Belarusian sorcerers

Belarusian sorcerers

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Despite the fact that this dish of Belarusian cuisine is not as clear as the same potato pancakes-dumplings, potato magicians deserve special attention - they turn out to be no less tasty and satisfying. Belarusian sorcerers are an excellent option for a nutritious lunch for the whole family; at the same time, the recipe for this second dish is quite simple, so anyone can handle it.

By the way, a dish with the same name can be found not only in the classical cuisine of Belarus. There are sorcerers in both Lithuania and Poland - there, warlocks are usually understood as food in the form of small dumplings, which are made on the basis of narrow flour dough with a wide variety of innards. But in Belarus, sorcerers are large cutlets or pies made of potatoes with meat insides.

It is clear that in terms of composition, and also partly in the method of preparing the goods, Belarusian sorcerers have much in common with potato pancakes and dumplings, but at the same time these are different dishes. Fans of similar dishes can take a look at the recipes I shared earlier:


Making a dish step by step:

The warlock recipe includes ordinary and completely accessible ingredients: potatoes, minced meat (I used pork), onions, garlic, dill, seasoning for potatoes and minced meat (you can omit it or use other suitable spices), water, refined vegetable (I use sunflower) oil, paul and ground dark pepper.

First, let's prepare minced meat for the Belarusian warlocks. The original uses twisted pork of medium fat content (for us it is approximately 70% meat for 30% fat), but you can use any other meat. Put the minced meat in a bowl, add seasoning to it, if you wish, salt and pepper to taste, finely chopped fresh dill, also onion and garlic, which must be chopped using any convenient method. I grate it on the smallest grater because my family doesn’t like pieces of onion in their food. Pour 100 ml of cool water there - it will add juiciness to the inside.

Mix everything thoroughly. Taste for salt and add more salt if necessary.

Now we put the minced meat into a bag, tie it and beat it on the table 100 times. Just don’t throw it with force, otherwise the bag may tear. Thanks to this method, the minced meat will become the most tender and juicy. We put it in the refrigerator for now.

Meanwhile, peel and wash the potatoes.

After this, we grind it on the smallest shingle grater. I have such an attachment in a food processor, but previously I used a hand grater - it was time-consuming and painful, but now a full bowl of shingles is ready in a few minutes.

The potato shingles need to be squeezed out, for which we put a huge bowl or pan on the table, insert a sieve or colander into it and put a piece of gauze, which must be folded into 3-4 layers. Place the raw mashed potatoes into cheesecloth in parts and, twisting the ends, squeeze out the potato juice.

The squeezed mashed potatoes do not have to be very dry - there should be some moisture in them. But at the same time, the base for potato dough does not have to be watery. In this way we squeeze out all the shingles.

Leave the potato juice in the bowl for now so that the potato starch settles on the bottom - we will need it in the dough.

After a few minutes, drain the potato juice (it won’t be used), and the next day we see starch.

Add this starch to the squeezed potato mixture. Add potato seasoning and salt there.

Mix everything thoroughly with your hands so that the starch disperses moderately throughout the potato dough. It does not come out dry, moisture is felt, but at the same time the dough holds its shape unsurpassedly and does not fall apart.

Divide the potato mixture into pieces of similar size. I made 10 pieces to fit the baking dish.

We also divide the minced meat, which has already had time to rest in the refrigerator, into uniform portions according to the number of potato preparations.

Of course, it’s most convenient to sculpt fascinators in your hands (that’s what I do), but in the photo I’ll show you how it looks on a plate. So, take one ball of potato dough and thinly flatten it into a flat cake.

Place the meat patty in the center.

After this, all that remains is to carefully wrap the meat filling in the potato dough. If the potato skin tears, it’s not a big deal: just tear off a piece and fill the hole with it. We compact the workpiece with our palms so that it becomes smooth and even. This is how we form all the potato magicians. Some can be sent to the freezer, and some can be cooked right away - see for yourself.

Pour a sufficient amount of vegetable oil without aroma into the frying pan and heat it well. Place the first portion of warlocks so that they do not touch each other, and fry over medium heat until a beautiful and golden brown bottom crust forms. This will take 5-6 minutes.

Then we turn the fascinators over with a spatula and brown the other side in the same way. Remove from the pan and literally cook other fascinators the same way.

It is clear that the minced meat remained raw inside, so the Belarusian sorcerers need to be brought to readiness. This can be created directly on the stove (stew the sorcerers in a duck pot or cauldron) or in the oven. To do this, we transfer the cutlets into a baking dish (I line it with food foil to make it easier and faster to wash dishes later) in one layer or in another suitable dish. Pour a glass of boiling water (you can use vegetable, chicken or meat broth) - this way the sorcerers will not have time to cool down and will cook even faster.

Read also:  Shrimp recipe

Cover the pan with foil and place in a hot oven (turn on the heat half an hour beforehand) on a medium level. We cook Belarusian sorcerers at 200 degrees under foil for 20-25 minutes, after which we remove the foil and bake them for another 10-15 minutes.

Well, that’s all, the fragrant, rosy and juicy potato magicians are ready. Serve them hot with sour cream and fresh herbs.

If you like potato pancakes and potato dumplings, you will certainly appreciate Belarusian-style sorcerers. From ordinary and obvious goods, you can simply prepare such an exciting, tasty and satisfying dish for the whole family. Olesya, thank you so much for your order and the opportunity to share the recipe for a common dish from our native Belarus! By the way, in the photo the plate does not fall - it’s just oval

Belarusian sorcerers

Have you ever tried to cook Belarusian sorcerers? If your answer is no, then I strongly recommend that you correct this as quickly as possible and make this recipe for hash browns with meat entrails - magic.

Potatoes – 4-5 pcs.
Onions – 0.5 pcs.
Minced meat (pork, beef or mixed) – 100 g
Flour – 1-2 tbsp. spoons
Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.
Ground black pepper - to taste
Salt - to taste

Prepare the necessary ingredients.
Peel the potatoes and onions.

Grate the potatoes and onions on a small grater.

Add salt and ground pepper to the potatoes and onions (approximately 1/3-1/2 teaspoon each). Add flour.

Mix the mixture with a spoon. If any juice comes out, carefully pour it off. I didn’t drain the juice, because... The potato mass came out quite homogeneous.

Add salt and ground pepper (approximately 1/3-1/2 teaspoon) to the minced meat and mix.

Form the minced meat into flat patties.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan heated over medium heat. Place 1 tbsp into the pan. spoon of potato mixture, press a little with a spoon and smooth out.

Place one meat cutlet on top of the potato cakes.

Then place another 1 tbsp on top. spoon of potato mixture and smooth again.

Fry potato pancakes with minced meat insides over moderate heat for 2-3 minutes on each side.

Then transfer the fascinators to a baking sheet.

Place the sorcerers in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 30 minutes.

These are the baked Belarusian sorcerers that came out!


419 thanks 5
Max Thursday, September 26, 2019 2:50 pm #

Why is nothing written about flour?

Olga Thursday, November 21, 2019 12:10 #

Add salt and ground pepper to the potatoes and onions (approximately 1/3-1/2 teaspoon each). Add flour.

Andrey Sunday, November 24, 2019 13:04 #

Thanks for the recipe! I cook occasionally myself, mostly with my wife. There was a desire to cook something here, my wife and children liked it

Sergey Tuesday, January 07, 2020 12:11 #

These are not magicians, but ordinary potato pancakes with meat. Sorcerers are prepared differently and taste completely different

Marina Friday, January 24, 2020 1:48 pm #

I put many times more onions in both minced meat and potatoes, and it turns out more economical and tastier. For 4-5 potatoes - one huge onion, and for a piece of meat I have a proportion of approximately 0.5 kg of meat - also one large onion.

Flour may or may not be added. If you squeeze the grated potatoes well, you can cook without flour. But although I squeeze it, I don’t squeeze it hard, so I add a couple of tablespoons of wheat flour to the dough, from time to time corn, oatmeal or rice. From time to time pea. Here at the owner's discretion. I always generously add spices to the dough. from time to time Italian spices, from time to time for meat or grilling. A little grated garlic from time to time for contrast.

And I never tried baking it in the oven, I just added a few minutes in the microwave. The oven is a fascinating idea.

BeerCook Saturday, March 21, 2020 5:41 pm #

I put in many times more onions. Flour may or may not be added. . And I never tried baking it in the oven, I just added a few minutes in the microwave.

I really liked the recipe for the shrimp and avocado salad.

We just swapped the shrimp for herring and the avocado for potatoes. Everyone is happy.

Hilola Wednesday, July 15, 2020 1:58 pm #

Please answer, do you need to cook strictly according to the recipe? Maybe something needs to be changed?

Hilola Wednesday, July 15, 2020 2:03 pm #

I put many times more onions in both minced meat and potatoes, and it turns out more economical and tastier. For 4-5 potatoes - one huge onion, and for a piece of meat I have a proportion of approximately 0.5 kg of meat - also one large onion. Flour can be added or not. If you squeeze the grated potatoes well, you can cook without flour. But although I squeeze it, I don’t squeeze it hard, so I add a couple of tablespoons of wheat flour to the dough, from time to time corn, oatmeal or rice. From time to time pea. Here at the owner's discretion. I always generously add spices to the dough. from time to time Italian spices, from time to time for meat or grilling. From time to time, add a little grated garlic for contrast. I’ve never tried baking it in the oven, I just added a few minutes in the microwave. The oven is a fascinating idea.

Hello. have you tried this recipe? how about you? Maybe something needs to be added, or vice versa? I will be grateful for your answer.

Who are sorcerers

→ Magic, Parapsychology

A warlock is a person who has magical powers with which he can influence people, animals, nature and other phenomena. Warlocks are also called witchers, sorcerers, and sorcerers. The basis of warlocks is ritual acts. Such a concept as a warlock and warlock originated in old Rus'. People associated with witchcraft were not adored and feared at all times. In the days of the old Slavs, virtually every village had its own warlock. Information about them spread far beyond the boundaries of this locality. Such fame spread very rapidly because their unusual and mysterious activity constantly aroused the enthusiasm of ordinary people, also because a person was obliged to look for the most powerful warlock in order to get rid of the negativity that the weakest warlock had imposed on him. The sorcerer had to be given various honors and signs of attention, because people were afraid of his revenge.

There are two types of warlocks.

  • Sorcerers who received their abilities from birth
  • Sorcerers who made a deal with Satan, selling their soul to him.

There are dark and snow-white sorcerers. A dark warlock does not necessarily have to create only bad things, he can intensively help people who turn to him, but such a warlock is not able to renounce dark magic forever, because he is constantly tormented by evil forces that require negative influence from him. If a warlock died, then occasionally there was a person who would dare to approach him, because before death, the warlock must transfer to someone not only his knowledge and experience, but also his own unclean helpers. If no one approached the dying sorcerer, then from the moment of his death terrible phenomena began in nature. The heaviest downpour with lightning and thunder could suddenly begin. During all this, whistling, laughter, and hooting were heard. It was the noise of the devils who were carrying the warlock’s soul to hell. The warlock died a very difficult and painful death. In order for him to ultimately be able to leave the earthly world, it was necessary to create a hole in the ceiling through which his soul could fly out. There is a belief according to which a warlock could make a devil for himself. To do this, it was necessary to take a rooster's testicle, this is either the first testicle of a hen, or the testicle of a hen that crowed as a rooster. Such an egg does not have a yolk. It had to be wrapped in fabric (a medical system of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common origin, structure and functions) and worn under the arm for forty days, having previously removed the pectoral cross. After forty days, the devil hatched from this egg. It was small, so it was heated on the stove for some time. The grown devil served his owner faithfully.

If damage or an evil eye was placed on a person, then either the warlock who did it or the most powerful warlock could remove them. But using the link given to us, you can find out how you can remove the damage and evil eye without the help of others - http://101privorot .ru/kak-snyat-porchu-v-domashnih-usloviyah-samostoyatelno.html. In fact, although this process is not easy, it is completely within the capabilities of a person who really wants to create it.

A warlock, using his own magic, could disfigure a person on a physical level, and was able to make him insane. If the warlock was not invited to the wedding, he would get very angry and make various intrigues. He could have stopped the wedding procession, he could have mutilated the groom and his wife or all those invited. Cases are described when an angry warlock turned all guests into wolves. Sorcerers cast spells not only on people, but also on livestock. Mainly for livestock. Usually witches did such things. In case of spoilage, the cattle were milked with blood (the internal environment of the body) , or completely stopped producing milk. In this case, they called a doctor who cured the cow and named the one who imposed this damage, mentioning on which day the witch would appear. The witch came and asked the mistress for some thing. If this thing was given to her, then the healing of the cattle turned out to be worthless. If they didn’t give it, then the witch herself experienced torment. Such witches were punished mercilessly, they could even be beaten to death.


Sorcerers are a hearty dish of Belarusian state cuisine. If you look at the composition of the goods - one to one, like the Lithuanian zeppelins, the only difference is the development of manufacturing, which is why the final result is completely different.

The ingredients for this dish are quite simple and there are just a few of them, but the result is hilarious. So get down to business!

  • Total cooking time – 1 hour 0 minutes
  • Active cooking time – 0 hours 40 minutes
  • Cost - very economical
  • Calorie content per 100 g – 119 kcal
  • Number of servings – 3 servings

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How to make sorcerers


  • Potatoes – 1.2 kg weight already peeled.
  • Minced meat – 300 g
  • Onions – 70 g
  • Garlic – 1 tooth.
  • Marjoram – 0.5 tsp. dry.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Dark pepper - to taste
  • Vegetable oil – 4 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp.


Please note that the ingredients indicate the weight of already peeled potatoes, for greater accuracy, since it is not clear how much waste your potatoes will produce.

I always prepare the meat filling first, so that later I won’t be distracted by it, since grated potatoes quickly darken, and there’s no point in fussing with it; in our case, it means being distracted by the minced meat.

I will not tire of repeating - never buy ready-made minced meat. Take a piece of meat and, if the services of a store or market allow you to twist it, let them twist it in front of you. That's it, the freshest, really good minced meat is on your hands. If there is no such service, do it yourself at home.

Peel the onion, garlic clove and twist together with the minced meat. If you already have twisted meat, then chop the vegetables in a blender.

I really like to add marjoram to minced meat, and at the same time I take the freshest one that grows in my pot on the windowsill. You can change it to dry (as I wrote) or add your favorite seasonings, but not enough, just for a light color.

All that remains is to add salt, pepper and mix well. That's it, the meat inside is ready, set it aside or put it in the refrigerator.

Next are the potatoes. I had it cleaned already in the morning, which is why lunch was prepared simply at once, especially since I still have one advantage - a potato masher. I have already demonstrated it in this recipe.

What is it for? To make the next step very easy, you need to grate the potatoes on the smallest grater called a “hedgehog”. Using a potato masher, I shredded it (potatoes) in almost a minute. If you use your hands, it’s better to take a large potato, then it will be more convenient to grasp and rub it. Well, it's time. By hand, this matter will drag on for 15-20 minutes, in the best case.

Line a bowl with 2-4 layers of gauze and pour the potato mixture into it. Here, add lemon juice to stop the darkening.

Grasp the ends of the gauze, lift it and squeeze it with your hands.

At this point, grab the ends of the cheesecloth and lift it up - we need to squeeze out our potato mass. Naturally, you can put this thing in a sieve and wait for it to drain on its own, but, as I already said, the potatoes quickly darken, and squeezing out is not at all a troublesome task.

Do not pour out the resulting water, but wait a minute and carefully drain - potato starch remains on the bottom of the bowl, which we will add to the dough.

The original question is: how much do you need to do push-ups? Just enough so that you can form a sorcerer with your hands. The more you squeeze, the denser the potato dough will be.

In my opinion, no additions in the form of eggs, flour or dry starch are required, but you should definitely try out different options and decide which one you like best. I only have squeezed potatoes, the resulting starch, salt and dark pepper.

Mix the minced potatoes and begin modeling. They mold quickly, so I immediately put the frying pan on the fire, pour in vegetable oil and place any formed warlock directly on it. Fire is medium.

Take a small amount of minced potatoes in your hand and then some meat on top.

Then I again take a little potato, put it on the meat one and form a warlock, connecting the edges and making it as flat as possible.

Out of habit I make them big, I can eat one myself, but my wife needs two. But! It’s better to make them small – it’s easier to twist.

Divide everything into 6 parts - it seems to me that this number of warlocks is the best number for a given amount of ingredients.

Specifically in the frying pan, I again flatten them on top a little.

I fry over low heat, almost the lowest, for about 10 minutes on one side, covering it with a lid, and then remove the lid, turn it over and another 10 minutes on the other side, without closing it. I like them to have a little crunch, but don’t expect any crunch with the lid closed. In 20 minutes, my huge sorcerers have time to bake perfectly.

You can serve either simply with sour cream or with machanka. I prefer the 2nd option, if, of course, I’m not too lazy to create it

That's it, serve piping hot, and bon appetit to everyone!

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