Kissel - the best recipes for a tasty and healthy drink

Kissel - the best recipes for a tasty and healthy drink

Kissel, the recipe for which is popular among housewives, is a jelly-like drink or gelatinous dessert. It is prepared using a variety of bases - dairy, fruit and berries, cereals and even vegetables.

How to prepare jelly?

Making homemade jelly is simple, but the development still has its secrets. Having familiarized yourself with them, you will, without any hesitation, end up with a tasty dish:

  1. Starch used as a thickener must always be diluted in advance in a small portion of an aqueous base or water.
  2. The starch solution should be introduced into the boiling watery base in a narrow stream, always stirring it at the same time, or combined with a cool base, and then heated until thickened.
  3. The thickness of the dessert is regulated by the proportions of water and starch.
  4. It is advisable to let the finished dessert cool, unless otherwise specified in the recipe.

Milk jelly - recipe

Milk jelly is an ordinary, tasty, fragrant and necessary dessert, which, moreover, is decorated in a trivial way. If you use the indicated proportions, in half an hour an appetizing mousse delicacy for 4 people will be ready. It can be sprinkled with chocolate chips, chopped nuts or jam. For the most watery structure, the amount of starch mass should be halved.


  • milk – 320 ml;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. spoon with a small slide;
  • sweet sand – 60 g;
  • vanillin, grated chocolate, nuts.


  1. The recipe for jelly is simple. A third of the milk is poured and starch powder is dissolved in it.
  2. Bring the remaining milk portion to a boil, sweeten and season with vanilla.
  3. Add starch milk and heat briefly, stirring. Don't boil!
  4. Cool the mass, place it in the refrigerator for an hour and serve with additives.

Jelly made from jam and starch

Next you will learn how to cook jelly from starch and jam. A delicacy based on fruit and berries is considered one of the most necessary, but it is not always possible to use the freshest or frozen product. In this case, you can turn to supplies prepared in the summer and take jam as a base. 4 serving bowls of dessert will be ready in 30 minutes.


  • jam – 150 g;
  • water – 1 l;
  • starch - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar, citric acid - to taste.


  1. Dissolve the jam in water, season the liquid to taste, let it boil and filter after 5 minutes.
  2. Dissolve the starch in a small amount of cool water, combine the mixture with the main watery portion, and heat for a little while, stirring.

Cranberry jelly - recipe

Homemade jelly, the recipe for which will be described below, has long been considered a real vitamin assistant in the treatment (a process for alleviating, relieving or eliminating symptoms and diseases) of certain diseases. In addition, this drink will perfectly complement the diet menu when fighting excess weight. The secret of success is in the juice that is not subject to heat treatment, retaining all its characteristics. A drink for three people can be brewed in an hour.


  • cranberries – 150 g;
  • water – 600 ml;
  • sweet sand – 6 tbsp. spoon;
  • potato starch - 3 tbsp. spoons without a slide.


  1. The washed cranberries are ground and the juice is squeezed out.
  2. The pomace is poured with water and heated almost to a boil, filtered and sweetened.
  3. The starch is dissolved in a small portion of cool water and combined with the watery base.
  4. Heat the cranberry jelly to a boil, cool, stir in the juice and serve.

Frozen berry jelly - recipe

Jelly made from frozen cherries, reddish and dark currants, and raspberries is breathtakingly rich and fragrant. During the off-season, the introduction of similar preparations for dessert design is very targeted. The berries do not require preparatory defrosting; they are immediately put to use after being pulled out of the freezer compartment. Below is a recipe for 10 servings of the drink, which can be brewed in half an hour.


  • frozen berries – 300 g;
  • water – 2 l;
  • sweet sand - glass;
  • potato starch - 5 tbsp. spoons


  1. The recipe for jelly from berries is simple. Pour water over the product, bring to a boil, filter, grind the pulp and squeeze out.
  2. The watery base is sweetened and combined with starch diluted in a small portion of water.
  3. Heat the berry jelly to a boil, stirring continuously.

Compote jelly

You can make savory jelly from compote at home. In this case, both a canned finished product and a freshly brewed one are suitable. Excessive sweetness can be neutralized by adding lemon juice or a portion of water, and insufficient sweetness can be mitigated by sweetening the drink to taste. You can use both a watery base and inclusions in the form of slices of fruit or berries. Seven servings will be ready in 30 minutes.


  • ready compote – 2 l;
  • starch - 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Starch is dissolved in a small amount of compote.
  2. The main portion is heated, adjusted to taste as necessary, and combined with the substance, stirring.
  3. Heat the jelly from compote and starch to a boil, cool.

Apple jelly

Next you will learn how to cook jelly from new apple fruits. The dessert is prepared from apple broth mixed with grated apple puree, which enriches the taste and valuable properties of the drink. Four servings of sweets prepared in accordance with the indicated proportions in 30 minutes will have a runny texture. For the thickest effect, it is necessary to increase the amount of starch by one and a half to two times.


  • apples – 500 g;
  • water – 1 l;
  • sweet sand – 100 g;
  • corn starch – 50 g.


  1. Apples are cut into slices, boiled in water for 10 minutes, drained into a sieve, and wiped.
  2. The pomace is discarded, and the puree is combined with the broth, sweetened and combined with starch water.
  3. While stirring, heat the mixture until thickened and cool.

Dried fruit jelly

The tips below will help you figure out how to prepare jelly at home using dried fruits. Their valuable characteristics and beautiful taste properties will best manifest themselves in such a dessert. A very harmonious dish will turn out if you take a mix of several fruits. A drink for 5 people will be ready in an hour.


  • dried fruits – 200 g;
  • water – 1.2 l;
  • sweet sand – 100 g;
  • potato starch - 3 tbsp. spoons.
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  1. Boil dried fruits in a liter of water for 10 minutes, leave for a little while covered, and filter.
  2. Sweeten the broth and heat to a boil.
  3. Combine with starch water, combining the remaining ingredients.
  4. Serve jelly with dried fruits warm or cool.

Oatmeal jelly

Read on to learn how to make oatmeal jelly. This type of incredibly healthy and nutritious Russian dish was prepared in ancient times. Nowadays, jelly is often remembered when various diseases appear, forgetting that constant use of the product could completely prevent them. The process of creating a dish is long, but worthwhile. In a day, the indicated amount will yield approximately 500 g of product.


  • oat flakes – 500 g;
  • water – 1 l;
  • a slice of dark rye bread.


  1. The flakes are poured with liquid at room temperature, a piece of stale rye bread is added and left at the same conditions in the dark for a day.
  2. After some time, strain the mixture through a fine sieve and rub it lightly.
  3. The pomace can be used as a starter for the next portion.
  4. The watery component is placed in a saucepan on the stove and boiled until thickened.
  5. If the texture seems thick, you can add a little water and let it boil.
  6. When using a dish for non-medicinal purposes, it is sweetened to taste or added salt, flavored with berries, jam or other additives.

How to simply cook delicious jelly?

  • How to prepare jelly?
  • Vitamin cranberry jelly
  • Apple juice jelly
  • Thick jelly “Medicinal” from rosehip
  • Milk jelly
  • Not only tasty, but also healthy
  • Video recipe: oatmeal jelly without starch

How to cook jelly - such a tasty, necessary and beloved by us since youth? We are not talking about ready-made store-bought briquettes; it is quite easy to prepare this drink yourself at home, and you can use any base - from fruit to milk. There are fans of oatmeal jelly - by the way, the only one that can be cooked without adding starch.

How to prepare jelly?

Making jelly is not a difficult task at all. You just need to know some rules, which we would like to tell those who have not yet tried to cook it at home.

If you want a thick jelly, take 3-4 tablespoons of potato starch per 1 liter of water. To get medium thickness, 2-2.5 tablespoons will be useful, and for a watery drink, 1 tablespoon will be enough.

Before adding starch to a hot base, it must be diluted in cool water and strained. And here, quickly, before it hardens, pour it into the pan, stirring constantly. Then bring the liquid to a boil and turn off.

If you boil it, the drink will turn out watery. But to obtain a thick jelly, after adding starch, cook the mass over low heat for a couple of minutes, while stirring with a spoon, preferably a wooden one.

To cook milk jelly, it is better to use maize starch, it has a more delicate taste.

You can add a little citric acid to berry and fruit jellies (no more than 0.3 g per serving), which is diluted in cool, preferably boiled, water. This will give the drink a pleasant flavor and catchy color.

And sugar is sprinkled on top so that a film does not form on the surface.

Vitamin cranberry jelly

Cranberry jelly is not only a tasty drink, it is also a sweet remedy for colds and flu, we will tell you how to cook it for your sick household members, especially children.

  • 2 liters of water;
  • 300-400 g cranberries (fresh or frozen);
  • 3 tablespoons starch;
  • sugar to taste.

  1. We wash the cranberries with water, crush them with a wooden spoon, and squeeze out the juice from the berries using gauze;
  2. dilute starch with cool water in an amount of approximately half a glass;
  3. mix squeezed cranberry juice and diluted starch;
  4. pour this mixture into boiling water, add sugar (on average about a glass, but the amount can be adjusted depending on taste preferences);
  5. When the mixture boils, cook for 3 minutes and remove from heat.

Cranberry jelly is good both cool and warm.

Apple juice jelly

No less tasty than berry and fruit drinks are drinks made from juices, preserves and jams. And preparing them is even easier and faster.

  • 2 glasses of apple juice;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 3 tablespoons starch;
  • to taste - sugar, cinnamon, orange or lemon zest.

  1. mix sugar, spices and water, boil the mixture;
  2. dilute starch with apple juice, pour into hot syrup;
  3. Let the jelly simmer for a few minutes and remove from heat.

Thick jelly “Medicinal” from rosehip

A rosehip jelly drink will help fight colds and will be a good preventative against diseases during the cool season.

  • rosehip – 100 g;
  • water – 5 glasses;
  • sugar – 5 tablespoons;
  • starch - 3 tablespoons;
  • currants for decoration.

  1. pour dried rose hips with 2 glasses of warm water and leave to swell for a couple of hours;
  2. strain this liquid through cheesecloth, and rinse the berries themselves with water;
  3. Mash the rose hips in a mortar, put them in a saucepan and add water;
  4. cook for 15 minutes, strain and combine with the water in which the rose hips were infused;
  5. add sugar, optional citric acid;
  6. dilute the starch and pour it into a saucepan, cook until thickened - 10 minutes;
  7. cool, pour into portioned dishes, decorate with currants.

Milk jelly

This is a recipe for a frisky, tasty and healthy dessert that both children and adults will enjoy.

  • half a liter of milk;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 50 g of starch (kitchen devices, for example, an electric measuring spoon, will help you measure a clear amount);
  • 2 yolks;
  • 20 g butter;
  • vanilla - to taste.

  1. dilute the starch in 3 tablespoons of cool milk;
  2. pour it into the bubbling milk, stirring constantly;
  3. when the mixture thickens, remove from heat, add to it the prepared mass of yolks, mashed with butter and sugar, and vanilla;
  4. Mix the mixture well and let it cool. Serve with any jam or preserves.

Not only tasty, but also healthy

The usefulness of jelly is obvious : they are viscous and therefore have a very beneficial effect on the stomach. They are excellent to drink even for gastritis and peptic ulcers; by enveloping the inflamed walls of the stomach, they relieve pain (physical or emotional suffering, painful or unpleasant sensation) . For those with high acidity, this medicinal drink is also useful.

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Fruit and berry jelly strengthens the immune system, apple jelly is good as a preventative against anemia, blueberry is good for the eyes, cherry has disinfectant properties and helps with respiratory diseases.

This video explains how to cook oatmeal jelly without adding starch:

10 oatmeal jelly recipes for every taste

Cook jelly with milk, beets, berries, dried fruits, or limit yourself to just 2 ingredients.

What you need to know before preparing oatmeal jelly

  1. Oatmeal that does not require cooking is not suitable for jelly.
  2. The jelly will have a noticeable sourness if you let the oats ferment longer than the recipe calls for.
  3. Don't rush to throw away the pulp. Make a scrub, cookies or yeast-free bread out of it.
  4. You can serve the finished drink with honey, condensed milk, jam, dried fruits, muesli, chocolate, cinnamon, vanilla, ice cream, cookies, mint or syrup.

1. Oatmeal jelly Izotov


  • 2½ liters of water;
  • 500 g oatmeal;
  • 100 ml kefir.


Fill a three-liter jar with cool boiled water. Add oatmeal and drink. Cover tightly with a rubber glove and place in a dark, warm space until a thin layer of foam appears. Depending on the room temperature, this will take from 24 to 48 hours.

Strain the liquid and leave it for another 5 hours so that a sediment forms - an extract. Then carefully pour the clear liquid - oatmeal kvass - into another container.

Place three tablespoons of sediment in a clean saucepan and pour in one glass of kvass. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Continue cooking the jelly over low heat until it thickens.

Oat extract can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 21 days, kvass - no more than three days.

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2. Oatmeal jelly with rye bread


  • 1 liter of water;
  • 400 g oatmeal;
  • 20 g rye bread;
  • ½ teaspoon salt.


Pour cool boiled water into a jar or pan. Add oatmeal and add a piece of rye bread. Cover with a lid and place in a warm, dark space for 24–48 hours, until foam appears.

When the mixture begins to ferment, add the bread and stir the mixture. Strain the mixture through double cheesecloth into a clean saucepan. The mixture should resemble cream. If it comes out very thick, add a little more water.

Place the pan over medium heat, add salt and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Reduce heat and continue cooking until the jelly thickens.

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3. Oatmeal jelly


  • 1 tablespoon whole grain oat flour;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • ½ teaspoon rye sourdough.


In a deep saucepan, combine oatmeal, 750 ml of warm water and sourdough and leave for 12-14 hours. When the time is up, stir the liquid and strain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth into a saucepan.

Place the grounds in a bowl, add another 250 ml of water, stir and strain.

Bring the liquid in the saucepan to a boil over medium heat, then reduce it to low. Cook the jelly for 3–5 minutes, stirring constantly.

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4. Milk-oat jelly


  • 100 g oatmeal;
  • 500 ml milk;
  • 1 tablespoon potato starch;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • vanillin - to taste.


Pour oatmeal into a deep bowl, pour warm milk over it and leave for 20 minutes.

Using a fine sieve and two layers of cheesecloth, strain the contents of the bowl into the pan. Separate ½ cup of water, add starch to it and stir well.

Place the pan with the milky oatmeal consistency over medium heat. Add sugar and vanilla. When the liquid boils, stirring continuously, pour in the diluted starch.

Let the jelly boil and continue cooking over low heat for 1-3 minutes.

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5. Oatmeal jelly with lemon


  • 230 g oatmeal;
  • 750 ml water;
  • 2½ tablespoons sugar;
  • 40 ml lemon juice;
  • 10 g lemon zest.


Pour boiling water over oatmeal and leave for 8 hours. Then strain the infusion into a saucepan, add sugar, lemon juice and zest.

Let the mixture boil over medium heat, reduce it and cook, stirring constantly, for 2-3 minutes. Cool the jelly at room temperature, and later, so that it thickens, put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

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6. Oatmeal jelly with pumpkin and orange juice


  • 60 g oatmeal;
  • 250 ml water;
  • 100 g pumpkin;
  • 200 ml orange juice;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • 1 tablespoon potato starch.


Pour boiling water over oatmeal and leave for 8 hours. Strain the slurry into a saucepan.

Using a blender, turn the pumpkin into a paste. Place it in a saucepan, add 170 ml orange juice and sugar. Combine 30 ml of juice with starch.

Bring the contents of the pan to a boil over medium heat. Then, stirring constantly, carefully pour in the diluted starch and let it boil again.

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7. Oatmeal jelly with berries


  • 50 g oatmeal;
  • 750 ml water;
  • 1 cup of all new or thawed berries;
  • sugar - to taste.


Pour 500 ml of boiling water over the oatmeal and leave for 6–8 hours. Strain into a saucepan, add berries, sugar and another 250 ml of cool water.

Place over medium heat, bring to a boil and continue to cook, stirring occasionally, for 3-5 minutes. The jelly should thicken.

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8. Oatmeal jelly with banana and figs


  • 1 cup oats for brewing;
  • 1 ¼ liters of water;
  • 3 dried figs;
  • 1 banana;
  • 4 teaspoons honey;
  • ground cardamom - to taste;
  • ground cinnamon - to taste;
  • ground ginger - to taste.


Pour 1 liter of warm boiled water over the oats and leave for 6–8 hours. Then place in a saucepan and simmer over low heat for one and a half to two hours. 45 minutes after the start of cooking, add one glass of water. Strain the contents of the pan.

Wash the figs and pour boiling water over them for 15 minutes. Using a blender, turn the pieces of figs and peeled bananas, honey, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger and oatmeal jelly into a homogeneous mass.

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9. Oatmeal jelly with beets and dried fruits in a slow cooker


  • 1 beet;
  • 150 g oatmeal;
  • 2 tablespoons raisins;
  • 2 tablespoons of remaining dried fruits;
  • 2½ liters of water.


Wash the peeled beets properly, grate them on a large grater and place them in the multicooker bowl. Add oatmeal, washed raisins and remaining dried fruits. Fill with water.

Set the “Stew” or “Soup” mode for 30 minutes. Then strain the contents of the bowl and remove the grounds. Cook the liquid for another 30 minutes in the same mode.

Cool the jelly to room temperature before use.

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10. Frisky oatmeal jelly


  • 50 g oatmeal;
  • 100 ml water.


Pour cold boiled water over the oatmeal and grind with a blender. Strain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth into a small saucepan.

Over low heat, bring the liquid to a boil, stirring continuously.

How to properly cook jelly from berries and starch?

A quick dessert to make, berry jelly is a popular and beloved dish by almost everyone. In the past century, it was served at celebrations and weddings, and also just for dinner.

What ingredients are used

Fruit and berry jelly dates back to the end of the 19th century. It was then that starch appeared, and the product became available to the masses. Doctors also did not miss the opportunity and put the drink at the service of human and animal health.

Modern confectionery art has supplanted jelly, replacing it with the most unique dishes, but it has not lost its daily popularity. The enveloping properties of the product are used for inflammatory effects in the digestive tract, stomach, and intestinal tract.

A tasty and healthy jelly can be made from any berries and fruits. Both fresh and frozen products are suitable as such. As needed, you can use:

  • jam, jam, nectars;
  • canned fruits;
  • fruit juices, wine.

Dried fruits are often used as an ingredient. Dried fruits: apples, pears, prunes, when steeped and boiled, give a beautiful taste and smell. By adding starch, we get a good dish.

Dried berries are also suitable for making dessert: chokeberry, dogwood, cherry, rose hips, hawthorn will all go well. But here it is necessary to follow the technology and pre-soak the dried components.

Traditional jelly recipe

To prepare jelly, you must first boil the berries. The recipe for the dish is as follows:

  • berries (fresh or frozen) – 200–250 g;
  • water – 1.5 liters, sugar – 200–250 g;
  • potato starch - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • citric acid – 1/3 tsp. or lemon juice.

Citric acid will help not only create the most pleasant taste, but also stabilize the color.

With such a quantity, it would be appropriate to serve the purchased jelly in drinking cups. If you need a thicker dish, then you should increase the amount of starch to 4 tablespoons.

When choosing starch, give preference to the one that squeaks when rubbed with your fingers. A high-quality product, when mixed with water, will settle to the bottom, and the liquid above the sediment will be transparent. If this does not happen, drain the water and refill.

The step-by-step manufacturing process is as follows:

  1. If the berry is fresh, then it is sorted and washed. Frozen berries require a ready-made product. It is not defrosted before use.
  2. Pour water into the pan and put it on heat. Add sugar and citric acid to boiling water. Add the berries, bring to a boil and cook for 5–7 minutes.
  3. Strain and set to heating again. Let's taste it. It should be borne in mind that starch “eats” the taste. That is why the broth should be rich. Pour starch into a cup and add 100 g of cool water.
  4. As soon as the liquid boils, the starch is vigorously crushed and poured into the pan in a narrow stream. Bring to a boil and turn off immediately.

The drink is served both warm and cool. The pouring can be done into cups, glasses or plates. As a last resort, jelly must be eaten with a spoon.

Options for making jelly

If you intend to prepare a drink from whole berries with starch and serve them together, then the technology should be slightly changed.

The warm pulp of strawberries and raspberries quickly boils and turns into puree. It doesn't add beauty to the dish. To prevent the fruit from becoming soggy, after the compote boils, immediately remove it with a slotted spoon or colander.

After introducing the starch solution and boiling, the berries are sent back to the pan. In this case, the dessert comes out transparent.

Often both fruits and berries are used to make dessert. Not many people like, for example, pale apple jelly. But when you add currants to it, it becomes a beautiful, catchy color.

When preparing jelly from new, bright berries, you should not forget about citric acid. Otherwise, the effect will be the opposite. Without acidifying the solution, but with the addition of fruits, the color of the dish will be dirty-grayish.

When making an assortment, usually the fruits are caught, and the berries are added to the composition at the very end. In this case, the drink comes out with an exciting taste, a wonderful catchy color and whole berries.

If you are preparing a dish from dry fruits and new berries, proceed as follows:

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