Green summer cabbage soup made from nettle and sorrel

Green summer cabbage soup made from nettle and sorrel

In spring and early summer, our body constantly experiences a lack of vitamins. But at this very time the first fresh herbs appear: sorrel, nettle, dill, parsley.

Young nettle is a very excellent vitamin supplement for green cabbage soup, but only the top young leaves need to be collected. From these different greens you can quickly prepare simple and tasty first courses. In freshly prepared soups from wild-growing greens, after heat treatment, up to 50% of vitamin C is retained (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C.

I bring to your attention the usual recipe - green cabbage soup made from nettles and sorrel.

We are preparing quickly. Delicious. Healthy

Constant consumption of vegetables is of great importance in the human diet. They are suppliers of vitamins, microelements, fiber, aromatic and other necessary substances so necessary for life. Any vegetable has its advantages.

In green vegetables these are vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) A and C; Spicy vegetables parsley and dill contain healthy essential oils, and the more vegetable dishes we have in our diet, the better.

The recipe for cabbage soup made from nettle and sorrel can also be safely recommended to those who want to lose weight, but prepare it without meat broth. The dish is simple to make and completely cheap, but very tasty and healthy.

To make green cabbage soup from nettle and sorrel we need: 1-1.5 liters of ready-made broth (cooked from chicken or pork), 3-4 potatoes, 300-400 gr. sorrel with nettle, 1 raw egg, dill and parsley, salt, sour cream, green onions.

Before production, we sort out the young leaves of nettle and sorrel, remove damaged leaves and rough stems, and carefully wash them a couple of times with cool and warm water.

Peel 3-4 potato tubers and cut them into cubes. Wash and lightly dry the greens on a towel.

Add diced potatoes to the prepared broth (or boiling water)

Cook until half cooked. Pour boiling water over young nettle leaves and leave for 10 minutes, then place in a colander or sieve and let the water drain.

After the nettle has steamed and become soft, remove the coarse stems, finely chop the greenish leaves and put them in the bubbling broth, add finely chopped sorrel there.

After all the contents boil, cook for another 5-7 minutes.

Add finely chopped dill and parsley to the pan and bring to a boil. Break 1 raw egg into a tea cup or mug, mix well with a fork, add a little salt and slowly pour everything into the bubbling broth, quickly stirring the contents of the pan with a spoon.

Before finishing cooking, salt the cabbage soup to taste. Cook for another five to seven minutes - our tasty and healthy cabbage soup is ready. The total time for making green cabbage soup is only 30-40 minutes. You can add 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream and finely chopped green onions and dill (to taste) to the plate. The dish has a good color and smell. Bon appetit everyone!

Spring cabbage soup made from sorrel and nettle - a regular and tasty, fragrant first course

What dish can be prepared early in the spring so that it is fragrant, tasty and the whole family misses it during the long winter? Naturally, these are spring cabbage soup with the addition of sorrel and young nettle shoots. The recipe can vary not only from the goods at hand, but also from the preferences of the family.

How to prepare savory spring cabbage soup?

Almost everyone adds boiled chicken or quail eggs to the soup. Some gourmets prefer to make quail eggs with fried eggs or poached eggs. Others believe that the soup can be thickened by making a scrambled egg out of an egg and adding it to chicken broth to form noodles.

But the most basic ingredient of this soup is not meat and eggs, but a large bunch of spring greens - shoots of nettle, sorrel, sorrel with the addition of the freshest dill, cilantro, parsley and, of course, green onions.

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What is sorrel rich in in composition?

Young sorrel leaves not only refresh any dish with their sourness, but are also very rich in vitamins and minerals. Therapeutic characteristics are based on a high content of vitamins (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C, K and E, also a large amount of potassium and magnesium, iron and phosphorus, oxalic and tannic acid.

Young shoots of sorrel are a natural storehouse of necessary and tasty vitamins for humans after a long winter in the spring months.

What are nettle shoots rich in?

Surprisingly, in spring, nettle shoots are very rich in vitamins, and can compete for space with other garden herbs, including sorrel. High content of B vitamins, ascorbic acid, copper and carotene, barium and calcium.

Soup with the addition of nettle will give strength and energy to your body, saturate it with vitamins, and simply amuse you with its pleasant taste.

Is it possible to prepare healthy herbs early in the spring so that they can be used in the winter for production?

Not only is it possible, but it is absolutely necessary!

If you finely chop the washed and dried greens of these shoots and freeze them in molds with clean boiled water, you can get beautiful briquettes for storage in the freezer.

You can follow a similar principle if you simply sprinkle the greens with large table salt, seal the jars tightly, and put them in the refrigerator for storage. Sorrel can be sterilized and rolled up with special lids, then there will be no need for space in the refrigerator for its storage and the shelf life of the product will noticeably increase.

In the first case, we add only a little cool boiled water, in the 2nd - only salt. This will be completely sufficient to preserve the product until the first greenery appears and to comply with the product storage criteria.

How to prepare spring soup from young shoots of sorrel and nettle?

In fact, there are a lot of recipes, both with water and with vegetable or meat broth, both stew and canned fish are used (for example, in the country), only eggs or vegetables can be added. If desired, onions and carrots are sautéed, added raw or completely absent from the soup.

As for potatoes, there are also diverse ideas here; instead of them, either rice with buckwheat or narrow vermicelli can be used. If the soup contains only the freshest shoots, then it is supplemented with a boiled or raw egg mixed into the hot broth.

Spring cabbage soup with sorrel and chicken

Often, when cutting up a whole chicken carcass, a base of bones remains; this is where you will get light spring cabbage soup with herbs. Preparing the soup is simple and quick. Instead of bones, you can use breast or a couple of legs.

For production you will need

• 500 gr. chicken meat with bones;

• 5-6 small potatoes;

• A large bunch of sorrel and nettles;

• Dill and parsley – 5 branches each;

• Large sea salt and freshly ground pepper;

• Favorite spices - to taste.

First you need to cook chicken broth. Wash the meat, add water and boil over low heat until cooked for 35-45 minutes. Do not add salt.

Remove the chicken from the broth, remove the bones and cartilage. Strain the broth as needed.

Cut the potatoes into medium cubes, add them to the strained broth along with the meat and return to the stove.

After the potatoes are cooked, all that remains is to salt the soup well, add spices and chopped, washed greens.

Serve hot with sour cream and halved boiled eggs.

Sorrel and nettle soup with egg noodles

Soup with the addition of beaten egg mass is a classic of the genre. Unlike the previous version, under no circumstances are carrots fried with onions added to it if desired, but the proportions of potatoes and herbs should be approximately equal. This soup can be prepared without meat, using water or vegetable broth.

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For production you will need

• 350 gr. fresh sorrel and nettles;

• 300 gr. potatoes;

• A large bunch of fresh herbs (dill, green onions and parsley);

• Salt and spices - to taste.

Peel and cut the potatoes into thin slices, add water and boil for 15 minutes.

Cut all the greens, previously rinsing them in running water and drying them.

Add greens to potatoes.

Using a fork or whisk, beat the eggs into a homogeneous mass and pour into the soup in a thin stream.

Salt and season with spices to taste. Separately, you can fry the onions in a small amount of oil and also add the frying to the broth for the most striking and rich taste of the dish.

Let the soup boil and serve with homemade sour cream.

Sorrel soup with nettles and homemade meatballs

The recipe for this soup is the most labor-intensive, and if desired, you can add not only fried onions, but also carrots, diced like potatoes. You can use any kind of minced meat, even the stuff left over from making cutlets or meatballs (with rice).

• A large bunch of sorrel and nettles, with the addition of parsley;

• Spices to taste;

• Salt and freshly ground pepper;

• 50 ml. vegetable oil.

Boil water, salt it and carefully lower the meatballs formed from homemade minced meat.

Immediately add chopped potatoes to the broth after boiling and removing the foam.

Sauté onions and carrots in vegetable oil and add the frying to the soup.

After the meatballs are cooked and the vegetables become soft, you need to season the soup with spices and salt, and add chopped herbs to it.

Simmer the soup for 5 minutes over low heat and you can serve it.

Tips and tricks for making the dish

Sorrel or nettle (young shoots) can be added to any soup; they will perfectly complement the taste of borscht or cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage. This will free the dish from the bland taste and add a special sourness to it.

After the greens have been added to the soup, you should not cook the soup for a long time, just let it simmer slightly and remove the pan from the heat. Otherwise, the greens can change their attractive bright green color to brown and unappetizing.

With love and warmth, the article was prepared for you by Priyatna!

Sorrel and nettle cabbage soup step by step photo recipe

For our greenish cabbage soup we need young nettles. Well, since we need it, we go to the garden and pick it. The next main ingredient of our soup is sorrel and green onions, we also get them from the garden. After all the main greenish things have been picked, wash them, put a pot or pan on the fire or an ordinary electronic stove and... Let's start making the leanest, but not the least tasty cabbage soup!

In order not to get burned by the nettles during its upcoming processing, we put a bunch of them in a saucepan and pour boiling water over the nettles. We remove the pan with nettles to the side and leave our first greenish ingredient of cabbage soup to steam there for 5-10 minutes.

Cut potatoes into small slices

And pour it into water that is not yet boiling (as you might guess, the pan with water should already be on the fire by this time).

Remove the steamed nettle from the pan and separate the leaves from its stems. We finely chop the leaves, and move the chopped nettle leaves into a plate, throw away the stems, they will not be useful to us.

Finely chop the onion head

And as the water and potatoes begin to boil, pour the onions into the potatoes.

Cut the tomato into small cubes and...

Immediately dump the tomato into our cabbage soup

Finely chop a bunch of green onions, and...

Immediately dump it into the soup.

By analogy with nettles, we cut up sorrel, and specifically, we separate the trunks and finely chop the leaves.

Right away, after cutting the sorrel, we put nettles in our cabbage soup, and then -

Pour chopped sorrel into the soup, mix, add salt, add a little dark pepper to taste, and cook for 5-10 minutes until our sorrel begins to turn yellowish. While our greenish cabbage soup with sorrel and nettle is boiling, shake two eggs in a mug, and at the moment when the sorrel begins to turn yellow

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In a narrow stream, immediately stirring the soup with a ladle, pour the egg into the cauldron.

Later, we cook the soup until the potatoes are fully cooked, and... that’s it! Our cabbage soup is ready, now you can...

Pour into plates, add a huge spoonful of sour cream, and enjoy the freshest and extraordinary taste of our just prepared soup. Pleasant and unforgettable feelings to everyone!

Greenish cabbage soup with nettles according to GOST

step by step recipe with photos

Nettle is a unique gift of nature, recognized for its healing qualities. Meanwhile, nettle has been widely used in cooking since ancient times. Our grandmothers also baked wonderful pies and pies with nettle entrails, and cabbage soup with nettles was an indispensable dish not only on peasant tables, they were also served at unique ceremonial dinners.

This is exactly what we will try to cook. Not just cabbage soup, but according to GOST. This dish is prepared in meat or vegetable broth. At the same time, both beef and pork are suitable for meat broth. The base of the soup is made up of young nettle and sorrel, which gives the dish a slight sourness. Potato cubes fit harmoniously into the overall composition, immediately making the cabbage soup thicker. Curls of eggs dissolved in the broth add extra flavor to the soup, sour cream adds a note of freshness, and parsley and dill imbue the dish with a subtle aroma.

  • 1 Ingredients
  • 2 Manufacturing
  • 3 Note to the hostess


  • vegetable or meat (beef, pork) broth – 700 ml
  • fresh young nettle – 400 g
  • fresh sorrel – 100 g
  • potatoes – 200 g
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.
  • low-fat sour cream – 50 g
  • parsley and dill
  • freshly ground dark pepper
  • salt.

Production time: 45 minutes
Number of servings: 4


1. Sort out the nettles and wash well with cool water. It is more convenient to do this with kitchen gloves, because the leaves and trunks of nettle are dotted with stinging hairs that can cause a burn to the skin of your hands.

Place the nettles in a deep bowl and scald with boiling water. Leave for 2-3 minutes.

2. Drain in a colander and let the water drain completely.

3. Chop finely.

4. Wash the sorrel, shake off the water and chop finely. If the sorrel is young, cut it together with the trunks, and if it is old, it is better to remove the thick and coarse trunks.

5. Peel the potatoes, wash them thoroughly and cut into cubes.

6. Wash the sprigs of dill and parsley, dry and finely chop.

Break the eggs into a deep plate.

7. Beat with a whisk or fork.

8. Boil the broth. Add potatoes to it and cook for about 10-15 minutes. The cooking time of the root vegetable depends on its variety. Be sure to make sure that the potato cubes retain their shape and do not turn into puree.

9. Season to taste with pepper and salt, add cooked nettles and sorrel. Over medium heat, bring the broth to a boil.

10. Then, while constantly stirring, pour the beaten eggs into the soup in a narrow stream. Let the cabbage soup boil again and remove the pan from the heat.

11. Pour the hot cabbage soup with nettles into portioned plates. Sprinkle with fragrant parsley and aromatic dill, serve with sour cream and serve immediately. And freshly baked rye bread will be a wonderful addition to this dish.

Note to the hostess

2. Cloudy and greasy broth will make greenish cabbage soup unattractive. It is recommended to cook it from tubular bones with a small amount of meat or from poultry fillet or veal. Be sure to strain! There is no need to use lamb, but rabbit meat can be used if you want to get a dietary first course. Instead of sour cream, put a spoonful of thick cream in it.

3. GOST allows the addition of only the types of greens indicated in the recipe to nettle-sorrel soups, which is completely understandable. So, for example, basil or cilantro will impart such a powerful original smell to the broth that the smell of the food will be lost. The introduction of aromatic roots and garlic will lead to the same consequences.

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