Pollock soup: 4 favorite recipes

Pollock soup: 4 favorite recipes

Pollock soup is a nutritious, tasty and very economical dish. In addition, it is considered dietary, because... Its meat is lean and tender. But there are doubts about whether one of this sea inhabitants is cooked. Naturally, the broth from this representative of cod fish is not very strong, but has a subtle marine smell. If you prepare fish soup from pollock fillets, it is better to slightly boil the heads and tails at first. And later add vegetables and pulp to the strained broth. For the thickest mixture, you can prepare a dish with millet or rice. Next, we suggest you look at the recipe for fish soup from pollock with a photo.

How long to cook pollock for soup

Almost all beginners will immediately have a question about how long pollock is cooked in water for soup. If these are pieces of a whole carcass, then approximately 20 minutes. But it’s enough to simmer the fillet for just 10 minutes and everything will be ready.

Traditional recipe for pollock fish soup at home

Calorie content: 70 kcal per 100 g.


Anyone can make fish soup from pollock. The main thing is to properly defrost the carcasses in order to preserve maximum usefulness. To do this, transfer the product from the freezer to the refrigerator until completely defrosted.

We wash the carcass well, gut it, cut off the heads, tails and fins. It is necessary to cook from their base. Fill with water, heat to boiling temperature, remove the foam. Salt the contents, throw in one whole peeled onion and peppercorns. Simmer the frozen pollock broth for 20 minutes, then strain it.

Add potatoes cut into small slices and cook for about 7-10 minutes. Meanwhile, we clean the roots, cut them into narrow strips and send them to the potatoes. We peel the remaining onion, cut it into cubes, and add it to the diet broth made from the freshest pollock.

When the contents boil, add the fish tenderloin. Stir, season to taste, cook for 20 minutes. When serving, sprinkle the tasty fish soup with chopped herbs and add a spoonful of sour cream.

Pollock fillet soup for baby

Calorie content: 31 kcal 100 g.


To prepare pollock fillet soup for a baby, carefully wash and peel all the root vegetables. The recipe is with fillet, so we also rinse it under running water, dry it with napkins, and cut it into pieces.

Children's dietary fish soup made from pollock should be harmless, so the seafood is boiled more thoroughly and added first. Therefore, first you need to cook the fish broth. Place the prepared fish tenderloin into boiling water and cook for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, peel and finely chop all the vegetables into cubes. We sort the millet and rinse it with hot water. But for a 1-year-old baby, it is better to use semolina or rice; they will produce an equally tasty recipe.

We continue to prepare fish soup for the baby at home. Remove the finished pulp from the saucepan. Throw in the vegetables and cook them until cooked for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, finely chop the boiled seafood and clean greens. Add the prepared ingredients to the soft vegetables. After 2 min. turn off the heat and serve with sour cream. Here is a simple recipe for pollock soup for a baby, which has earned a huge number of positive reviews.

Using the same method, you can prepare the first one with meatballs from minced boiled fillet.

Recipe for pollock soup with rice

Calorie content: 79 kcal 100 g.


Cooking a tasty and healthy fish soup with rice is very simple. Let the water boil, and in the meantime quickly rinse and peel the vegetables. Cut the potatoes into slices and place them first in the boiling liquid. We cut the carrots into rings, and peel the onion and leave it whole. Let both vegetables cook.

Meanwhile, remove the entrails from the pollock fish, remove the backbone, and cut the flesh into small pieces. Because This recipe is with rice, then we wash the cereal a couple of times before adding it to the fish broth.

After 5 min. After adding the vegetables, add pieces of pulp and cereal and mix. It takes about 15 minutes to cook pollock soup until ready to use. At the end, season with spices, turn off the heat after 5 minutes. Serve with herbs and rye bread.

You see, anyone can make pollock soup. If desired, it can be cooked with pearl barley and without potatoes.

Recipe for fish soup from pollock with millet

Calorie content: 46 kcal per 100 g.


This is a simple, but very tasty recipe for the first course, which can be prepared at home without any problems. We gut the carcass, wash it, cut it into 2-3 parts, fill it with water, heat it to 100 degrees. Remove the foam, add some salt, and cook until tender. It is necessary that the pulp simply separates from the bones.

We take the seafood out onto a plate, and add chopped potatoes and millet to the broth. Mix everything and cook covered until done. Later we add fish tenderloin and chopped herbs to the fish soup made from pollock with millet. You can serve the dish with an egg.

Tips for making

This first dish deserves only positive reviews and must be on the menu of every family. But housewives should consider the following points:

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  • the lack of fat in this type can be made up with butter;
  • to make the dish a little easier, you can cook it without potatoes;
  • with cheese you will get a very satisfying dish, but boiling cheese soup is not allowed.

    Pollock soup - how to cook according to the usual step-by-step recipe

    Hello, dear readers! I think any of you have tried real fish soup made from freshly caught fish at least once in your life. I remember very well how, as a child, my parents and I went to the river for fishing. Having worked up a good appetite and caught a couple of fish, the ancestors lit a fire and cooked fish soup over the fire.

    I still remember the quiet crackling of the fire, the slight rustle of water in the river and the smell of fish soup wafting along the entire bank. Why not try cooking real fish soup in your home kitchen? Since I have frozen pollock in the freezer, pollock fish soup will be our dish now.

    Pollock is a necessary and dietary fish from the cod family. Almost everyone thinks that she does not have flashy taste. But my cat would argue with this statement if she could.

    If you think that this fish is only suitable for feeding cats, then let’s quickly cook the fish soup. The taste of the dish will pleasantly surprise you. After all, the base will contain rich fish broth from pollock head. Well? Go?

    Step-by-step recipe with photos

    Video recipe

    Other options

    • With millet

    Prepare a dish with millet to make it more satisfying. If you are not on a diet, then sauté carrots and onions in vegetable oil. This way the taste and color of the dish will be the most colorful. Fill them with water, add potatoes, chopped fish and cook slightly. Wash the millet and add to the ear. Cook everything together for 20 minutes. Don't forget to add spices at the end and let the dish sit.

    If you want the soup to be thicker and more filling, then cook it with rice. Since rice contains a lot of starch, it is better to cook without adding potatoes. And be sure to thoroughly wash the rice before cooking. This will wash away excess starch and leave the ear transparent. If you don’t fry the onions and carrots, the soup will turn out to be dietary and suitable even for baby food.

    • In a slow cooker

    The fish soup in the slow cooker cooks very quickly and comes out rich and fragrant. All you have to do is prepare all the ingredients, put them in the multicooker bowl, add water, or even better, fish broth prepared in advance, add spices and cook with the lid closed on the “Soup” mode. Typically, production time in this mode does not exceed 1 hour. At the end of the cooking process, add fresh herbs.

    One of the ingredients that can be used to vary a regular dish is egg. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to add half a boiled egg to the plate with fish soup. It turns out even more interesting and tastier if, at the end of cooking, you carefully pour an egg beaten with salt into the boiling fish soup, stirring continuously.

    And this version of the dish is for lovers of fish soup and spicy food. A well-tasting pollock soup can be made slightly hot with the help of spices. Prepare the fish soup according to the traditional recipe and add at the end a little ground paprika, coriander and almost a third of a teaspoon of ground chili pepper. The main thing is to maintain a balance so that the spices do not overwhelm the fishy smell, but highlight it and give it a special bite.

    Useful tips

    1. It doesn’t matter which fish soup starts with fish, so you need to choose it correctly. Most often, pollock is sold frozen. It is important that it be covered with a thin layer of ice, which should not account for more than 4% of the weight of the carcass itself. Without an ice crust, the fish dries quickly and loses its taste.
    2. It is equally important to defrost the fish before you start cooking it. It is best to create this in the refrigerator, and this method will require quite a lot of time. You can defrost pollock at room temperature. And to speed up the defrosting process even more, I place the carcasses in a sealed bag and put them in a bowl of cool water. But under no circumstances should you defrost fish in the microwave!
    3. Fresh lemon juice helps get rid of the persistent fishy aroma that is not pleasant for everyone. A few minutes before sending the fish to cook, I sprinkle the pieces with freshly squeezed lemon juice.
    4. If you do not want to strain the broth, then cook the fish heads and fins in a tied gauze bag.
    5. Keep a close eye on the broth as it begins to boil. As this happens, remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon. This will keep the broth clear.
    6. If you don’t like fish bones in your ear, then cook a dish of pollock fillet. But definitely based on fish head broth. This way the soup will be rich.
    7. At the end of making fish soup, add 2 tbsp. l. vodka. This will free the dish from the corresponding fish aroma and preserve its rich taste.
    8. Try not to deviate too much from the recipe so that you end up with fish soup and not pollock soup.
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    Now you understand how to prepare rich, fragrant pollock soup at home and how else you can vary this dish.

    According to the proposed recipe, you can prepare fish soup from any fish. If you prefer reddish fish, then cook pink salmon soup.

    And be sure to share the link with your friends so that they also learn how to cook fish soup correctly.

    Pollock fish soup - recipes

    Nutritionists recommend preparing fish dishes at least once a week. What would a fish day be without a fragrant and rich fish soup? In addition, you can cook one pollock fillet without any special financial or time costs.

    1. Recipe for making pollock soup with millet
    2. Helpful Tips and Tricks
    3. Recipe with rice
    4. Manufacturing option
    5. pollock fillet soup
    6. Pollock soup with eggs

    Recipe for making pollock soup with millet

    To make this dish you need the following ingredients:

    • 700-1000 g fish;
    • 3-4 potatoes;
    • 1 carrot and onion;
    • half a glass of millet;
    • vegetable oil for frying;
    • salt and herbs - to taste.

    1. Wash the fish from which the soup will be made, place it in a saucepan and cook for 20 minutes. When the pollock is cooked, remove it from the broth, cool and separate the meat from the bones. Place the fish pulp back into the broth.
    2. Prepare the potatoes by peeling them, washing them under running water and cutting them into small cubes.
    3. Also peel the carrots and onions. Grate the carrots and chop the onion into small pieces. Fry these vegetables in a frying pan in preheated vegetable oil until they acquire a golden color.
    4. Add potatoes and fried vegetables to the fish broth.
      Add the previously washed millet there too. Cook the soup over low heat for 15 minutes, adding salt to taste in advance. Wash the freshest greens and chop them with a knife. Add the greens to the pollock soup a few minutes before it’s ready, let it boil and turn it off immediately. Leave the finished dish to infuse, then serve it to the table.

    Helpful Tips and Tricks

    • Delicious pollock soup can only be made with good broth. If you have time, you can boil the heads with tails, bellies and various unmarketable pieces ahead of time. Or make vegetable broth from roots and spices. Then the broth must be filtered and prepared according to the chosen recipe.
    • Pollock is quite dry and contains little fat. Therefore, adding fat to soup is welcome. In particular, butter mixes well with the fish given to us. You can fry vegetables on it or just throw a piece into a pan.
    • Lemon is a fragrant addition that mixes perfectly with fish soups. You can add a fragrant slice to the plate when serving, or squeeze a little juice into the pan. But it is not recommended to add slices to the total mass, because the skin will impart bitterness to the roast dish.

    Recipe with rice

    To make the first dish the most satisfying and nutritious, you can add any cereal, for example, rice. In this case, it is better to take it long-grain, because such grains do not fall apart during cooking and do not turn into porridge.

    Products needed for production:

    • half a kilogram of pollock (use the cleaned carcass without the head);
    • 0.4 kilograms of potatoes;
    • 2 onions;
    • carrot;
    • 100 g celery root;
    • a little oil for frying (can be used with scent);
    • 50 grams of rice;
    • salt to taste.

    Manufacturing option

    We defrost the pollock one hundred percent, if necessary, clean it and transfer it to a pan. After boiling, boil the fish for 20 minutes over low heat, skimming off the foam from time to time. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt and your favorite spices.

    We take out the pieces of pollock and once they have cooled slightly, we cut them up.

    Wash the rice well, cut the potatoes into cubes. Place the tubers in a saucepan, and after boiling add rice.

    Peel the onion, carrots and celery root and also finely chop. If desired, you can grate them so that the soup comes out more tender and cooks faster. Fry the vegetables in a frying pan until soft - it is better to do this on the lowest heat.

    The frying is placed in the soup 10 minutes after cooking the rice. At this time, put the fish in the pan, add some salt and cook for another 5-7 minutes until the rice is soft. It is better to serve pollock soup hot soon after preparation, sprinkled with herbs beforehand.

    pollock fillet soup

    Cooked fish soup made from the freshest pollock fish is dietary. As in the previous case, vegetables are added to the pan fresh. A celery trunk will give the dish an additional flavor and piquancy. This version of the roast can be safely given to children or those who strive for a dietary, healthy diet.

    • pollock fillet – 500 g;
    • onion – 1 pc.;
    • carrots – 1 pc.;
    • potatoes – 4 pcs.;
    • rice – 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • garlic – 1 clove;
    • butter – 30 g;
    • salt, pepper, bay, herbs.
    1. Chop the peeled potatoes, onions and carrots, add water, add rice and cook for 10 minutes.
    2. Add fish fillet, bay and pepper, a slice of butter, and cook the soup for another 10 minutes.
    3. Fish soup for a baby can be pureed with a blender, and for adults, season with garlic and let it brew.
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    Pollock soup with eggs

    Egg version of fish soup with pollock. Frisky and very ordinary. The eggs can be boiled separately and added to anyone’s plate, but it is better to do as in this recipe.

    • 0.5 kg pollock;
    • 6 potatoes;
    • 1 onion;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 1 bay leaf;
    • greenery;
    • salt and pepper;
    • 2 testicles.
    1. Cut the potatoes into large cubes and boil for 5 minutes.
    2. Now we chop the fish and add it to the soup, add a little salt.
    3. Chop the carrots, chop the onion and add after the fish has boiled.
    4. Cover and cook at low simmer for about 10-12 minutes. It all depends on the potatoes; if they have a lot of starch, they will cook quickly.
    5. We taste it, add more salt and pepper, keep the chopped greens ready, but don’t throw them in just yet.
    6. Break the eggs into a bowl and beat with a whisk.
    7. We turn up the heat so that the soup begins to gurgle, pour in the eggs with one hand, and take a spoon in the other hand and actively stir the stream. This must be done so that the eggs are distributed in the fish soup in a narrow web.
    8. Throw in the greens, let it boil and you're done! The soup does not need to infuse; it can be immediately poured into plates.

    Fish soup from pollock fillet with vegetables - dietary recipe

    From this article you will learn how to prepare regular fish soup from pollock. What ingredients does it contain, and in what quantities? You will learn how to cut vegetables for this soup, how to marinate fish while the vegetables are being prepared, and how to create a grout. Find out what spices are put in this dish to make it fragrant. The order in which all the ingredients for the soup are added to the pan, and how long it needs to be cooked.

    Kitchen appliances and utensils: cutting board, knife, bowl, mortar and pestle, saucepan, plate, spoon, stove.


    White fish fillet 1 kg
    Tomatoes 1 kg
    Onion 1 PC.
    Carrot 1 PC.
    Garlic 4 cloves
    Celery 1 barrel
    Potato 500 g
    Parsley 1 bunch
    Spiced sprat or sprat 2 pcs.
    Dry thyme 1 tsp.
    Ground dark pepper 1/3 tsp.
    Chili pepper flakes 1/4 tsp.
    Salt 1.5 tbsp. l.
    Refined oil 3 tbsp. l.
    Water 1.5 l

    Step-by-step production

    Preparing vegetables

    • Wash 1 kg of tomatoes, remove the stem.
    • Cut small tomatoes into 4 parts, larger ones into 6 parts.
    • Cut 1 carrot into small cubes.
    • Literally cut 1 huge onion in the same way.
    • We also cut 1 stalk of celery.
    • First, wash and peel 500 g of potatoes, then cut into cubes.
    • Finely chop 1 bunch of parsley.

    Preparing the fish

    1. Place 1 kg (7 pcs.) of prepared snow-white fish fillets on a cutting board. We have pollock, but it can be replaced with hake or cod. Salt 1 tsp. salt on both sides. Sprinkle 1/3 tsp. ground black pepper on both sides too.
    2. Cut into portions. We divide one whole carcass into 6 – 8 pieces. Place in a bowl and leave to marinate while the vegetables are prepared.


    1. Take 4 cloves of garlic, cut lengthwise, remove the core, and place in a mortar. Grind the garlic with a pestle and ¼ tsp. salt.
    2. We take 2 pcs. Spicy pickled sprat, separate the fillet from the backbone. Place in a mortar and grind the fillet along with garlic and salt.

    Making soup

    1. Take a pan with a thick bottom, pour 3 tbsp. l. sunflower oil. Put it on fire, heat the oil in a saucepan. When the oil is hot, pour chopped onions, carrots, and celery into it.
    2. When the onion is fried until transparent, add a mixture of garlic, salt and spicy pickled sprat to the vegetables from a mortar. Fry for another 1 minute.
    3. Lay out the chopped tomatoes. Add 1 tsp there. dry thyme, mix everything. Add ¼ tsp. chili pepper flakes. Simmer over low heat without a lid for 15 minutes.
    4. Now pour 1.5 liters of water into the pan, turn on the highest heat so that it boils faster. When the water boils, add salt and add chopped potatoes, stir. Turn the heat up to low, cover loosely with a lid, and leave to simmer for 30 minutes.
    5. Place the marinated fish fillet into the pan, stir and simmer for 10 minutes.
    6. After turning off the heat, add chopped parsley.
    7. Cover tightly with a lid, leave to cool and infuse.

    Video recipe

    In this video you can see how fish soup is prepared from pollock fillet. You will see what ingredients are taken for production, how they are cut, in what sequence they are placed in a pan. How to create grout in a mortar using fish, garlic and salt. See what the finished dish looks like and what it is served with.

    We ended up with food that was easy on the stomach. There is no heavy fat in the soup, the fish in it is lean, and it takes a short amount of time to cook. The dish turned out very tasty, and the smell was simply indescribable. The soup sprinkled with herbs on top looks very appetizing and wonderful.

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