Recipe for pancakes with buckwheat flour

Recipe for pancakes with buckwheat flour

  1. Pancakes made from buckwheat flour: a traditional recipe with kefir
  2. The usual recipe for buckwheat pancakes without wheat flour
  3. Classic pancakes without flour or yeast made with buckwheat and kefir
  4. Individuality of frying pancakes from buckwheat flour

You can bake pancakes with buckwheat kefir according to countless recipes. Cereal flour has a pleasant taste and healthy composition. In terms of its own mixture, it is actually not inferior to wheat consistency, but has a different color. The composition of this product differs in the huge number of necessary parts.

The usefulness of this product is that it helps strengthen the immune system and restores the digestion process. The consistency is used to make muffins, pancakes, bread and even porridge. The mixture is used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology.

Pancakes made from buckwheat flour: a traditional recipe with kefir

You can create pancakes from buckwheat flour with kefir according to the usual recipe with a photo and detailed annotation.

  • Drink 500 ml
  • Buckwheat flour 150 gr
  • Chicken egg 3 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil 50 ml
  • Flower honey 30 ml

Before you start making pancakes with kefir, the frying pan should be greased with lard, then the treat will not stick. The finished dish is served with sweet entrails, honey, jam, and sour cream. It is better to put the products in a stack and cover with a towel so that they retain heat longer.

There is another recipe according to which you can prepare products using wheat and buckwheat flour.

What products will be needed:

  • A glass of cereal mass;
  • A glass of wheat mass;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 2 cups fermented milk product;
  • 20 g sweet sand;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 5 g soda;
  • 200 ml boiling water;
  • 60 ml vegetable oil.

7 servings, 60 minutes.

  • Beat the whites and yolks into a container, add salt and sand;
  • Beat the mixture until foamy;
  • Pour the drink and add soda;
  • Pour in the remaining dry ingredients, having sifted previously;
  • Add oil and boiling water.

There are certain individualities in preparing products with the addition of cereal flour. There is virtually no gluten in it, so it is recommended to use wheat mixture. You also need to take more eggs and butter for the dough. At first the dough may seem very watery, but you need to let it sit for a while; after 20-30 minutes it will become thicker.

You can create a treat using a different recipe.


What products are needed:

  • Half a glass of buckwheat mass;
  • Half a glass of wheat mass;
  • 300 ml fermented milk product;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 2 testicles;
  • 40 ml vegetable oil;
  • 40 g sweet sand;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 5 g soda.

4 servings, 45 minutes.

  • Sift the flour ingredients and pour in kefir, mix;
  • Separate the whites from the yolks and add the yolks to the preparation;
  • Pour in fat, salt, sweetener and mix;
  • Pour warm milk with soda;
  • In a separate container, beat the whites and add them to the dough.

Afterwards you can start frying. The dishes should be carefully heated and greased with oil in advance. It is recommended to serve the finished dish hot.

You can make pancakes with the addition of flax seeds.


What products are needed:

  • 20 g crushed flax seeds;
  • 800 ml fermented milk product;
  • 300 g ground buckwheat consistency;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 10 g sweet sand;
  • Vegetable oil 40 ml.

8 servings, 2 hours.

  • Pour liquid over flax seeds, mix and leave for 15 minutes;
  • Beat the mixture thoroughly, add flour, salt, sugar;
  • Let the mixture sit for 1-1.5 hours.

Before preparing the treat, the frying pan is greased with oil. It is necessary to treat the dishes before baking any product. The dish must be baked on both sides until golden brown.

The usual recipe for buckwheat pancakes without wheat flour

Usually making buckwheat pancakes with kefir does not take much time. You can create it without wheat flour.

What products will be needed:

  • ½ cup buckwheat flour;
  • 1.5 cups kefir;
  • 20 g margarine;
  • 30 ml sour cream;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • A teaspoon of fast-acting yeast;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 20 g sweet sand.

2 servings, 2 hours.

  • Add the yeast and sugar to the liquid and leave for 10 minutes;
  • Pour in sour cream and flour, beat the mixture until smooth;
  • Leave the workpiece to infuse for 1.5 hours;
  • Melt and pour margarine into the preparation;
  • Add egg and salt.
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The highlight of buckwheat pancakes is that the mixture for making them does not contain gluten, so the treat turns out to be quite brittle and is not suitable for stuffing. This dish can be served empty or with sweet sauces.

You can create a treat using a different recipe.


What ingredients are needed:

  • 250 g sifted consistency;
  • 10 g salt;
  • 350 ml kefir;
  • 350 ml water;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 50 g butter.

7 servings, 120 minutes.

  • Sift the buckwheat mixture with salt, add water and fermented milk product;
  • Add whites and yolks, beat the mixture;
  • Pour in the melted butter and mix.

The mass should turn out quite watery and without lumps. The test needs to sit for approximately 2 hours. If the mixture is very thick, you can add a little water.

Classic pancakes without flour or yeast made with buckwheat and kefir

You can prepare classic pancakes from buckwheat flour with the addition of a small amount of ingredients.

What products will be needed:

  • 150 g of dry cereal consistency;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 250 ml kefir;
  • 20 g margarine;
  • 150 ml water;
  • Vegetable fat 30 ml.

4 servings, 45 minutes.

How to create dough without yeast:

  • Mix flour mixture with salt;
  • Pour in the fermented milk product and melted margarine, mix;
  • Cover the mixture with film and let it sit for 30 minutes;
  • Pour in water and mix.

Before frying the products, the pan should be greased with oil, after which you can start baking. Buckwheat treats made with kefir, without yeast and without the addition of wheat, have a pleasant beige color.

You can create the dish according to the usual recipe with the addition of soda.

What products will be needed:

  • 150 g buckwheat consistency;
  • 400 ml kefir;
  • 40 ml vegetable oil;
  • 40 g sweet sand;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 5 g soda.

4 servings, 50 minutes.

  • Mix all dry ingredients;
  • Pour in the liquid evenly, stirring the mixture with a whisk;
  • Add vegetable fat;
  • Let the mixture sit for about 10 minutes.

The dish should be fried in a hot frying pan, previously treated with lard. Finished products must be served hot.

Individuality of frying pancakes from buckwheat flour

There are several secrets to baking pancakes from buckwheat flour. It is necessary to beat the workpiece very carefully. It is better to use a blender or mixer, because buckwheat flour often contributes to the formation of lumps.

It is recommended to cook baked goods in a small pan, because the dish is quite brittle and prone to sticking and burning. This makes it difficult to turn the product over without damaging it. To avoid sticking, the dishes need to be thoroughly heated and lubricated.

The finished treat has some differences in color from traditional products - it has a brownish color due to the cereal. The buckwheat mixture is distinguished by its virtually complete absence of gluten, so you can create products with the addition of wheat mass, then the pancakes will be more elastic.

Ready-made flour from cereals can be purchased or created independently. First, you need to sort the cereal so that there is no debris in it, wash it and lightly fry it, and let it cool. After this, it is crushed in a blender. It is not recommended to use a coffee grinder for these purposes. Then the product is sifted. The purchased component can be used for baking pancakes, pancakes, and bread.

Recipe for pancakes made from buckwheat flour and kefir

Buckwheat has the highest content of iron and B vitamins. Its proteins are the most complete compared to other cereals, and products made from it do not contain gluten. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to just porridge when eating on a diet. Pancakes made from buckwheat flour with kefir on the occasion of Maslenitsa and not only are very easy to prepare.

  1. Ingredients
  2. How to cook buckwheat pancakes


  • 1 cup (200 ml) buckwheat flour;
  • 1 glass of low-fat kefir;
  • 2 testicles;
  • 1 tbsp. sugar (preferably cane or sweetener);
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of salt.

Flour can be purchased at the store or prepared independently from buckwheat using a mixer or coffee grinder. After grinding, it should be sifted.

The drink can be replaced with unsweetened snow-white yogurt without filler or fermented baked milk.

You will also need this recipe to make pancakes. Only water is not used when mixing, but 0.5 tsp is included in the mixture. soda or 1 tsp. baking powder. You can add chopped dried fruits or apples to such a thick dough.

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How to cook buckwheat pancakes

  1. Lightly beat the eggs with kefir, sugar and salt. It is best to use a whisk or mixer at low speed.
  2. Add flour and stir. The result will be a fairly thick dough, similar to sour cream.
  3. Pour in the oil and stir again.
  4. Then add water at room temperature evenly until the pancake dough comes out. You may need a little more or less than a glass of water, it all depends on the properties of the flour and the mixture of kefir used.
  5. Let the dough sit for 15-20 minutes, adding a little more water as needed.
  6. Before the first pancake, the heated frying pan should be greased with a little oil. It is better to use a special pan for pancakes with a non-stick coating.
  7. Pour the batter into the pan with a ladle so that the pancake comes out slightly smaller than its diameter. This will make it easier to twist.
  8. Fry pancakes on both sides until golden brown. Buckwheat flour is much darker than wheat flour, which is why pancakes made from it are the blackest in color. This is worth taking into account so that the baked goods do not burn.

Diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) is not a reason to completely give up baking. It is important to choose the right recipe and healthy ingredients. Prepare pancakes from buckwheat flour with low-calorie interior, then the holidays will not bring extra inches to your waist.

Buckwheat pancakes: thin, with kefir and “Princely”

Pancakes have always occupied a special place in Russian cuisine. They were prepared not only as a separate dish, but also as a base for kulebyak and kurnik.

In Rus', they always ate pancakes with their hands - it was not allowed to use a fork or knife, because pancakes were considered an emblem of the sun. To this day, this savory dish is most often eaten with the hands, only now an innumerable amount of entrails is added to them: honey, jam, sour cream, processed cheese, condensed milk, lightly salted reddish fish and almost everything else.

Now, like many years ago, pancakes are prepared from different flours: wheat, oatmeal and buckwheat. Well, we would like to offer you to prepare pancakes from buckwheat flour, which retain all the beneficial characteristics of buckwheat itself. After all, buckwheat is rightfully considered our Russian superfood - a food that contains a lot of necessary substances. Buckwheat flour pancakes are prepared as simply as regular pancakes.

If you don’t have buckwheat flour on hand, then simply grind the buckwheat in a blender.

Recipe 1. Thin buckwheat pancakes

To make yeast buckwheat pancakes for a serving of 3 people, we need:

  • Buckwheat flour – 300 gr
  • Fresh yeast – 10 g
  • Milk – 200 ml
  • Water – 300 ml
  • Sugar – 1/2 teaspoon
  • Salt to taste
  • Vegetable oil or butter - for frying
  • The calorie content of pancakes is 145 kcalories per 100 g.
  1. Prepare the ingredients. Mix 150 grams of buckwheat flour with 200 ml of boiling water and mix well until smooth.
  2. Heat 100 ml of water, add sugar and dissolve yeast in it. Leave and wait for the yeast to rise.
  3. Mix the yeast with the buckwheat flour mass (step 1), add milk, salt to taste and 150 grams of buckwheat flour. Mix everything until smooth and put the mass in a warm space for 1.5 hours.
  4. After the time has elapsed, do not stir the finished dough. Heat the frying pan, grease it with vegetable or butter and scoop out a portion of the dough with a ladle, pour it into the frying pan and fry.
  5. Once the pancake is browned and fried on the bottom side, turn it over and fry on the other side.
  6. To serve, place the pancakes in a stack or, adding the filling to the middle of the pancake, roll it up into a tube. Honey, jam, sour cream or condensed milk are suitable as insides.

Recipe 2. Buckwheat pancakes with kefir

Buckwheat pancakes with kefir are a wonderful and healthy treat for tea. If during the manufacturing process it seemed to you that the pancakes were not soft and elastic enough, add wheat flour to the dough (the proportion with buckwheat is 1:1).

For buckwheat pancakes with kefir we will need:

  • Drink – 1 glass
  • Buckwheat flour – 1 cup
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pieces
  • Water – 1 glass
  • Sugar – 2 tablespoons
  • Salt to taste.
  • Vegetable oil or butter for frying
  1. In a separate bowl, beat 2 eggs and add a glass of kefir, 2 tablespoons of sugar and salt to taste. Thoroughly mix the ingredients and add buckwheat flour to the mixture. Mix in such a way that there are no lumps.
  2. Then gradually add a glass of water, constantly stirring the mixture. After all the ingredients are mixed in this order, you should get a medium-sized dough.
  3. Heat a frying pan and grease it with oil. Use a ladle to scoop up the pancake batter and pour it into a hot frying pan. Fry the pancakes on both sides.
  4. You can use ham, lightly salted fish, cheese or any sweet jam as the inside.
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Recipe 3. Buckwheat pancakes “Princely”

For these hearty, crispy pancakes we will need:

  • Buckwheat flour – 150 g
  • Dry yeast – 1 teaspoon
  • Milk – 1.5 cups
  • Butter (melted) – 1 tablespoon
  • Sour cream - 1 table. spoon
  • Chicken egg – 1 piece
  • Sugar – 1 table. spoon
  • Salt - to taste

How to cook buckwheat pancakes “Princely”:

  1. Heat milk (1 glass) and add sugar and yeast to it. Leave the yeast to swell for 7-10 minutes, and then stir until smooth.
  2. Let's prepare a huge bowl or pan (providing that the dough rises perfectly), pour the yeast mixture into it, a spoonful of sour cream and add buckwheat flour. Rub the dough so that there are no lumps. Wrap the container with the dough in a blanket or blanket and place it in a warm space for 2-3 hours.
  3. After the time has passed, take out the pan with the dough and add egg yolk, butter and salt to it. Knead the dough until smooth and pour the remaining half glass of milk into it. Mix well. You should end up with a liquid dough.
  4. The remaining egg white must be beaten until a thick foam forms and added to the dough.
  5. Heat a frying pan and fry the pancakes until golden brown on both sides. Grease the finished pancakes with butter.

These pancakes made from buckwheat flour are crispy and quite dense.

Buckwheat pancakes with kefir

Buckwheat pancakes with kefir can be prepared for Maslenitsa or on an ordinary weekday. The resulting buckwheat pancakes don’t taste the same as regular ones, so I definitely recommend making them.

To make pancakes from buckwheat porridge, you should boil the buckwheat in advance. The dairy product can be a drink, yogurt or milk. It is best to serve ready-made buckwheat pancakes with milk or a glass of kefir.

Buckwheat pancakes with kefir - step-by-step recipe

  • Boiled buckwheat – 100 g;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Salt – 1 pinch;
  • Drink – 0.5 cups;
  • Baking soda – 1 pinch;
  • Wheat flour – 3-4 tbsp. spoons.

How to cook savory pancakes from buckwheat porridge with kefir

To make buckwheat pancakes, boil the buckwheat and place it in a large bowl. If you haven’t boiled the cereal yet, then wash it thoroughly under running water and fill it with clean water (it should be twice as much as the cereal). Cook the cereal for 20-25 minutes over moderate heat, timing the time from the moment the water completely boils. Add salt and sugar to the boiled buckwheat in a bowl.

Open the package of kefir and pour it into the cereal.

Take an immersion blender and finely chop all the ingredients; they should become homogeneous in structure.

Add soda. Stir well.

Now add the sifted flour.

Using a whisk, mix all ingredients well.

If the mixture is thick, add water.

Buckwheat dough for frying pancakes should come out quite watery in the mixture.

Heat a frying pan and pour a ladle of dough onto it. Rotate the pan until the dough spreads across it moderately.

Fry the pancake until beautifully golden brown on one side, and then on the other. Turn it over using a special spatula for this. Fry all the pancakes this way.

Place buckwheat pancakes on a plate and serve them to the table. Don’t forget to add sour cream, jam, or brew delicious and fragrant tea.

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