Red cap salad with tomatoes, chicken, mushrooms and cheese - a very tasty and wonderful salad

Red cap salad with tomatoes, chicken, mushrooms and cheese - a very tasty and wonderful salad

Hi all! Eduard Rafikov is in touch and now I would like to share with you a very tasty and wonderful “Little Red Riding Hood” salad with tomatoes, chicken, mushrooms and cheese. Everyone prepares it differently, but there is the most delicious version of it.


And now I want to share this particular recipe with you. And preparing it is very simple and straightforward, it comes out unusually tender and very juicy in taste, and the most important thing is that it looks unusually beautiful on the table.

Your family will be simply in ecstasy from this masterpiece! Well, if you cook it when guests gather at home, then be sure to expect beautiful reviews and the fact that you will have to share the recipe.


  • Champignon mushrooms – 300 gr.
  • Chicken breast – 300 gr.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Testicles – 3 pcs.
  • Processed cheese – 2/3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Vegetable oil – for frying mushrooms
  • Vinegar – 9 percent
  • Sugar – for pickling onions
  • Fresh herbs for decoration

For this recipe we will need boiled chicken breast. It must be cooked until tender, adding black peppercorns and salt to taste. I also boil the eggs in advance and peel them.


Before we begin production, we carefully rinse our champignons under running water.

1. We cut our champignons. First in half, and then along literally the same way as shown in the photo.

2. We will first fry the mushrooms in a dry frying pan.

3. After they release the juice and it evaporates, add salt and dark pepper to taste.

4. Next add a little vegetable oil.

5. You see, they were perfectly browned. This means it's time to remove them from the heat.

6. We transfer everything to a plate, laid in advance with cardboard towels. This must be done so that excess oil is removed and the salad does not turn out greasy.

7. The onion must be cut and marinated in advance.

8. First cut lengthwise and later crosswise.

9. Now let's pickle the onions. To do this, add 1 teaspoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar. Pour boiling water so that the onion is completely submerged in water and mix everything well. After this, let it cool completely and drain the water.

10. Next, let's take care of the open chicken meat. First cut the fillet lengthwise.

11. And then into small cubes. We put all the chopped meat aside for now.

12. Next, chop the pre-boiled chicken eggs.

13. Now it's the tomato's turn. Also cut into small cubes.

14. Next, let's start assembling. For this I will use a springform pan with a diameter of 20 cm.

15. I lay out the fillet as the first layer and grease it with mayonnaise.

16. Add the pickled onion in the next layer and distribute it evenly over the surface.

17. I place champignons on top of the pickled onions.

18. We also grease the champignons with mayonnaise.

19. I place boiled chicken eggs on top of the champignons.

20. Then we again make a layer of mayonnaise.

21. Rub processed cheese on top.

To ensure that your processed cheese is perfectly grated, it is better to put it in the freezer for almost 20-25 minutes.

22. Spread a little mayonnaise on top of the cheese again.

23. Now we have the last ingredient left. Place the chopped tomatoes in the mold. Try to prevent the juice that has accumulated on the bottom of the plate from getting into the mold.

24. We level the tomatoes and decorate with finely chopped herbs on top. Now place the plate with the mold in the refrigerator for approximately 1 hour.

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25. Our salad stood in the refrigerator for about 1 hour, we take it out and carefully remove the form.

Look how great it looks, you can see every layer. Tender chicken fillet, fried mushrooms, processed cheese and juicy tomatoes, how can you not like this combination?

Be sure to try to cook it specifically according to this recipe and you will be satisfied. Anyone who likes this recipe, be sure to share it with your friends on social networks and don’t forget to comment. Well, I say goodbye to you, bye, bye everyone!

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Salad "Little Red Riding Hood"

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The salad with the wonderful name “Little Red Riding Hood” is currently known in various variations. It is prepared with tomatoes, pomegranate, sweet pepper, built in layers or the ingredients are hastily mixed. They use both boiled and smoked poultry as a base, and from time to time they replace it with beef and ham. The mixture of ingredients also varies one hundred percent - some versions are reminiscent of Olivier, others, on the contrary, are the lightest, without potatoes or other hearty goods in the composition. The only thing that unites all these recipes is the motley top of the dish, which, justifying the name, must be bright red.

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In our example, the salad is prepared with tomatoes and chicken. The finishing layer, left without mayonnaise lubricant, comes out visible and rich, instantly transforming the faded mixture. Due to the strong “foundation”, the dish holds its shape unsurpassedly, which allows you to perfectly lay out the “Little Red Riding Hood” using a molding ring.

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  • chicken (fillet) - 300 g;
  • champignons - 300 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • fresh tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - to taste;
  • vegetable oil (for frying) - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Salad “Little Red Riding Hood” with tomatoes and chicken recipe

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  1. Boil the poultry fillet in salted water for about 20 minutes. If desired, season the broth with aromatic peppers, onions, and carrots for richness and flavor. After cooling, cut the tender chicken meat with a knife or disassemble it into thin “shreds” with your hands.
  2. Cooking mushrooms. First, after peeling and chopping, fry the onion in hot oil. Stir and keep the tenderloin over medium heat until lightly browned.
  3. Add champignons, washed and cut into slices, to the fried onions. Both the freshest mushrooms and those after freezing are suitable for making the salad. Stir and wait until the water has completely evaporated. Salt, pepper and cool the champignons.
  4. Cook the eggs for 10 minutes from the moment the water boils. Cool in cool water, peel and chop into small cubes.
  5. Grate the cheese coarsely.
  6. Having prepared the main components, we assemble the “Little Red Riding Hood” salad. We install a ring (in our example, adjusted to a diameter of 17 cm) or take a transparent salad bowl. We form a layer of chicken, pour mayonnaise over the “foundation”. It is best to transfer the sauce into a bag and cut off a narrow corner, then the dressing will be distributed more moderately. The recipe uses homemade mayonnaise with milk.
  7. Spread the champignons and onions in a second layer. Again we draw a mayonnaise grid.
  8. Next, lay out the eggs. Lightly salt/pepper if desired. Drizzle with mayonnaise.
  9. Cover the egg layer with cheese shavings. Last time we apply a mayonnaise layer. The amount of sauce in the salad is up to taste, but it is better to pour more generously on the dry layers of chicken and cheese.
  10. We cook the tomatoes last. Cut the fruits in half and remove the watery part with the seeds. Cut the remaining pulp into small cubes and distribute over the salad. Cover the entire top without leaving any gaps. If desired, this layer can be lightly sprinkled with salt.
  11. Carefully remove the ring. If possible, let the dish sit in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Before serving, you can add contrasting greenery to the eye-catching layer.
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“Little Red Riding Hood” salad with tomatoes and chicken is ready! Bon appetit!

Salad Little Red Riding Hood

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

What salad should I prepare for New Year's 2017? But, for example, an appetizing, satisfying and tasty Red Riding Hood salad that will decorate your festive table. Juicy chicken meat, tender vegetables, crispy nuts, fluffy chicken eggs, special cheese and ruby ​​lemon seeds that explode in the mouth with pleasant sourness. An original combination of everyday goods in one dish!

Almost all chefs are accustomed to preparing the Little Red Riding Hood salad with tomatoes, but believe me, this option is in no way inferior to the most popular one. I must say that you can create this salad not only in layers (on a common dish or in portions) - it can be laid out in the form of a slide with fields, then decorated with pomegranate seeds. This will make a hat. Dressed up Little Red Riding Hood for New Year.

There is virtually nothing to say regarding the selection of the right ingredients. Take the part of the chicken that you like best - I used the legs (they are the most juicy), but breast or fillet will also do. Instead of hazelnuts, walnuts or almonds harmonize perfectly with other products in the salad. I prefer homemade mayonnaise - you can find several recipes for this cool sauce on the website.


Making a dish step by step:

The recipe for this simple, delicious and beautiful salad includes the following ingredients: chicken, potatoes, carrots, chicken eggs, cheese, nuts, pomegranate and mayonnaise. In fact, I always use homemade mayonnaise - it is not only less harmful than store-bought, but also tastier, and can be prepared in a few minutes.

First you need to cook vegetables in their jackets - potatoes and carrots. Usually, when I plan to prepare a salad, I cook the vegetables the night before. We also boil chicken eggs hard - 9-10 minutes after boiling over medium heat. We also need boiled chicken meat - you can use any part of the carcass, but I prefer the legs. We put them in boiling water so that the meat does not have time to give all the juices to the broth. Cook the chicken legs after boiling for about 30 minutes over low heat.

While the vegetables, eggs and meat are being prepared, let's get to the rest of the ingredients for the Little Red Riding Hood salad. Carefully cut the ripe and juicy pomegranate and remove the seeds. I had a fairly large fruit, so half of it was enough for this amount of ingredients. You can add as many pomegranate seeds as you wish.

Cut any hard or semi-hard cheese (I have Marble, but it tastes like Russian) into small cubes. Literally the same way later we will chop the eggs, potatoes, carrots and chicken meat.

You can add any nuts you like to this regular salad. In this case, I used hazelnuts, which I fried in a dry frying pan until crunchy, and then crushed into coarse crumbs in a blender (pulsating mode). You can simply chop the roasted nuts with a knife.

When the chicken eggs are ready, place them directly in a saucepan under cool running water for about 5 minutes. During this period of time they will cool down and the shell will be easier to remove. We peel the boiled eggs and cut them into small cubes. If you have such a device, use it.

The chicken legs are also cooked - remove them from the broth (it can be used as a base for first courses) and let them cool slightly so as not to burn your hands.

Remove the meat from the bone and remove the skin. Cut the meat into small cubes, like other products. Let it cool completely.

We clean the boiled carrots and cut them into small cubes.

Read also:  Salad delicious and simple recipe

We do the same with boiled potatoes.

All ingredients for the Little Red Riding Hood salad are prepared, you can assemble the dish. We will lay the products in layers, coating them with any generous portion of mayonnaise (a little more or less than indicated in the recipe may be useful). How to serve the salad is up to you - it can be on a common platter or in portions (my option). If you prefer method 1, see how to create it in the recipe for Mimosa Salad with Cheese. Portion serving requires a molding ring, but if you don't have one, no luck. Take a plastic bottle (1 liter capacity) and cut it evenly on both sides. This will be a reusable homemade molding ring. We put it on a flat plate and begin to form the salad - potato layer + mayonnaise.

Next is chicken with mayonnaise. Carefully level any layer with a teaspoon. The layers must be compacted, gently pressing on them, so that later the finished salad does not fall apart.

Salad “Little Red Riding Hood” - unique and festive

The Little Red Riding Hood salad is very popular among housewives and rightfully occupies one of the most important places on the festive table, not only because of its unusual appearance. It is very tasty, filling, juicy and immediately easy to make.

All the products included in its composition are accessible and not very expensive. Depending on the number of guests, we adjust the number of goods and collect the salad using an iron ring of the appropriate diameter. This time I prepared a salad for two for a small home gala dinner and assembled it in a plastic ring that I cut out of an ordinary mineral water bottle.


  • Smoked chicken breast – 150 g.
  • Boiled chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Champignons – 150 g.
  • Onion (not large) – 1 pc.
  • Hard cheese (any kind) – 80 g.
  • Fresh tomatoes (preferably cherry) – 3-4 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Dill, parsley, green onions - to taste.
  • Salt, ground pepper - to taste.
  • Provencal mayonnaise – 3 tbsp. l.

Production time: 40 minutes. Number of servings: 2.

How to cook:

1. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, pour diced champignons and onions into it. Cook while stirring until the water has completely evaporated over fairly high heat. Season with salt and ground pepper. Stir and leave to cool.

2. Cut the smoked chicken breast into small cubes.

3. We remove the boiled chicken eggs from the shell and grate them on a large grater.

4. Grate the cheese on a small grater.

5. Cut the tomatoes into 4 parts, remove the stem and seeds with a juicy center. Cut the pulp into medium cubes.

6. We wash the greens with clean water, dry them on a cardboard towel and cut them arbitrarily, but not coarsely.

7. Place a molding ring on a plate or dish with a flat, even surface and assemble the salad from the prepared ingredients.

Place the tenderloin for the Red Riding Hood salad with smoked chicken in layers inside the ring and apply a mesh of mayonnaise on any subsequent layer. Adjust the amount of mayonnaise to your own taste. The first layer is smoked chicken breast.

8. Place the second layer of boiled chicken eggs and compact slightly.

9. Champignons with onions are the next layer. Between the layer of eggs and mushrooms you can add a small layer of greens, but this is up to your taste.

10. Place grated cheese in the fourth layer and cover with a mesh of mayonnaise.

11. Place the cubes of new tomatoes on top as a final layer and lightly add salt to them. Place the salad collected in a ring in the refrigerator to soak for 1 hour.

12. Carefully remove the ring before placing the salad on the table.

Red Riding Hood salad with smoked chicken is ready. Decorate it to your liking with dill and parsley and serve.

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