Recipe: Shortbread honey cookies – savory and fragrant

Recipe: Shortbread honey cookies – savory and fragrant

I really love baking with honey, and my family also enjoys it. We ate yesterday's chocolate profiteroles in one sitting, and now my son ordered us to bake something delicious. I quickly baked shortbread honey cookies. The result is a tasty, crumbly and moderately sweet cookie.

For the dough I need: frozen butter, chicken egg, flour, baking powder, salt, sweet powder or sugar, honey. I grate the frozen butter on a small grater into a deep bowl.

Add a pinch of salt and honey

Then sweet powder

I have this one with vanilla

but I didn’t have enough, so I added another tablespoon of sugar. Sifting flour

and a teaspoon of baking powder

I mix everything with my hands; you don’t need to knead the shortbread dough for a long time, otherwise the cookies will turn out hard. Gathering the dough into a ball

I put it in a plastic bag and in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. Then I take it out, roll out the dough into a layer and cut out cookies with cookie cutters

Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper

and put it in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes. When they are browned, I take them out

You can decorate as you wish, I just didn’t have time for decorations, the cookies are very tasty and fragrant even without decoration. Pour some tea and help yourself. Enjoy your tea.

More recipes for savory and regular cookies

To make the dough - 10 minutes
in the refrigerator - 20 minutes,
baked cookies - 20 minutes

Honey cookies

Honey cookies can be prepared ahead of time. The presence of honey in the dough makes it most resistant to weathering; the cookies do not go stale for a long time, and remain tasty and fragrant. Some cookbooks recommend storing honey baked goods in a closed clay container. The dough for honey cookies can be different, but more often it is either shortbread or chopped. There are cookie recipes where honey is not added to the dough, but in addition a syrup is prepared from honey, water, spices and from time to time alcohol. After baking, the cookies are poured with honey syrup and left to harden on the surface of the syrup.

Honey cookies with walnuts

If you love honey baked goods, then this recipe is literally for you. The combination of honey and walnuts can probably already be considered traditional, because... Specifically, it is usually added to the honey cake. But if for some reason you don’t like walnuts, then you can.

Buckwheat cookies with honey

We offer a recipe for soft, crumbly, fragrant cookies based on buckwheat flour and natural honey. If you don't have buckwheat flour, make your own using a coffee grinder. The ground buckwheat grains need to be sifted through a sieve a couple of times, then what can you do.

Coconut cookies with honey

Coconut cookies with honey are moderately soft, sweet and very fragrant. Light and airy “clouds” can be served either for a home tea party or for children’s gatherings and even a gala banquet. Depending on your own preferences, you can add more.

Christmas cookies

Christmas cookies are a savory, mouth-watering delicacy that is most often prepared on New Year's Eve and Christmas. Fragrant, hearty and rosy cookies will be a good treat for tea, an unusual Christmas tree decoration, or just a nice gift made.

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Lush honey gingerbread

Gingerbread cookies prepared according to this recipe rise very well when baked. When finished, they can be decorated with sweet icing or thrown in because they are there. Before baking, gingerbread honey dough must be refrigerated for at least 10 minutes.

Cookies with ginger and honey

Cookies with ginger and honey - tender, crumbly spicy cookies will definitely become your favorite. It is very tasty with tea on winter evenings or on hot summer days. .

Frisky honey cookies

These honey cookies turn out very fragile immediately after baking, so you can remove them from the baking sheet only after they have cooled down. The portion in the photo came out of 1/2 of the dough. Honey cookies are prepared very quickly, so this recipe can be used.

Cookies with honey and cinnamon in 10 minutes

Do you think that baking cookies is very time-consuming and painful? This recipe for honey cookies will probably convince you otherwise, and maybe even become one of your favorites. Thanks to the addition of cinnamon and honey to the dough, the baked goods come out fragrant. But the most important thing.

Honey cookies "Snowmen"

From the same dough as the gingerbread house, you can bake honey cookies of various shapes. On New Year's holidays, these snowmen are suitable both as a treat and as a decoration for the Christmas tree. Sufficient

Gingerbread tree

If you are afraid to make a gingerbread house, then you can bake and decorate a gingerbread tree from the same honey dough. These honey cookies can be given to friends or hung on a real Christmas tree. .

Honey roes

Roe is a ritual cookie, which is most often baked in the shape of figurines of sheep, goats, cattle and horses. On holidays, roe deer were distributed to carolers and relatives as a wish for prosperity and wealth. In different regions of the Russian Federation, roe deer are baked not only in different ways.

Soft honey cookies

We bake honey cookies, the flour for which is brewed to a consistency of sour cream, honey and sugar. A soft viscous dough comes out, which is divided into pieces the size of a walnut. Bake cookies for no longer than 15 minutes.

Soft honey cookies - regular recipe

Have a nice day, dear readers and guests of my blog! Now I would like to share with you a fairly ordinary, but very tasty cookie recipe. And not ordinary, but with honey. In other words, we will make it honey-like. It’s always a pleasure to drink tea with some tasty treat, and even one you’ve prepared with your own hands at home.

We have already baked vanilla cookies, made wafer rolls, and a Napoleon cake. And there was even a cheesecake that didn't need to be baked. And many more desserts for tea drinking. But everything is not enough for us. Every time I want something new and tasty. And the most important thing is that all this requires a minimum of costs, both in currency equivalent and in physical terms.

Just now I was about to make some very ordinary cookies that you can just nibble on as a snack or eat with milk. This can always be eaten for breakfast, both for adults and for children. And since it turns out indescribably tasty, then you need to cook it a lot right away!

But I want to upset allergy sufferers. If you are allergic to honey, then it is better for you not to add this ingredient to cookies at all. And you shouldn’t give up this dessert completely. After all, you can always add condensed milk or more sugar.

You probably understand that the cookies you bake yourself are much tastier than store-bought ones. Therefore, do not be lazy, but do it yourself. Moreover, it is quite inexpensive. So let's get started!

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Honey cookies according to the usual recipe

This delicacy is quite common, and to make it we will need products that are in any home. You probably already guessed that this is flour, honey, sugar. And since you are so smart, then I won’t beat around the bush. And I’ll just tell you everything carefully.

We will need:

  • Flour – 220 gr.;
  • Sugar – 100 gr. and 50 gr.;
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • Soda – 1 tsp;
  • Butter – 100 gr.;
  • Honey – 100 gr.

Take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance. We need it to become soft and at room temperature. This way it will be easier to work with it and the result will be the one we need.

Then in a deep bowl, mix all the bulk products together. This is flour, which we sift through a sieve, sugar, soda and baking powder.

Be sure to sift the flour. This way you will not only get rid of debris and lumps, but also saturate it with oxygen. In this way, our products will be more fluffy and airy.

Next add the butter, which has become soft. Mix everything well and grind. We must get a crumb. This is how shortbread cookie dough is usually kneaded. But do not be afraid, soon it will become one from which we will sculpt our products.

It's time to pour in the honey. It's better if it's watery. Although you can use any of them.

Now knead the soft and fragrant dough. We came up with this shiny lump that will soon turn into a delicious dessert.

Now what remains is the most ordinary and easiest thing, because the most difficult and difficult step is from behind.

Quick soft honey cookies

Pour a little sugar into a plate. We will roll our preparations in it.

Now divide the dough into small pieces and roll them into balls. It would be better if they were the same size. I understand that this is not easy to create, but you will succeed. At the same time, do not try to make them very large or, on the contrary, small.

If you have any shapes, then you will be able to cut out any figure from any kolobok using a mold.

Roll any ball in sugar.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone mat. If you don’t have both, then grease it with a small amount of vegetable oil. Place our blanks on top.

We put it all in the oven, preheated to 180 - 200 degrees, for 10 - 15 minutes. You can tell when they are ready by the rosy color of the cookies. By the way, it became flat, and not spherical, like a real store-bought one!

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Carefully transfer it into a cup and let it cool slightly. And then we be sure to invite our own household members to the table to drink delicious tea with fragrant cookies!

Video on how to make honey cinnamon cookies

I want you to look at the recipe that I found on the Internet. Here the creator shows you how to make savory honey cinnamon cookies. You will also see that it may not just be round, but also of some cheerful shape. You can also decorate it with chocolate, confectionery crumbs or sweet powder. This is already done to your taste.

I hope you will like this recipe and you will bake it quite often. You can always share your method in the comments below, we will definitely try it. Also share the recipe with your friends on social networks. And we say goodbye to you, see you soon!

Honey cookies

The advantage of baking with honey is that it does not go stale for a long time, but in the proposed recipe this fact does not matter at all: honey cookies with cinnamon turn out so delicious that there will simply be nothing to store and inspect whether it is stale or not.

Homemade cookies according to this recipe turn out sweet, but not cloying - they have a very deep, fascinating taste with viscous honey notes. It is crispy on the outside, with a pleasant soft center on the inside and a distinct spicy aroma.


  • flour – 225 g
  • sugar + additional sugar for coating cookies – 100 g
  • butter – 100 g
  • honey – 120 g
  • cinnamon – 1 tsp.
  • baking powder – 1 tsp.
  • soda – 1 tsp.
  • salt – 1/2 tsp.


Mix flour with baking soda and baking powder and sift through a sieve.

Add salt and cinnamon. Mix.

Grate the frozen butter on a small grater. If you don’t want to take out a grater, you can put the flour mixture on a work surface, place the butter on top, and then chop the dry and fatty ingredients as needed with a knife.

Mix flour and butter. You will get dry crumbs.

We measure out honey. Honey should be watery. Melt the hard dough in the microwave or in a water bath - otherwise the dough will be very difficult to knead.

And mix again. It will seem that the dough is hopelessly spoiled - very dry, crumbly. Do not worry! This is how it should be.

After some time, you will be able to moisten all the flour. Visually, the mass will still not be very similar to traditional dough, but this is exactly what is necessary.

Using your hands, scoop out a small amount of dough and form into balls approximately the size of a walnut. Roll any ball in sugar.

Place on a baking sheet.

Leave enough distance between the balls - during baking the cookies will spread into a flat cake, you need to take this into account.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10-12 minutes.

Transfer the finished cookies to a wire mesh or wooden surface to cool, then serve. Bon appetit!

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