Kvass from rice at home

Kvass from rice at home

Homemade kvass is one of the products that only brings benefits to the body. The lactic acid bacteria contained in it have a beneficial effect on the state of the intestinal microflora, toxins are removed (Ancient Greek toxin (toxikos) - poisonous - poison of biological origin) and waste. Depending on what ingredients are included in the kvass wort, the drink has one or another additional effect. In this article we will look at the benefits of rice kvass and how to prepare it independently at home.

The benefits of rice kvass

It is not for nothing that the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun, who constantly consume rice, are long-livers. It is useful not only to eat it. To heal certain diseases, it is recommended to drink rice water and rice infusion. Iris kvass will benefit the body.

Rice kvass is recommended to be consumed if there are subsequent health problems:

  1. Metabolic disorders;
  2. Disruption of the stomach and intestinal tract, slagging;
  3. A state of acquired lethargy, weakness and malaise;
  4. Joint diseases;
  5. Excess weight.

Rice kvass for joints

Rice has a beautiful cleansing effect, it removes toxins from the body (Ancient Greek toxin (toxikos) - poisonous - poison of biological origin) and harmful salts. Thanks to its salt-removing function, rice kvass has proven itself in the treatment (a process for alleviating, relieving or eliminating symptoms and diseases) of joints, rheumatism, back pain, osteochondrosis and salt deposits. When your joints begin to ache and crackle, you can help yourself by preparing homemade rice kvass for your joints. It will help restore their mobility and relieve pain. You need to drink rice kvass 5 times a day after meals, and follow proper nutrition - eat small portions 5-6 times a day. The course of healing lasts 2 months. To make the drink, you will need to purchase snow-white rice of good quality.

  • Long grain rice - half a glass.
  • Liter of water.
  • A few dark raisins.
  • Sugar – 3 tablespoons.

First, wash the rice and put it in a 2-liter jar. Now pour in boiled water at room temperature. Then add sugar and raisins. Thoroughly mix the contents of the jar, cover the container with gauze and place in a warm space for fermentation. The medicinal drink will take 3-4 days to mature until it is ready. The finished drink is combined and removed to cool.

No need to wait until your kvass is finished. As soon as the first batch was leaked, we immediately installed the second one. Now only 3 tablespoons of rice need to be added to the old mixture; sugar and raisins are added in the same proportions. Next time it will be enough to add one and a half spoons of rice.

Be sure to consult your doctor before using the drink to heal joints. People suffering from sweet diabetes should eliminate added sugar by slightly increasing the portion of raisins. It will take longer to prepare, but the effect will be the same.

Rice kvass for weight loss

So, let's prepare an effective drink for weight loss.

  • 2 liters of water.
  • A glass of rice.
  • 50 grams of raisins.
  • Slice of lemon.
  • 5 tablespoons of honey (it is better to take linden honey).

The rice must be washed and placed in a jar. Add all other ingredients and add water. A container with kvass wort, covered with gauze, is infused for 4 days. The finished drink is combined and cooled. Boiled water in this recipe can be replaced with carbonated water. You can enrich the taste of the drink with ginger, cardamom or lemon zest.

Rice kvass for weight loss can be used both as part of diets and as a stand-alone tool for combating excess kilograms. In the second case, the result will be better if the medicinal drink is combined with rice porridge.

It should be noted that along with waste and toxins, calcium and potassium are removed from the body. Therefore, when drinking such a drink, it is necessary to include apples, persimmons, prunes, peaches, and bananas in your diet.

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Rice kvass for osteochondrosis and joint pain

I have an old, tried and tested recipe from a newspaper file. I have already tested it on myself, my wife and friends for a long time. Everyone's reviews are excellent.

Rice kvass is good because it draws out excess deposits in joints and salt. and removes oxalic acid, relieves inflammation (Inflammation is a complex local reaction of the body to damage) . One time my neck tightened and I couldn’t turn my head. And with this kvass she put herself back on her feet, the inflammation (Inflammation is a complex local reaction of the body to damage) went away after a week and never came back.

When you twist your knees or fingers, that’s also the best thing. And when my husband broke his back at the dacha, I gave him rice kvass to drink, and the pain (an experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage) went away.

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That’s why we now have this as a table drink. Not only refreshing, but also healing, always on the table. I beg you, do not lose the recipe, write it down, share it with your friends and acquaintances, you will do a good deed.

Rice kvass recipe for making at home

For production you will need:

  • Washed rice - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Raisins (do not wash) - a handful (1 tbsp.).
  • Boiled water - 1 l.

When it comes to rice kvass, trouble begins. There is also one indescribably necessary drink - an infusion of Indian sea rice (this is a fungus like our kombucha).

So, ordinary rice kvass, which I want to tell you about, and the drink that is the product of a rice mushroom, they are often confused. It is also indescribably useful, but more on that next time.

Now we will talk about ordinary healing rice kvass, which is available to everyone, because rice is sold in any store.

  1. So, boil water and cool it to a slightly warm temperature. Wash the rice thoroughly to remove excess dust and starch.
  2. Pour unstained rice into a jar and fill it with warm water. Add sugar and stir. If you don't like sweets, you can reduce the quantity.
  3. Do not wash the raisins (it will be better if they are homemade and unprocessed). On its skin there is feral yeast, which will help ferment the kvass. We put it in a jar.
  4. Cover the neck with gauze.

We put it in a warm space, maybe on a windowsill, in the sun. 4-5 days and the kvass is ready. Let's strain it.

Pour the resulting liquid into a comfortable, clean container.

Leftover rice can be reused. After washing it under running water, we put it back into the jar, adding only a spoonful of the freshest washed rice, a new portion of sugar and raisins.

Fermentation will continue as before, only even faster.

Please note that the drink contains sugar and is contraindicated for diabetics.

Everyone else can take 1/2 - 1 glass 1 time per day after meals. The therapeutic effect is felt within a week, especially when it comes to inflammatory effects.

But it is better to continue taking it for up to a month for a tangible effect on the joints. Also, a monthly course is great for gout.

My husband and I absolutely drink it all summer, not really paying attention to the schedule. We feel unrivaled. That's what we want for you too. Add some light mobility exercises and you'll feel like a brand new person!

Rice kvass: recipes for making it at home

  1. About the drink
  2. Usefulness of rice kvass
    2.1 How rice kvass works
    2.2 Rice kvass for osteochondrosis
    2.3 Contraindications
  3. Rice kvass recipes
    3.1 Rice kvass recipe for joints
    3.2 Step-by-step recipe for regular rice kvass with raisins
    3.3 Tonic rice kvass
  4. How to drink kvass correctly
  5. Video

About the drink

Since time immemorial, rice has been considered an essential grain for health. Its necessary properties are clear to the whole world. It is no coincidence that it has been the main food in China and the Land of the Rising Sun for 1000 years. Oil, wine, sake, sweets, paper are made from rice, and animals are fed with rice bran. It is no coincidence that peoples who have eaten rice for centuries are famous for their longevity and good health. In our country, rice kvass is very popular because of its taste and healing properties and has received many positive reviews.

The benefits of rice kvass

It is made from unique raw materials. Rice is consumed for almost all diseases. The starch it contains entwines the mucous membranes of the stomach. It is prescribed for dilemmas of the digestive system - ulcers and gastritis. Rice does not contain gluten, to which almost everyone is intolerant.

Rice is also rich in vitamins and minerals:

Substances Utility Substances Utility
Iron Supply cells with oxygen Chromium Reduces sugar cravings
Phosphorus Restores carbohydrate and protein metabolism Selenium For harmonious functioning of the thyroid gland
Magnesium Participates in the normalization of heart function Potassium Restores cardiac activity
Zinc Helps bones and teeth be strong Cellulose Helps digestion of food
Vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and diverse chemical nature) of group B For the nervous and cardiovascular systems Silicon Provides strength to joints

Rice removes salts from joints, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and restores mobility.

Small cut rice is not suitable for making rice kvass; use long-grain or short-grain rice. This drink relieves the symptoms of diseases and is therapeutic.

This kvass simplifies diseases (disturbances in normal functioning, performance) : arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, gout. But you should not self-medicate, and at the first signs of the listed diseases, you need to consult a doctor to make a clear diagnosis (a brief medical report about the existing disease (injury) , a deviation in the health status of the person being examined, or the cause of death) and the purpose of treatment. And drinking kvass will be a good additional way in the fight for your health. Also, consuming rice kvass is an excellent prevention of these diseases.

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How does rice kvass work?

The active ingredient in kvass, rice, cleanses connective tissue (a medical system of cells and intercellular substances united by a common origin, structure and functions) from excess salts, reduces pain (physical or emotional suffering, painful or unpleasant sensations) , removes toxins ( Ancient Greek toxin (toxikos) - poisonous - poison of biological origin) and relieves the inflammatory process.

Inflammation (Inflammation is a complex local response of the body to damage) in the joints is primarily influenced by what we eat and our lifestyle. To reduce the risk of problems with them, you need to move a lot, walk at least 10 thousand steps a day and eat right without overeating. Minimize your intake of added sugars and regular carbohydrates, and increase your protein and fiber intake. And the most important point is the drinking regime. Joint fluid requires water, and we often suffer from dehydration and the body has nowhere to get it.

Rice kvass for osteochondrosis

A sedentary lifestyle provokes salt deposition in the cervical spine. Pain (experience associated with true or potential tissue damage) with osteochondrosis limits and reduces the state of life. The most effective ways to combat pain (an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage) are massage and rice kvass. Kvass removes excess salt deposits; this is especially useful for those for whom massage is contraindicated.


Apart from countless positive parameters, natural kvass has contraindications. Both rice itself and kvass made from it should be limited to people with unhealthy diabetes, because it has the highest glycemic index, in other words, it raises the level of glucose in the blood (the internal environment of the human and animal body) . In addition, sugar and honey are used in almost all kvass recipes.

Rice also has a strengthening effect, so people suffering from constipation should not get too carried away with it, so as not to worsen the problem.

It is necessary to know about one of the characteristics of rice kvass in the treatment (process for alleviating, relieving or eliminating symptoms and diseases) of joints. In addition to unnecessary salts, rice washes away beneficial potassium salts. It, in turn, is needed for the proper functioning of the heart. Therefore, while taking it, it is necessary to increase the consumption of foods rich in potassium - bananas, dried apricots, raisins, zucchini, etc.

The older the patient, the more carefully you need to pay attention to the points listed above.

Rice kvass recipes

Rice kvass recipe for joints

Rice kvass will not only help relieve pain (physical or emotional suffering, painful or unpleasant sensation) in the joints, but will also promote weight loss, which will reduce the load on them and reduce pain (a set of symptoms with a common pathogenesis) .

For kvass you will need the following ingredients:

  • Liter of water;
  • Four tablespoons of long grain rice;
  • 5 pieces of raisins;
  • Three huge spoons of sugar.

Long grain rice will make a jelly-like drink.

Pour sugar, rice and raisins into cooled water. Stir everything well until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Cover the jar with thick gauze to prevent debris and insects from getting inside. Leave it to brew in the room.

After four days, strain the kvass through a strainer and pour into containers that are comfortable for you. Store the drink in the refrigerator.

Step-by-step recipe for regular rice kvass with raisins

  • Eight huge spoons of rice;
  • One and a half liters of water;
  • Sugar – 200 g + 1 tablespoon;
  • 25 grams of dry yeast;
  • A handful of raisins.

Wash 5 tablespoons of rice and boil until tender. Transfer to a cup, cool and add sugar, yeast, raisins. Stir, cover the cup with film and leave on the table.

After an hour, transfer the mixture into a three-liter jar.

Boil water, cool to 40 degrees.

Heat the sugar in a frying pan for a few minutes. When it turns light brown in color, add the rest of the uncooked rice to it. Fry until a caramel color appears. Place the mixture in a jar with rice. Fill everything with warm water.

Cover the neck with a thick layer of breathable fabric (the structure of the tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) and leave to infuse in the kitchen. After 5 days, strain the kvass and bottle it. Store the finished kvass in a cool place.

Tonic rice kvass

This tasty drink will be especially good in the hot summer. To make it you will need:

  • One and a half liters of mineral water;
  • One glass of rice;
  • Black raisins 15 pieces;
  • One 4th part of lemon;
  • Two tablespoons of honey;
  • Ginger.
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Place the washed rice in a jar and fill it with mineral water. Add raisins, lemon with skin and honey. Grate a little ginger to add some spice. Stir everything well. Cover the neck with a clean cloth or gauze and leave to steep for 4 days. If the house is very hot, then perhaps the kvass will be prepared earlier.

Strain the finished kvass and pour into comfortable bottles.

How to drink kvass correctly

Drink kvass after meals, half a glass three times, four times a day. The average course duration is two months.


Rice kvass

I tried this extraordinary kvass 4 years ago. I saw the recipe in “Gastronom” and became interested. Its taste and color are extraordinary. If you are interested, try it!

Ingredients for “Rice Kvass”:

  • Rice (boiled) - 100 g
  • Water - 1.5 l
  • Yeast - 1 g
  • Raisins - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 100 g

Number of servings: 4

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
755.2 kcal
8.4 g
2.8 g
175.6 g
188.8 kcal
2.1 g
0.7 g
43.9 g
100 g dish
61.4 kcal
0.7 g
0.2 g
14.3 g

Recipe for “Rice Kvass”:

Wash the rice under running cool water, boil until tender without salt and cool.
Sprinkle rice with 1 tbsp.
l. sugar, add yeast, raisins. Wrap in a towel and leave for 1 hour in a warm place.

Stir the remaining sugar in warm boiled water.
Pour over the rice, cover with film and leave in a warm place for up to 4-5 days.

During these days we look at the kvass, if this foam appears on it, it means the kvass is ready.

Carefully strain and pour the kvass into bottles, add 1 raisin and cool.
In a day the kvass is ready! Store it in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.

The application is literally the same as that of bread.

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Photo “Rice kvass” from those who prepared it (1)

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July 10, 2014 Maryana S #

April 18, 2014 Sasha Logvinenko #

April 18, 2014 Sasha Logvinenko #

April 18, 2014 Oleska2112 # (recipe creator)

August 11, 2013 Pervushina Lena #

September 21, 2013 Oleska2112 # (recipe creator)

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