How to prepare protein custard according to a step-by-step recipe with photos

How to prepare protein custard according to a step-by-step recipe with photos

I have had many hobbies in my life, including cooking. I learned a lot and became a professional in preparing dishes from different nations of the world. But most of all I liked baking various sweets. It was then that I first heard about custard protein cream for pastries, cupcakes, rolls and cakes.

Today, my hobby has grown into additional income. I receive orders for baked goods both for children's parties and for decent celebrations. Now I understand all the intricacies of making this cream, and it’s time to share them with you.

Traditional protein custard recipe

Don’t think, as I did at first, that this is a mixture of whipped egg whites and custard made with milk, flour and yolks.

  • Protein-custard cream is much more fluffy and tender, and when cooled, it hardens well and holds its shape for a long time.
  • It is pleasant to work with because it fits perfectly on the surface of the product, imitating mastic.
  • Using a culinary syringe or a pastry bag, you can create the most beautiful decorations from it.
  • In addition, it does not deteriorate as quickly as butter, cream or sour cream, and you can be sure of the suitability of sweets for several days.
  • And, importantly, it is cheaper than its own “fat brothers”.


Water 40 ml
Sugar 120 g
Testicles 2 pcs.
Vanilla sugar 1 sachet
Citric acid 1/2 tsp.

Development of the production of protein custard

Prepare the syrup

  1. Pour 40 ml of water into a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Add 120 g of sugar and stir. Until it dissolves, stir the syrup frequently.
  2. When the syrup begins to boil, measure the temperature from time to time: if it reaches 116°C-120°C, remove the pan from the heat. You cannot boil the syrup any longer, otherwise it will darken and, after cooling, turn into candy.

Prepare the cream

  1. Separate the whites of 2 eggs and pour them into a mixer bowl (or a bowl for hand beating). Add 1 packet of vanilla sugar to the whites. Add 1/2 tsp. citric acid and beat the mixture with a mixer (or by hand) until dry foam.
  2. Continuing to beat the egg whites, pour in the bubbling syrup in a narrow stream, avoiding getting it on the whisk.
  3. Beat for another 10-12 minutes.

Traditional protein custard on video

Look how white and dense the cream becomes when properly prepared. To color it, in the video they use gel food coloring, although powder coloring is also suitable. Please note that if you do not mix it until smooth, but discard the streaks, then the cream decoration will turn out to be two-colored.

For coloring, you can use not only dyes, but also cocoa powder, as in “chocolate cream for a cake.”

Secrets of lush meringue

  • To quickly whip up a strong foam, you need to use only the freshest and perfectly cooled eggs.
  • Not a gram of yolk should get into the protein mass.
  • But a few drops of lemon juice or a few grains of citric acid will not hurt at all, but, on the contrary, will speed up the beating.
  • A small pinch of salt will have the same effect.
  • The container in which you will beat the whites, as well as the whisk, should be completely dry and fat-free.
  • Add the prepared meringue into the cream at the end.
  • Decorate the decorations with the still warm egg white custard before the foam has completely caramelized.

Protein custard in a water bath

By the way, another name for this cream is wet meringue or Swiss meringue.


Water 40 ml
Sugar 120 g
Testicles 2 pcs.
Vanilla sugar 1 sachet
Citric acid 1/2 tsp.

Development of the production of protein cream in a water bath

  1. Separate the whites of 3 eggs into a bowl and weigh. Add sugar equal to 2 times the weight of egg whites.
  2. Fill a saucepan with enough water so that the bottom of the bowl just touches it, and set it to warm up. Place the bowl of whites in a water bath and heat without bringing the water to a boil, immediately whisking for 7 minutes.

Protein-custard in a water bath on video

Find out how to gradually change the mixer speed and how long to beat the cream, depending on your goals.

I also recommend using a water bath to make custard for a cake: this way it will literally not burn and will not form lumps.

The presented recipes for protein custard are suitable not only for decorating a cake or other confectionery products: crispy meringue cakes are baked from the protein mass, previously covered with ungreased parchment paper. And they are decorated or smeared with butter cream for the cake.

Protein custard with added gelatin

It holds its shape even better and is used not only as a layer in cakes, but also as an independent dish.


Testicle 2 pcs.
Water 100 ml
Sugar 200 ml
Vegetable deodorized oil 25 ml
Gelatin 17 g
Salt on the tip of a knife
Vanilla sugar 1/2 tsp.
Citric acid 1/4 tsp.
Cocoa powder 1 tsp. (not necessary)

Development of production of protein cream with gelatin

  1. Place 17g gelatin in a small bowl. Pour in 30 ml of cool water, stir and set aside to swell.
  2. Pour the remaining 70 ml of water into the saucepan. Add 200 g of sugar, stir and bring to a boil.
  3. Add 1/4 tsp. citric acid, stir again and cook over low heat for 5 minutes.
  4. Place the bowl with the swollen gelatin in a water bath.
  5. Separate the whites of 2 eggs into a mixer bowl. Pour salt on the tip of a knife and beat until dry foam.
  6. Continuing to beat, pour in the hot syrup in a narrow stream, avoiding the whisk. Beat for another 5 minutes. Add 1/2 tsp. vanilla sugar (add 1 tsp cocoa powder if desired), beat for 1 minute.
  7. Continuing to beat, pour in the warm gelatin in a thin stream. Add 25 ml of vegetable deodorized oil and beat for another 2 minutes.
Read also:  Stuffed pumpkin with rice

Protein custard with gelatin on video

Find out how to create a real dessert from protein custard: your kids will especially love it.

Supplement Options

The recipe for protein custard is basic. A huge number of others are prepared on its basis. The main thing is to maintain consistency in its manufacture.

  • Flavorings are often used - natural or artificial, as, in general, in curd and butter cream.
  • Add butter.
  • Stir in condensed milk.
  • Confectionery alcohol is poured in.
  • Secure with agar or pectin.

Simple decorations

And now a little video tutorial for beginner cooks. You will need a pastry bag or syringe and several attachments for them. I advise you to start learning with creamy mashed potatoes.

Protein custard recipe with sweet syrup


White, airy, light and wonderful protein cream! Yes, that’s it – Italian meringue. There are so many beautiful and delicious things that are prepared with it - this includes decor for cakes, filling tubes, decorating cakes or baskets beloved from youth.

Italian meringue is nothing more than the universally recognizable protein custard. It is prepared on the basis of sweet syrup, which is used to brew proteins. Did you remember?

This method of making cream may seem complicated and impractical to almost everyone. But, believe me, this is just a matter of experience. All you have to do is conjure a couple of times in the kitchen with sweet syrup and everything will turn out quickly and easily! And my step-by-step recipe will only help in your endeavors.


How to cook:

Protein custard is a frequently used cream among confectioners for decorating cakes, pastries and other sweets. The cream is prepared on the basis of sweet syrup, which, upon production, brews the proteins. As I said above, there is no need to be afraid of this syrup. The most important thing is unstained dishes with a thick bottom, whites without a drop of yolk and your attention.

But there is no clear proportion of goods for its production. Any housewife adjusts the recipe to suit herself. Some people consume less sugar and more water, others the opposite.

For my own cakes, I only cook according to this recipe and one more recipe. I’ll just tell you about him one day. By the way, my homemade cakes can be seen in the top panel of the website under the heading “Sweet Gifts Workshop”.

So, there are no super secrets in making protein custard.
The main thing is to get used to it and not be lazy, otherwise your syrup will burn! Be careful. Measure out the required amount of sugar into a saucepan or saucepan with a thick bottom.
Fill with ordinary water. At the initial step, set the fire under the pan to high.
We need the syrup to boil.

Once the syrup has boiled, firstly, we turn the heat to low, but not at least minimum, but a little less than usual. And, secondly, we note the time. I check the time on the microwave. But if you are a beginner, it is better to set the timer for 4 minutes. After these 4 minutes, add citric acid to the syrup and mix well with a teaspoon.

Set the timer again, but for 3 minutes. The citric acid syrup will cook for these 3 minutes. I would like to warn you, if you see that the syrup has begun to darken even slightly, turn the heat even lower. Well, if this happens, the syrup has darkened too much, stop and cook a new syrup.

Properly cooked syrup should be light in color, or at least slightly yellowish.

Well, while these three minutes go by, I will start whipping the whites. If you have a stand mixer, start beating the egg whites the same way you added the lemon to the syrup. But, if you have a hand mixer, then it’s better to start whipping them a little earlier.

Pour the whites into the mixer bowl and start beating them at low speed at first, gradually increasing the speed to the highest.
Here are the whites in the process of whipping.
Before pouring in the sweet syrup, the whites must be well beaten.
Approximately as shown in the photo.

I’ve already gotten used to sweet syrup and don’t check it for readiness. Well, there is a method for you to check the syrup for readiness. While the syrup is boiling, it can be said that it is being cooked for the last minute. Take a small plate with cool water. Dip a teaspoon into the bubbling syrup, just the edge to catch a little of the syrup. Then drop it into cool water. We need to act quickly!

This drop of syrup in the water will spill and cool instantly. Now take it out with your fingers and try to roll it into a ball. You should end up with a soft transparent ball. If this works out, well done - the syrup is cooked correctly and it’s time to pour it into the whipped whites.

The syrup must also be poured correctly. Do this carefully and in a narrow stream. While pouring the syrup into the whites, the mixer continues to operate at maximum speed.

Read also:  Chicken meatballs in creamy sauce

With the addition of sweet syrup to the whites, my mixer usually runs for 7 minutes. It may last longer for you. For now, I'll tell you when to brake.

While the protein cream is being whipped, I add vanilla sugar. From time to time, in the absence of vanilla, I can pour in a couple of drops of good vanilla essence.

So, the crucial moment. When your mixer starts making a different noise (you'll notice) while whipping the egg white custard, it's time to turn it off. Look closely, along the edges of the bowl the cream comes out seemingly torn and visually it becomes significantly dense. When your protein custard looks like this, it is ready to use.

This is how my protein custard turns out! Not the least bit greasy and a perfect dessert for any children's party! At least for a cake, at least for pastries!

Or, I found another photo like this from last year. Yes, I’ve been meaning to post this recipe for a long time and now it’s finally here! Friends, use and share your successes!

In the meantime, check out the latest recipes on our delicious and homemade!

Custard protein cream

Do you remember the taste of creamy filling in Pletenka cakes, eclairs or waffle rolls? Yes, yes, the same one from the happy and savory youth!

So now we will remember the recipe for protein cream.

Dense custard protein cream

The versatility of protein custard

I think you will like the cream and become a great help for creating delicious homemade desserts, because:

  • The process of making the cream takes place in a water bath, which ensures the safety of the eggs.

For children, this cream is just right. After all, the bacteria known as Salmonella enter the eggs even through the shell shell.

Neither thorough washing of eggs, nor brushing or treatment with vinegar essence can in any way protect the product and people from bacteria. This kind of amoeba even affects quail eggs, if you think about changing the chicken product specifically with them. With all this, we are guaranteed to be able to protect our children and relatives from bacteria from chicken eggs by heat treatment. It has been confirmed that Salmonella is killed by prolonged heating at 60°. This fact is more than taken into account in the recipe.

    Unsurpassedly lends itself to dyeing in a variety of colors, both artificial and natural dyes.

Protein custard colored with food coloring

Protein cream for cake decoration

Ingredients for cake d20-22 cm

(if you need to decorate a cake weighing more than 2 kg, then it is recommended to use one and a half servings of goods - it is better to use the culinary calculator on our page)

4 pieces of egg whites

½ cup of sweet sand (it’s acceptable to take it with a heap)

¼ teaspoon crystalline citric acid

1 packet vanilla sugar or a pinch of vanilla extract


plastic storage bag

How to make protein custard

Separate the eggs into whites and yolks.

Separating the whites from the yolks

To make the cream, we only need proteins. But don’t be upset that the yolks will again go into sediment for an indefinite period of time in the refrigerator. It can be used to make a good cream for layering cake layers.

Ready-made cream for a cake made from yolks

Mix the whites with the dry ingredients: sugar, vanilla and citric acid crystals.

Mix the prepared ingredients

Lightly beat the sugar-protein mass using a mixer.

Lightly beat the mixture

You will get a foamy mixture.

Homogeneous protein mass

Place the container with the lightly whipped protein mixture in a water bath. Now is the time to actually do two things at once. Although a water bath will do one thing for you. While the mixture is warming up in the bathhouse, we work painstakingly with a mixer, whipping the mixture for at least 15 minutes, making the cream harmless and brewing it at the same time.

While brewing the cream, use a mixer

Next, we release the creamy composition from the water bath, and continue to beat everything with the use of a mixer for another 3-5 minutes.

Continue to beat the brewed cream

After this time for whipping, we will be able to see our cream.

The mixture is considered ready when it becomes slightly viscous and airy, but at the same time holds its shape unsurpassedly and reaches for the mixer attachments.

Ready-made cream composition

Custard protein cream can even be transferred to a bag for short-term storage, unfortunately, up to 2 hours. After 2 or more hours, the creamy mass will begin to bubble and settle poorly on the cake, spreading out.

The cream is placed in a storage bag

It should be noted: If the egg whites are not whipped well, then the problem can be hidden in 3 ways: you are using old eggs or warm ones, or a particle of yolk could have gotten into the composition. It is better if the eggs are cooled together with the bowl and devices (mixer attachments).

Now you can start decorating or filling the dessert. Divide the cream into several parts, which are colored with food coloring. No further advice will help, only your imagination and desire!

Cakes with custard protein cream

I hope that protein custard will be to your taste and will become the basis of culinary creations, because it has 0% fat, which means its preservation borders on low calorie content.

Read also:  Homemade waffles

“Plettenki” for dessert with protein custard

Share your impressions and the recipe for regular cream through the click keys of social networks!

How to prepare protein custard for cake decoration

Everyone loves cakes, and almost everyone makes them at home, using recipes from a cookbook, notes from their own notebooks, or tips from the Internet. And oh, preparing a delicious homemade protein-custard cream for decorating a cake is a mystery to almost everyone. This is what our recipe will be about.

Protein custard for cake decoration

  • Kitchen appliances and utensils for making cream: mixer, set of attachments, disposable bags, saucepan, food coloring.

Products you need

Before you create homemade protein custard, prepare the following products:

Testicles 3 pcs.
Sugar 270 g
Water 90 g
Citric acid 1/3 tsp.
Vanillin 1 package

How to prepare protein-custard cream for cake decoration at home

The base of the protein insides is egg white, beaten with sweet sand or powder. They are used for the inside of eclairs, straws and cake decorations.

There are a number of types of decorations on proteins: custard, raw, with gelatin (gel, agar-agar), protein-oil.

But any recipe for homemade protein custard or raw cream for decorating a cake will not bring the expected result if you do not follow the manufacturing technology and cook “without a soul.”

Protein-custard option

  • Carefully separate the whites. We set the yolks aside (we don’t need them), and pour the whites into the mixer bowl and put them in the refrigerator.
  • Place the sugar in a saucepan and fill it with water.
  • Place the pan on the stove. For example, I immediately put it on high heat, and after bubbles appear, I turn it down. With all this, it takes me 6 minutes to make syrup for protein-custard cream (the recipe for which I saw on a video on the Internet). The time it takes to make the syrup depends on how big the fire is.
  • At the 4th minute, add citric acid to the solution and stir.
  • After a minute, check the solution for readiness.
  • Beat the whites. The acquired mass must be dense.
  • Turn the mixer up to full speed and pour in the purchased syrup in a thin stream. It is necessary to pour along the walls. The protein custard will begin to increase in size (as in the photo).
  • Beat for 7-10 minutes until the container has cooled. The finished protein mass must be snow-white in color, have a dense structure and have a mother-of-pearl cast.

This completes the process of making protein-custard mass. We can start decorating our cake. How - it all depends on your imagination. Such an airy decoration makes it possible to create any most unusual patterns.

Protein-oil option

Custard protein-butter cream is an ideal tool for decorating a cake. It has a smooth silky texture, and at the same time airy. If the technology is followed, this inside can remain fresh for a long time (almost up to a day without refrigeration and 5 days in the refrigerator).

To prepare an oil mass on a protein base, you need to take:

  1. Granulated sugar or sweet powder – 150 g;
  2. Chicken egg – 3 pcs.;
  3. Butter – 150 g;
  4. Lemon or citric acid;
  5. Vanillin.

You can start making the product:

  • Take the butter out of the refrigerator, cut into small portions and place on a flat plate. Leave the butter at room temperature so that it melts a little (to the plasticine mixture).
  • Beat the whites (as in the recipe for protein custard cream - the development is the same).
  • We brew the whites with sweet syrup. You can, of course, not brew it, but based on safety concerns, the thermal process allows you to get rid of the infections living in raw proteins.
  • After stable peaks appear, whisk in the oil in small portions. The mass will immediately begin to liquefy, but don’t worry - this is normal. Evenly, with each addition of oil, the mass begins to thicken. Later it will take on grains and become like an oily cream. After the mass has thickened and become textured, you can finish whipping.

That's it, homemade protein mixture with butter is ready. You can put it in the refrigerator and take it out 2 hours before implementation. In this case, the mass must be beaten again - this will give it elasticity and smoothness.

Tips and tricks for making egg white custard for a cake

It seems that preparing protein-custard cream, having at hand a recipe in which everything is told step by step, is quite simple. But, there are general mechanisms for working with proteins:

  1. The eggs must be chilled (perfect if their temperature is +2°C).
  2. When beating the whites with a whisk, the sugar dissolves without residue, while the use of a mixer makes it possible to reduce time and physical effort.
  3. If the sugar does not dissolve completely, this will affect the elasticity of the inside and its taste. Therefore, instead of sand, you can use sweet powder.

Video recipe for protein custard for cake decoration

Some people would rather see with their own eyes how to properly prepare protein custard at home (I, for example, prefer to back up even the most detailed recipes with videos). In my opinion, the preparation of cream on a protein base (specifically at home) is described here in detail

At the same time, the hostess clearly explains not only the manufacturing procedure, but also the subtleties of the process.

An invitation to discuss the cream and possible improvements

Knowing the secret of making custard and butter cream on a protein base, you can now prepare a whole bouquet of decorations, and your cake will shine with new colors.

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