Chicken soup

Chicken soup

British chicken soup with cheese

The recipe seemed so simple, and in appearance the soup was nothing special, but it turned out to be so tasty that even the husband was in ecstasy. I will definitely cook it many times.

Chicken soup with rolls

My grandmother prepared this soup when I was a child, and now I prepare it myself for my own family. The combination of chicken, melted butter, garlic and fragrant pepper makes the soup taste fabulous.

Chicken soup with corn

Chicken soup with corn according to the recipe of Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova. She demonstrated this recipe in the Smak program. While I was watching, I firmly decided that I would cook, but there was no chicken right away, and later I forgot. In the end, now I remembered, and all the products were in stock. Well, what can I say? A very tasty, tender soup. I will cook it again and again and I advise you to try it!

Chicken soup “Ryzhik” with fried vermicelli

It looks like an ordinary soup, but no! Fried vermicelli imparts a fascinating flavor! Another advantage of frying is that if the soup sits, the vermicelli will not swell, as usually happens.

Chicken soup with cauliflower

Soup “Good Health”. Sopa “rica”. Summer flew by so quickly, and autumn time has come unnoticed. I don’t understand how it is with you, but here the weather has completely gone crazy. Hot during the day, icy winds in the evening. The week before last it rained so much that half of Spain was washed away. (Demonstrated on the news). So let's get ready for winter and strengthen our immunity. I offer you a recipe for the soup that Spanish grandmothers feed their grandchildren. The soup comes out thick, rich, but at the same time non-greasy and light on the stomach. Cauliflower is a storehouse of microelements, and ginger will protect against colds. Please come visit!

Chicken soup with dumplings

This delicious soup can be prepared in 20 minutes if you have chicken broth prepared in advance. Try it: tender airy dumplings, fragrant broth. Yummy!

Chicken soup with omelette and vegetables

I really love this soup. A little imagination and an ordinary soup will sparkle with new colors. I won’t say a lot of words, let’s better prepare and enjoy.

Italian chicken soup

A rich, creamy soup that is indescribably delicious and smooth.

Algerian chicken soup with couscous

Oh, what a soup it turned out to be. Thick, rich, fragrant, satisfying. I cooked it for lunch, but later enjoyed it for dinner. Great soup! Shall we try it?

Chicken soup “Tovuk Shurpa”

A new soup for me, with a very exciting taste. It is my pleasure to offer the recipe.

Chicken soup . Chicken soup - the first dish based on chicken broth. It is considered a dietary product and is often prescribed to people during the healing period. Chicken soup is also good for children, which is why it is rightfully considered a home-cooked dish.

Chicken soup cooks quickly and easily, so it is recommended not to cook it in large pans. It is always better to feed your family the freshest soup than to reheat the day before yesterday. Whatever pan you choose, remember that there must be another liter and a half left so that the liquid does not spill onto the stove. A liter of soup is enough for a family of 4 people.

Chicken soup is also good because you can use any part of the chicken to make it. Naturally, the most fragrant and rich soup will be made from meat on the bone.

Before cooking, chicken meat must be defrosted. Before putting it in the pan, you need to wash the ingredient with water.

It is recommended to cook chicken soup over low heat - strong boiling results in the soup turning out cloudy and unsightly in appearance. The soup turns out especially wonderful when you add fried carrots - it becomes catchy and dressed up. Another method to improve the color (and, in general, taste) of a dish is to add a suitable seasoning (for example, turmeric).

Chicken soup is often cooked with noodles or vermicelli. The combination of pasta with vegetables makes the first dish very satisfying. Some people add half a boiled egg to this dish before serving and garnish with dill and parsley.

Recently, pureed soups have become very popular. If you are also a fan of this soup, then it is recommended to cook the vegetables for the dish separately and combine them with chicken broth in a blender.

Chicken soup

There are a huge number of chicken soups The most common version of the recipe is chicken soup with noodles or vermicelli . It is better to cook noodles on your own, but you can also use store-bought noodles. If you are a fan of vegetable and mushroom soups, then in this case chicken broth will be very helpful. So, choose a chicken soup

Chicken soup with chanterelles and corn

In this recipe, chicken soup is successfully supplemented with the freshest mushrooms and corn. I boil the corn kernels in advance until ready and add them to the almost finished broth so that all the ingredients in the soup reach the right condition at once. Sautéed vegetables with mushrooms.

Chicken gizzard soup with wheat cereal

Before you cook the soup, you will have to be patient and cook the chicken stomachs. And they cook for at least 2 hours to become soft and tasty. But they're worth it. By the way, instead of wheat cereal, you can add bulgur or pearl barley to the soup. It won't be the least.

Chicken soup with yellowish lentils

It takes very little time to cook yellowish lentils, which is why they are suitable for soups. In this recipe I used chicken for the broth, because... there was a chicken skeleton left that needed to be placed somewhere. But any kind of meat will do (or without it at all, just .

Chicken minestrone with lentils and spaghetti

The list of ingredients is longer than the cooking itself. The recipe is especially good because leftover chicken that is not eaten during the main meal is suitable for making it. The skeleton and bones will become the basis for the chicken broth on which the Italian will be prepared.

Chicken soup with broccoli and celery

Broccoli and celery stalks make beautiful additions to chicken soup. With it, it comes out the most fragrant and tasty. And note, there are no potatoes in the recipe. This will allow you to remove excess carbohydrates from the menu, but without losing the taste of the finished dish. If on .

Chicken and rice soup in a slow cooker

It’s easy to cook almost everyone’s favorite chicken soup with rice in a slow cooker. Any part of a chicken carcass is suitable for broth. In this recipe, the soup is made from chicken wings and thighs. If you want the broth to be as clear as possible, boil the rice separately and add more.

Read also:  Lenten breakfast recipe

Chicken soup with rice

Now there will be a regular recipe for chicken soup with rice and vegetables. For the broth, fillet or chicken on the bone is suitable. Just try to cook a clear broth so that the finished soup looks more appetizing.

Asian egg soup with chicken and corn

Asian soups are gaining immense popularity in almost everything due to their ease of preparation. After all, most of the ingredients for them are products that are common to us, but in an unusual combination and culinary processing. An example of this is this recipe for egg soup with.

Pea soup with chicken necks

An economical version of pea soup, the broth for which is cooked using chicken necks. Chicken necks cook quickly, but the longer they are in the broth, the richer and tastier the soup turns out. Before adding peas to the broth, wash them and pour cold.

Cabbage soup from the freshest cabbage with chicken and beans

Hot homemade cabbage soup can even be prepared using chicken. The broth is not as rich as beef broth, but overall the soup turned out tasty. The freshest cabbage and tomatoes, coupled with aromatic sweet peppers, give the cabbage soup a vegetable lightness, but the pieces of chicken add a touch of vegetable lightness.

Spicy chicken wing soup

Let's make some spicy chicken wing soup. It’s no secret that you can cook a good clear broth with chicken wings, and any soup can be made using this broth. In that recipe, in addition to the usual set of vegetables, spicy red was added to the soup.

Greenish sorrel soup with chicken broth

There are many recipes for making sorrel soup. This could be soup with meat broth or lean soup, with buckwheat or rice, with boiled or raw eggs. What remains constant is sorrel and sour cream, which are added to the plate with the finished soup. If you don't have the freshest cabbage soup.

Chicken soup with semolina dumplings

For contrast, regular chicken soup can be prepared with semolina dumplings, the recipe for which is carefully described here. If you want the broth to remain clear, then add it to the soup.

Chicken soup with semolina or Turgenev soup

They say that this soup was respected by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, which is why the second name of the dish is Turgenev soup. Why not? The soup is really tasty, all the ingredients are available to us, so it’s time to cook clear chicken broth and season it.

Buckwheat soup with chicken and mushrooms

Buckwheat can be used to cook not only porridge. A small amount of cereal is added to soups to make them thicker and more satisfying. We offer a recipe for buckwheat soup with chicken and mushrooms to vary the menu. In general, buckwheat soup is prepared in the same way as any other soup.

Mushroom soup with chicken

The recipe for mushroom soup with chicken is not bad because it can be used to prepare two different dishes - regular soup with meat and mushrooms or puree soup. In the 2nd case, puree the fairly ready soup with an immersion blender. Optional, not counting those listed.

Vegetable soup with chicken quenelles

Airy chicken dumplings look appetizing in a bowl of hot soup with vegetables. The most important thing here is to properly prepare minced meat from chicken breast. If you follow the recipe, it will turn out to be a light, almost weightless mixture, with all this taste.

Waterzooi with chicken - chicken soup with cream (Gentse Waterzooi)

As is clear, apart from the unusual recipe for this Belgian soup - with fish, there is also an option with chicken. This is what we will cook. Traditional Belgian stew, a common dish in Flanders, is often called "Ghent waterzoel". Unique vk.

Chicken soup with spider web noodles and sausage cheese in a slow cooker

Almost everyone considers soup with thin spider web noodles to be very ordinary. But if you show your imagination, an ordinary soup can be transformed into a unique dish. And sausage cheese will help this transformation. But not just any one, but only the one that melts perfectly, from n.

Greenish soup with buckwheat

Greenish buckwheat soup is prepared using the leaves of various edible herbs. The main ingredient in the greenish soup recipe is sorrel, which gives the finished dish a specific, slightly sour taste. In addition to sorrel, greenish soup can be prepared.

Buckwheat soup with chicken

Buckwheat soup has all the beneficial properties of this cereal for us. Buckwheat does not contain gluten and contains many necessary substances. Chicken soup with buckwheat is a universal dish; it is suitable for both adults and children. The recipe is simple, so the soup will literally turn out delicious. .

Chicken soup with broccoli and beans

Another recipe for delicious chicken soup with broccoli and beans. What came out was a rich, thick vegetable soup with meat, after which you may not want to eat another. Try to distribute the cooking time of vegetables so that the cabbage does not boil into remains. B.

Soup with chicken meatballs and dumplings in a slow cooker

If you need to cook soup with meatballs and pasta “in reserve” for a certain number of days, then a recipe for soup with dumplings or dumplings is suitable for this. Dumplings are unrivaled in their ability to withstand a long stay in broth, becoming simply vicious.

Potato soup with chicken, cheese and corn grits in a slow cooker

Not everyone knows that you can cook a very tasty soup from corn grits. At the same time, the combination of corn with milk products or cheeses increases the biological value of proteins, and it becomes virtually the same as that of meat. Soup with corn grits, p.

Chicken bean soup

You can make good bean soup with chicken broth. In this case, the meat broth can be cooked on a whole chicken, or on its parts (wings, legs, etc.). Beans for soup are prepared in advance: left in water overnight (that is, in the dark) , and then boiled until soft. If .

Chicken soup with potato meatballs

Recipe for thick chicken soup with potato meatballs, cooked in clear broth. Meatballs are made from raw grated potatoes with the addition of eggs, flour and fresh herbs. So that the chicken broth comes out truly rich and pro.

Chicken soups

Each housewife has her own unique recipe for traditional chicken soup. But we all sometimes crave contrast. Our Culinary Specialists have prepared for you recipes for extraordinary chicken soups using common and affordable products. It is believed that the best combination is cereals, legumes, dumplings, mushrooms, and homemade noodles. Indeed, such chicken soups are no less tasty. These dishes perfectly warm and nourish the body during bad weather. We offer several options on how to prepare an extraordinary chicken soup.

Read also:  Rosehip jam

Recipes in the collection: 24

for 2 liters of water:
250 gr.
dry chickpeas 2 chicken legs (½ chicken)
1 onion
several cloves
bay leaf

  • 45
  • 38


  • 19 February 2013, 09:25

chicken – 1.3-1.5 kg,
water – 2 liters,
dry thyme – 5-6 sprigs,
bay leaf – 2 pcs.
cloves – 1 pc.
black peppercorns – 10 pcs.

  • 40
  • 53

Winnie the Pooh

  • February 13, 2012, 00:56

1 chicken (not large)
1 onion
1 carrot
1 bunch of dill bay
dark peppercorns 5 pcs.

  • 38
  • 43

princess of spices

  • 27 May 2012, 08:05

for the broth:
chicken (thigh) - 2 pcs
chicken broth - 1.5 l
Mistral blanche beans - 1/2 tbsp.
tomato - 2 pcs
onion - 1 pc

  • 25
  • 15

Natalia Kournikova

  • 26 July 2015, 15:21

1. chicken fillet - half 1
2. leek - white part - 5 cm
3. carrots - 1 small
4. green beans - pcs.
7-10 pods 5. sweet pepper - half
6. cauliflower - a handful of small inflorescences

  • 29
  • 19


  • 22 August 2014, 16:17

for the broth:
chicken breast on the bone - 1 piece
water - 3 l
ground dark pepper

  • 5
  • 8

Lena M

  • 06 August 2015, 14:26

1 chicken breast fillet (200 g)
1 reddish onion
1 tbsp.
tomato juice 1-2 chili peppers
1 can of canned corn (150 g)
vegetable oil 1 tbsp.

  • 13
  • 43


  • 13 March 2009, 18:51

chicken fillet-400 g
water-2.5 l
rice-3 tbsp.
potatoes - 3-4 pcs
. young zucchini - 1 pc
. cream 10% - 0.5 cup.

  • 11
  • 12

Lena M

  • 18 June 2014, 21:16

1. trimmings of 3 chicken breasts
2. onions - 1 pc.
medium-sized 3. cucumber - 1 pc.
medium 4. carrots - 1 pc.
small 5. reddish sweet pepper - 1 piece
6. mildly hot fresh pepper - half

  • 43
  • 31


  • 01 May 2013, 12:36

chicken back - 1 pc.
chicken wings - 150 g.
carrots - 1 pc.
leek - 1 pc.
zucchini-5 mugs.
potatoes - 4 large pieces

  • 8
  • 4


  • 04 September 2014, 00:03

chicken (soup set) - 400 g
fresh champignons - 6-7 pcs.
onion - 1 pc.
carrots - 1 pc.
potatoes - 4-5 pcs
. rice “amber” TM Mistral - 1 handful

  • 9
  • 13

Lena M

  • December 18, 2014, 15:25

1.5 liters of water
250 gr.
chicken fillet 2 eggs
1 medium onion
1 small carrot

  • 9
  • 9


  • 12 May 2013, 09:49

chicken fillet (or legs) - 2 pieces
mistral peas - 150 g
green peas - 2 mountains
garlic - 1 tooth
onion - 1 goal
tomato paste - 3 tbsp.

  • 4
  • 5


  • 06 August 2015, 17:58

chicken thighs - 2 pcs
potatoes - 4 pcs
carrots - 1 pc
onion - 1 pc buckwheat
- 2 handfuls
Hungarian smoked-boiled bacon TM "Okraina" - 6 slices

  • 9
  • 10

Lena M

  • 28 October 2015, 14:45

chicken leg - 1 pc.
carrots - 1 pc.
onion - 1 pc
. black pepper - 5-6 pcs
. bay leaf - 1 pc
. noodles - 100 g.

  • 7
  • 4

Lena M

  • 29 January 2015, 14:40

chicken - 300 g
quinoa - 1 cup.
carrots - 1 pc.
bell pepper (yellowish) - 1/2 pc.
onion - 1 pc.
garlic - 3 teeth.

  • 3
  • 6


  • April 24, 2014, 10:28 pm

for an 8-liter pan:
chicken - 1 carcass (about 1 kg)
Kuban rice tm mistral - 150 ml.
potatoes - 7-10 pcs
. carrots (large) - 1 pc.
onions (medium) - 2-3 pcs.

  • 22
  • 11


  • July 31, 2015, 00:42

– chicken drumstick – 4 pcs.
– shallots – 120 g
– potatoes – 2 pcs.
– garlic – 3 cloves
– reddish bell pepper – 0.5 pcs.
– chopped parsley – 2 tbsp.

  • 13
  • 12


  • 05 September 2014, 16:07

chicken breast – 1 pc.
carrots – 1 pc.
onion – 1 pc.
bell pepper – 0.5 pcs.
garlic – 1 clove
small hard wheat paste – a handful

  • 5
  • 6


  • 09 November 2014, 22:12

for the broth:
chicken meat - 300 g
water - 2 l,
salt -
for soup:

  • 12
  • 8

Natalia Kournikova

  • January 15, 2016, 10:36 pm

“basmati quinoa mix” from “Mistral” - 125 g
carrots - 1 pc
. onion - 1 pc.
celery - 1 stalk
canned champignons - 1 jar
sun-dried tomatoes - 10 pcs.

  • 10
  • 9


  • January 24, 2016, 12:21

chicken leg – 250 g
potatoes – 120 g
carrots – 50 g
onions – 50 g
tomato – 30 g
bell pepper – 50 g

  • 4
  • 9


  • 04 August 2014, 11:16

900 ml.
chicken or vegetable broth 1 chicken breast (about 200 g)
1 tsp.
chopped fresh ginger root 1 crushed clove of garlic
50 gr.
wheat noodles 2 tbsp. canned corn

Chicken soup

There are a huge number of chicken soups The most common version of the recipe is chicken soup with noodles or vermicelli . It is better to cook noodles on your own, but you can also use store-bought noodles. If you are a fan of vegetable and mushroom soups, then in this case chicken broth will be very helpful. So, choose a chicken soup

Chicken soup with chanterelles and corn

In this recipe, chicken soup is successfully supplemented with the freshest mushrooms and corn. I boil the corn kernels in advance until ready and add them to the almost finished broth so that all the ingredients in the soup reach the right condition at once. Sautéed vegetables with mushrooms.

Chicken gizzard soup with wheat cereal

Before you cook the soup, you will have to be patient and cook the chicken stomachs. And they cook for at least 2 hours to become soft and tasty. But they're worth it. By the way, instead of wheat cereal, you can add bulgur or pearl barley to the soup. It won't be the least.

Chicken soup with yellowish lentils

It takes very little time to cook yellowish lentils, which is why they are suitable for soups. In this recipe I used chicken for the broth, because... there was a chicken skeleton left that needed to be placed somewhere. But any kind of meat will do (or without it at all, just .

Chicken minestrone with lentils and spaghetti

The list of ingredients is longer than the cooking itself. The recipe is especially good because leftover chicken that is not eaten during the main meal is suitable for making it. The skeleton and bones will become the basis for the chicken broth on which the Italian will be prepared.

Chicken soup with broccoli and celery

Broccoli and celery stalks make beautiful additions to chicken soup. With it, it comes out the most fragrant and tasty. And note, there are no potatoes in the recipe. This will allow you to remove excess carbohydrates from the menu, but without losing the taste of the finished dish. If on .

Read also:  Shish kebab in mayonnaise

Chicken and rice soup in a slow cooker

It’s easy to cook almost everyone’s favorite chicken soup with rice in a slow cooker. Any part of a chicken carcass is suitable for broth. In this recipe, the soup is made from chicken wings and thighs. If you want the broth to be as clear as possible, boil the rice separately and add more.

Chicken soup with rice

Now there will be a regular recipe for chicken soup with rice and vegetables. For the broth, fillet or chicken on the bone is suitable. Just try to cook a clear broth so that the finished soup looks more appetizing.

Asian egg soup with chicken and corn

Asian soups are gaining immense popularity in almost everything due to their ease of preparation. After all, most of the ingredients for them are products that are common to us, but in an unusual combination and culinary processing. An example of this is this recipe for egg soup with.

Pea soup with chicken necks

An economical version of pea soup, the broth for which is cooked using chicken necks. Chicken necks cook quickly, but the longer they are in the broth, the richer and tastier the soup turns out. Before adding peas to the broth, wash them and pour cold.

Cabbage soup from the freshest cabbage with chicken and beans

Hot homemade cabbage soup can even be prepared using chicken. The broth is not as rich as beef broth, but overall the soup turned out tasty. The freshest cabbage and tomatoes, coupled with aromatic sweet peppers, give the cabbage soup a vegetable lightness, but the pieces of chicken add a touch of vegetable lightness.

Spicy chicken wing soup

Let's make some spicy chicken wing soup. It’s no secret that you can cook a good clear broth with chicken wings, and any soup can be made using this broth. In that recipe, in addition to the usual set of vegetables, spicy red was added to the soup.

Greenish sorrel soup with chicken broth

There are many recipes for making sorrel soup. This could be soup with meat broth or lean soup, with buckwheat or rice, with boiled or raw eggs. What remains constant is sorrel and sour cream, which are added to the plate with the finished soup. If you don't have the freshest cabbage soup.

Chicken soup with semolina dumplings

For contrast, regular chicken soup can be prepared with semolina dumplings, the recipe for which is carefully described here. If you want the broth to remain clear, then add it to the soup.

Chicken soup with semolina or Turgenev soup

They say that this soup was respected by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, which is why the second name of the dish is Turgenev soup. Why not? The soup is really tasty, all the ingredients are available to us, so it’s time to cook clear chicken broth and season it.

Buckwheat soup with chicken and mushrooms

Buckwheat can be used to cook not only porridge. A small amount of cereal is added to soups to make them thicker and more satisfying. We offer a recipe for buckwheat soup with chicken and mushrooms to vary the menu. In general, buckwheat soup is prepared in the same way as any other soup.

Mushroom soup with chicken

The recipe for mushroom soup with chicken is not bad because it can be used to prepare two different dishes - regular soup with meat and mushrooms or puree soup. In the 2nd case, puree the fairly ready soup with an immersion blender. Optional, not counting those listed.

Vegetable soup with chicken quenelles

Airy chicken dumplings look appetizing in a bowl of hot soup with vegetables. The most important thing here is to properly prepare minced meat from chicken breast. If you follow the recipe, it will turn out to be a light, almost weightless mixture, with all this taste.

Waterzooi with chicken - chicken soup with cream (Gentse Waterzooi)

As is clear, apart from the unusual recipe for this Belgian soup - with fish, there is also an option with chicken. This is what we will cook. Traditional Belgian stew, a common dish in Flanders, is often called "Ghent waterzoel". Unique vk.

Chicken soup with spider web noodles and sausage cheese in a slow cooker

Almost everyone considers soup with thin spider web noodles to be very ordinary. But if you show your imagination, an ordinary soup can be transformed into a unique dish. And sausage cheese will help this transformation. But not just any one, but only the one that melts perfectly, from n.

Greenish soup with buckwheat

Greenish buckwheat soup is prepared using the leaves of various edible herbs. The main ingredient in the greenish soup recipe is sorrel, which gives the finished dish a specific, slightly sour taste. In addition to sorrel, greenish soup can be prepared.

Buckwheat soup with chicken

Buckwheat soup has all the beneficial properties of this cereal for us. Buckwheat does not contain gluten and contains many necessary substances. Chicken soup with buckwheat is a universal dish; it is suitable for both adults and children. The recipe is simple, so the soup will literally turn out delicious. .

Chicken soup with broccoli and beans

Another recipe for delicious chicken soup with broccoli and beans. What came out was a rich, thick vegetable soup with meat, after which you may not want to eat another. Try to distribute the cooking time of vegetables so that the cabbage does not boil into remains. B.

Soup with chicken meatballs and dumplings in a slow cooker

If you need to cook soup with meatballs and pasta “in reserve” for a certain number of days, then a recipe for soup with dumplings or dumplings is suitable for this. Dumplings are unrivaled in their ability to withstand a long stay in broth, becoming simply vicious.

Potato soup with chicken, cheese and corn grits in a slow cooker

Not everyone knows that you can cook a very tasty soup from corn grits. At the same time, the combination of corn with milk products or cheeses increases the biological value of proteins, and it becomes virtually the same as that of meat. Soup with corn grits, p.

Chicken bean soup

You can make good bean soup with chicken broth. In this case, the meat broth can be cooked on a whole chicken, or on its parts (wings, legs, etc.). Beans for soup are prepared in advance: left in water overnight (that is, in the dark) , and then boiled until soft. If .

Chicken soup with potato meatballs

Recipe for thick chicken soup with potato meatballs, cooked in clear broth. Meatballs are made from raw grated potatoes with the addition of eggs, flour and fresh herbs. So that the chicken broth comes out truly rich and pro.

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