Corn porridge with pumpkin

Corn porridge with pumpkin

Pumpkin is a beautiful autumn vegetable, which is a storehouse of essential substances and should certainly be included in the diet of children and adults all year round. Indeed, in the process of ripening, this vegetable accumulates within itself record amounts of carotene (provitamin A), fiber, vitamins, minerals and valuable vegetable protein, and almost all of this arsenal of health remains in the pumpkin even if it is stored for a long time in room conditions, and even better it can be preserve by freezing. Thanks to these convenient storage options, you can enjoy pumpkin at any time, whenever you want, without any restrictions - you just need to take out of the freezer a bag with a bright orange preparation, which will allow you to create a lot of different sweet and satisfying dishes, and even immediately real culinary masterpieces. In general, my household has long not required the preparation of any complex gastronomic delights, and they prefer savory, healthy and unusually rich porridge with pumpkin to all possible uses of this vegetable.

Sweet and fragrant pumpkin goes well with almost any cereal and greatly decorates classic morning dishes, but now I would like to offer you a rather unusual breakfast option for our region and prepare an unusually tasty corn porridge with pumpkin. Since corn grits are known for their nutritional value, hypoallergenicity and very easy digestibility in the body, I advise you from time to time to prepare traditional corn porridge with milk for your own family according to my usual recipe, and if objections and whims arise from household members, you can make it significantly better flavor by adding pumpkin. Golden corn grits, both in color and taste, mix very harmoniously with the catchy and juicy pumpkin pulp, creating a tasty and very healthy dish that will pleasantly diversify your breakfasts and give a lot of pleasure, energy and strength for an active and busy day. Bon appetit!

Necessary information

Difficulty level: 2* Serving Size: 200 g
Preparation time: 1 hour Calorie content per serving:
Number of servings: 7 Cost of one serving: 11 rub.

How to cook corn porridge with pumpkin in milk - recipe on the stove with step-by-step photos


  • 1 tbsp. corn grits (180 g)
  • 3 tbsp. milk
  • 1 tbsp. water
  • 300 g pure pumpkin
  • 2.5 - 3 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 30 g butter
  • a large pinch of salt


1. In order to prepare corn porridge with pumpkin, you first need to peel a piece of pumpkin from the skin and seeds and cut it into small cubes.

2. Place the pumpkin in a saucepan, add a glass of cool water and place over medium heat.
When the water boils, reduce the heat and cook the pumpkin at low simmer for 15 minutes. 3. Meanwhile, measure out the corn grits and place them in a sieve, rinsing them under running cool water.

4. Add corn grits to the pumpkin, add salt and 2 tbsp.
l. Sahara. 5. Heat the milk separately in the microwave or in a ladle on the stove and pour it into the pan with the porridge.

6. Cook corn porridge with pumpkin, stirring occasionally, for the time indicated on the package of cereal, since it very much depends on the degree of grinding.
7. At the end of production, test the porridge and add more sugar as necessary, because its amount can be determined by the sweetness of the pumpkin, and, of course, by your personal taste preferences.

Also add butter, mix everything properly and let the porridge sit under the lid for 10 - 15 minutes to get the deepest and richest taste. A very tasty, satisfying and fragrant corn porridge with pumpkin is ready!
It fully deserves to become one of your favorite breakfast options at home. The calorie content of this healthy porridge for us is only 109 kcal per 100 g, which means that you can eat it virtually without restrictions, enjoying every spoonful of the sweet thick brew. Bon appetit!

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Corn porridge with pumpkin

Mon, November 5, 2018

It's time for pumpkin porridge, don't you think? Appetizing, colorful and sunny, warm and fragrant, it will literally please everyone without exception! I offer this recipe for porridge with pumpkin with milk, but not with rice or millet, as almost all housewives cook, but with corn grits. It will be very tasty, don’t even doubt it.

Corn porridge with pumpkin can be prepared simply with water, but milk and a small amount of butter makes the finished dish much tastier and more expressive. The color of pumpkin porridge depends almost entirely on the color intensity of the pumpkin (I use the Muscat variety). By the way, porridge lovers will probably need the rest of the recipes. For example, a recipe for delicious pumpkin porridge with rice or sunny pumpkin porridge with millet. I also have detailed {instructions} for making corn porridge - see here.


Making a dish step by step:

To make delicious pumpkin-corn porridge, we need the following ingredients: pumpkin, milk of any fat content (I use 2.5%), drinking water, corn grits, sweet sand, salt and butter.

Let's prepare the pumpkin. I have the Muscat variety, with rich orange flesh. By the way, pumpkin is very tasty in any form – be it raw or baked.

We cut the skin off the pumpkin (I use a vegetable peeler) and remove the inner fibrous part along with the seeds. Cut 500 grams of pulp prepared in this way into not very large pieces.

Pour 2 cups of milk (500 ml) and 1 cup (250 ml) of water into a thick-walled saucepan or cauldron.

We also put pieces of pumpkin pulp there. Place the pan on high heat, bring the contents to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and cook the pumpkin until soft. Depending on the variety, production time may vary. My pumpkin became soft after 15 minutes of cooking.

While the pumpkin is cooking, wash the corn grits (150 grams) in cool water. It is necessary to wash such grains in the same way as rice grains - until the water becomes clear (5-7 times).

When the pumpkin becomes soft, it will need to be chopped using any convenient method.

You can use an immersion blender, and even an ordinary potato masher works great for mashed potatoes. It is not necessary to achieve a smooth and homogeneous mass - during the upcoming heat treatment, the pumpkin fibers will still boil even more.

Place clean corn grits into the boiling watery base.

Now you need to cook the corn porridge over low heat with the lid open for about 20 minutes or until the cereal becomes soft. The fundamental condition for a tasty and smooth porridge is constant stirring. The fact is that corn grits settle to the bottom, where they can also burn to the bottom of the dish, forming unappetizing lumps. Stir, stir, stir, and at the end of cooking add sugar (1 tablespoon) and salt (0.5 teaspoon). Be sure to taste it and add more of these seasonings if necessary.

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Turn off the heat, add 60 grams of butter to the porridge, mix and serve.

Warm, fragrant, sunny and delicious homemade corn porridge with pumpkin is ready.

Everyone in our family loves this pumpkin porridge - I hope you will like it too. Cook for your health, friends, and bon appetit!

Corn porridge with milk and pumpkin

Corn porridge with pumpkin in milk will not leave you indifferent due to its delicate taste and smell, beautiful color, and also beneficial nutritional properties. Well, in terms of calorie content it is lower than buckwheat, oatmeal, millet and pearl barley porridge. Absolutely, add to cart.

Ingredients for “Corn porridge with milk and pumpkin”:

  • Corn grits - 1 cup.
  • Pumpkin (nutmeg variety) - 200 g
  • Milk (1.5%) - 1 cup.
  • Water - 2 cups.
  • Salt - 1 pinch.
  • Honey - 2 tsp.

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
929.9 kcal
27 g
4.4 g
201.2 g
100 g dish
78.1 kcal
2.3 g
0.4 g
16.9 g

Recipe for “Corn porridge with milk and pumpkin”:

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Photo “Corn porridge with milk and pumpkin” from those who prepared it (2)

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January 15, 2018 Svetusenka #

January 16, 2018 granichnik66 # (recipe creator)

January 14, 2018 Khlorkina #

January 15, 2018 granichnik66 # (recipe creator)

January 15, 2018 granichnik66 # (recipe creator)

January 15, 2018 Khlorkina #

January 16, 2018 granichnik66 # (recipe creator)

November 20, 2017 granichnik66 # (recipe creator)

November 15, 2017 GourmetLana #

November 16, 2017 granichnik66 # (recipe creator)

November 16, 2017 GourmetLana #

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November 15, 2017 JeSeKi # (moder)

November 15, 2017 granichnik66 # (recipe creator)

November 15, 2017 granichnik66 # (recipe creator)

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Corn grits porridge with pumpkin

Corn grits porridge is not only very tasty, but also necessary. If you add pumpkin to it, then this porridge becomes doubly healthy! Warm, fragrant, light and at the same time nutritious porridge is prepared very quickly and simply. Try making corn porridge with pumpkin for children - the catchy orange color and delicate taste will probably appeal to little gourmets.

  • Total cooking time – 0 hours 45 minutes
  • Active cooking time – 0 hours 15 minutes
  • Cost - very economical
  • Calorie content per 100 g – 100 kcal
  • Number of servings – 4 servings

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How to cook porridge from corn grits with pumpkin


  • Pumpkin – 300 g (weight of already clean pumpkin)
  • Corn grits – 100 g
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. or to taste
  • Water – 1 cup (250 ml)
  • Milk – 300 ml
  • Butter – 2 tbsp. (approximately 50 g)
  • Salt - to taste


Wash the pumpkin, dry it, cut off the rough skin, clean out the seeds, fibers and cut the pulp into small cubes. Try raw pumpkin for sweetness - this will help you determine the amount of sugar added to the porridge in the future.

Melt one tablespoon of butter (approximately 20-25 g) in a small frying pan and add the pumpkin cubes. Fry the pumpkin over medium heat for no more than 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. The pumpkin will become noticeably softer.

Pour half the milk (150 ml) into the softened pumpkin and reduce the heat to low. While the pumpkin is simmering, you can prepare corn porridge.

The finer the corn grits, the more tender the porridge will be. I have a very small grind of corn grits, it looks like semolina, only yellower and a little coarser.

Pour a cup of cool water over the corn grits, add a little salt and cook over low heat for 5-6 minutes, no more.

The porridge will begin to increase in size, boil, and bubbles will begin to appear on the surface.

The soft pumpkin needs to be chopped. This can be done with an immersion blender, transferring the soft, hot cubes into a tall glass, or mashing the pumpkin with a masher to puree directly in the frying pan. Also, if you wish, you can not chop anything and just add pumpkin cubes to the porridge, they will soften even more and also go well with corn porridge.

If you plan to garnish the porridge with cubes of stewed pumpkin, then set aside 1-2 tablespoons of pumpkin for serving.

Combine corn porridge, chopped pumpkin, remaining (150 ml) milk, sugar. Simmer the dish over low heat with the lid closed for 10 minutes or a little more.

The porridge is ready. And you can add a piece (1 tbsp - 25 g) of butter to it.

If you wrap the porridge in a blanket or terry towel and let it sit for 15-20 minutes, it will become even more tender and tastier.

Divide corn porridge among plates. You can decorate at your own discretion: pumpkin pieces, pumpkin seeds, nuts, raisins, or sprinkle with honey.

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