Ordinary cake recipes; Ryzhik; at home

Ordinary recipes for “Ryzhik” cake at home

The Ryzhik cake bakes quite quickly; a traditional recipe with step-by-step photos will allow you to prepare this tasty delicacy from a small amount of ingredients in a matter of minutes. It’s important to just knead the dough for the shortcakes correctly so that they come out fluffy and tender and can quickly become soaked in cream. The traditional version of the cake is decorated with crumbs that remain after cutting the cake layers. But if you want to create a delicacy for a holiday version, then you can use icing, mastic, figures made from sweet powder and other decorations.

The number of cakes depends on personal preference. It is important to realize that the more there are and the thinner they are, the more affectionate the delicacy will be. After all, thin cakes will be soaked in cream more quickly. As for the cream, you can experiment here. The traditional version of the dessert uses custard, which is prepared by heating the ingredients in a saucepan.

Delicious saffron milk cake: traditional recipe

In the traditional recipe, honey is included in the cakes. Honey should be watery. If you don’t have such a product, then you can completely take the candied analogue and melt it in a water bath or in a double boiler. The composition of the cakes includes butter. You should not replace it with margarine. Otherwise, the cakes will have a specific taste and smell. It is important to realize that in order for the cake to be a success, you should use only high-quality, fresh ingredients.

The traditional sweet recipe is prepared quite quickly. Thanks to the larger amount of cream, it comes out quite gentle. Homemade saffron milk cap is a healthy delicacy. It contains no dyes, flavors or other chemically harsh components. Having prepared such a cake once, you will often use it as a Sunday recipe, when you want to pamper your family with something sweet!


  • Butter – 200 g (100 g each for dough and cream);
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pieces (2 each in the dough and cream);
  • Sweet sand – 330 gr;
  • Watery honey – 2 tablespoons;
  • Flour – approximately 450 g;
  • Baking soda – 1.5 teaspoons;
  • Milk – 800 ml;
  • Vanillin - to taste.

Delicious saffron milk cake: traditional recipe

Manufacturing method:

  1. The cake layers are baked in almost 3-4 minutes, so the manufacturing process should begin with the cream, which will need time to cool;
  2. Take 100 grams of butter out of the refrigerator and keep at room temperature. While we are preparing the cream base, it will become soft and easy to work with;
  3. In a bowl, beat 2 eggs with 150 grams of sugar. The mass should become fluffy and increase in volume by approximately 2 times;
  4. Heat the milk in a saucepan. It should become warm, but not hot. Pour the milk into the egg mixture in a narrow stream, working vigorously with the whisk. The mass must be of a homogeneous state;
  5. Pour 3 tablespoons of wheat flour into the base and stir thoroughly;
  6. Pour the cream into a saucepan and let it warm up over low heat. Stir the mixture constantly with a whisk so that it does not burn. As soon as bubbles begin to form on the surface, turn off the heat;
  7. Add softened butter and vanillin to the cream. Mix thoroughly with a whisk;
  8. Let the cream cool to room temperature, then cover with cling film “in contact” so that the surface does not dry out;
  9. While the cream is cooling, let's start making the cakes. To do this, place the eggs and the remaining sugar in a saucepan and place on low heat. Whisk the mixture until smooth. It is important to heat the base until the grains of sugar are completely dissolved;
  10. Once the sugar has dissolved, add honey and butter. The ingredients should melt;
  11. Add baking soda to the mixture and stir quickly. The mass must increase by 2 times. After this, remove the base from the heat and pour it into a bowl;
  12. We begin to introduce sifted flour in small portions, kneading the dough;
  13. As soon as the dough begins to gather into one lump, transfer it to a table sprinkled with flour, knead a little more and form a ball;
  14. Divide the dough into uniform parts. Their number depends on the diameter and number of cakes that are planned to be created;
  15. Roll each part into a narrow layer, pierce it with a fork and transfer it to parchment paper;
  16. Bake the shortcakes for about 4 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. They should turn golden;
  17. Using a mold or cup, we cut off the uneven edges that we will need to make the topping;
  18. Once all the shortcakes are ready, take out the cream and beat it with a mixer at low speed until smooth;
  19. Take a plate, lightly grease the bottom with cream, and place the first shortbread on it. Coat the shortbread generously with cream, lay out the second shortbread. We alternate layers until the shortcakes are completed;
  20. Coat the top and sides of the cake generously with cream;
  21. Grind the dough scraps using a blender. Decorate the top and sides with crumbs;
  22. Place the treat in the refrigerator for several hours. During this period of time, the layers will be saturated and become tender.

The usual recipe for Ryzhik at home

Not many people like cakes with butter. After all, they turn out to be quite fatty. Some housewives prefer to highlight the sweetness of honey with sour cream. In this case, sour cream is perfect. The crust dough can be created without butter. It will be the thickest, but not the least tasty. If you want to create the most tender cream, then sour cream can be mixed with cream. In general, you can always show your imagination and experiment.

The dough can be kneaded over an open fire or in a water bath. The extreme option is best used by those who have little experience in cooking. After all, if you are not distracted enough, the dough will not turn out. Therefore, in order not to take risks, it is better to use a water bath. You can create it from 2 pans of different diameters.


  • Sour cream – 1 kilogram;
  • Sugar – 2 cups;
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pieces;
  • Watery honey - 3 tablespoons;
  • Wheat flour - about 3 cups;
  • Soda – 1 teaspoon.

The usual recipe for Ryzhik at home

Manufacturing method:

  1. Mix a glass of sugar with sour cream and put it in the refrigerator. We'll start making the cream a little later. Until grains of sugar dissolve in sour cream;
  2. In a bowl, beat the eggs with the remaining glass of sugar. Add honey and soda. Place the mixture in a water bath. Stir constantly, wait for the mixture to increase in volume by approximately 3 times;
  3. Cool the finished mass, then add flour and quickly knead the dough. It is better to add flour not immediately, but in parts. Firstly, it will be easier to knead the dough. Secondly, you will avoid oversaturating the dough with flour. After all, you may need a little more or a little less flour, and not exactly the amount indicated in the recipe;
  4. The dough must be quite thick. Roll it into a ball or sausage, and then divide it into equal parts;
  5. Roll each part into a narrow layer and bake at 200 degrees for 2-3 minutes. We determine readiness by color. As soon as the shortbread becomes coffee-colored, it should be removed from the oven;
  6. Be sure to cool the shortcakes. They are quite thin, so they will cool quickly;
  7. Take out the sour cream and sugar and beat with a mixer. The mass should become fluffy, homogeneous and increase in volume;
  8. Let's start assembling the cake. To do this, spread a couple of tablespoons of cream along the bottom of the plate and place the first shortbread. Layer with a second layer of cream. We continue assembling the cake until all the cakes are completed;
  9. Generously grease the top and sides with sour cream and sprinkle with crumbs.
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Sour cream soaks the shortcakes faster. Therefore, the cake can be put in the refrigerator for only 1-2 hours, and then immediately cut into portions and served.

In the summer, you can decorate the cake with the freshest berries and fruits. If desired, the fruits can be caramelized, in other words, fried in a frying pan with a small amount of sugar. The cream for layering cake layers can be created on the basis of condensed milk. It will turn out no less tasty, but cloying. Although if the delicacy is being prepared for children, then this option will undoubtedly suit their character!

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Cake “Ryzhik”

Cake “Ryzhik”

  • Children's party
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  • Valentine's Day
  • February 23
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  • Easter
  • Birthday
  • vegetarian

Have a nice day girls, I’m new, I’d like to share the recipe for the Ryzhik cake. Unfortunately, there are no photos at the moment, but if anyone makes it, you won’t regret it.


sugar 1 glass
testicle 2 pcs
honey 2 tbsp.
butter (you can naturally use margarine, but I prefer butter) 100 g
soda 1 tsp
flour 2.5 cups (sometimes a little more, depending on the flour)
milk 0.5 cups
sugar 1 glass
testicle 2 pcs
butter 300 g

general information



Step-by-step recipe with photos

1 glass of sugar
2 eggs beat with sugar
2 tablespoons of honey
100 grams of butter, you can naturally use margarine, but I prefer to
mix everything with butter, bring to a boil and remove from the heat.
add 1 teaspoon of soda,
put on heat and stir vigorously until it doubles in size, remove and add 2.5 cups of flour, from time to time a little more, depending on the flour.
Mix everything well and let the dough cool until fresh milk. The dough does not have to be either hard or watery. Approximately like plasticine.
Roll out the shortbreads very thinly. They bake very quickly. Determine by color, they will turn light brown.
0.5 cups of milk
1 cup of sugar
2 eggs, mix everything, bring to a boil, cool and add 300g of butter, beat everything and spread on the shortcakes. Let sit in the refrigerator for a little while.
You can take boiled condensed milk with butter for example.

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Traditional Ryzhik cake - the best online recipe!

Step-by-step photo recipe for making a traditional Ryzhik cake

Golden shortcakes of the honey cake “Ryzhik”, richly soaked in tender cream with condensed milk, will delight almost all those with a sweet tooth with their unusual taste. Despite its apparent simplicity, such a cake will be a delicious culmination of any holiday or home gatherings.

A couple of times I bought “Ryzhik” in various stores with sour cream and condensed milk cream. At one point I was even offered a combined version of a cake with custard and boiled condensed milk, strawberries and bananas. This was a little shock for me, after which I didn’t start finding and taking any variants of “Ryzhik” cakes and realized that it would be even better to learn how to perfectly prepare traditional “Ryzhik” at home. Many times I didn’t get exactly what I wanted, but my recipe and the tricks for making this truly inimitable sweet were constantly being improved and became closer to the standard.

The first, not entirely successful, copies of my super baked goods were greeted with “Hurray!” by the children, but I knew that I could bake better, and I myself liked more to bring the cake to the standard. It turned out that on the Internet, on YouTube, in cookbooks, home recipe books of friends, neighbors, grandmothers in the yard and even teachers in our kindergarten, there are about 150 different recipes for “Ryzhik”. This was a second shock for me, and I realized that I was becoming a cake professional. And in the end, I am ready to present to your tribunal the most classic, most impeccable and most delicious recipe for the “Ryzhik” cake, for which I took many step-by-step photos so that you can easily figure it out and prepare it at home, even if you have never made a cake before baked!

There are a huge number of recipes for cakes with honey. The basis of each of them is traditional honey cakes. But you can experiment with cream and layer the cake not only with butter cream with condensed milk. “Ryzhik” is no less tasty with both sour cream and custard. It all depends on the preferences and desires of the housewife who prepares it at home.

And now my recipe, tested by time and by countless honored and very beloved guests, for the traditional “Ryzhik” cake, which from the indicated quantity of goods weighs more than 1.5 kg and 23-26 cm in diameter. Good, yes? 🙂

Ingredients for honey cakes:

  • 560 g wheat flour
  • 180-220 g butter
  • 180 g sugar
  • 70 g honey
  • 2 testicles
  • 4 g soda

Ingredients for condensed milk cream:

  • 190-220 g butter (1 pack)
  • 380 g condensed milk (1 can)

The best recipe for a traditional Ryzhik cake on the web!

So, let's start making our miracle cake by preparing all the components so that everything you need is at hand.

Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it softens slightly at room temperature. Then cut it into small cubes.

We will prepare the honey dough for “Ryzhik” in a steam bath. It’s hard, but there’s no other way to cook classics! To do this, you will need two pans of such a size that you can place one in the other.

Pour water into a large saucepan (enough so that it does not splash out when boiling when there is a container with dough in it), place it on the stove so that it begins to warm up little by little - this will save time.

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Meanwhile, take the smallest saucepan, break the eggs into it and add sugar. Beat the eggs until foamy with an electronic whisk.

It is better to take the eggs straight from the refrigerator, this way they are beaten much more efficiently, and we will get a very fluffy honey mixture for the cake, and subsequently perfect airy shortcakes.

Place the previously chopped butter into the fluffy beaten egg mass, and then honey (preferably at room temperature!)

Place the container with the egg-honey mixture in a slightly heated water bath and begin stirring occasionally as the water and the sweet mixture for the dough heat up.

It is not permissible to immediately lower a pan of beaten eggs into boiling water, because the whites may curdle! The mass must heat evenly as the water boils!

Keep the honey mass in a water bath until the honey, butter and sugar dissolve. Be sure to stir during all this so that the eggs do not curl. I do this non-stop.

Make sure that the water does not boil too much and does not splash out onto the stove. The boil should be moderate.

When the mass becomes uniformly thick, add soda (do not quench with vinegar) and, without ceasing to stir our future cake, continue to cook the mixture for a few more minutes.

Remove the honey mass for “Ryzhik” from the heat, cool and sift the flour into it.

I recommend adding flour in small parts, because its quantity almost entirely depends on the properties, gluten, variety, storage conditions, etc.

Gently stir with a spoon and knead into a soft dough. Despite all this, you will get it that is not elastic and should simply pinch off.

Divide the resulting soft mass for “Ryzhik” into balls of approximately the same size and put them in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes, because chilled dough will be even easier to roll out than hot dough. But do not overcool the dough, otherwise it will begin to crack when rolling out.

I get 8 cake balls. This is the perfect height cake.

Roll out any ball into a narrow cake of the desired shape. You can simply create a cake round, square, rectangular!

Naturally, it is difficult to manually give the correct shape. Round cakes can be created using a pan lid (by pressing on the dough and rolling, for example), another shape can be cut with a knife according to a cardboard pattern.

Prick any honey cake with a fork so that it retains its flat shape and does not puff up during baking.

Preheat the oven in advance. I usually turn it on before I take the dough balls out of the refrigerator and by the time I roll out the first one, it has time to heat up.

Bake the base for the camelina one by one until golden brown in the oven at 180 degrees .

Meanwhile, while the honey cakes are baking, prepare the cream for the cake.

Beat softened butter (room temperature) until fluffy using an electronic whisk or mixer.

Pour natural condensed milk into the oil and beat again into a homogeneous mass.

You can use both snow-white condensed milk and boiled milk. It comes out very tasty with milk that says “Caramel”.

Place the finished hot cakes on a flat surface and leave there until they cool completely. Because they harden little and take the shape of the place on which they lie, do not use a plate with a deflection.

Don't worry about the hardness of the cakes. This is completely normal, and your honey saffron will certainly be soft and affectionate.

Grind 1-2 shortcakes into crumbs using a blender or rolling them out with a rolling pin.

Coat any shortcake with the prepared condensed milk cream, thus assembling our honey cake “Ryzhik”. Sprinkle the top and sides of this ideal and impeccable sweetness and at the same time delicious miracle with crumbs, as in the photo.

Your honey cake “Ryzhik” must be thoroughly soaked, so it is better to give it more time for this. It can be placed in the refrigerator for several hours, or better yet, overnight (that is, in the dark) .

You can probably figure out how to cut this honey magic, the dream of Winnie the Pooh and everyone else, without me! 🙂

A step-by-step photo recipe for making honey cake “Ryzhik” was prepared by Olga Vladimirovna.

10 best recipes for Ryzhik cake

For someone new to the culinary arts, making a cake seems like a daunting task. When we look at store-bought cakes and various pastries, we think that all this was prepared very hard, but cooks do it quickly and with ease, because they learned to create wonderful delicacies.

We can also learn how to cook cakes and pastries, the main thing is that there are suitable conditions for this, including not a bad mood. From the article you will learn about the 10 best recipes for the “Ryzhik” cake, which, by the way, belongs to ordinary dishes. Let's try to cook it?

10. With margarine

Don’t be lazy, spend a little time and your own effort to prepare a wonderful “Ryzhik” cake with margarine . He is incomparable!

Mix the ingredients for the dough, it includes: 2 cups. sugar, eggs – 4 or 3, margarine – 160 g, honey – 2 tbsp. spoons, soda - 2 teaspoons quicklime. Place the mixture in a water bath; when bubbles appear, the dough is ready. After this, add 5 stacks. flour and prepare the dough. Leave for approximately 25-30 minutes. Divide the dough into 12 pieces, roll out and bake the shortcakes.

Now the most exciting part is making the cream. Take 2 stacks. milk and boil it, adding 1.5 cups. Sahara. When you see that it has boiled, add 4 beaten eggs, 6 tbsp. spoons of flour and vanillin. Stir over the fire. The cream is ready when it comes out thick.

Next, add 150 g of butter and pass the cream through a mixer. Place the shortbreads on top of each other, coating each one well with cream. For beauty, crumble one of the cake layers onto the top of the cake.

9. With boiled condensed milk

A delicious and tender cake is a good dessert for any occasion. It melts in your mouth and, fortunately, is incredibly easy to prepare, so anyone can take note of the recipe.

Beat the egg and sugar - 100 g together. Place the plums in the pan. butter - 50 g and wait until it melts. Mix the oil with 1 teaspoon of soda and honey - 50 g. You can see the mass increase - stir it, and soon it will become a caramel color.

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When the mixture has cooled, pour the egg mixture into it. Knead the dough, adding sifted flour - 260 g, and then put it on the table and knead it. The dough must be covered with cling film and left for approximately 60 minutes. Next, roll up the sausage and cut into several pieces. Roll out any piece into a thin layer and sprinkle with flour.

Bake for 5 minutes at 200 degrees, creating circles using a plate. For the cream, mix the plums. butter, lemon juice and condensed milk . We coat any cake with cream, and sprinkle the top with walnuts.

8. With honey

For this cake, the most important thing is to choose high quality honey . The top can be topped with jam or condensed milk - it all depends on your preferences.

So, let's prepare honey shortcakes. Take a saucepan and combine the following ingredients in it: 45 g of honey, drain. butter – 15 g, 125 g sugar. We heat the mass, and when we see that the sugar has dissolved, turn off the heat, add a spoonful of soda and stir with a whisk. The mixture will foam, pour it into a suitable container.

Add 2 eggs and mix. Next comes flour - 320 g, add it in part. You should get a thick mixture, we will just roll it into a ball, and then roll it out on the table.

We make shortcakes from the dough and bake them for 10 minutes at 180 degrees. The last step, as you might think, is to grease the cakes with cream. For it, just mix sour cream and sweet powder. After 3 hours the cake is ready to eat.

7. With sour cream

For the cream we will need condensed milk and sour cream. Buttercream is perfect for evening gatherings with the family or for a holiday.

First, prepare the dough (use one of the recipes for making the dough indicated in the paragraph above, or any other). Divide it into 10 koloboks, then roll them out so that they come out thin. As in previous recipes, bake them for 5-10 minutes at 180 degrees. Crumble one of the cake layers (the crumbs will be useful for the top of the cake).

Now let's make the cream - spread sour cream - 700 g, with a fat content of no more than 20%, on gauze folded in 4 layers. We tie the gauze and tie it for 4 hours.

Attention! Whey will drain from the sour cream, so put something under the cheesecloth.

After this procedure, sour cream resembles cream cheese. Add a can of condensed milk to the mixture and stir until smooth. Ready! You need to grease any shortcake with cream, and sprinkle the top and sides with crumbs and melted chocolate (to taste).

6. With butter cream

A delicious cake with buttercream is easy to bake at home. We prepare the dough using one of the recipes for making it above as a base. The cream is prepared from just two ingredients: condensed milk and butter. Beat butter - 200 g in a mixer, add a can of condensed milk and achieve a homogeneous mass.

We coat any cake with the resulting cream, forming a cake of the height that you require. We also coat the top and sides of the cake with cream. At the end, take one shortbread and crumble it onto the cake. Serve the cake after 2-3 hours with hot tea.

5. With custard

Thanks to the custard , the baked goods come out very fragrant; in addition, the cake has a pronounced honey color if you add it when making the dough.

First, bake the shortcakes with honey. Next, prepare the custard: mix 700 ml. milk with 80 g of sugar, and bring the mixture to a boil. Mix eggs - 3 pcs. with starch - 3.5 tbsp. spoons and sugar - 80 g and, stirring the mass, pour in boiled milk. Put the mixture on the fire and bring it to thicken.

After removing the mixture from the heat, add lemon juice and drain. butter and lemon zest. Stir and leave until cool, stirring the mixture occasionally. Next, we do everything similarly to the previous recipes - coat any shortbread. You can sprinkle the top with shortbread or not - it all depends on your preferences.

4. With semolina

The cake with semolina cream turns out very tender. Semolina cream is much tastier than porridge, try making it and you will agree.

Cook from semolina - 3 tbsp. spoons and milk - 2 cups. thick porridge, after which we cool it. Beat the plum. butter - 300 g with a glass of sugar, then combine this mass with porridge. We continue to beat. That's all, the cream is ready. Coat any layer of cake with cream and sprinkle the sides with crumbs from the scraps.

3. With an abundance of cakes

As you can already guess, in order for a cake to come out with an abundance of cake layers , you need to bake more cake layers than usual.

The highest cake, if you try, can turn out quite beautiful, and it can be served on the table when it comes to tea.

Use any cream that you like, for example, sour cream and sugar. If desired, if a cake with an abundance of layers is intended for table decoration, the top can be decorated with colored icing (it can be prepared either independently or purchased.)

2. With grated nuts

Almost everyone prefers to bake Ryzhik with grated nuts . And it’s clear why, because the baked goods come out beautiful! We will also use kiwi and tangerine for the recipe.

First, let's bake shortcakes with margarine, eggs and lemon. We alternately grease the cooled shortcakes with cream, which we will prepare according to one of the previous recipes (we choose rich sour cream).

Any layer comes with an addition: the first one is with ground walnuts, then there are circles of peeled kiwi, then again nuts, then mashed tangerine pulp, then again nuts. Grease the top with the remaining cream and sprinkle with shortbread.

1. Quickly

Making a cake is always a troublesome task, but there are recipes that can be used to prepare baked goods in no time . Let's talk about one of them.

Of course, the fewer ingredients, the faster the cake will be prepared. For the cakes, we will take the same ingredients that were required in the recipes above, and for the cream – 0.5 cups of milk, a cup of sugar, plums. butter – 300 g and egg – 2 pcs.

Mix all the ingredients, bring to a boil, and then add the plum. oil. Lubricate any cake with the consistency, and then put the cake in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours to soak.

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