Amber apple jam in slices - the best recipe

Amber apple jam in slices - the best recipe

Every year, apple trees delight us with their harvests. They have already made marshmallows and jam from them. It's time to make jam from them. I really like it when it comes out fragrant and beautiful, a rich amber color. And also, so that all the slices remain whole and not overcooked. In this state, they are all separated from each other and do not stick together.

I also like it when there is a lot of fruit and not enough syrup. In this version, the taste of the fruit is felt, not the sugar. There are a huge number of methods to cook a similar delicacy. One of my own articles already describes some manufacturing recipes. And now I would like to share one more thing. He is perhaps one of the most beloved. For me he is the best. Because it never fails. And no matter how many jars we prepare for the winter, they will all be eaten by the end of the season.

This jam is prepared according to the five-minute principle. Almost all housewives who cook similar berry or fruit sweets use this method with success. Specifically, it allows you not to overcook the fruits, saturate them with sugar, and often avoid drinking water at the same time. Which makes the treat thick and transparent.

I would like to share my home method of how we brew such amber slices in our family. I hope that you will need it and you will try to create tasty supplies for the winter using it.

The best recipe for amber apple jam in slices

I usually make this jam from my own apples. They are sweet and sour in taste, and not very large in size. If we talk about their structure, then in a mature state they are quite crumbly. And if the fruit falls to the ground, a loose dent immediately appears at the site of the impact.

But even from these not very hard types, using this method you can weld a product, the appearance of which is visible in the photo. But if there is a choice, then it is better to take fruits that are quite hard. There probably won't be any problems with them. Even if you are taking on this matter for the first time.

  • 1 kg apples (peeled)
  • from 600 g to 900 g sugar

I’ll immediately explain why there is such a variation in the amount of sugar. The more sour the apples, the more it is needed. If you use sweet varieties, then it will be enough to take 600 grams of sweets.

For sweet and sour varieties, like mine now, take 700 g.

1. Rinse the apples and let them dry, or wipe with a napkin. Then cut into two halves and remove the core and seeds. Do not cut into slices yet, so that they do not darken ahead of time. Although you can cut them right away, in this case you will need to sprinkle them with lemon juice from time to time.

I take only a kilogram of apples for the reason that the pieces do not crush each other during cooking and stirring. I recommend taking up to 1.5 kg of fruit as a maximum. It is better to cook 3-4 times per season.

Do not remove the skin from the fruit. It will hold the pieces in a permanent state unsurpassed. Thus preventing it from losing its shape and turning into puree.

2. When all the halves are prepared, cut each of them into slices. The thickness may vary. If the fruits are strong, then you can make them completely thin. If they are crumbly, then make them a little thicker. The main thing is that they retain their integrity when cutting. Later we will treat them carefully and try not to destroy them.

It is better to immediately cut them into a basin, or into the container in which you are going to cook. If you have scales, weigh the dishes in advance and record the results. Later, cut slices of fruit into it. We need their weight of 1 kg in its pure form, without cleaning.

3. When everything is cut, add the required amount of sugar on top. Then shake the bowl lightly so that the sweet grains seep into every piece. Leave for 40-60 minutes so that the fruits release juice. Usually, quite a lot of it comes out during this period of time. Well, either that’s enough to start cooking.

While the basin is standing, shake the contents several more times. If the fruits are strong, then you can mix them with a flat wooden spatula with a long handle. Try not to destroy them with all this.

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4. Then put the basin with the contents on the lowest heat. The juice that has accumulated during the day will begin to warm up and melt all the sugar remaining on the chopped fruits. To speed up the process, you can rotate your pelvis a couple of times from side to side, or in a circle, clasping it with a towel.

5. Wait until it boils. It must be obvious, and not just in one of the places. After this, note the time in 5 minutes. We will cook the sweetness exactly this much during the first cooking.

To prevent anything from burning, you can rotate the pelvis from time to time. With this option, pieces close to the walls will bathe perfectly in syrup. But in the center there may be a cluster. A wooden spatula will help us here. You need to stir it carefully. During the first cooking, the fruits are still the most vulnerable and can easily be destroyed.

6. After 5 minutes, turn off the heat, and it is better to move the basin from the burner to the board in order to abruptly stop the heating process. Cover it with another board and when the contents have cooled, you can also cover it with a towel. It happens that all the nearby living creatures flock to the savory food.

7. Leave in this position until it cools completely. During this period of time, do not disturb or touch anything. Short infusion time 5-6 hours.

I usually do the first brew in the afternoon, the second in the evening. Thus, an interval of 9-10 hours appears between them. And I do the third brew in the morning. And here, too, the time will be sufficient.

8. After the allotted time, place the basin on low heat and bring the contents to a boil. Make sure that nothing burns during all this. To prevent this, rotate the basin again, or carefully move the apple slices with a wooden spatula. It’s better to use both.

After boiling, cook again for 5 minutes. And let it cool again for at least 5-6 hours.

9. In your free time, prepare jars and lids. They should be thoroughly washed and sterilized. Boil the lids in water for 10 minutes. And we sterilize jars using any method that is convenient for us. It’s quite quick and easy to create this in the microwave. Then turn them over and place them on a towel. It is better that they are completely dry by the time you start using them.

10. We carry out the last third cooking in the same way as the previous two.

The only thing worth paying attention to here is the virtually constant stirring. There isn't enough syrup left. Some of it was absorbed into the slices, and some of it boiled away. Therefore, pieces can burn quite easily and quickly. This will make the syrup darken, and the smell will acquire unnecessary notes.

11. 5 minutes after boiling, move the basin onto the board and put the jam into jars. For convenience, you can use a special funnel with a huge neck. Thanks to it, you won’t stain the outer walls of the jar and won’t burn your hands.

After filling the container, screw it on with lids and leave it at room temperature until it cools completely. There is no need to twist the workpiece or cover it with anything warm.

12. After cooling, remove the jars of jam for storage. For this, it is better to choose a black and cold space. In an apartment, the preparations are usually stored in the pantry, and in your own home - in the basement. The main thing is not to place them close to batteries. After opening, store the sweet in the refrigerator.

It is best to distribute the treats into small jars. Containers from 200 to 500 grams are ideal for this purpose. I got 4 of these in particular. Their approximate size was 1 liter, maybe a little more.

We usually start eating jam after letting it cool a little. Holding on and waiting for winter is not possible. It turns out so beautiful and fragrant that after eating another jar, the next day you collect a new batch of apples and cook again.

Despite the fact that the cooking process takes two days, the recipe is very simple. While you are doing things in the kitchen, you are fleetingly busy with this matter. The longest part of all is chopping the apples and preparing the jars. Everything else doesn't bother me at all. And you take on the next game with no less pleasure than the first.

I’ve already prepared 3 batches this year, and I’m planning on making more. After all, you just can’t take your eyes off the jam. It's like eating apple slices soaked in honey. Their taste, color, smell and appearance are simply amazing. It is a pleasure to prepare such a product! In general, how to share a recipe.

Read also:  Marshmallow cake recipe

Friends, all the best and the same good mood!

Apple jam in slices - 10 delicious homemade recipes

Making apple jam in slices at home is easier than usual. The main thing is to have suitable fruits on hand. Usually, sweet or sweet and sour is better, hard types are better so as not to overcook. Read more...

  1. Main
  2. Best selections
  3. Homemade jam
  4. Fruit and vegetable jam
  5. Apple jam
  6. Apple jam slices
  • Dishes with apples
  • In a slow cooker
  • Homemade jam
  • Preparations for the winter
  • Apples for the winter
  • Without sterilization
  • Diets (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) recipes for weight loss
  • Dishes with lemons
  • Apples in a slow cooker
  • Lemon jam
  • Apples with cinnamon
  • Pears for the winter
  • Vegetarianism
  • Pear jam
  • Veganism
  • Jam in a slow cooker
  • Recipes without butter and margarine
  • Preparations from fruits and berries

How to make tasty apple jam in slices: recipes, tips

Perhaps the most popular among desserts of this type is clear apple jam. Firstly, it looks much prettier in crystal vases (our grandmothers love to serve jam in them). Secondly, it is the most tender and mild in taste. And other varieties of this dish are also very good.

The 5 most commonly used ingredients in recipes for apple jam in slices:

Product Calories kcal per 100g Proteins g per 100g Fats g per 100g Carbohydrates g per 100g
Apples 47 0.4 0.4 9.8
Sugar 398 99.7
Cinnamon 247 3.9 3.2 79.8
Lemons 16 0.9 0.1 3
Citric acid 0.2

Wedges for jam can be cut not only into “slices” in fact. It is also suitable for half-slices (when the whole one is cut in half). This is especially important for the hardest types, which cannot be boiled so easily. Apples can be peeled or not peeled - it all depends on the recipe. The peeled ones are more tender. But you will have to cook them very carefully, as they can fall apart quite easily. As a result, the jam threatens to turn into puree.

Most often, the slices need to be boiled in sweet syrup, without covering them with sugar. In other words, make every effort to maintain their shape. Since it is fundamental for this dessert. By the way, the syrup can be cooked not with water, but with apple juice. With the addition of other flavors. For example, orange, lemon. If the fruit is sweet, use less sugar by a quarter (approximately). Again, in the recipe for apple jam, the proportions will be prescribed in slices. For sweet and sour, the ratio is one to one.

In other options, it is permissible to cover the cut pieces with sugar and wait until they release the juice. In all this, cutting must be done carefully: the narrow one will be destroyed, and the thick one will look ugly and may not cook through.

Selection of apples for jam

As mentioned above, the best choice is sweet and sour fruits, not loose, not juicy, moderately hard, and retain their shape well even when cooked. You can check whether the apples are rising by boiling the slices in boiling water for some time. Are they holding on? It means they are approaching! Dissolve? No good! This is in case you really need this particular jam. Once boiled, a wonderful jam or puree comes out.

5 of the fastest recipes for apple jam in slices:

Name of the dish Preparation time Calories kcal per 100g User rating
Apple jam slices quickly 1 hour 183 +26
Regular apple jam in a slow cooker for the winter in slices 3 hours 187 +60
Apple jam slices with lemon 13 h 30 min 215 +10
Five-minute apple jam 20 h 30 min 223 +10
Apple jam slices 21 h 30 min 202 +54

Another fundamental point: it is better to take the fruits directly from the tree. Those that have been lying around are mostly unsuitable. Don't pick it up from the ground either.

Amber apple jam in slices - two ordinary but delicious recipes

Do you understand why everyone loves amber apple jam so much? The reason is not at all in taste, because there are many recipes for various apple desserts for the winter. Their apples are perfectly mixed with various spices and other fruits. But in most preparations, the apples lose their shape and fall apart, which is why the jam acquires a puree-like texture. But, knowing some tricks, you can preserve the integrity of the sliced ​​apple slices. And the jam itself will turn out very beautiful and tasty, with translucent, slightly crispy apples that look and taste like marmalade.

Read also:  Lemon cream

There are two traditional recipes, the difference between which lies in the manufacturing method:

  • without water, in its own juice;
  • with water, in sweet syrup.

In both versions, the secret to keeping the slices from falling apart is the amount of sugar and cooking time. Sugar must be taken almost 1:1, but not less than 700 g per kilogram of peeled apples. And it’s better to boil the workpiece in several batches, but not for long. The rest all depends on tastes: you can add spices, lemon, oranges.

Apple jam slices, amber in its juice

Prepare ingredients in equal quantities:

  • apples, cored and cut into slices 0.5 cm wide;
  • sugar.

Place the slices in a cauldron, add sugar and leave overnight (that is, in the dark) . During the day, put the cauldron on the fire and bring to a boil, skimming off the foam. Boil for 10 minutes and let cool completely. As a standard, you need to leave the workpiece for the day. Then repeat the function 1-2 more times, depending on the desired thickness of the jam, and roll it into jars.

Apple slices in sweet syrup or Pyatiminutka jam

If you don’t have time to wait for the fruits to release their juice under the sugar, pour them with ready-made sweet syrup. The amount of ingredients remains the same, you just need another 250 ml of water.

Manufacturing development:

  1. Make syrup from half the appropriate amount of sugar.
  2. Pour it over the apple slices and boil them for 5 minutes.
  3. Sprinkle the remaining sugar over the fruit and leave for 12 hours.
  4. Boil the workpiece again for 5 minutes and roll it up, placing it in jars.

Both the juice that the apples release and the sweet syrup entwine the slices and prevent them from falling apart. And the short heat treatment time does not allow it to boil over. Thanks to this, the slices remain intact and are slightly sugared, which gives the jam an unusual texture.

Transparent Antonovka jam in slices

Apple jam slices (transparent, amber)

This collection contains the best recipes for clear apple slices (amber) jam with step-by-step photos and instructions. We will tell you and show you how to make frisky, transparent apple jam in slices!

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Recipes for frisky transparent apple jam in slices, 21 pcs. in the collection


Apples – 900 g (clean weight)


Sugar – 2.5-3 cups

Cinnamon – 1 stick

Ginger (optional) – 3

Rum or cognac (optional) – 1-2 tbsp.


Cinnamon – 1 stick


Apples – 500 gr;

Walnuts – 100 gr;

Bay leaf – 1 piece;

Sugar 250 gr;



Ground cinnamon - to taste


Apples (hard, not crumbly) – 600 g

Plum (prune variety) – 500 g

Sugar – 500-600 g (or to taste)



Apples – 500 g (peeled) + 1-2 apples

Sweet sand – 2 tbsp.

Citric acid – 0.5 tsp.

Water – about 1 liter


Antonovka apples – 1000 g


Ranetki apples – 1.2 kg

Sugar – 0.8-1 kg (depending on the acidity of the apples)




Berries (reddish currants, cherries) – 200 g


Lemon juice – 1 tbsp.


Pear syrup – 1.5 l


Apples (weight without seeds) - 300 g

Grapes (weight without branches) - 300 g

Water - 0.75 cups

Ground ginger - 0.75 tsp.

Cinnamon – 2 sticks


Lemon juice – 1 tbsp.



Antonovka – 500 g


Citric acid – 0.25 tsp.

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