

Shurpa, also popular as sorpa, shorpo, chorpa, chorba, is one of the ancient soups in world cuisine. It uses the best fruits of human labor: fatty meat, the freshest vegetables and fruits, spices and herbs. Shurpa is prepared in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and Dagestan. Very similar soups are found in the cuisines of Egypt, Turkey, India, Moldova, and Bulgaria. It is surprising that there is simply no single correct recipe for shurpa, just as there is no country that could be considered the birthplace of this dish. In any region, shurpa is prepared in its own way, and it always comes out superbly tasty.

In Central Asia, shurpa even gained a reputation as a healing dish: with its help, anemia, tuberculosis, and rheumatism are cured. Lenten shurpa with lean meat helps women in labor and postoperative patients recover. Spicy shurpa restores masculine strength and helps with hangovers. We have collected the best shurpa recipes from various cuisines of the world and are happy to share them with readers.

What is shurpa made from?

Shurpa is a very fatty, rich soup, because its usual main component is lamb. The best cuts of meat for shurpa are loin (back) and brisket. Ribs are also suitable, although they do not have much meat. The standard is to prepare shurpa from several types of meat at once, without separating them from the bones. This way the broth will be the strongest, and the soup will be especially tasty.

If there is not enough fat in the meat, fat tail or interior fat is added, in which all the ingredients are fried. The use of vegetable oil is allowed. Instead of lamb, beef, poultry and even fish can be consumed. Hunters can simply prepare shurpa from hunted game over a fire: venison, hare, duck. Pork is not used in classic shurpa.

The vegetable part of the shurpa is represented by onions, carrots and potatoes. Onions are usually taken a couple of times more than for European soups. When there were no potatoes in the Ancient World, the main vegetable in shurpa was turnip. At the moment, it is used only when cooking broth and is thrown away - not many people like the bitter taste of turnips. Tomatoes, bell peppers and hot peppers appeared in shurpa relatively recently by historical standards, but they have reliably taken their place in most recipes.

In addition to vegetables, shurpa can include chickpeas, lentils, beans, especially its small variety - mung bean. Shurpa can be found with homemade noodles, cereals, and corn. Such additives make shurpa especially nutritious, capable of replacing an entire meal.

The taste of shurpa depends almost entirely on spices. In ordinary recipes, sour fruits are widely used: plums, quince, dried apricots, apples. Spices in shurpa always include coriander, dark and hot pepper, and cumin. You can use ready-made solutions for pilaf. An essential part of true shurpa is a huge amount of fresh herbs: cilantro, green onions, dill, parsley, basil.

How to prepare shurpa

There are two main ways of making shurpa: kaurma or fried shurpa and kaiitnama - boiled shurpa. In the first version, the meat and other ingredients are fried in a cauldron, filled with water and cooked until tender. The second option dispenses with frying - everything is cooked for a long time over a leisurely fire. Despite the fact that the products in both versions may be completely similar, the result is two completely different dishes, each with its own taste and character.

Vegetables for shurpa are cut coarsely: potatoes and carrots can be cut in half, small root vegetables can be left whole, tomatoes and peppers can be cut into 3-4 parts. Apples and other fruits are usually left whole. Turnips, if left in the soup, are cut finely; it is also better to cut the onions into thin rings or half rings so that they actually dissolve. If legumes are used, then they need to be soaked in advance for several hours, or better yet, overnight (that is, in the dark) , and cooked together with meat or separately.

Spices are added to the shurpa at the beginning of preparation, so that their taste and smell permeate the meat, but it is better to wait with salt and add it closer to the readiness of the meat. The freshest greens are added at the end of production or in the finished soup.

In Uzbekistan, a special method of serving shurpa has been adopted: pieces of meat and large pieces of vegetables, root vegetables and fruits are placed on a separate dish, and the broth with small pieces of vegetables and herbs is poured into bowls. It turns out the 1st and 2nd in one thing: they drink soup from a bowl, eating it with boiled potatoes and meat on the bones and using a wheat cake instead of a spoon.

Shurpa recipes

Uzbek boiled shurpa

500 g lamb ribs,
50 g lamb fat,
300 g hot onions,
200 g sweet onions,
300 g carrots,
300 g turnips,
1-2 potatoes,
1-2 bell peppers,
1-2 new tomatoes,
1 small quince or sour apple,
1 hot pepper,
cumin, coriander, salt, sugar - to taste,
cilantro, parsley, basil - to taste.


Pour 3 liters of cool water into a huge saucepan with a thick bottom, lower the meat, cut into large pieces, bring to a boil over medium heat, carefully remove the foam, add a pinch of salt, cumin and coriander and leave on the lowest heat. Meanwhile, cut the spicy onion into rings or half rings and lard into small cubes, add them to the meat and cook for half an hour. Add coarsely chopped carrots and potatoes, turnip cubes, a whole hot pepper and leave for another hour.

Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, put them in cool water and remove the skins, add them along with large quince slices and finely chopped sweet peppers to the soup. Lastly, add thinly sliced ​​sweet onion, bring the shurpa to a boil and adjust the taste by adding salt and sugar. Place the meat and potatoes on a platter, pour the soup into bowls, add finely chopped herbs to each serving and serve with fresh tortillas.

Boiled lamb shurpa in a cauldron

1 kg of lamb on the bone,
2-3 onions,
3-4 carrots,
1-2 bell peppers,
3-4 tomatoes,
4-5 potatoes,
1 head of garlic,
1 tsp
cumin, 1 tbsp.
consistency of spices for pilaf or kharcho, 1 bunch of cilantro,
salt to taste.

Wash the meat, cover with cool water without separating from the bones, bring to a boil and carefully remove all the foam. Cook covered over low heat for 2 hours. Half an hour before the end of cooking, add salt. Remove the meat from the broth and cool in one piece.

Skim the fat from the surface of the cooled broth. All ingredients will be fried on it. Cut the boiled meat and vegetables into large pieces - 3-4 cm. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Place the tomatoes in boiling water, then in cool water, remove the skin.

Heat the rendered fat in a cauldron, lightly fry the meat and onions in it. Add carrots and peppers, add spices, stir thoroughly and fry for another couple of minutes, then pour in a little broth and leave to simmer for 15-20 minutes. Add potatoes to the vegetables, pour in hot broth and cook over low heat until the potatoes are ready - 15-20 minutes. Add the tomatoes, cook for another 10 minutes. Meanwhile, finely chop the garlic and cilantro, add them to the soup, bring to a boil again and turn off the heat. Leave the shurpa to brew under the lid for 7-10 minutes and serve hot.

Read also:  Caramel for cake

Fried shurpa with chickpeas

500 g lean lamb,
100 g chickpeas,
2 onions,
2 carrots,
4-5 potatoes,
1 turnip,
2 tomatoes,
2 sweet peppers,
4-5 cloves of garlic,
cumin, coriander, hot pepper - to taste,
cilantro, parsley, dill - to taste,
50 g of vegetable oil,
hot water - 2 cups per serving.

Soak the chickpeas overnight (that is, in the dark) in plenty of warm water, wash them a couple of times before making shurpa. Heat vegetable oil in a cauldron, fry the coarsely chopped meat until golden brown, add onion half rings, spices, salt, fry until the onion is transparent. Pour in water, bring to a boil and skim off all foam.

Add whole cloves of peas and garlic, coarsely chopped carrots and whole turnips to the soup if you plan to throw them away after cooking. If you like the taste of turnips, cut them into small cubes. After an hour of cooking over low heat, add coarsely chopped potatoes, after 20 minutes add sweet peppers and tomatoes. Check the readiness of the peas and potatoes, adjust the taste with salt and spices, add chopped herbs - the shurpa is ready. Leave it to rest slightly under the lid and serve.

Corn shurpa

300 g lamb or beef,
50 ml vegetable oil,
3-4 ears of corn,
3 onions,
2 tomatoes,
2 potatoes,
dark pepper, bay leaf, salt, cilantro - to taste.

Heat oil in a cauldron or thick-walled pan and fry the coarsely chopped meat. Add finely chopped onion, large pieces of carrots and peeled tomatoes, season with spices, salt and pour in 2-3 liters of hot water. Cook for 1 hour, then add the diced potatoes and corn kernels cut from the cobs. Boil the shurpa until the potatoes are ready, adjust the taste with salt and spices, add the freshest herbs, let it brew quickly, and you can serve.

Hunting shurpa

2-3 kg of game,
4-5 carrots,
4-5 onions,
3-4 cloves of garlic,
5-6 potatoes,
200 ml of vodka,
100 ml of vegetable oil,
salt, pepper, herbs to taste.

Heat the oil in a cauldron, place the meat in large pieces on the bones, and fry until golden brown. Add coarsely chopped carrots, onion rings and whole cloves of garlic, add salt and spices, pour in water 4-5 cm above the ingredient level and cook covered over low heat until the meat is cooked. When the meat begins to pull away from the bones, add chopped potatoes, after 10 minutes add vodka. If there is a log of fruit tree in the fire, extinguish it in the soup - it will acquire a special taste and smell. Pour the chopped greens into the prepared shurpa, and you can serve.


Shurpa is a soup whose recipe comes from the East. Shurpa is a seasoning soup and has many analogues and different names. Usually shurpa is a lamb soup. How to cook shurpa correctly? Read more about shurpa .

As is clear, the lunch meal must begin with the first course. I recommend making beef shurpa. The soup according to this recipe turns out to be so satisfying that almost everyone, after tasting it, refuses to move on to the second one.

A traditional version of a favorite oriental dish is lamb shurpa.

In the midst of the contrast of recipes for this oriental dish, I particularly liked this method of preparation. In fried shurpa, meat and vegetables are pre-fried, which amazingly reveals their taste and transfers it to the broth. Thanks to this, the fried shurpa comes out very rich and fragrant. And replacing the classic lamb for this dish with beef does not spoil its taste.

A rich broth of lamb or beef, seasoned with coarsely chopped vegetables, with tender pieces of boiled meat, seasoned with fragrant spices. Shurpa is truly “culinary magic”! At first glance, the available ingredients are: carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, onions. But the combination of vegetables and meat broth, as well as a special manufacturing recipe, give that unique taste that makes shurpa so popular.

A famous dish is lamb shurpa. It is recommended to cook real shurpa in a cauldron. And if it is possible to place a cauldron on a fire, this will add even more flavor to a dish that is classic in almost all countries. It will take you about an hour and a half to make lamb shurpa, but the end result is worth it. An appetizing, fragrant, satisfying dish with tender pieces of lamb and vegetables cooked in meat broth will make your lunch unforgettable.

Uzbek shurpa is usually made from lamb, but this soup can also be made from beef.

Appetizing beef shurpa is a good option for a first course at lunch, and at the same time introducing your household to Caucasian cuisine. Preparing a hearty shurpa is not at all difficult, because the ingredients for this Caucasian dish are familiar and familiar.

I present to your attention one of the recipes for making shurpa. A spicy, rich soup of lamb and vegetables is prepared in a cauldron over a fire.

I've been meaning to write about this soup for an incredibly long time, because... Yes, of all the soups, shurpa is the most beloved. As my husband said, previously I accepted vegetables in soup as something inevitable, simply filling the plate and stomach, but in shurpa they are something beautiful :)) And it also contains boiled onions and boiled lard. ; )) But it doesn’t need to be said, it needs to be eaten (c)

Sorpa is the most delicious soup. You can cook it from beef, but usually sorpa is made from lamb. On cool evenings, scalding hot, fragrant and hearty soup is the best dinner. Especially for guys. We ladies are always on diets. But our breadwinners and breadwinners need precisely such food as sorpa. Well, their mood after this soup changes significantly for the better.

Shurpa is a famous seasoning soup with a thousand-year history. Oriental cuisine is very tasty.

Delicious, hearty, rich lamb soup. Shulum is usually cooked in a cauldron over a fire. This home-style shulum is very reminiscent in taste of soup prepared in nature.

In Tajikistan, as I remember, they always said shurpaO. At first I thought that shurpa was just the Russian pronunciation of the word. It turns out, no)) I really love this soup in its various manifestations.

Prepare rich and tasty beef shurpa with zucchini and tomato. This dish is rich due to the contrast of vegetables - young potatoes, carrots, onions, zucchini, ripe tomatoes, sweet peppers and garlic. Fragrant parsley and spices - suneli hops and reddish ground hot pepper - successfully complement this first dish.

Step-by-step video recipe for lamb shurpa, with historical comments.

Fried shurpa allows you to kill two birds with one stone - use a couple of naked bones for soup and a handful of meat cut from them, which, when fried, will allow you to “draw out” the broth, and add the most out-of-season vegetables to the soup.

The shurpa came out very fragrant, tasty, and rich. The eaters are already dancing around the cauldron - no need to call.

This is perhaps my favorite version of shurpa, which is prepared without frying the goods.

I have long wanted to cook something with chickpeas, and I even bought it, and here the recipe for Persian shurpa with chickpeas pops up.

Moldavian chorba, a relative of shurpa, is prepared from poultry and domestic vegetables.

Kavurma-shurpa is a fragrant and rich Uzbek lamb soup. For kavurma-shurpa, the meat is fried in advance, then stewed with vegetables and boiled until tender.

The shurpa recipe outlines the preparation of the first dish, for which lamb is usually used (optional - brisket, neck, shank or shank, etc.). Lamb can be replaced with chicken or combined with chicken (preferably with a rooster or soup, not broiler chicken). The recipe for shurpa depends on the region and on the characteristics of the state cuisine. But it seems that the recipe for shurpa did not differ from one another; the soup is usually prepared hearty, quite fatty and with a huge amount of spices.

Lamb shurpa is a thick soup common in oriental cuisine. This version of lamb shurpa is prepared from meat and vegetables previously fried in fat tail fat.

Shurpa floats on the table, blowing your mind away with its smell. Shurpa is festive and indescribable.

Shurpa with lamb ribs and kutabs with cheese.

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Fried shurpa allows you to kill two birds with one stone - use a couple of naked bones for soup and a handful of meat cut from them, which, when fried, will allow you to “draw out” the broth, and add the most out-of-season vegetables to the soup.

The shurpa recipe has distinctive features: the shurpa must be fatty, which is most often achieved by preparatory frying of meat and vegetables; Shurpa must contain a lot of vegetables, herbs and spices . And we especially note that no matter what kind of shurpa, the recipe for which you find, will only benefit if you add fruit to it - fresh or dried.

The production of shurpa in almost every Asian country has its own individuality. When asked how to cook shurpa, you will receive a different answer in different countries. Uzbek shurpa is certainly prepared with cumin and basil. By the way, there are two types of Uzbek lamb shurpa: kainatma - shurpa made from raw meat, and kovurma - shurpa from fried meat. In Moldova, shurpa, or chorba , is prepared with kvass and a huge amount of paprika. And the Mongolian recipe for lamb shurpa is distinguished by a clear broth, noodles and chopped fresh onions.

As we have already noted, the usual, traditional shurpa is lamb shurpa . But there is also beef shurpa, chicken shurpa, fish shurpa, and even pork shurpa. The chicken shurpa recipe and the beef shurpa recipe are probably even the most popular among housewives, because shurpa soup turns out to be the least fatty. For those who are curious about how to prepare shurpa that is not only tasty, but also delicious, we will add that it is good to put ground red pepper the shurpa And you will get shurpa, the recipe with a photo of which will decorate any food photography exhibition.

And finally, if you are interested in how to cook lamb shurpa, you don’t necessarily have to go somewhere to Central Asia. Use our recipes and let it be delicious for you!

Lunch with an oriental flavor: how to cook shurpa soup

Shurpa, shorpa, chorpa, shurpo - all these are the names of one of the oldest dishes in the world, which has come down to us without any special configurations. Perhaps this is the most recognizable soup of Uzbek cuisine, although you can also find it among other nations. What is shurpa soup? Where did he come to us from? How and from what is it prepared? Let's figure it out in order.

The wandering life of soup

The word “shurpa” has Arabic roots and is translated as “soup”, “stew” or “first”. The dish is a fairly strong broth, usually based on lamb with the addition of meat, a huge amount of vegetables and herbs.

It is unrealistic to say literally when the first shurpa was prepared. Almost all researchers agree that the origins should be found in the Ottoman Empire. This is supported by the fact that Genghis Khan was a huge fan of shurpa. Wandering Turkic peoples introduced the inhabitants of the Middle East and the Balkans to this soup, from where it spread to other countries. Now shurpa is in the state cuisine of Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kazakhs, Turkmen, Kyrgyz and the peoples of the North Caucasus. Similar versions of the soup can be experienced in Bulgaria, Egypt, Moldova and India.

Harmony of tastes

So what is shurpa soup made from? The main ingredient here, of course, is meat, most often lamb. The most suitable parts for this dish are the back and brisket. You can also take ribs, but there is little meat on them. To make the broth rich, from time to time vegetables and meat are fried in fat or fat tail.

Lamb can be replaced with any other meat, not counting pork. Thus, darman shurpa is prepared in chicken broth with herbs, judzha khuraz shurpa is made from cockerel, kiima shurpa is prepared with meatballs, and dolma shurpa is prepared with stuffed bell peppers. There are known “hunting” versions of the soup with hare, duck, partridge or pheasant.

At first turnips were added to shurpa, but potatoes that came from the New World gradually replaced them. A distinctive feature is the unusually large amount of onion for European taste. In addition to this, carrots, tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers are added to the soup. Some recipes include chickpeas, lentils, mung beans and other beans, as well as noodles and cereals. Quinces, plums and apples are often used. As in almost all Asian dishes, you can’t do without the freshest juicy greens.

Boil or fry?

The most delicious shurpa comes out in a cauldron. Instead, you can take a clay pan, a roasting pan, or a heavy saucepan with a thick bottom.

There are two basic recipes for making soup, or rather, two methods. Kaurma, or fried shurpa, involves preparatory frying of ingredients in oil. After which they are filled with water and brought to readiness. It turns out something like a stew. 2nd option - kaiitnama, or boiled shurpa. Here the ingredients are not thermally processed, but are immediately filled with water and simmered for a long, long time over low heat.

To add a rich aroma, cumin, coriander, turmeric, saffron, and ground hot pepper are added to the soup. At the same time, they do this first or in the middle of cooking, so that the meat has time to be deeply saturated with spices. But they salt the soup at the end so that the meat remains juicy and soft. The freshest greens are poured directly into the plate.

In Uzbekistan, shurpa is served in a special way. Steaming pieces of meat and potatoes are laid out on a huge platter. A bowl with broth, pieces of vegetables and chopped herbs is placed next to it. The broth is sipped little by little directly from the bowl and eaten with lamb and potatoes, followed by a piece of crispy flatbread.

Traditional recipe for shurpa with lamb

Now let's take a step-by-step look at the recipe for lamb shurpa soup. The meat on the bone is cooked completely, and only when it is one hundred percent cooked is it cooled and coarsely chopped. Just cut the potatoes and carrots in half. Small root vegetables are tossed completely. The same goes for apples and other fruits. If you take turnips, keep in mind that they have a slightly bitter taste. This will not affect the broth in any way, but if you chop it and add it to the soup, a slight bitterness will be felt.

  • lamb on the bone - 1 kg
  • water - 3 liters
  • spicy onions - 3 pcs.
  • sweet onions - 2 pcs.
  • large carrots - 1 pc.
  • turnip - 300 g
  • potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • bell pepper - 1–2 pcs.
  • freshest tomato - 2 pcs.
  • medium quince (sour apple) - 1 pc.
  • hot fresh pepper - 1 pc.
  • cumin, coriander, salt, dark pepper - to taste
  • cilantro, parsley, basil - 6-8 sprigs each

Pour the meat with cool water into a large saucepan with a thick bottom, bring to a boil, add all the spices. Cook the meat over low heat under the lid for 2 hours, skimming off the foam from time to time.

We add the vegetables an hour after cooking as follows: at first only hot onion in half rings, very coarsely chopped potatoes, carrots and turnips, and a whole pod of hot pepper.

After half an hour, remove the thin skin from the tomatoes and put them in the soup. Then add quince, cut into large slices, and sweet pepper in strips. Let the soup boil again, add salt to taste.

Keep the shurpa on the fire for 5 minutes, cover with a lid and let it brew. Place meat and potatoes cut into large pieces on a plate. Pour meat broth with vegetables into a bowl, sprinkle generously with fresh herbs and serve with unleavened flatbread.

Fried shurpa with lamb and chickpeas

Let's start with a fundamental clarification. If you are going to add beans to the shurpa, be sure to soak them for at least a few hours in cool water. If possible, leave them overnight (that is, in the dark) . You can even cook the beans separately from the meat ahead of time. But it’s better to cook them directly in the soup - it will turn out even tastier. Let's look at how to cook fried shurpa.

  • lamb pulp - 600–700 g
  • water - 2 liters
  • dry chickpeas - 150 g
  • onions - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • potatoes - 4–5 pcs.
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 4-6 cloves
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • cumin, coriander, reddish hot pepper, salt - to taste
  • cilantro, parsley, dill - 4–5 sprigs

Soak the chickpeas overnight (that is, in the dark) , and rinse thoroughly in water in the morning. Heat the oil in a cauldron, fry the lamb in large pieces until it is all covered with a thin crust. Pour the onion into half rings, season with spices and fry until transparent. Add coarsely chopped carrots and turnips, fry along with the meat for 5-7 minutes.

Now pour in hot water, bring to a boil, add chickpeas and garlic with whole cloves. Cover with a lid, reduce the flame to low and simmer for an hour. Add potatoes in large cubes, and after another 20 minutes - tomatoes and sweet peppers in large slices. Salt the shurpa to taste, sprinkle with chopped herbs and let it brew under the lid for some more time.

Shurpa with chicken in the oven

Now let's try a light version of shurpa with chicken. You can take 2-3 legs or a small carcass, cut into pieces. If you fry the bird in oil ahead of time, the flavor will be more intense. And even without this, the shurpa will turn out delicious. Now we will simmer it using an unusual method - in a clay pan and in the oven. Instead, you can take clay pots and prepare the soup in portions.

  • chicken – 1 kg
  • onions - 3 pcs.
  • narrow carrots - 2 pcs.
  • potatoes - 4–5 pcs.
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves
  • dried roots (parsnips, celery, parsley) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • hops-suneli and salt - to taste

Chop the chicken into large pieces, rinse in water, dry, and place in a pan. We cut the potatoes into large cubes, and the carrots into thick pucks, and place them on top of the chicken. Chop the onions into quarters and place them in a saucepan along with the garlic. Season everything with roots and spices, fill with cold filtered water to the very top, so that it covers the contents by 2-3 cm. Cover the pan with a lid, put in a cool oven, set the temperature to 200 °C and cook for 1.5 hours. Let the soup sit in the oven until it cools down and you are ready to serve.

Oh, so cook shurpa soup using several methods. Choose the one you like best. You can find even more recipes for this dish on the “Eat at Home” website. Have you ever tried real Uzbek shurpa? Share your impressions in the comments. And if you prepare this soup yourself, we are waiting for your signature recipes.


Soup “Shurpa”

A very fragrant, tasty and satisfying soup.

Nukhut shurpa with lamb

What comes out is a rich, rich broth, with an incomparable taste. Be sure to try, and you will thank me 100 times, I’m sure. One condition - do not change the ingredients! Especially lamb and nuhut!


Chorpa, shorpo, sorpa. Shurpa is a filling soup or meat broth that has become widespread in the East, where it is known under different names: shurpa, chorpa, shorpo, sorpa, and finally, in Moldova and the Balkans, where it was taken, chorba. © wikipedia Oven recipe

Lamb shurpa

If you prepare shurpa specifically according to the recipe of Uzbek cuisine, then first the fat, meat, onions, and tomatoes are fried. Then it is filled with water, potatoes are added and cooked until it is finished. I cook slightly differently.

Chicken soup “Tovuk Shurpa”

A new soup for me, with a very exciting taste. It is my pleasure to offer the recipe.

Country-style shurpa

Colleagues, on the eve of a long weekend and “outdoor” weather, I would venture to offer you this simple soup. By the way, it mixes perfectly with both shish kebab and pilaf. And cooking is simple and easy. Let's cook shurpa. Why? And therefore there is fresh goat meat (more precisely, a lot of bones have formed) and vegetables. Vegetables are also straight from the garden. So why not cook shurpa after all?

Duck shurpa “Forest”

I saw the recipe on the “Hunting and Fishing” channel, everything was in stock - why not cook it. My fisherman is in ecstasy, what else is needed?!

Uzbek shurpa in a slow cooker

I would also say “lazy” shurpa. The recipe is simple to the point of primitiveness. But after tasting what came out, I was very pleasantly surprised! It turned out to be that forgotten taste of that particular shurpa that I had the opportunity to eat more than once in teahouses in Uzbekistan.

My shurpa

I love lamb in all its forms, but I cook soup like this when I really want a fragrant, but NOT fatty soup. If anyone needs it, I will be glad; -)


“Shurpa” (sorpa, sorba, etc.) – in Turkic languages ​​– “soup”. But this is an absolutely wonderful soup made from fried lamb and vegetables - rich, fragrant.

Shurpa . Shurpa is a dressing soup. The name comes from the Arabic word "shorba", which translates as "soup". The dish is understandable under various names - shorpa, shorpo, sorpa, chorpa. A common one is shurpa.

Shurpa is prepared using meat broth. The predominant types of meat are lamb, beef, and poultry. There are regional varieties of shurpa made from other ingredients, for example, fish (Turkmenistan).

The main distinguishing feature of shurpa is its high fat content and richness. Frying vegetables in ghee is widely used.

Also typical for shurpa and oriental dishes in general is the active use of spices and herbs. The classic ones are cilantro, parsley, red pepper, dill, basil, cumin and the rest. But in Moldova, shurpa is prepared with kvass.

Sometimes fruits are added to shurpa - plums, quince, apples, apricots, etc.

Shurpa does not have a specific manufacturing technology that would set it apart from other types of seasoning soups.

Shurpa is served sprinkled with finely chopped herbs on top. They eat shurpa with lavash or flatbread.

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