrooms for the winter, Mushrooms saffron milk caps

Recipes for preparations → Mushrooms for the winter

Mushroom dishes → Camelina mushrooms

Very tasty salted mushrooms. They go great with potatoes, making a beautiful appetizer, or you can use salted saffron milk caps in salads (Melnik salad).

During the mushroom season, we recommend preparing marinated saffron milk caps - the recipe is simple, and the appetizer turns out excellent!

Salted saffron milk caps are a beautiful method of preparing mushrooms for the winter and a common, popular appetizer that is always a staple on both the daily and festive tables. Also, salted saffron milk caps can be an ingredient in various salads and a side dish for meat and potato dishes.

Salted saffron milk caps - a recipe that will help you prepare mushrooms for the winter. And you yourself understand how much this ordinary snack is loved!

Recipe for cool pickled mushrooms.

Methods for pickling mushrooms are divided into hot, cool and dry. Camelinas and hazelnuts are salted using the dry method. This recipe is all about dry salting of saffron milk caps.

The proposed recipe contains tips on how to pickle mushrooms that do not require preparatory cooking. For such mushrooms, cool salting is suitable. So, how to pickle bitter mushrooms, valui, milk mushrooms, chanterelles, saffron milk caps, white mushrooms and volushki?

You can salt all mushrooms that are suitable for food, but lamellar mushrooms are most suitable for this, because tubular mushrooms become decrepit when salted. Preference should be given to milk mushrooms (containing a bitterish, milk-like juice) - milk mushrooms, milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps and volnushki. Pickling mushrooms is used mostly for milk mushrooms and saffron milk caps. Drying or using them for pickling is not allowed due to the presence of bitterness in them. Any type of mushroom must be salted separately, especially saffron milk caps and milk mushrooms. They practice hot and cool salting methods.

An easy recipe for canning salted saffron milk caps in jars. In winter, such an appetizer with boiled potatoes is simply wonderful, and you can also put a salad of canned saffron milk caps on a formal table.

Read also:  Pollock with potatoes in the oven

One of the most popular cool snacks is pickled mushrooms, a home-canning recipe for various types of mushrooms.

One of the most popular regular snacks is marinated saffron milk caps and milk mushrooms. We offer a recipe for pickled saffron milk caps and milk mushrooms with preparatory barrel pickling.

In Russian cuisine, milk mushrooms and saffron milk caps have long been used for pickling. The usual method for marinating milk mushrooms and saffron milk caps in a barrel is suggested below.

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Ryzhiki salted using the cool method - 5 step-by-step recipes with photos

From July to September our forests abound with saffron milk caps. These mushrooms are very cute: their yellow-pink or orange-red color cannot be confused with any other. In terms of their nutritional qualities and taste, saffron milk caps have been valued on par with white mushrooms since ancient times. It is clear that in Rus' these salted mushrooms were so adored that they even presented them as gifts to foreign sovereigns on a par with other delicacies. Hence the second name for saffron milk caps - royal mushrooms. How to pickle saffron milk caps to get a real culinary masterpiece, read in our selection of recipes.

Cold-salted saffron milk caps

Cooking time – 2-3 hours + 14 days (with salting).

If you want to create a tasty pickle from saffron milk caps, it is best to salt these mushrooms using the cool method. Since saffron milk caps are not subjected to heat treatment, the beneficial substances in them are almost one hundred percent preserved. We offer you the usual dry method of fast salting for the winter. Remember that you need to salt the saffron milk caps immediately after assembling, while the mushrooms are still hard and fresh. But you can eat these crispy mushrooms only a month after production.


Manufacturing process

Salted saffron milk caps without spices

If you want to preserve the unique mushroom taste of saffron milk caps, salt them according to this recipe. All you need is salt; no spices are needed here. The mushrooms must be very well cleaned and washed. Keep in mind that this dry salting method is only suitable for saffron milk caps - do not experiment with other mushrooms to avoid food poisoning.


  • Saffron milk caps – 1 kg.
  • Coarsely ground salt – 40 gr.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Clean the mushrooms from forest debris very carefully. If necessary, scrape with a knife and wash well under running water. Be sure to cut off any damaged edges.
  2. Let the mushrooms drain thoroughly from the water in a colander.
  3. Salt in layers in an enamel bowl. Place a small layer of saffron milk caps and cover with salt. Place all the mushrooms in this way.
  4. Cover the top of the pan tightly with a plate, and place pressure on the plate. A lid from a saucepan will not work, because it will not allow pressure to press the mushrooms.
  5. Leave the mushrooms to salt in the refrigerator for 10-14 days.
  6. Next, place the saffron milk caps in sterilized jars along with brine and sterilize in a saucepan with hot water over low heat (depending on the size, the jars must be sterilized for 20 to 40 minutes).
  7. Roll up the jars and send them to cool, wrapped in something warm. Store cool jars of saffron milk caps in a dark, cool place.

Ryzhiki, pickled in a wooden barrel with dill and cabbage

This recipe for pickling saffron milk caps has stood the “strength test” for centuries. The recipe can be found in old cookbooks, and it is also passed down from generation to generation in families where they love and can cook salty mushrooms.


  • Saffron milk caps – 5 kg.
  • Sugar – 20 gr.
  • Cabbage leaves – 100 gr.
  • Dark currant leaves – 100 gr.
  • Oak leaves – 100 gr.
  • Dill stems – 100-200 gr.
  • Coarsely ground salt – 250 gr.
  • Dark peppercorns – 15 pcs.
  • Flavored peppercorns – 15 pcs.

Manufacturing process:

  1. The saffron milk caps are carefully cleared of debris. Wash in running water. Let the water drain through a colander.
  2. Sprinkle the bottom of an unstained wooden barrel with salt. Place the saffron milk caps in layers, caps down. Sprinkle any layer of saffron milk caps with salt and peppercorns, as well as currant leaves, oak leaves and dill.
  3. When you have placed all the mushrooms and spices, cover the mushrooms with a plate and place pressure on the plate. If space in the barrel allows, cover it with a lid.
  4. After 7-8 days, when there seems to be a lot of brine in the barrel and the mushrooms have settled, part of the brine will need to be drained.
  5. If by that time you still have saffron milk caps for pickling, you can salt them using literally the same method, placing them in the same barrel, on top of the already pickled saffron milk caps.
  6. You can do this a couple of times, draining the brine and compacting the saffron milk caps tightly.
  7. Cover the top row of saffron milk caps with cabbage leaves. The leaves will be salted and become very tasty.
  8. When the barrel is full, it can be tightly sealed with a lid and stored in a very cool cellar, even in ice. Eat salted saffron milk caps from the barrel within a month.

Salted caps of saffron milk caps

Separately salted caps of saffron milk caps are very tasty - this is a beautiful fragrant snack from the forest! When ready, caps of saffron milk caps can be seasoned with sour cream, sprinkled with onions or green onions and eaten with fried or boiled potatoes. The delicacy turns out great!


  • Caps of saffron milk caps – 3 kg.
  • Large rock salt – 150 gr.

Manufacturing process:

  1. The saffron milk caps are carefully cleared of debris. Wash in running water. Let the water drain through a colander.
  2. Separate the caps from the stems. Cook the legs separately.
  3. Place a little salt on the bottom of an enamel pan. Place caps of saffron milk caps on the salt, tops down. The layer of saffron milk caps is no thicker than 5 cm.
  4. Sprinkle any layer of mushrooms sparingly with salt.
  5. Cover the outermost layer of saffron milk caps with clean gauze.
  6. Press down with a wide flat plate and pressure.
  7. Store the saucepan with mushrooms in a cool place. When the saffron milk caps release their juice, you can add brine to the saucepan (0.5 liters of boiling water + 20 grams of rock salt). It is important that the saffron milk caps are one hundred percent covered with brine.
  8. Eat mushroom caps a month after pickling.

Tip: if you want to get the most spicy mushroom pickle, pickle the caps of saffron milk caps not only with salt, but also using spices for mushrooms: cloves in buds, allspice and dark peppercorns, bay leaves, currant leaves, herbs and dill stems.

Ryzhiki, salted in English

This pickling of saffron milk caps is very playful. You can eat mushrooms prepared using this method the next day.


  • Saffron milk caps – 1 kg.
  • Onions – 1-2 pcs.
  • Sugar – 20 gr.
  • Dijon mustard (beans) – 20 gr.
  • Coarsely ground salt – 20 gr.
  • Reddish dry wine – 100 ml.
  • Vegetable oil (olive) – 100 ml.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Carefully clean the saffron milk caps of debris and cut off the damaged edges. Wash in running water. Let the water drain through a colander.
  2. Then you need to blanch the saffron milk caps in boiling water for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Wash the mushrooms in cool boiled water and let it drain one hundred percent through a colander.
  4. Remove the saffron milk caps from the colander and cut into thin slices. Cut the onion into thin half rings.
  5. Pour oil, wine into a saucepan or saucepan, add sugar, mustard and onion. Bring the marinade to a boil.
  6. Place the saffron milk caps into the bubbling marinade and boil everything together for 10-15 minutes.
  7. Place the cooled mushrooms (also called mushroom caviar) in a glass jar and place in the refrigerator.
  8. Eat saffron milk caps the next day.

Pickling saffron mushrooms - TOP recipes

There are many methods for pickling saffron milk caps for the winter so that they are crispy. But more often housewives specifically pickle mushrooms. Fans of quiet hunting know very well that these fruiting bodies have nutritional value and contain minerals, fiber and vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) of group B.

How to pickle saffron milk caps for the winter

Before you start pickling, you will need to properly prepare the mushrooms. Any of them needs to be carefully examined; there must not be wormy specimens. Afterwards, clean the caps of needles and debris and wash thoroughly under running water. Gently rub clean mushrooms with a sponge.

Reference! Experienced housewives advise paying attention to ensuring that all saffron milk caps are approximately the same size. This way they will be salted identically, retaining their density, usefulness and good appearance.

Hot method

It’s easy to pickle saffron milk caps at home. More often, preference is given to the hot method of salting in jars. This method is widely used for salting milk mushrooms. You will be able to eat ready-made mushrooms in a month and a half.


  • fresh saffron milk caps – 5 kg;
  • salt – 250 g;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • bay leaf – 10 pcs.;
  • spices (dry cloves – 10 pcs., dark peppercorns – 10 pcs.);
  1. Salt is poured into a pan of water in the following proportion: 1.5 liters of water, 1 tbsp. l. salt, 1 kilogram of mushrooms. It is important to ensure that they are one hundred percent immersed in water.
  2. Boil the saffron milk caps for 10 minutes - this will give them the opportunity to be perfectly salted.
  3. Afterwards, the mushrooms are drained in a colander and cooled.
  4. To pickle such a valuable product, they take a huge container and place the fruiting bodies in it with their caps facing up. This way they will absorb salt perfectly.
  5. Any layer should be alternated with garlic, cloves, bay leaves, pepper and other ingredients.
  6. The container is filled one hundred percent and covered with a piece of clean gauze on top, and pressure will be placed on it. A large plate and a three-liter jar filled with water will do.
  7. Next, you need to salt the saffron milk caps in a cool place, so the container is placed either in the cellar or in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.
  8. The time for complete salting is 6 weeks. During the entire period, you need to ensure that the caps are covered with brine. The gauze is changed, the oppression is washed under running water, otherwise there is a risk that the saffron milk caps will turn sour.
  9. After 6 weeks, the mushrooms are placed in glass jars and further stored in a cool place.

The product is ready and can be eaten. It is recommended to serve previously seasoned with sunflower or olive oil.

Frisky and conventional salting method

As you know, from time to time the year can be particularly fruitful, so even in July it can rain mushrooms. Then the collection of saffron milk caps, honey mushrooms, butter mushrooms, and wild mushrooms is simply indescribable. They are all suitable for pickling for the winter. You can use the quick and regular salting method.


  • mushrooms -1 kg;
  • salt – 200 g;
  • herbs, spices at your discretion.

How to pickle saffron milk caps step by step:

  1. It is necessary to wash and clean the mushrooms from forest debris.
  2. Then they are placed in a pan and spices and herbs are added, and later generously sprinkled with salt.
  3. Raw saffron milk caps should be mixed well and later add more salt.
  4. Cover the mushrooms with a plate and leave for 2 hours.

Attention! Even if the saffron milk caps have become salty, you can soak them and all the excess salt will go away. Later, all that remains is to season them with oil and put them on the table.

Cool method

To cook delicious mushrooms quickly, you need to know how to pickle saffron milk caps using the cool method. Taking into account the fact that the product cannot be cooked, the mushrooms remain tasty and will have a crunch.


  • 3 kg of saffron milk caps and chanterelles;
  • 150 grams of salt;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 15 bay leaves;
  • 25 peas of aromatic pepper.
  1. Mushrooms are washed under cool water and dried on a clean towel.
  2. Spices and herbs are placed at the bottom of the container in which the saffron milk caps will be salted.
  3. The mushrooms are laid out with their stems down, and salt is sprinkled on top (about 50 grams).
  4. Place a plate in the container and place a press on top.
  5. The pan is placed in a cool space for 6 hours. During this period of time, the saffron milk caps should settle and release juice.
  6. Afterwards, lay out the 2nd layer and add all the remaining salt. They put pressure on it, and place the container with mushrooms in a shaded place.
  7. They can be eaten after two weeks.

Cool pickling of caps of saffron milk caps

The traditional salting method is considered the easiest and most delicious. Pickling mushrooms in your juice is quite simple.


  • saffron milk caps – 1 kg;
  • salt – 40 g.

{Instructions} for production:

  1. Separate the caps from the stems.
  2. Washed and peeled saffron milk caps are placed in a pickling container in layers. Afterwards, sprinkle with salt, and place a weight on top.
  3. They stand in a cool place for a week, after which they can be tasted.
  4. If there are a lot of mushrooms, then you can simply put them in jars and fill them with the brine in which they were salted.
  5. The jars are sealed with lids and sterilized for half an hour. In this way, long-term storage of the preserves is ensured.

The stems that remain from the caps are great to freeze and prepare winter soup with the freshest mushrooms.

Express pickling of saffron milk caps in wine

It only takes two hours to make this dish. The end result is a delicious snack!


  • fresh saffron milk caps – 1 kg;
  • olive oil – 100 ml;
  • reddish dry wine – 90 ml;
  • salt – 20 g;
  • sugar – 15 g;
  • mustard – 20 g;
  • onions - 5 pieces;
  • spices.

Step-by-step manufacturing recipe:

  1. Peeled mushrooms are dipped in salted boiling water for 5 minutes.
  2. Then they are doused with cool water and cut into slices.
  3. The onion is cut into rings and placed on the bottom of the saucepan.
  4. Onion rings are poured with wine, and butter, mustard, sugar, salt and spices are added.
  5. The whole mixture is brought to a boil, and then slices of mushrooms are laid out.
  6. Boil the saffron milk caps for 5 minutes.
  7. You need to let the mushrooms marinate for 2 hours and then serve.

Other methods

In order to pickle saffron milk caps for the winter in jars, it is not necessary to boil them. You can pickle mushrooms using the dry method. The fruiting bodies are well cleaned, but not washed. Salt will be needed for pickling. You need to use it at your own discretion, but it’s important not to overdo it, otherwise they will turn out salty. The hats are placed up high, and any layer is sprinkled with salt.

How long will the mushrooms take to salt? At least two weeks, preferably three.

Another common home preparation method is pickling. It is important to add vinegar - this is the main condition for preventing the saffron milk caps from darkening. There is no need to soak the mushrooms before cooking; it will be enough to wash them and add cool water, and then bring to a boil.

You need to boil them for 20 minutes, and then discard them in a colander. The marinade must be prepared separately. The mushrooms are placed in jars and rolled up. It’s easy to create such preservation; the main thing is to properly boil the mushrooms and sterilize the jars.

With a good harvest, a lot of saffron milk caps can grow. This valuable product can be salted, pickled, fried and frozen. First, they should be boiled in salted water, then placed in a container and sent to the freezer.

Fundamentally! Saffron milk caps and chanterelles will turn out tasty if you dry them, but before doing this it is recommended to soak the fruiting bodies a little so that they do not become bitter.

Place the finished mushrooms on a baking sheet and dry at a temperature of + 45°C. The degree of readiness is determined when they cease to be sticky.

Preservation storage rules

Anyone who prepares mushrooms must know how to store preserved mushrooms. If a cool salting method is used, the product should not be left at room temperature. If the hot method was used, then the preservation can stand in a cool place for about a year.

Answers to common questions

What can you do to prevent mushrooms from turning dark?

To prevent mushrooms from losing their color, they need to be cooked on the first day after they are cut. Contact with water should also be reduced. The treated fruiting bodies are immersed in water with vinegar or citric acid for 5 minutes.

What to do if the saffron milk caps have soured and fermented?

If the preparation was carried out incorrectly, the brine may acquire a nasty smell. In this case, the step-by-step method of action should be as follows:

  1. All mushrooms are taken out and painstakingly washed under running water.
  2. Mushrooms are boiled in fresh brine.
  3. Place in jars and roll up.

Try to prepare tasty, fragrant saffron milk caps for the winter using the recipes given above. You and your guests will be pleased with the result!

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