Blog of Maria Snow White

Blog of Maria Snow White

Strawberry confit

Hi all. Now I will share with you a proven recipe for interiors for mousse and sponge cakes, which hold their shape perfectly and do not leak. This is especially important on the eve of the summer holidays, when the heat can ruin the shape of any cake.

Confit is a French word that I heard for the first time relatively recently and became terribly interested in. Strawberry confit, by the way, is the most common option, but, as you realize, the inside can be made from all berries and fruits. As usual, I will tell you the essence of production, and then everything depends only on your imagination.

So, confit is fruit and berry puree boiled with sugar, with the addition of a gelling agent - gelatin. As a result of this process, we get an indescribably strong structure that will not disturb the assembly of the cake. And, most importantly, it will look very beautiful when cut. If you are tired of watching fruits or berries practically fall out under the weight of the cakes, then this recipe is for you.

How to create berry (strawberry) confit at home, recipe with photos step by step.

  1. 170 gr. berries (I used frozen strawberries)
  2. 40−50 gr. sugar (depending on the acidity of the berries you choose)
  3. 25 gr. water + 30 gr. for soaking gelatin
  4. 5 gr. gelatin

First, a few words about gelatin. It is best to use either sheet or instant Dr. Oetker. At one time I experimented and took other companies, but I didn’t find the best option. The result depends on the properties of gelatin; if gelatin is cheap, then, firstly, this will affect the structure of the confit, and, secondly, on its taste, therefore, gelatin is a component of animal origin. If you don’t want to smell any foreign odors in your cake, then I advise you not to skimp on gelatin. This one is good, tested.

Sheet gelatin is the easiest to work with; it can be soaked in cool water without measuring grams, because it will absorb exactly the amount of water it needs. The most common version of this gelatin is this. You can buy it in confectionery stores.

We work with ordinary gelatin according to the instructions written on the packaging. There is only one rule here - gelatin must not be overheated. At temperatures above 60-70 degrees it loses its characteristics.

Also, during the manufacturing process, we will need a ring into which we will pour the purchased confit. I use either a split ring for baking biscuits, or a springform pan, or rather its sides, by removing the base. But my ring is very uncomfortable specifically for making confit, it is not even and the inside is constantly leaking. I think that it is very necessary for assembling even cakes, it is also comfortable to bake biscuits in it, but the dough is not very liquid, completely liquid - it leaks out no matter how much you put the foil on the bottom. You can buy it on Ozone or on Aliexpress. Here's my ring.

The best option is one-piece rings of small diameter (the most popular ones for me are 14, 16, 18 cm). I hope I'll get them soon.

Next, I will outline the process of how I prepare confit.

It is better to defrost the berries ahead of time. You can speed up the process by using a microwave. We don’t drain the purchased juice; we will cook it with it. Although, with small berries such as raspberries and lingonberries, it is possible to do without defrosting. During the boiling process, such berries will quickly defrost and so on.

Place the berries and juice in a saucepan, add sugar and water.

Punch with an immersion blender. In the case of raspberries, this point can be missed; the raspberries will disperse during the boiling process.

Place over medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring.

At this time, prepare the gelatin. Soak the powder in water in a ratio of 1:6, in other words, for 5 grams of gelatin we will need approximately 30 grams of water. If yours is not instant, then I advise you to start the entire manufacturing process from this point, so that the gelatin has time to swell. In my case, I dissolve gelatin in warm water (not higher than 60º), stirring constantly so that it completely dissolves,

As soon as the berries boil, remove them from the heat and cool to approximately 60º.

Add our swollen gelatin to the berry mixture and mix thoroughly.

Pour into the prepared ring. The bottom of the ring needs to be covered with film and be sure to place it on something hard, I put it on a cake base. Because when transferred in the refrigerator, all the berries will simply remain on the floor under their own weight if there is no support. To make it easier to strengthen the film, I advise you to moisten the edges of the ring a little with water.

Place the resulting system in the freezer for 2-3 hours.

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After this time, the confit can be immediately placed in the cake, or taken out of the ring, wrapped in film and thrown in the freezer until needed.

I personally find it more convenient to take it out of the ring by squeezing it through the free edge, but try it, maybe it will be more convenient for you to take it out from the other edge. Another very important point is that you need to painstakingly free the confit from the film, in order to create this faster; I wet it a little with water, so the film comes off faster.

I don’t defrost the confit ahead of time, I put it in the cake straight from the freezer. The layer is quite narrow, in 2-3 hours it will literally thaw completely and arrive on your table in its usual form, which is still just enough to decorate and stabilize the cake.

Another fundamental point is that the diameter of the confit layer should be at least 2 cm smaller than the diameter of the cakes, or even 4. so that it sticks there.

This is how aesthetically our confit looks when cut.

This is a reddish velvet cake, the recipe is on the blog, available at the link - Reddish Velvet. The cream in the cake is creamy cheese. Homemade caramel is also used in the layer. All links are clickable, there you will find detailed photos of the manufacturing process.

In the confit itself, the gelatin is not felt; it comes out indescribably homogeneous in structure and tasty. Try to cook it too, it’s completely easy.

By the way, confit can be placed not only in the cake, but also on the cake. Cheesecakes look so pretty.

Bon appetit.

139 Explanations

Maria, it's a good day! Thank you so much for such a detailed recipe! I love that you share useful tips and your experiences! And absolutely thank you for your blog. I came across it by chance when I found a certain recipe on the Internet... And now you are in my bookmarks) I’m looking for your updates. Thank you for what you do.

Hello Marina. Thank you for such words, after such explanations I want to write even more)

Hello, is butter cream ok? (Butter + condensed milk)

Maria, please tell me, can this biscuit be baked in a slow cooker?

Maria, hello!
Is it possible to replace gelatin with agar? If yes, in what proportions? Thank you!

Hello Ekaterina. Naturally it is possible. For this size of berries you will need a little more than half a teaspoon. Only the scheme will be different. We need to immediately put everything together in a saucepan (berries, sugar, water, agar) and after boiling the mass given to us, hold it for a minute or two on the fire in order for the agar to work.

Hello Maria, I don’t quite understand the freezing process (((can I make it simpler? I need to decorate the confit cheesecake, will it be delicious and wonderful with currants?

Hello. For cheesecake, the sequence is as follows: prepare the cheesecake, cool it. Prepare the confit, put it on top of the cheesecake, you can put it in the freezer for 40 minutes so that the layer sets faster. Or you can just throw it in the refrigerator, but then it will take more time. After complete hardening, remove the mold and serve)

Hello! And if the confit is on agar, then it must be placed on the cheesecake while it’s still hot? Will it freeze at 40 degrees? Will the cheesecake melt with all this?

No, it won't melt)

It’s a nice day, tell me, how should I add sheet gelatin to the berries? Do I immediately remove it from the stove or wait until it cools down a bit?

Maria thank you for the recipes

For some reason I don’t understand that the composition states twice about gelatin, points 3 and 4. Didn’t realize?((

In point 3 the required amount of water is indicated, 25 g in the pan for the strawberries and 30 g for soaking the gelatin.

Maria, on the screensaver of this recipe there is a photo of a very beautiful, as I realized, cheesecake. Share the recipe. I searched through the blog but couldn’t find it))

Hello, this is just a photo for the screensaver. There is a recipe for New York cheesecake on the blog. Prepare it and top with confit.

Hello Maria! Is it possible to not freeze the confit, but put it in the refrigerator?

Strawberry confit for cake


Frozen strawberries – 220 g

Corn starch – 10 g

Instant gelatin – 6 g

  • 116 kcal
  • 30 min.
  • 30 min.

Photo of the finished dish

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Step-by-step recipe with photos

Confit comes from the French word confit, and at first it was a method of preparing dishes, specifically the long and leisurely simmering of meat or poultry in fat. Have you heard of duck confit? This is it! This is also a wonderful word used by confectioners when they prepare various preparations from berry and fruit mixtures for cakes and mousse desserts. By the way, the familiar confiture has the same origin.

Read also:  Pie with kefir jam

In addition to berries and fruits, gelatin and sugar are also used to make confit, and in some cases corn starch is also added to create a confit texture softer than just jelly.

It is best to use instant gelatin; it does not require long soaking; it is enough to dilute it with warm water in a ratio of 1:6, heat it, stirring, to a temperature of 60 degrees so that the gelatin is completely dissolved, and then combine it with the berry or fruit mass.

So, let’s prepare all the necessary ingredients to make strawberry confit for the cake.

You can safely take frozen strawberries, the main thing is to let them defrost before making them. After defrosting, pour sugar and cornstarch into a bowl with strawberries.

Stir with a spoon and then puree the mixture with a blender until smooth.

Put it on the fire, bring it almost to a boil, boil for 2 minutes and set aside.

Dissolve 6g instant gelatin in 36g water heated to 60 degrees. Gelatin should completely dissolve.

Add dissolved gelatin to the strawberry mass.

You can beat it again with a blender so that the gelatin is distributed moderately throughout the entire mass.

I used the same mold for hardening the confit as for baking the cakes, because I was going to use the confit for a cake. Cover the bottom of the pan with cling film and place on a flat plate.

Pour in more watery confit mixture; the thickness of the layer can be checked with a toothpick. Place everything in the refrigerator to harden.

If you are not going to use strawberry confit right away, but are making it for the future, then put the mold in the freezer, after hardening, wrap it in film and store it in the freezer until ready to use. I used it right away, because my strawberry confit just froze in the refrigerator. This is how my strawberry confit for the cake turned out.

Usually a layer of confit is placed between 2 layers of cream or mousse in a cake. With this strawberry confit I made this little cake for a homemade tea party.

Strawberry confiture for cake


I quite often prepare strawberry confiture for the layer in a cake, for the inside of baskets, and also for cupcakes. Well, you can’t do without pampering yourself with a spoon for your tea)))

I make strawberry confiture all year round. It is clear that during the strawberry season it is from the freshest berries, but the rest of the time I use frozen ones, homemade.

If we talk about strawberry confiture for future use, then this is a turnkey preparation for the winter. For such confiture, more sugar is used and the result is a very tasty thick jam for the winter.

I don’t indicate it in the recipe, but strawberry confit can be prepared with such additives as: cardamom, vanilla, cloves. Obviously, with one of the listed spices. And for those who like a catchy twist, you can add alcohol (rum, cognac, amaretto).


  • strawberries – 350 gr.,
  • sugar – 100 gr.,
  • corn starch – 10 g.,
  • lemon juice – 0.5-1 teaspoon.

How to cook:

Making strawberry jam is very common. I have already finished my preparations and this does not frighten me, because at the moment it is possible to purchase this fragrant and delicious berry – strawberries – at a reasonable price!

Strawberry confiture is not only 100% pureed berries. You can puree only part of it.

Wash the strawberries well under running water and remove the sepals. By the way, these sepals produce the necessary and very tasty tea!

1. Using an immersion blender, puree the strawberries. This portion of strawberry confit is enough for me to make a cake D=24 cm.

2. Let's prepare other products. This is sugar, half a teaspoon of lemon juice and starch. I use cornstarch. I also make custard with this starch.

3. Pour the pureed strawberries into a saucepan with a thick bottom.

4. Add sugar and starch here. Stir with a silicone spatula and place over medium heat. Bring the mixture to a boil and add lemon juice. If there is no lemon, a pinch of citric acid will do.

5. After boiling, the mixture will begin to thicken. That’s why we don’t leave the stove and constantly stir it. Boil strawberries with starch for 3 minutes, no more.

Pour the prepared confiture into another bowl and let it cool completely. Then cover the dishes with strawberry confit with cling film, in contact, and put them in the refrigerator for at least an hour. Chilled confiture becomes thicker and can be used for its intended purpose.

Read also:  Chuchvara

Do you cook such a delicious dish?

How about chocolate cake with strawberry confit? Or maybe we’ll just spread it on a crust of homemade bread, without yeast?

Fill muffins and cupcakes with strawberry confit - it’s very tasty and, you see, it’s not at all difficult!

Friends, bon appetit and look forward to the latest recipes!

Strawberry confit for cake

Beautiful, colorful, tasty, perfect for baking! Confit is a fragrant fruit and berry layer that is used when baking a wide variety of cakes. It can be prepared from berries and fruits that harden with gelatin. We will cook strawberry confit using gelatin.

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  3. Strawberry confit for cake

Ingredients and how to cook

ingredients for 6 servings or - the number of products for servings suitable for you will be calculated automatically!'>

tea spoon 5 ml
dessert spoon 10 ml
tablespoon 20 ml
cup 200 ml


Composition weight: 100 gr
86 kcal
Belkov: 2 g
Zhirov: 0 g
Carbohydrates: 19 g
Used: 10 / 0 / 90
N 21 / C 0 / B 79

Production time: 20 min

Step-by-step production

Step 1:

How to create a conf? Prepare the necessary ingredients. In the spring-summer period, it is better, of course, to use the freshest strawberries - with them the layer will be more fragrant. And in other seasons, frozen berries are suitable. When using new berries, choose ripe, fragrant and pleasant-tasting ones. You can take gelatin powder or in plates.

Step 2:

Soak the gelatin in 50 ml of cool water and leave to swell for 10 minutes. If you have gelatin in plates, then also soak it in water.

Step 3:

If you are making confit from frozen berries, like I did, defrost them ahead of time and save the juice. When using new berries, wash them and remove the stems.

Step 4:

Place strawberries in a saucepan, add sugar, pour in 30 ml of water.

Step 5:

Blend everything with an immersion blender until smooth. You can also use an ordinary stationary blender. It is important that there are no whole uncrushed pieces left in the puree.

Step 6:

If you want to get the most homogeneous puree, without seeds, rub it through a fine sieve.

Step 7:

Place the saucepan over medium heat and, stirring, bring the puree to a boil. Boil, stirring, for 1 minute and remove the saucepan from the heat.

Step 8:

Immediately add the swollen gelatin to the hot puree and carefully stir the mass so that the gelatin is completely dispersed throughout it. For sheet gelatin, remove it from the water, squeeze it lightly, add it to the strawberry puree and stir. Let the mixture sit for a while and cool slightly.

Step 9:

The cooled confit can be immediately poured onto the surface of the cake (the cake should be in a cooking ring so that the confit does not drip off it). In this case, the confit must cool to room temperature so that the hot puree does not melt the layers of the cake. After pouring the cake, you need to put it in the refrigerator so that the confit hardens.

Step 10:

Confit can also be placed inside the cake as a layer. In this case, it must be frozen. Cover a culinary ring of suitable diameter (from 18 to 24 cm depending on the appropriate thickness) with cling film on one side (in the video I show how to create this) and immediately place it on a flat surface in which you will freeze the confit (plate, board). Pour the cooled puree inside and leave to cool completely at room temperature.

Step 11:

Then transfer to the freezer for 3-4 hours. After this, the frozen berry layer can be used for its intended purpose. I put it on top of the cake. Or you can put it inside between layers of cream. Bon appetit!

Confit can be stored frozen for a long time. I kept it for a week until I finally got around to making the cake. You just need to cover the top of the confit with a bag or cover it with film so that the puree does not become saturated with the odors of the refrigerator and snow from the freezer does not fall on it.

Frozen confit can be placed not only inside the cake, but also placed on top. In my case, I made a cake and confit of a similar diameter and the frozen layer completely settled on top of the creamy interior.

The cake with frozen confit must be left to stand for 20-30 minutes at room temperature or 2-3 hours in the refrigerator for the confit to thaw.

After thawing, the confit does not spill and retains its shape thanks to gelatin.

. If you want to prepare kiwi or pineapple confit using this recipe, you need to know that these fruits are not suitable for gelatin confit. They contain substances that destroy gelatin. Therefore, it is necessary to cook on agar, gelfix, but not on gelatin.

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