Duck with apples and prunes for the gala table

Duck with apples and prunes for the gala table

The festive table is constantly bursting with dishes that are prepared specially for festive occasions. Duck with apples and prunes is a culinary masterpiece created for a special option. How it appeared on the tables of ordinary people, and not just at high-society receptions.

This bird was raised in all corners of the world as it was domesticated. In Rus' it was customary to cook a duck for the holiday. It was certainly stuffed with cereals, dried fruits, apples and berries. This preserves the juiciness of the meat and also makes it more fragrant. The advantage of this baking method is a ready-made side dish or a special addition to the dish. Cooking duck is easy if you follow all the tips.

Rosy duck with apples and prunes

From time to time you can treat yourself to duck with apples and prunes outside of the festive moment. For this purpose, there is a regular recipe for a dish that does not require huge physical and monetary costs. To realize your dream, you will need heat-resistant dishes: a casserole dish, a baking sheet or a duckling pan. It takes several hours to prepare the dish, so you won’t be able to enjoy it every day. The usual recipe for beginners is quite accessible.

Preparing the duck and marinade


  • apples – 1 kg;
  • whole duck carcass;
  • prunes – 100 g;
  • greenery;
  • lemon;
  • salt and dark pepper to taste.

The recipe for duck with prunes and apples involves a marinade. It is needed so that the meat is soft and melts in the mouth. Poultry is often hard.

Ingredients for marinade:

  • honey – 15 g;
  • olive oil – 20 ml;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • fresh basil greens.

The preparatory step involves processing the meat. The duck must be cleaned of giblets. To remove stumps, it is recommended to clean the skin with a knife, hold it over a gas burner and wash it under running water.

It is imperative to inspect the quality of the purchased duck. If there are no stumps on the skin, then it should be thoroughly washed and allowed to drain.

The manufacturing process begins with the marinade. His recipe is suitable for any meat:

  1. Olive oil and honey are poured into one container. If the last one is very hard, then it needs to be melted in a steam bath beforehand.
  2. Basil sprigs are kneaded in a mortar to achieve a distinctive green smell. The resulting mush goes to butter and honey.
  3. The garlic is peeled, passed through a press and mixed with other components of the sauce.

Dried herbs will give the marinade subtlety and a pleasant smell. Duck mixes well with cumin and oregano, turmeric and herbes de Provence. Salt and pepper can be added to the sauce or used separately.

Stuff and bake the duck

Manufacturing process:

  1. The duck is coated with marinade on all sides. It is also necessary to treat the internal cavity with it. Sprinkle the top of the carcass with pepper and salt, if they were not added to the marinade.
  2. The processed duck is wrapped in cellophane and sent to the refrigerator. The meat needs to marinate for about 5 hours, so it needs to be marinated in the evening. If there is no time, then the duck is kept in refrigerators for at least 60 minutes.
  3. Prunes need to be poured with warm water and left to soften. When it is ready, you need to dry the berries.
  4. Apples are cored. Half of the fruits are cut into cubes, and the rest into slices. To prevent the pieces from turning black from excess iron, you need to sprinkle them with lemon juice.
  5. To add piquancy to the dish, you can use walnuts. They are cleaned and lightly fried in a frying pan.
  6. The inside of cubes of apples, prunes and nuts is placed inside the carcass. The hole is sewn up with ordinary threads or secured with skewers.
  7. Place the duck in a frying dish and cover with the remaining apple slices on top.
  8. If the meat is cooked in a sleeve, then the process of laying does not change. The temperature is collected in the bag, due to which the duck quickly becomes soft. It must be opened later to give the meat a golden crust. Duck with prunes and apples in the sleeve is cooked more quickly.
  9. You need to preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place a baking sheet there for an hour. After this time, the bag is opened, the duck is poured with the collected juice and continues to fry for another 40 minutes. During this period of time, the crust will turn pink and become crispy.

To ensure that duck with apples and prunes in the oven gets the right taste, you need to use sweet and sour apples when stuffing.

The dish is served hot. Additionally, you can offer a side dish of buckwheat or potatoes. The duck looks great in its entirety, but it's awkward to eat like this. The meat must be properly cut to make the dish appetizing.

Read also:  Whole pear jam

How to serve stuffed duck

There is a certain method for parsing poultry:

  • the thread and skewers are removed;
  • legs and wings are cut off;
  • the meat is removed from the breast.

First, the inside is laid out on the tray, and then the cooked pieces of meat. Everything is topped with the freshest chopped herbs. The sauce formed during frying can be poured into a separate bowl and placed on the table. Duck with apples and prunes is served hot because it is quite fatty and hardens quickly. A savory dish spreads a smell that is impossible to resist.

Cooking tasty and juicy duck - video

Braised duck pieces with prunes

Recipe for the most tender stewed duck in pieces with prunes and dried apricots

Duck baked with apples certainly deserves to be the queen of the festive table. But from time to time we want to cook from the bird given to us something no less tasty, but not so festive, for example, duck stewed with prunes and dried apricots. The dish comes out very satisfying and fragrant, and takes very little active preparation time.

What should I offer you for dessert? We have an excellent “Ryzhik” on our website - a traditional cake recipe with a twist in the form of condensed milk cream.

Required ingredients:

  • duck – about 500 g
  • prunes (pitted) – 50 g
  • dried apricots – 60 g
  • onions – 2 pcs.
  • carrots – 0.5 pcs.
  • vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon
  • salt, ground dark pepper - to taste

Note: any parts of the bird can be used for stewing, for example, legs and breast.

The process of making stewed duck pieces with prunes and dried apricots

Wash the duck meat in cool water, dry it with a cardboard towel and rub thoroughly with a mixture of salt and dark ground pepper. Leave for 25-30 minutes at room temperature to marinate slightly.

Prepare other ingredients: peel the onions and carrots, and thoroughly wash the dried fruits under running water and dry.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the meat on all sides until golden brown.

While the duck is roasting, you can have time to chop vegetables and dried fruits. Cut the carrots into large cubes, and cut each of the onions into 5-6 parts. Throw in the prunes whole, and cut the dried apricots, if they are large, in half.

Place the fried duck in a deep saucepan (duck pan), and sauté the onions and carrots using the consistency of the remaining vegetable oil and the fat rendered from the bird.

Transfer the fried vegetables to the saucepan with the duck.

Add prunes and dried apricots.

Pour the contents of the stewpan with salted bubbling water so that it covers the meat one hundred percent,

And leave the duck with prunes to simmer under a closed lid and on very low heat for about 3-4 hours.

At the end of cooking, the tender duck meat will separate from the bones on its own, and the fragrant sauce will especially highlight its taste. The best addition to duck stewed in pieces with prunes and dried apricots is boiled white rice, but you can replace it with mashed potatoes or any other side dish.

Duck with prunes in the oven

A true royal treat for the gala table! This recipe for oven-baked duck with prunes features impeccable interior proportions. The bird tastes juicy and fragrant. It is covered with a ruddy, delicious crust on top.

  1. Main
  2. Recipe groups
  3. Duck with prunes in the oven

Ingredients and how to cook

ingredients for 8 servings or - the number of products for servings suitable for you will be calculated automatically!'>

tea spoon 5 ml
dessert spoon 10 ml
tablespoon 20 ml
cup 200 ml


Composition weight: 100 gr
324 kcal
Belkov: 12 g
Zhirov: 28 g
Carbohydrates: 8 g
Used: 25 / 58 / 17
H 75 / C 0 / B 25

Production time: 3 hours

Step-by-step production

Step 1:

How to bake duck with prunes in the oven? Prepare all the necessary ingredients. Take a duck weighing no more than 1.8 kg. It is better to take chilled one, because it is difficult to judge the freshness and quality of meat from a frozen carcass. The duck must be light pink in color, with a neutral odor. If you take poultry, it must be young (less than a year old), otherwise it will not be suitable for baking. Use naturally fermented soy sauce.

Step 2:

If the duck is frozen, defrost it in advance. Remove the packaging and place it in a container on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator 12 hours before making it. Wash the duck under running water, remove the entrails and feathers, if any. Pour boiling water over the carcass on all sides. Better 2 times. This is necessary so that the pores close, the skin does not crack during baking and becomes crispy.

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Step 3:

Rub the duck inside and out with salt and spices. Leave to soak for 15-20 minutes.

Step 4:

Wash and dry the apples. Remove the stems, core and cut into medium cubes. To remove the oil that is used to treat dried fruits before sale, fill the prunes with warm, approximately 70°C, water. Do not use boiling water because the prunes will cook. Stir it so that the water gets into all the cream. Drain the water through a sieve so that there is not too much water left.

Step 5:

Turn on the oven to preheat at 180 degrees. Stuff the duck tightly with cooked apples and prunes and sew up the belly with thread.

Step 6:

Place the duck, back side up, on a baking sheet and place in the preheated oven. Bake in the top-bottom mode on a shelf below average at a temperature of 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Step 7:

After 40 minutes, turn the duck onto its back. Cover the areas that are very browned - the wings and legs - with foil. Bake for another 40 minutes.

Step 8:

After 40 minutes, remove the duck. In order to get a perfect crust, brush the surface of the duck with a silicone brush with a consistency of honey and soy sauce. Place in the oven for another 20-30 minutes. Inspect the readiness of the duck by its appearance. It must bake until evenly golden brown.

The duck looks very rosy and beautiful. It is perfect for a formal table. Serve the duck hot, garnished with herbs.

So that the oven has time to heat up to the appropriate temperature, turn it on in advance (10-20 minutes before the start of cooking).

Keep in mind that everyone's oven is different. Temperature and cooking time may vary from those indicated in the recipe. To ensure that any baked dish turns out successful, take advantage of useful information about the features of ovens!

If you use ready-made spice mixtures, be sure to read the ingredients on the package. Often these consistencies already contain salt, keep this in mind, otherwise you risk oversalting the dish.

How to properly cook duck with prunes

Nowadays, excellent duck is not a disadvantage; you can find it in the store and at the meat market. It can be a candidate for a goose - almost all “goose” recipes are also suitable for duck. For example, such a cooking option as duck with prunes, apples or rice.

Ingredients Quantity
duck carcass – approximately 1.5 kg
medium-sized tomatoes – 6 pcs.
prunes - 10 pieces
unpeeled garlic - 4 cloves
fresh rosemary - bunch
dry snow-white wine – 250 ml
refined oil - 50 ml
freshly ground pepper - 1 pinch
table salt – 1 pinch
Production time: 60 minutes Calorie content per 100 g: 350 Kcal

Making stewed duck with prunes:

  1. Wash the duck carcass, dry it and cut it into small pieces;
  2. Coat the meat in a salt and pepper mixture;
  3. Heat refined oil in a heavy saucepan or frying pan and fry the meat pieces on all sides;
  4. Lightly crush the garlic cloves without removing the peel;
  5. Cut the tomatoes into four parts;
  6. Crush the prunes with a knife (flat side). There is no need to crush it;
  7. Pour wine into the duck, add tomatoes, prunes, garlic and 2 sprigs of rosemary;
  8. Simmer the duck for 40 minutes covered and 10 minutes without it;
  9. You can sprinkle the prepared dish with rosemary.

Baked duck with apples and prunes in the oven

Usually we consider baked duck with apples a festive dish and cook it only on important occasions, for example at Christmas.

  • 100 g prunes (pitted);
  • 300 g of fresh spinach;
  • 1 chilled duck carcass;
  • 0.5 kg Antonov apples;
  • lettuce - for decoration;
  • a pinch of freshly ground pepper;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes. In one serving 100 g: 355 kcal.

  1. Prepare the duck carcass: remove the remaining feathers and singe them over the fire as necessary. Wash thoroughly and dry. Rub inside and outside with salt and freshly ground pepper;
  2. Prepare the filling. To do this, cut the apples into medium pieces; it’s up to you to peel them or not, but it’s better to cut out the middle;
  3. Mix apples with prunes, which you simply cut in half; there is no need to soften them, because the meat will take a long time to cook. Add pepper, salt, leaf spinach rolled into balls to the filling;
  4. Stuff the bird quite tightly with apples and prunes and sew it up. Tie the legs with thread and pin the wings to the carcass with toothpicks;
  5. Pour a little water onto a baking sheet, place the duck back down and place it in a perfectly preheated oven. Recommended temperature: 180ºC. Cook a duck weighing 1 kg for 60 minutes, if a bird weighs 2 kilograms, then 2 hours;
  6. As the duck begins to brown, reduce the temperature and frequently baste it with the juice that is released during cooking;
  7. Place the finished bird on the board, remove the threads and toothpicks, and remove the filling. Cut the duck into portions using special poultry scissors. Place the duck pieces on a flat plate and shape them into the shape of the whole carcass. Place apples and prunes around.
Read also:  Raffaello Cake

If there are no eggs in the refrigerator, this does not mean at all that there will be no baked goods for tea. We offer you a selection of eggless cakes that taste no different.

Take note of the recipe for cottage cheese casserole with semolina and raisins.

Read how to prepare the desired steamed protein omelette here.

Duck stuffed with prunes and rice

It is recommended to stuff fatty poultry with rice. In this case, the product should not be consumed separately, but in combination with prunes.

  • 1 bag of steamed rice;
  • 10 pieces of prunes.
  • 40 g refined oil;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • for juice half a lemon;
  • season - to taste;
  • bay leaf - 2 leaves.

Cooking time: 2 hours. Calorie content of 100 g serving: 348 kcal.

  1. Boil the rice a little ahead of time;
  2. Preheat the oven to 200ºC;
  3. Prepare the dressing: in a blender bowl, whisk garlic, lemon juice, refined oil, salt and pepper. Rub the outside of the duck with the resulting consistency, and the inside with salt and leave for 30 minutes;
  4. Prepare the filling: mix rice with chopped prunes;
  5. Stuff the bird with the insides, sew up the belly with threads or fasten with wooden toothpicks;
  6. To prevent the legs and wings from burning, wrap them in foil;
  7. Place the bird breast side up on a baking sheet, add a little water and place in the oven for 1.5 hours;
  8. While cooking, frequently baste the bird with the fat and juices that have been released;
  9. Remove the foil half an hour before the end of frying;
  10. Place the finished duck on an oval dish, garnish with the freshest sprigs of parsley.

Duck roll with plums

There are many stereotypes around food, for example, that it is not allowed to combine meat with sweets. But we assure you that this is not so. Our advice: use dried fruits, pineapple, yogurt. Thanks to these components, an ordinary meatloaf will turn out surprisingly tasty.

  • 60 g refined oil;
  • 100 ml natural yogurt;
  • 0.5 kg duck breast fillet;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • 150 g chopped canned pineapples;
  • 200 g prunes;
  • leeks for decorating rolls.

Cooking time required: 1 hour. Per 100 g serving: 368 kcal.

How to create rolls:

  1. Score the duck fillet and lay it out like a book. Beat the pulp, salt and pepper, brush with natural yoghurt and leave for 15 minutes;
  2. Prepare the filling: pieces of pineapple, chop prunes into strips. Place the filling on the duck meat and form into a roll;
  3. Cut a narrow ribbon from the leek stem and put it in boiling water to give it softness and elasticity. Tie the roll with the ribbon given to us;
  4. Fry the roll in hot oil on all sides, pour in a little pineapple juice from the can, and cover the frying pan with a lid. Simmer until fully cooked;
  5. Serve the roll on lettuce leaves and arrange pieces of pineapple and prunes around it.

Recipe for duck with fruit in a slow cooker

Duck meat is quite hard, so a good method of cooking it is to simmer it in a slow cooker. In addition to prunes, take oranges as companions for duck; fruit acid suits it very well.

  • duck – 1 small carcass;
  • prunes – 8 pcs;
  • orange – 2 pcs;
  • half a lemon;
  • refined olive oil – 40 ml;
  • soft mustard with grains – 15 g;
  • ground pepper – 2 g;
  • small salt – 10 g.

Time: 40 min. In one serving 100 g: 310 kcal.

  1. Cut the duck carcass into pieces and place it in a multicooker bowl, add a little oil, turn on the appropriate mode for frying;
  2. After frying, mash the prunes and place on the duck. Do not peel the orange, cut it into thick slices right in the skin;
  3. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and prepare the marinade. To do this, combine the juice with mustard, season with spices, add olive oil and stir;
  4. Pour the marinade over the duck and prunes, place the oranges on top and leave for 15 minutes; Close the device, turn on the “stew” mode by selecting poultry in the menu.

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