Cherry cake with sour cream - baking options

Cherry cake with sour cream - baking options

Sponge cake loves any additives, berries, fruits, both fresh and frozen. It is difficult to freeze some berries, because they not only lose their taste, but also become unpresentable. But with cherries, this procedure is painless. Firstly, the berry with the seed is quite compacted, and secondly, as practice shows, the more sour the berry, the better it lends itself to freezing.

It has long been seen that sea buckthorn, cranberries, lingonberries and cherries cheer us up in winter. It is very difficult to freeze Victoria, you have to work hard to do this, but with cherries everything is simple and straightforward, wash, dry on a cloth (the structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) , put in a bag and enjoy the most delicious berry in the winter. But eating it without additives becomes not interesting, but the prepared cake with cherries is a real holiday for the whole family.

Naturally, you can prepare any cream for a sponge cake with cherries, but just imagine how wonderful a chocolate sponge cake with snow-white sour cream and blood-red ripe layers of cherries will look. We will talk about this culinary masterpiece.

Beauty and taste in chocolate

If you just imagine the abundance of colors in this cake, you will immediately want to bake it.

What will be needed for production:


  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • Wheat flour – 3/4 cup;
  • Sugar – 200 gr.;
  • Cocoa – 1/4 cup.
  • Sour cream 25% - 500 gr.;
  • Sugar – 1/4 cup;


  • Fresh or frozen pitted cherries – 1 cup;
  • Cherry jam syrup – 4 tbsp. spoons.

Because we are using sour cream, we need to weigh out the sour cream by placing it in a colander covered with gauze and placing this system on the pan. We put the entire structure in the refrigerator for 12 hours. It is better to create this function during the day, because in the evening we will be making a biscuit.

Let's start making the biscuit.

Because we want to create a chocolate sponge cake, it is better to prepare it a day before serving.

We separate the eggs into yolks and whites. At first, beat the whites separately, only after soft peaks have formed do we begin to add the third part of the sugar norm from the recipe. It is better to introduce sugar evenly, pouring it in a stream while the mixer is running.

Now let’s deal with the bulk ingredients, which must be sifted and mixed well. After this, beat the yolks with the remaining sugar and slowly begin to introduce the dry mixture. Only after all the dry mixture has been poured into the biscuit preparation, beat the dough for another 1-2 minutes and add the whites prepared in advance. They need to be administered 2 tablespoons at a time, carefully mixing with a plastic spatula after each injection.

Preheat the oven to 180-190 degrees, spread parchment paper into a baking dish and pour the dough. Place our biscuit in the oven for 25-30 minutes. You should not constantly check its readiness by opening the door. Biscuit dough does not like being disturbed during baking, so it can simply deflate and settle. And instead of a wonderful airy cake, you get a narrow chocolate pancake.

When you put the cake in the oven, remove the cherries from the freezer and place the mug with the berries in warm water. This will quickly defrost the cherries. If it is summer time and the freshest cherries are available, then remove the seeds from them. The biscuit is ready, but you need to keep it for 10-15 minutes in a closed but still cooling oven. Because if you immediately take it out of the heat, it will fall off most quickly, and if it sits in the oven, it won’t cool down much. After 15 minutes, remove the finished cake from the oven and leave to cool at room temperature for another 2 hours. But if time does not allow, then 1 hour will be enough.

When the sponge cake has cooled, divide it into 2 equal parts using a long, sharp knife or fishing line.

Preparing sour cream.

Beat the weighed sour cream at low speed until it becomes thick and fluffy. After this, we begin to pour in sugar in a narrow stream, increasing the speed slightly.

After all the components of the cake are ready, we begin to assemble this culinary masterpiece.

First, soak the top of any shortbread with cherry jam syrup, which can be mixed with reddish wine. But this is only in this case, if there are no children in the house. If the cherry cake is intended for children, then dilute 4 tablespoons of syrup in 100 ml. boiled water. We soak the shortcakes generously with this consistency and leave for 15 minutes. After this procedure, grease the bottom cake with cream, spread the cherries sparingly and cover with the second cake. Coat the entire cake generously with the remaining cream, not forgetting about the sides. You can decorate baked goods with cherries, grated chocolate or crushed nuts.

When the cake is completely ready, put it in the refrigerator overnight (that is, in the dark) and serve it with coffee or tea during the day.

But this cake is based on the contrast of colors, it is very tasty, but not everyone loves chocolate shortcakes. Naturally, you can make a sponge cake from light cake layers and also soak them in sour cream. But the satisfaction will be greater if the colors are now swapped. Light cake and black cream. Making chocolate cream from sour cream is as easy as making regular cream. But in this case, it is better to use instant cocoa for coloring.

Sponge cake with chocolate cream made from sour cream

But you can bake a completely different cake with cherries, which is made only during the berry ripening season. Why shouldn't you bake in winter? The answer is simple, the berries must be fresh and have not absorbed water when frozen. It is possible in winter, but from good pitted cherry jam. The riper and larger the cherries, the more delicious the sponge cake will be.

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Let's start by listing the ingredients for the cake:

  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • Wheat flour – 180 gr.;
  • Granulated sugar – 180 gr.;
  • Sour cream – 2 cups;
  • Instant gelatin – 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sweet powder – 100 gr.;
  • Boiled water – 100 ml;
  • Fresh cherries - 2 cups;
  • Milk chocolate – 1 bar.

Let's start, as always, by making a sponge cake.

There is no need to worry about weighing out the sour cream, because we will combine it with gelatin, and we will get a very stable cream. The cake will turn out to be three layers, so when cut it will look amazing. Just in case, take another glass of cherries to decorate the top of the cake.

You can prepare a sponge cake, as always, by separating the eggs into components, but since we do not need a very high cake, we will not engage in this procedure. A shortbread made from whole eggs will be more than enough.

Set the oven to preheat and line the bottom of the pan with baking parchment. By the way, you only need to take a detachable mold, because the cake will be assembled specifically in it. It is very difficult to get a finished cake out of an ordinary, non-split mold, or, more precisely, it is actually impossible.

Beat the eggs, first in their pure form, and then start adding sugar. We start working with low mixer speeds, gradually increasing the speed to the highest. What you shouldn’t get away with is sifting the flour, because when it is saturated with air it will give the sponge cake the necessary airiness. After you start adding flour, remove the mixer and bring the dough to readiness using a spoon or spatula, mixing the ingredients from bottom to top.

Pour the dough into the mold prepared in advance and place in a preheated oven for 25-30 minutes. At this time, do not open the oven door.

We are passionate about cherries, they need to be thoroughly washed, dried and the bones removed. When the biscuit is ready, check it with a wooden skewer. If the tree comes out of the cake dry, then you should not hesitate in readiness. We leave the cake to stand in the switched off oven, then leave it at room temperature for another hour without removing it from the mold. Only after this can you start preparing the cream.

The cream is somewhat strange, and very different from traditional sour cream, but it is also very tasty. The gelatin is practically invisible, and the staying power remains good. In order to properly prepare the cream from sour cream and gelatin, you need to dissolve the gelatin in hot water. After all the grains have dissolved and the gelatin has cooled slightly, pour the mass into sour cream, and the sweet powder will go there too. Beat sour cream with gelatin and sugar for just a minute.

Assemble the cake directly in the mold.

First, spread the cherry berries in an even layer, trying to cover the entire perimeter of the cake with them. Next, pour in the sour cream and put this strange dish in the refrigerator. After a couple of hours, we take out the frozen cake and grate the chocolate bar on a small grater. Sprinkle on top of the cake and decorate with beautiful and ripe berries. But you shouldn’t cover the chocolate too much with cherries; it’s enough to create sun rays from the berries or lay out the baby’s face.

Again we put the masterpiece in the refrigerator, now until the morning. First, after you take the cake out of the refrigerator, you need to take it out of the mold and put it on a plate. When you cut the cake to treat your family to the latest baked goods, you will be amazed at how beautiful it will be when cut.

We do not use any impregnation, because under the layer of cream the cherry will be pressed down a little and will perfectly saturate the biscuit with its juice. If you want to create such a dessert in the winter, then in the summer, make some delicious pitted cherry jam. In order for the dessert to be just as beautiful and tasty, you need to remove the cherries from the jam and let them drain a little. It is stylish to use a narrow gauze bag suspended over a glass.


  1. Ingredients
  2. A treat for those with a sweet tooth
  3. Step-by-step recipe for making a cake
  4. Dessert without baking
  • sour cream (no matter what kind) – 220g
  • granulated sugar – 300g
  • flour – 300g
  • chicken egg – 5 pcs.
  • butter – 100g
  • baking powder – 2 teaspoons
  • cocoa powder – 2 tbsp. spoons

For sour cream and layer:

  • country sour cream (or heavy cream) – 500g
  • sugar – 250-300g
  • pitted cherries – 500g (with pits – about 1kg)
  • dark chocolate – 70g
  • walnuts (optional) -100g.

A treat for those with a sweet tooth

Who doesn't love sweets? - Everyone loves sweets! Sour cream cake with cherries will satisfy the taste of the most unique gourmet. A delicate porous sponge cake with a sweet and sour cherry flavor, soaked in sour cream, melts in your mouth.

The popularity of this sweet is confirmed by the presence of a huge number of varieties of its recipe. The Belarusian and Ukrainian options are fascinating.

Unexpected names: for example, “Intoxicated Cherry” cake with sour cream, or “Monastery Hut” with cherries and sour cream, or “Pancake cake with cherries and sour cream.”

Manufacturing technologies are also different. What unites all the cakes is the presence of the words “cherry” and “sour cream” in the titles, the relative ease of production, and the unique taste.

Step-by-step recipe for making a cake

Any cake starts with a base.

  1. First, cut the butter into small pieces, dissolve over low heat and cool.
  2. After complete cooling, the butter is painstakingly combined with sour cream with a whisk, adding a little soda slaked with vinegar at the end of the process.
  3. Then the chicken eggs are mixed with a mixer with sugar in a deep container until fluffy, a mixture of butter with sour cream and baking powder is gradually added to them, and everything is carefully beaten with a whisk.
  4. A warm, watery mass emerges, into which the sifted flour is beaten.
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The dough, if kneaded well, comes out plastic and homogeneous.

The color of the cherry cake layers with sour cream depends on the presence/absence of cocoa in it. Just one or two tablespoons of cocoa transform, according to the recipe, sour cream into sour cream-chocolate or chocolate. Cherry makes its taste slightly sour. In the traditional version of a sponge sour cream cake with cherries, cocoa is added to one half of the dough, and not to the other.

The dough is rolled out into shortcakes and baked in an oven preheated at 180-200° for about half an hour. The mold or baking sheet must be greased with oil/fat or covered with oiled paper.

After baking, any cake should rest on a baking sheet under a towel for 10-15 minutes. Then they are laid out on a tray or a huge dish. The preparation for the cake with sour cream and cherries should be porous and soft.

It's time to start making the cream.

  1. The berries need to be washed, sorted, and dried on a sieve.
  2. Roast and chop the walnuts.
  3. Beat sour cream and sweet sand with a blender until a thick, fluffy mass emerges.

After cooling, the base is divided in two with a formidable thread. The snow-white shortbread is covered with sweet sour cream cream. And then the cream is applied again to the cherry layer.

The layers alternate, coated with cream, which is used to coat both the top and sides of the almost finished cake. It should cool in the cold for 5-7 hours, only then can you begin to design and decorate.

A little sour cream (or milk) is melted with chocolate. The resulting glaze is poured over the cake, sprinkled with nut crumbs on top (you can decorate it with marmalade, candied cherries with “tails”), and again placed in a cool space so that the chocolate glaze hardens.

The cake turns out tender and at the same time unique and will appeal to everyone. The berries do little to acidify the sweet sour cream.

This dish can be served with tea and coffee, as a sweet or dessert for any holiday. Its calorie content is quite high (259 calories per 100 grams), but for the sake of such pleasure they can be neglected.

Dessert without baking

A delicious variation of sour cream cake with cherries is a no-bake dessert. It can be created according to the proposed recipe in a classic form or in the form of a log.

  • “Lady fingers” (sponge cookies) – 20 pcs.
  • village sour cream – 500g
  • frozen cherries – 200g
  • sweet sand - 1/2 cup.
  • sweet powder – 3 tbsp. spoons
  • cocoa (100g chocolate) – for decoration

  1. Thaw the cherries, place them in a saucepan, add half a glass of sugar and ¾ glass of water and, after boiling for 1-2 minutes, pour the syrup into a small container. Beat sour cream with sweet powder.
  2. Line the bottom of a deep bowl with cling film. Place the cookies on the bottom, dipping them into the not yet cooled syrup.
  3. Drizzle with sour cream and arrange the berries. Then repeat these actions (can be twice).
  4. Having greased the outer layer of cookies with cream, the semi-finished sour cream cake with cherries is put in the cold for about 5 hours, after which the bowl is turned over onto a huge flat plate.

If you can’t “get” the cake, you need to cover the container with a hot towel for 1-2 minutes or lower its bottom into hot water.

After removing the film, you can decorate the cake with sour cream and cherries made without baking, chocolate chips, cocoa - whatever your imagination gives you.

Chocolate cake with cherries and sour cream


Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.

Flour – 2 cups

Sweet sand – 2 cups

Cocoa powder – 6 tbsp.

Soda – 0.5 tbsp. slaked with vinegar

Vegetable oil – 50-60 ml

Milk – 1 glass

Boiling water – 1 glass

Impregnation and decoration:

Sour cream – 400 ml

Sweet sand – 4 tbsp. (2 for sour cream and 2 for cherries)

  • 540 kcal
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
  • 1 hour 10 minutes

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Chocolate sponge cake with cherries and sour cream is a favorite dessert in our family, and that’s why I prepare it for all holidays and celebrations. An indispensable condition for dessert is a chocolate sponge cake in boiling water, because the chocolate note reveals the whole cherry smell, seasoned with a creamy sour cream taste!

First we will need to prepare a biscuit. I’ll say right away that I use a multicooker for baking, adding an additional 10-15 minutes to the “Baking” function.

Prepare the necessary ingredients to create a chocolate sponge cake.

Break two chicken eggs into a container and beat them with salt and sweet sand. I recommend not sparing sugar, because reducing the dose leads to the fact that the biscuit will not be sweet at all!

Pour in a glass of milk and vegetable oil. Mix the ingredients together.

Quench the baking soda with vinegar - don’t forget this product, otherwise your biscuit won’t rise.

Add cocoa powder and very carefully mix it into the dough.

Then literally do the same with wheat flour. The dough will become indescribably dense, and a fork or spatula will be useful for stirring - a whisk may not be able to cope with such a mass.

After this, pour a glass of boiling water and stir everything well. The dough will become watery - don't worry! It must be exactly like that!

Pour the dough into a multicooker pan or oven tin and bake the biscuit for about 1 hour in the multicooker. In the oven, the baking time for the biscuit varies from 45 minutes to 1 hour at 180C.

The finished biscuit has risen perfectly and holds its shape. It needs to be cooled by turning it upside down.

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The top of the biscuit is a little wet, so I just sprinkle it with sweet powder so that it doesn’t slip. While the biscuit was baking, I removed the seeds from the cherries and simmered them with 2 tablespoons of sweet sand in a saucepan. If you like the filling sweet, you can add more sugar.

Cut the biscuit in half horizontally and soak any circle with the purchased cherry syrup.

Mix the sour cream with the remaining 2 tablespoons of sweet sand and pour half the mixture onto the soaked bottom crust. Place half of the cherries in a random order.

Cover with the second cake layer and coat it with the remaining sour cream mixture.

Decorate with cherry berries and mint leaves. Place the cake in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

Chocolate sponge cake with cherries and sour cream is ready. Let's cut and serve. Mmmm, how delicious it turned out!

Sponge cake with cherries and sour cream

Main ingredients:

  • testicles
  • sugar
  • flour
  • sour cream
  • cherries

120 minutes

10-12 servings

Calorie content per 100 g:
307 kcal.

Category: Cakes

Biscuit is probably the most beloved and popular dessert. It is used to make rolls, cakes, pastries with different insides and even cookies. Despite such popularity, it began to be used as a sweet treat not so long ago. Its name comes from the Italian “biscotto” and translates as “baked twice.” At first, sailors took “ship biscuits” with them as provisions, since the cakes did not spoil for a long time. They were quite tasty and nutritious, although they were prepared without butter. Queen Victoria first introduced the fashion for afternoon tea with biscuits with a layer of jam. From the 17th century They began to be baked in France and Great Britain, and a little later in Austria. The favorite is specifically with cherry insides.


  • Testicles – 4 pcs.
  • Flour – 100 g.
  • Sugar – 3/4 tbsp.
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 package.


  • Sour cream 33% – 300 ml
  • Sweet powder – 6 tbsp. l.
  • Starch – 1.5 tbsp.
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 pack
  • Pitted cherries (fresh, frozen) or cherry jam – 1 tbsp.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

Carefully separate the whites from the yolks and beat them into a light foam, first with a pinch of salt, and then add sugar evenly. The result should be a compacted and fluffy mass.

Beat the yolks with sugar and vanilla sugar until the mass increases and brightens.

We combine both masses, trying not to damage the air structure.

Then carefully add the flour and mix with a spoon, as if shifting the layers. Pour the dough into a baking dish lined with parchment paper and bake for 40-45 minutes at 180 degrees.

If you don’t have special parchment paper, then use any other method to avoid the dough sticking to the pan.

Let the finished cake cool in the oven with the door open, and then carefully remove it from the mold.

Cut the biscuit into three parts.

If your sponge cake does not always come out, then read about the intricacies of making it and the probable reasons why it settles in order to avoid the problem.

Preparing the cherry layer. You can use either fresh or frozen cherries or cherry jam.

Mix pitted cherries or jam with starch and cook over low heat until the mixture becomes thick. When it cools, it will become slightly thicker. If you take berries, then add 2 tbsp to them. sugar, and the jam is already sweet.

Beat sour cream with sweet powder.

Properly whipped cream or sour cream will ensure not only a beautiful appearance of the dessert, but also a guarantee that the cream will hold on and will not flow. There are certain subtleties of beating them, observing which you can really avoid mistakes.

Generously coat any shortbread and sides with sour cream and cherry mixture.

Place in the refrigerator to soak. That's all, after a few hours the cake can be cut and served.

Enjoy your tea party everyone!

To make cakes, pourable, semi-liquid dough is used, which is poured into a solid mold, previously greased with butter and sprinkled with flour so that the dough does not stick.

Subtleties of making biscuit:

  • All ingredients should be at room temperature, except the protein. It loves the cold, so you need to beat it in a cool bowl. Sugar should be chosen as small as possible. Beat it with the yolks until completely dissolved. If you don't create this, it will crunch in the cake.
  • The flour should be well enriched with oxygen (sifted a couple of times) so that the cake comes out airy. Add it to the beaten yolks and only later add the whites to the mixture. It is better to do this manually with a rubber spatula.
  • Experienced cooks do not recommend adding fat or cream to the dough, as these ingredients can sour the sponge cake. You can use different spices without harm: cinnamon, cocoa, star anise.
  • Shortbreads with a dark color and rich taste come out if you add melted chocolate to the mixture. It is poured in when mixing the whites and yolks.


A variety of creams are used: protein, custard, butter, cream, sour cream. You can use ready-made jams and jams. The pie with sour cream and cherries is especially tasty and juicy. Sour cream perfectly saturates the shortcakes, and cherries add a slight sourness to the finished product.

Berries can be used either fresh or frozen. They are lightly boiled with the addition of starch and sugar to make the mass thick.

Sour cream must be chilled with a fat content of at least 20%. It is best to beat it with sweet powder. If you use sour cream with the lowest fat content, then you need to add diluted gelatin and let the mixture thicken slightly.

For decoration, you can make jelly from cherries and pour it on top of the cake.

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