Coffee and cola: how to make an energy drink

Coffee and cola: how to make an energy drink

Coffee and cola is a cheap energy drink that's easy to make in just a few minutes. When severe and urgent matters pile up, this effective remedy comes to the rescue. It gives you the strength to stay alert until the morning - for example, when you have to pass a fundamental exam or need to prepare for an important event at work.

The effect of drinking coffee and cola

After drinking coffee and cola, the body begins to work in an unusual mode. The energy drink works due to the carbon dioxide in the carbonated drink, which irritates the blood vessels and causes them to dilate. As a result, caffeine simply seeps into the blood (the internal environment of the body, formed by liquid connective tissue. Consists of plasma and formed elements: leukocyte cells and postcellular structures: erythrocytes and platelets) . After consuming an energy drink, the following changes occur in the body:

  1. The heartbeat accelerates, the pulse quickens.
  2. Consciousness becomes clear, thoughts are formulated more quickly than usual.
  3. Concentrating on tasks becomes much easier.
  4. Drowsiness is lost (presence of excessive sleep duration) , energy seems to be bursting with a key.

Who can the energy drink help?

Drinking cola and coffee drinks frequently is not recommended. Doctors recommend using it no more than twice a week and in small quantities. It is indispensable only in critical situations and will help in the following cases:

  1. During long and careful work, when time is not so short, but it is necessary to show maximum capabilities and strength to achieve a good result.
  2. When you have to work the night shift, and your strength is at its limit.
  3. If you need to drive a car, but you feel like you might fall asleep at the wheel.
  4. When there is a languid physical training ahead, and there are no other means to support the body.

The advantages are obvious: this drink varies in effectiveness and at the same time, its production does not require any special foreign exchange costs.

Coffee prepared at home is not as harmful as energy drinks in stores. The body accepts this composition better.

Who should not drink energy drinks?

But do not forget that not everyone can drink such a potent energy drink. It should not be used by children under 14 years of age, pregnant or breastfeeding women, or people with severe diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. If there are problems with the kidneys, then it is also better to avoid drinking the drink.

Coffee and cola recipes

There are several options for making the drink. You can use both ground and instant coffee, and also experiment with adding other additional ingredients.

Ground coffee

Brew coffee beans, the quantity should be slightly larger than usual. Another option is to pour boiling water over them for 10-15 minutes. Then cool the drink, you can use ice for this. Pour into a cup and add 250 ml of cola.

Instant coffee

The fastest way to prepare an energy cocktail is with ground coffee, because you won’t have to brew the coffee beans in advance. You need to pour the powder with hot water, you can take the amount according to your taste. Then mix with cola. To create a softer taste of the drink, you can add cream and a few ice cubes. In terms of efficiency, an energy drink made from instant coffee is no worse than the version made from ground coffee beans.

Coffee with cola and cognac

Alcohol is often added to coffee and cola drinks. In this case, the energy drink is especially effective if the plan is for severe physical overload. It is better not to use this mixture while studying or working, because Alcohol does not have the best effect on brain function. Naturally, after taking such an energy drink, you are not allowed to drive - the speed of reaction is reduced, which can lead to catastrophic consequences.

To make the drink, they usually use instant coffee, cola and cognac. 2 tablespoons of alcoholic drink per cup is enough.

If you want to experiment with the taste of the drink, you can make it even more pleasant by adding a few cloves of dark chocolate.

This next option will literally please those with a sweet tooth. Coffee with cola and ice cream is not just an energy drink. This is a real dessert in a mug. To make it, you need to mix all the ingredients in a blender until a homogeneous mass is formed. But the ice cream must be slightly melted.

The energy drink made from coffee and cola contains a lot of sugar, which is necessary for intellectual activity. Caffeine helps you perk up and work actively without feeling particularly lethargic. Its cost is at least 2 times lower than buying a ready-made energy drink, and the composition is safer for the body. You can easily find the ingredients you need at any grocery store. Simplicity of production and the ability to experiment with taste are serious advantages for those who value time and love abundance. With all this, the effect is noticeable almost immediately after consuming the drink - a feeling of vigor always arises. The main thing is to follow the advice of doctors and not abuse the tasty energy drink, because it has contraindications. So you shouldn’t drink it more than 2 times a week.

Recipes for coffee with cola and what the likely effect of the drink is

Julia Vern 50 530 6

The combination of the words “coffee cola” makes us think of an energy drink, and for good reason. The tandem really has such a massive effect on the body that it allows you to use previously hidden reserves, both mental and physical.

You can create an energy drink simply at home, having the necessary ingredients. A correctly prepared drink, despite the lack of benefits for the body, will help you cheer up for a while and finish the work you started with pleasure.

The principle of the caffeine-cola union

Once in the body, the energy cocktail forces it to work in an unusually critical mode. 90% of the effect of coffee and cola is caused by carbon dioxide, which is part of the popular soda. Specifically, it acts as an irritant for blood vessels, causing them to expand. The result is the unhindered penetration of caffeine into the blood (the internal environment of the body, formed by liquid connective tissue. Consists of plasma and formed elements: leukocyte cells and post-cellular structures: erythrocytes and platelets) , causing a response similar to the reaction to intoxication. As a result, a person feels:

  • adrenaline rush;
  • increased heart rate;
  • urge to urinate (to a minor extent).
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In this way, vital systems try to quickly protect themselves from toxins.

It is important for everyone to know about contraindications

In any case, there will be bad health consequences from the effect of an energy cocktail on the body. And if for some they go practically unnoticed, then for others they can become fatal.

It is important to realize that energy drinks can provoke the development and worsening of problems with the cardiovascular system and kidneys. People with pathologies should keep this in mind.

Coca-Cola with coffee is generally contraindicated for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and children. Healthy people can allow themselves this very strange pleasure, but not more often than once every two weeks and only in cases where there is no other way to cheer up.

Soda and Coffee Mixing Ideas - Recipes

You can create an energy drink from cola and coffee without the help of others, using both instant granules and natural consistencies from high-quality, well-roasted grains. There are various recipe options with the addition of additional components for taste and smell. It is necessary to experiment, but in moderation.

Option 1. Drink brewed natural coffee with Coca-Cola. It is necessary to prepare the drink based on the consistency of the coffee beans of your favorite variety, enjoying the smell and taste of the drink. The process begins with brewing coffee. To do this, use a Turk, a coffee machine or an ordinary saucepan.

When brewing coffee, do not allow it to boil, removing it from the heat when foam forms. To make a cocktail, the coffee is filtered to remove traces of grounds, cooled, combined with 50 ml of cola, a little cream is added for taste and ice. The cocktail is served in a tall glass.

Option 2. Instant coffee granules and cola are useful. In this case, making the drink will take less time, the proportions of the ingredients will remain virtually unchanged. Also used:

  • coffee for making one serving (1-2 teaspoons);
  • cola - 50 ml;
  • water - 125 ml;
  • cream - a teaspoon;
  • ice.

Just as in the first case, gas-water is combined with previously prepared and cooled instant coffee, cream and ice are added.

Option 3. Alcoholic cocktail for gourmets. In addition to coffee (it is better to use natural coffee), add 50 g of cognac to this recipe. To make 2 servings you will need 400 g of cola, 3-4 spoons of instant coffee or two servings of natural espresso, alcohol. All ingredients are combined (the coffee is cooled beforehand), ice is added. Cognac can be replaced with liqueur to taste, brandy, whiskey and even ordinary vodka.

Option 4. Low-health, high-calorie and even scary, but tasty and invigorating - coffee with cola and a scoop of ice cream. This recipe for coffee with cola can be used very occasionally, although the effect of it is so catchy that the memories from the process of making and tasting will remain forever.

The manufacturing procedure is very common. At the initial step, coffee is prepared using your favorite method, without adding sugar. By the way, if you mix cola with natural coffee from the highest grade and properly roasted beans, the taste of the cocktail will be the most catchy and the smell will be persistent.

The drink from coffee beans or granules is cooled, poured into a tall glass, and cola is added. The final chord of the explosive composition will be a scoop of your favorite ice cream, which can be sprinkled with chocolate chips, cinnamon or vanilla sugar for decoration and taste.

All of the above cocktails are served with a straw and while enjoying the catchy taste and effect, they do not forget about the permissible norm and unsafe consequences for the body.

Coffee and cola

Coffee in combination with cola is an economical and very effective energy drink that gives you energy for several hours, sometimes even for the whole night (that is, the dark time of the day) . It is often used by students during a session, workers who spend the whole night (that is, the dark time of the day) making a report or presentation, night party lovers who want to dance all night (that is, the dark time of the day) without feeling lethargic. What is it about it, and why is it so effective?

The effect of coffee and cola

Caffeine perks you up, everyone knows that. Coca-Cola is sweet, and the brain needs this glucose, especially during periods of active intellectual activity. But in combination they give a much greater effect than individually.

Carbon dioxide, which is found in cola, has the ability to irritate the mucous membranes, including the walls of the stomach and intestinal tract, where absorption of substances from food or liquids occurs. Irritation causes blood flow (in the internal environment of the human and animal body) , dilation of blood vessels, and because caffeine entered the body along with cola, it is absorbed much faster and more actively. In other words, the peak caffeine content in the blood (the internal environment of the human and animal body) is achieved a couple of times faster.

Cola already contains caffeine, which is why the effect is so powerful and noticeable.

Within a couple of minutes after consuming coffee and cola you will feel the effect:

  • Heartbeat accelerates;
  • The pulse quickens;
  • Consciousness becomes clearer;
  • Drowsiness (excessive sleep duration) and lethargy go away;
  • Adrenaline is produced, you don’t feel like sleeping at all;
  • Caffeine provokes brain activity (the central part of the nervous system of animals and humans) , you think faster;
  • The ability to concentrate and work appears.

Advantages of energy drink coffee + cola

There are several reasons to choose this particular option if you want to cheer up:

  • It is not expensive. A 0.5 bottle of cola + 2 bags of instant coffee will cost approximately 2-3 times less than buying a 0.5-liter can of energy drink.
  • This is a relatively natural product. In any case, compared to the composition of the average ready-made energy drink, coffee and cola have much fewer chemical ingredients, which means there is less risk of allergies, and the body somehow accepts this composition more easily.
  • It's easy to make. Recipes for home energy drinks can include a variety of ingredients, from the usual tincture of eleutherococcus, which you will have to go to the pharmacy for, to sports stimulants, which are sold only in select stores. But coffee and cola can be purchased at any store or kiosk.
  • This gives a sharp effect. After just a couple of minutes, you feel a sense of vigor, brain clarity, and physical energy.
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Who can benefit from an energy drink made from coffee and cola?

You shouldn’t just drink it to cheer yourself up. This is a powerful energy drink, and it should be used only in critical situations, preferably not very often. Its implementation will help:

  • To students during the session. Especially if it is necessary to do relatively mechanical work - drawing, rewriting. In general, cola and coffee help to “turn on” the brain (the central part of the nervous system of animals, usually located in the head part of the body and which is a compact accumulation of nerve cells and their processes) , so the mixture is also suitable for studying the latest information. Cheap and reliable option.
  • For work at night. You can go broke buying ready-made energy drinks, but cola and coffee simply won’t let you fall asleep and will support and provoke activity. Suitable for those who work the night shift in a call center, and for those who do physical labor - unloading product.
  • Drivers. Guaranteed to invigorate, prevent you from falling asleep, and drive away drowsiness (excessive sleep duration) . Inexpensive and excellent.
  • For nightlife lovers. Dancing all night (that is, the dark time of day) after a languid day at work is easy if you drink a bottle of cola with coffee or drink small sips throughout the night. But the next morning you need to take a nap!
  • Athletes. Drink this energy drink an hour before training, and your endurance will increase, you can train much more effectively. Caution in combination with cardio!

Doctors do not recommend drinking cola with coffee more than 2 times a week and more than 2 bottles of energy drink per night (that is, in the dark) .

Coffee and cola recipes

Everything is simple here. Anyone can make an energy drink with coffee and cola, there are no special canons or proportions, use your own guidelines or use our tips. In any case, you won’t need to measure literally anything with scales.

Maximum effect: natural coffee with cola

Brew natural coffee in double or triple concentration, using 2 or 3 times less water than you usually pour. If you are using a coffee machine, make espresso. You can even just pour boiling water over the ground grains and let it brew for 5-7 minutes.

Refrigerate the drink, or use plenty of ice. Warm coffee with cola is not tasty.

Pour coffee into a cup and add approximately 250 ml of cola. Can be drunk with ice.

For extra vivacity, you can squeeze a piece of lemon into a glass.

Fast and inexpensive: instant coffee and cola

Buy instant coffee and cola. If conditions permit and there is a cup, pour a third of a teaspoon of coffee into the cup, carefully add cola so that it foams. Stir with a spoon and drink. If conditions are spartan, pour the coffee directly into the bottle. Close and stir gently with smooth movements to dissolve the coffee. Open it carefully, the drink will probably splash and may foam.

Use pure instant coffee, not 3 in 1! Powdered milk with cola, naturally, will keep you awake all night (that is, in the dark) , but this will not be the effect you expected.

The taste of the holiday: coffee, cola and cognac

It’s also a good energy drink, but if you don’t need to engage in intellectual work, but only require physical activity, and at the same time you’re not driving a car. Very invigorating and at the same time a little relaxing.

Mix coffee, cola and add a couple of tablespoons of cognac (or vodka) per 0.5 liter of drink. The effect of mild intoxication is likely! You can hardly think productively, but you can dance all night (that is, in the dark) or move intensely - completely.

Use regular cola for the recipe; diet cola will promote the most intense intoxication!


This drink, despite its prevalence, is not suitable for many people. It should be avoided:

  • Pregnant and lactating women (in general, any energy drinks are contraindicated for them);
  • Children under 14 years old;
  • Persons with personal intolerance or hypersensitivity to caffeine;
  • People with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • People with kidney diseases;
  • People with diseases of the nervous system.

After consumption, increased heart rate may occur. A large dose of caffeine suddenly enters the body, and it accepts it as intoxication. The following short-term effects are likely:

  • Tachycardia;
  • More frequent urination;
  • Nausea (painful sensation in the epigastric region and pharynx) ;
  • Stomach upset.

Usually, all these symptoms (Symptom from Greek - case, coincidence, sign - one separate sign, frequent manifestation of any disease, pathological condition or disruption of any vital process) pass in 10-20 minutes, so there is nothing to worry about . Drink water and breathe deeply, or get rid of the drink by vomiting (Vomit usually consists of food debris, gastric juice, mucus; may contain bile and other impurities: blood, pus) , if it is very bad for you.

The most delicious coffee and cola recipes and their effects on the body

Coffee and cola is an economical and effective option for an energy drink. This “combustible” mixture gives a charge of vivacity and energy. The feeling of excitement will last quite a long time. This combination is often preferred by people who have to stay awake at night because of work or study, as well as partygoers who want to dance all night (that is, in the dark) without feeling lethargic.

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The effect of coffee and cola

Everyone knows that caffeine gives you a boost. Cola-Cola contains a lot of sugar, which is needed for intellectual activity. And cola with coffee is a mixture that allows the brain to work without much sluggishness.

Carbon dioxide is very irritating to the surface of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. When irritated, the vessels dilate, and the blood flow (internal environment of the human and animal body) increases. Since the body is saturated with caffeine, absorption processes occur even faster.

When drinking a drink, the following processes occur in the body:

  • the heartbeat accelerates, coupled with an immediate increase in pulse rate;
  • consciousness becomes clearest;
  • drowsiness (excessive sleep duration) disappears, lethargy is forgotten;
  • a person feels a charge of energy as adrenaline is produced;
  • caffeine provokes thought processes;
  • concentration improves.

A homemade energy drink made from coffee and cola invigorates and gives a boost of energy for a long time.

What happens if you mix coffee with energy drink?

Caffeine has a psychostimulating effect on the body. But the reaction to energy drinks can be unpredictable: sometimes it is a sharp increase in productivity (the expected result), otherwise - hand tremors, pain in the head, nausea (painful sensation in the epigastric region and pharynx) .

When drinking coffee with an energy drink, their effects are cumulative, which has a bad effect on the functioning of the nervous system. This occurs due to an overdose of caffeine.

A person may experience insomnia, anxiety, symptoms (Symptom from Greek - case, coincidence, sign - one separate sign, frequent manifestation of any disease, pathological condition or disruption of any vital process) of dyspeptic disorder, redness of the face. In languid variants, convulsive syndrome (a set of symptoms with a common pathogenesis) , hallucinations and the development of cardiac failure are likely.


Energy drinks from cola and coffee are used rarely and rarely for various purposes. There are a number of reasons why people choose this option if they want to cheer up. Among them:

  • cheapness of the drink;
  • If you compare homemade and ready-made energy drinks, the content of additional chemical compounds in the homemade drink is even lower. Therefore, the body accepts the composition more easily;
  • the combination of coffee and cola will not hit your pocket, and besides, this mixture is easy to prepare. You just need to combine ready-made ingredients.

Who will this drink help?

It’s literally not worth drinking an energy drink just to cheer yourself up. It is used in critical situations, and it can help in the following cases:

  • Students drink it while taking exams. This helps when you need to draw or rewrite something beautifully and correctly;
  • The caffeine in cola and coffee beans has a net effect that triggers brain processes at night. This drink is suitable for people working on the night shift;
  • Drivers can also drink it. The drink invigorates and drives away drowsiness (presence of excessive sleep) ;
  • lovers of nightlife can also indulge themselves in such pleasure;
  • athletes drink a cocktail an hour before training to increase endurance.

Doctors do not recommend drinking this kind of coffee more than 2 times a week. It is allowed only in small quantities.

Crafting Recipes

There are several recipes and methods for making homemade energy drinks. But in this case there are no special proportions. Anyone can choose the amount of ingredients to suit their own taste.

With natural coffee

Coffee and Coca-Cola are easy to prepare. It is necessary to brew natural coffee beans, only in a higher concentration than usual. From time to time it is advised to simply pour boiling water over them and leave for 10 minutes. The drink is cooled or served with ice, then poured into a cup and topped with 250 ml of cola.

To add flavor, you can put a piece of lemon in the cup.

With soluble

This is the most economical option. The recipe for instant coffee with cola is very simple. You need to take a third of a teaspoon of coffee powder and carefully pour it into cola, as this drink foams a lot. The ingredients are stirred with a spoon.

With alcoholic drinks

Coca-Cola with coffee and alcoholic drinks is considered a good energy drink. But it is used only in those cases where increased physical activity is required. It is better not to use this combination while studying, as alcohol slows down brain function.

It is not allowed to drive after such an energy drink, as it not only invigorates, but also relaxes. To make the drink, combine cola, coffee powder and two tablespoons of cognac.

With chocolate

The energy drink from coffee and cola can be varied by adding chocolate. This will not only help make the drink tastier, but will also prolong the energy boost, especially if you use dark chocolate. To prepare such a drink, just grate a few slices into a mug and stir.

With ice cream

From time to time, energy drinks are made in the form of a cocktail. To do this, add not only cola, but also ice cream to the coffee drink, and mix it all well in a blender until a mass of homogeneous mixture is formed.

Contraindications and recommended doses

There are some contraindications to drinking coffee and cola. Energy drinks are not allowed to be consumed:

  • pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • people with kidney, cardiovascular and nervous system diseases.

If there is at least one contraindication, then with a question about whether it is possible to combine a coffee drink and cola, it is better to contact a specialist.

The recommended dose is 2 sachets of instant coffee or 2 tablespoons of natural coffee per half liter of cola.

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