Lingonberry liqueur recipes

Lingonberry liqueur recipes

Thanks to the ability of the berries to interrupt the taste and smell of alcohol, homemade lingonberry liqueurs are easy to drink, but this lightness is deceptive; the strength remains the highest. We will look at three of the best recipes for these common drinks.

You can use fresh or frozen lingonberries (they infuse faster). First, the berries are sorted. Rotten, spoiled and moldy ones are thrown away. Lingonberry tinctures are made with vodka, ethyl alcohol, moonshine or cheap cognac. A separate recipe has been developed for each alcohol base. Without sweetening, the tinctures turn out to be quite sour, which is not for everyone. I advise you to add fresh buckwheat or linden honey, it perfectly softens the taste. Sugar also works, but it works worse. The shelf life of drinks is up to 5 years.

Vodka with lingonberry

A traditional development for the production of lingonberry liqueur, for which no matter what alcohol base is suitable.


  • lingonberries – 500 gr;
  • vodka (moonshine, alcohol 40-45%) – 1 liter;
  • sugar (honey) – 30-100 gr.


1. Rinse the sorted berries, dry them on a napkin or waffle towel, and crush them with a rolling pin.

2. Place the resulting berry mass in a jar, add vodka, stir, and close with a lid.

3. Transfer the jar to a black, warm room and leave for 30-35 days. Shake once a week.

4. Strain the lingonberry tincture through cheesecloth and squeeze out the pulp. To remove turbidity, you can filter through cotton wool. Add sugar or honey to taste (optional). Mix.

5. Pour into bottles for storage and seal tightly. Strength 22-25%.

Alcohol on lingonberries

It differs from the previous version in its highest strength and not as rich reddish color, since the berries are not crushed. This is more of a masculine drink.


  • lingonberries – 1 kg;
  • alcohol (45-75%) – 1 liter;
  • honey (sugar) - to taste.


1. Place washed, dried berries into a jar, do not crush. Add alcohol and close tightly.

2. Infuse for 25-30 days in a black place.

3. Drain the tincture. If desired, add honey or sugar to taste and stir.

4. Before use, keep for 2-3 days in a cool, dark place. The strength depends on the alcohol used; during infusion, 3-5 degrees disappear.

Lingonberry with cognac

A smooth liqueur with unique notes of oak on the palate.


  • cognac – 0.5 liters;
  • lingonberries – 250 gr;
  • honey (sugar) – 25-50 gr.


1. Place the berries in a jar and lightly crush them with a rolling pin.

2. Add cognac, stir, close the lid.

3. Infuse for 15-20 days in a warm, black room.

4. Filter through cheesecloth, lightly squeeze out the pulp.

5. Pour the resulting tincture into bottles and seal tightly. Strength – 20-24 degrees.

Lingonberry tincture - a step-by-step classic of the genre

Do you understand that as a result of metabolism, the intestinal tract of a healthy person produces up to 30 ml of ethyl alcohol per day?

This alcohol is needed for stress resistance and normalization of the nervous system. But not everyone’s body works like a clock and you have to help it from the outside to make up for this deficiency.

It is clear that you should not get carried away and it is better to drink natural products rather than dyes.

Lingonberry tincture with vodka is rightfully considered one of the best options.

In addition to the ml needed by someone, it can also be used as a medicine, since the necessary substances in lingonberries are at least subtracted.

All recipes can be very easily created at home. To do this, it is necessary to carefully disassemble the berries, removing completely greenish and putrefactive ones. Snow-white, unripe lingonberries can be thrown in, they will also give a smell to the common treasury.

Recipe for lingonberry tincture with vodka

  • Lingonberries – 250 gr.
  • Vodka or moonshine – 0.5 l.
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step manufacturing recipe:

We pour the berries into the jar and remember a little so that the tincture is tastier. There is no need to painstakingly knead, because... After everything has infused, it will be more difficult to strain our tincture. Fill the berries with vodka or moonshine.

Add mint, wormwood, cinnamon or cloves. Naturally, not everything at once, but one thing in a small quantity. For example, a small bunch of wormwood or a pinch of cinnamon.

You can add citrus fruits, apple or pear. It is better to add finely chopped lemon or orange along with the peel, then it will also give the tincture its own unique taste.

Apples/pears need to be peeled, pitted and chopped into a jar with the berries.

Here, as with seasonings, there is no need to mix everything in order and create a compote with alcohol. Lingonberry is a self-sufficient berry and if you want to add something, then just one thing and in small quantities.

  • We remove it to infuse in a warm space for at least 2 weeks, and preferably, of course, for a month. The longer this process takes, the tastier the drink will be. The tincture must be shaken every day to mix the contents.
  • Now let’s strain it and bring it to the brain. Pour into a container through a large sieve. We will discard the berries that linger on it.

  • It is often recommended to create a 2nd filtering step. Filter what was drained again, but now through gauze or a disposable household rag. Those who wish can use the same cloth to squeeze out the berries that we discarded earlier. But if you take a sieve with small cells, like the one in my photo, then no gauze is needed. There will be no sediment on it.
  • So, our drink came out to about 35 degrees. At this point we will dilute it with sweet syrup and it will become softer, 30 degrees. For any half liter of tincture we need two tablespoons of sugar. Dissolve sugar in a small amount of water and pour into a jar of tincture.

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    After mixing the tincture with the syrup, it still needs to sit for 2-3 days, but already at this point you will be able to experience and appreciate the beauty of this ruby ​​drink.

    Main postulates

    • If you want to get more juice, you need to put the berries in the freezer for a while. The fibers will be destroyed and the tincture will be the most saturated.
    • Try to wait a month so that the berries give off all their own scent.

    And now an amazing video of the manufacturing process:

    Lingonberry liqueur recipe

    Lingonberry is a very tasty and necessary berry that grows on a shrub from the heather family. In wild conditions it grows in coniferous and deciduous forests, and occasionally in peat bogs. Now it is being intensively cultivated, large plantations are being planted in Poland, Germany, Sweden, Holland, Finland, as well as in Russia and Belarus.

    Lingonberries in the wild

    The berry is popular, above all, for its unique culinary and pharmaceutical qualities. Lingonberries contain a huge amount of tannins and benzoic acid, which act as natural preservatives - thanks to this, the berry can be stored for a very long time without losing the necessary parameters.

    The freshest lingonberry fruits are used for vitamin deficiencies, as a laxative, diuretic, antibacterial, antiseptic, anthelmintic and choleretic agent. Berries - for pulmonary tuberculosis, catarrh of the stomach with insufficient acidity, kidney stone disease, rheumatism, as a vitamin and anti-putrefactive agent. A decoction of berries perfectly relieves thirst during a fever. The juice is drunk to treat high blood pressure, neuroses and anemia in pregnant women.

    Lingonberry tincture is also in great demand, which we will now learn how to prepare. In principle, the drink is very simple to prepare and almost everyone will like it. The berries themselves can be purchased at grandmothers' markets or in hypermarkets, frozen, which is to our benefit, because frozen berries infuse faster. The manufacturing process itself is not much different from making cranberry liqueur.

    Recipe for lingonberry tincture with vodka

    We will need:

    • 500 g lingonberries;
    • 1 liter of good vodka with a neutral taste;
    • 2-4 tbsp. spoons of sugar or 2 tbsp. tablespoons fructose (to taste)


    The berries should be sorted, washed in a colander and dried (you can use napkins or a waffle towel). Then you need to mash the lingonberries with a wood masher and put them in a 2-liter jar, then pour vodka over the berries. Sugar can be added immediately, but we do not recommend this, because a jelly-like mass may form due to the pectins contained in the berries. It is better to add it after infusion; obviously, it is better to use fructose for this.

    The jar should be sent to a dark space, for example, a pantry or cellar, and forgotten about for 2-4 weeks. You can think about it from time to time and stir the contents. After infusion, the drink should be strained through canvas tissue (a medical system of cells and intercellular substances united by a common origin, structure and functions) or several layers of gauze and sent to the refrigerator to mature and settle for a number of days - a week. To speed up the clarification of lingonberry tincture with vodka, it can be passed through fabric (a medical system of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common origin, structure and functions) (snow-white flannel (nap side out), cotton towels (douse with boiling water), calico or paper ). After this, you can add sugar if the tincture seems very sour.

    The purchased drink is a very good aperitif, no worse than anise. It is better to drink the tincture chilled, in small glasses. The strength will not be the highest, no more than 25%, so it drinks very softly, no need to snack.

    Selected lingonberries

    Recipe for lingonberry tincture with alcohol

    The main difference between this type of tincture and the previous one is that this particular drink is most correctly called a tincture, because the infusion occurs in pure alcohol, the strength of which is more than 40% (you can read about the principles of making tinctures here). In addition, you don’t have to crush the berries, because the alcohol perfectly seeps through the skin of the berries and draws out the juice, which means that the tincture will be the most transparent at first.

    We will need:

    • 1 liter of pure food alcohol;
    • 1.2 kg lingonberries.


    Sort the berries, wash and dry. Pour into a container of appropriate volume and fill with alcohol. Place the container in a dark space for 3-4 weeks. Then filter through a canvas bag, leave for a few days in the refrigerator for complete clarification and filter again. Take a sample - if it is very sour, then add a couple of tablespoons of fructose to 1 liter of drink.

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    Lingonberry tincture with alcohol, despite the fact that it is prepared in a very strong water-alcohol solution, comes out very soft and there is no alcohol in it. The color is rich, ruby. Berries, in principle, can be mashed, but, as practice shows, there is no need for this. Instead of alcohol, you can use sweet or any other moonshine, double distilled at 60-80 degrees.

    The quickest method for making lingonberry tincture with alcohol: take a glass of alcohol, a glass of sugar and a glass of lingonberries, mix all the ingredients and leave for a week. Filter, top up with a bottle of vodka, let the drink rest for a couple of days and drink chilled, closely monitoring your feelings, because the tincture drinks like a compote, and it has enough strength to knock down a healthy bear.

    Lingonberry tincture - options for making it with vodka, alcohol and cognac

    Lingonberry is a wonderful small berry that belongs to the same family as blueberries and cranberries. Lingonberries are widely distributed in almost all regions of the Northern Hemisphere, including Scandinavia, the USA (the United States of America is a state in North America) , Greenland, Canada and, of course, the swampy forests of northern Russia.

    This berry is very appetizing both fresh and cooked. It makes beautiful jams for morning pancakes, juices, smoothies and vitamin cocktails. Sauces made from lingonberries are a popular and tasty addition to meat dishes.

    The beneficial characteristics of lingonberries are also used in the production of alcoholic infusions. In this case, the berry retains all its valuable properties, which are used for healing purposes. And, of course, as a homemade alcoholic drink, lingonberries are a good candidate for store-bought alcohol. Now we will find out how to prepare the desired drink - lingonberry tincture.

    Usefulness of lingonberries

    First, let’s find out what fascinating and useful things this reddish berry can give to our body? 100 grams of lingonberries contain 53 calories, 11.5 g of carbohydrates, a small amount of dietary fiber, vitamin (low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) C, vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) of group B , calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper and iron.

    Lingonberries are becoming increasingly popular in dietary menus - due to their richness in beneficial substances and low calorie content. But the usefulness of this berry for our body is even greater.

    • The most powerful antioxidant

    Before looking at any specific health benefits, it's important to note that lingonberries, like their best-known relatives, cranberries and blueberries, are berries filled with powerful antioxidants. Lingonberries contain more flavonoids (useful enzymes with antioxidant properties) than any other berry. What does this do to our body? Protection from damage and mutations at the cellular level, strengthening the immune system, strengthening the body and normalizing the functioning of organs and systems.

    • Reduces any inflammation

    Lingonberry has a long history of use to relieve pain (the experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage) from arthritis. A large number of other diseases are accompanied by painful inflammation. The antioxidant properties of these burgundy berries help reduce inflammation throughout the body. Lingonberry tincture is especially effective for healing joint diseases.

    • Excellent cures infections (The term means various types of interaction of foreign microorganisms with the human body) of the urinary tract

    A relative of the lingonberry, the cranberry, has an excellent reputation for effectively combating urinary tract infections. All thanks to flavonoid compounds found in cranberries - proanthocyanidins. Lingonberry is one of the few other natural sources of proanthocyanidins, and has the same destructive effect on infections as cranberry . Countless studies have shown that juice made from a composition of lingonberries and cranberries is an effective remedy for healing diseases of the genitourinary system.

    • Essential for oral health

    Most oral diseases are caused by bacterial overgrowth, which can be prevented by a diet (Diet is a set of rules for human food consumption) with a low sugar content, but with the highest anti-inflammatory and bactericidal qualities. We have already talked about the beautiful anti-inflammatory properties of lingonberries, but besides this, they can help our teeth for another reason. The tannin found in the berry has an especially excellent antimicrobial effect on bacteria that cause disease of the teeth and gums.

    • Protects against cancer

    Almost all berries are known for their anti-proliferative effects, which are beneficial in the fight against cancer. And lingonberries are no exception.

    • Improves eye health

    A huge amount of vitamin A contained in lingonberries is useful for improving our vision. It prevents macular degeneration and age-related eye problems. In addition, vitamin A (a low-molecular organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) A is very useful for our retina. Research has shown that regular consumption of lingonberries can improve vision and prevent cataracts.

    • Improves skin health
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    Zeaxanthin (a natural antioxidant) helps protect our skin from harmful UV rays. In addition, vitamin C (a low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, essential for all living things) C, also present in vinous berries, helps prevent skin damage and changes: wrinkles, stretch marks, age spots, acne, pimples, etc.

    All parts of this delightful plant are useful, including the leaves. Read more about this in the article “Lingonberry leaves – how to take them and what they help with.”

    ON A NOTE. A smoothie with lingonberries is a good vitamin cocktail, especially in the cool season.
    Powerful antioxidant properties will help you stay alert and fight off seasonal viral illnesses. To make a healthy drink, mix 1 cup of lingonberries (you can use 0.5 cups of lingonberries + 0.5 cups of cranberries), ½ cup of raspberries (fresh or frozen, you can exchange them for your other favorite berry), ½ cup of yogurt (or milk, you can use almond and coconut), 1 banana, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey or maple syrup. Carefully grind all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Enjoy a delicious cocktail!

    Options for making tincture

    A recipe for lingonberry tincture is not difficult to find. But often manufacturing options are scattered across various websites. Especially for you and your convenience, we have collected the most common, effective and popular recipes.

    Before starting production, do not forget to sort through the berries, getting rid of those that are already rotten. You should also remove twigs, leaves and other foreign objects. Lingonberries can be used not only fresh, but also frozen. You can also add a few other berries for taste; lingonberries mix well with most of them.

    The tincture must be stirred frequently, at least once every few days. You can also change the proportions of sugar to reduce or, on the contrary, increase the sweetness. But the usual ratio of sugar and alcohol allows you to get a beautiful and desired dessert drink.

    Lingonberry tincture with cognac is the softest and most pleasant option of all presented here. Slightly crush 300 grams of peeled and prepared berries using a wooden rolling pin, pour into a jar, add 30 grams of honey or sugar, pour in cognac (600 ml), mix thoroughly, close tightly.

    The lingonberry drink should be infused for about 25 days, always in a dark and warm room. After the required amount of time has passed, all you have to do is strain the resulting tincture and get rid of the berries. Then pour it into beautiful bottles and feel free to use it. Lingonberry tincture can be stored for a couple of years.

    Lingonberry tincture with vodka is a traditional option. Lightly crush the cooked berries (500 g) so that they release the juice. Pour into a jar and fill with vodka (1 liter), add a few tablespoons of honey (to taste). Infuse in a warm and dark place for about a month. Then strain the tincture. Lingonberry tincture with moonshine is prepared in the same way, and vodka is replaced with moonshine.

    Lingonberry tincture with alcohol. Pour peeled and washed berries (1 kg) into a jar, fill with alcohol (1.5 liters) and add honey, sugar or fructose if desired. Close the lid and wait 4-5 weeks. Then we strain the resulting red drink, getting rid of the berries. The tincture is ready!

    Orange-lingonberry liqueur. Finely chop oranges (2 large ones) along with their peel, place in a jar, add vodka (750 ml), close with a lid and leave for a week. Rub the lingonberries with sugar, add a little vodka, and cook, stirring constantly for several minutes. Let the berries cool and seal them in a jar for a week too. After 7 days, rub the orange and lingonberry tincture through a sieve and mix them. Ready!

    Choose the recipe you like and appreciate the ease, simplicity and accessibility of this useful tincture for us.

    What can be cured with tincture

    We have already figured out how to create a lingonberry tincture, how else can it be used? In addition to being used as an aperitif, the tincture is drunk in small quantities for healing purposes for:

    • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) .
    • Urinary tract infections.
    • Sweet diabetes.
    • Joint diseases.
    • Sore throat, colds and coughs.
    • Decreased immunity.
    • Vitamin deficiencies.

    As we see, lingonberry, although a small berry, has countless pharmaceutical and nutritional benefits that can prevent diseases and relieve inflammation (Inflammation is a complex local reaction of the body to damage) . Lingonberry tincture, the recipes for which we have now looked at, is a good option not only for the effective treatment of various diseases, but also for a useful aperitif.

    Lingonberry liqueur recipe:

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