How to cook rassolnik: traditional recipe with barley and pickles 7 types of other recipes

How to cook rassolnik: traditional recipe with barley and pickles + 7 types of other recipes

Rassolniki began to be brewed in Rus' since the 15th century. In those days they were called kalya; the cucumber brine in the soup could be replaced with citric acid. A distinctive feature was the addition of lamb or calf offal, as well as poultry liver and kidneys.

Now kalya is a slightly acidic soup with fish. But rassolnik has become a frequent guest on the table since the times of the Russian Union, and to this day people love to cook it in public catering. Who doesn’t remember school soup with barley and finely grated pickles? This is a playful and tasty dish.


There are a huge number of options on the theme of pickles, including a vegetarian soup and a first course cooked with meat instead of giblets. But it is the traditional recipe that arouses particular enthusiasm. It is prepared with pearl barley; the better the grain, the tastier the soup will be.

Traditional pickle recipe

Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs. This could be dill, parsley, young green onions. Some people prefer to season the soup with sour cream and garlic and even unsweetened yogurt. Aspects of serving and dressing are up to your personal preferences.

Video recipe

Other pickle recipes

If you have eaten your fill of the traditional first course, you can amuse yourself and your family with delicious soup doughs.

  • Rassolnik Leningradsky

Specifically, during the period of the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also the Soviet Union - a state that existed from 1922 to 1991 in Europe and Asia), chicken, fatty fish and mushrooms were removed from the soup ingredients. To replace the calorie content, hearty pearl barley came instead. It has an incomparable taste. This pickle is certainly prepared with beef on the bone.

Another difference from the classics is the addition of several types of peppers: peas, aromatic and ground. A tablespoon of tomato paste will also come in handy. It must be added to vegetables when they are simmering in a frying pan before adding to the pan.

It is curious that Leningrad rassolnik differs in the geometry of the potato cut. When choosing pearl barley for cooking soup, you need to cut the potatoes into cubes. And if you decide to cook with rice, then cut the tubers into strips.

  • Rassolnik with rice

This dish is perfect for those who don't like pearl barley. Another convenience is that the rice does not need to be soaked. This means that you will spend a minimum of time preparing the soup.

For meat broth, you can use not only beef, but also poultry and pork. Any meat goes well with rice. Please note that poultry will cook even faster than beef. If you take meat on the bone, the broth will be the richest.

  • Rassolnik with millet

Instead of pearl barley, you need to add 2-3 tablespoons of millet. There is no need to soak it, just wash it thoroughly in cool water. And you will find a step-by-step soup recipe first in the article.

Another unusual ingredient is salted tomatoes. It comes out very tasty with soaked greenish tomatoes. They need to be cut into strips along with pickles and simmered in sunflower oil or water for about 20 minutes. Then add it to the boiling soup.

  • Rassolnik with kidneys

You can often hear that grandmothers and great-grandmothers cooked pickle not with meat, but with offal. This soup differs in taste from meat soup, acquiring a specific note. Try cooking the first dish with beef kidneys.

  • Rassolnik without meat

This soup is suitable for vegetable eaters who are also fasting. The dish comes out filling and very tasty. Vegetables can be sautéed or added raw to the pan. Try to cook both ways.

And vegetarian can also intrigue a child who doesn’t like meat. Since the soup contains a lot of vegetables and the necessary grains, such a lunch will completely replenish the body’s need for calories and necessary substances.

Useful tips

The tips below are suitable for any type of pickle.

  1. It is better to soak pearl barley in cold water. As a standard from last evening. If you decide to cook the soup spontaneously, then at least 2-3 hours in advance.
  2. For pickle, it is better to take lean meat. The calorie content is one hundred percent compensated by the cereal. And the taste with lean meat is even subtler.
  3. It is better to sprinkle the pickle with herbs and chopped garlic at the very end of cooking or just before serving.

To soak pearl barley or not?

Every housewife prepares pearl barley in her own way. It can be soaked the day before cooking the soup, filled with hot water for a couple of hours, or boiled in a separate pan and later added to the broth. This is a tasty and necessary cereal, which at home has only one drawback - it takes a long time to prepare.

If you do not want to waste time on pre-soaking, you will have to cook the pearl barley for about 50-90 minutes. There is no universal advice on time, as it depends on the type of cereal. Readiness can be determined by the swollen and soft mixture; however, barley does not have to be mushy.

Would you like to cook your cereal faster? Then wash it well until the water is clear, gently rub the grains together to remove the husk. Then fill with water for three hours. After soaking, the cooking time is usually reduced from 90 minutes to an hour; some varieties are cooked in half an hour. It is usually recommended to cook pearl barley from bags for 45 minutes.

How to replace pearl barley in pickle sauce?

You don’t have pearl barley on hand or not many family members like its taste, but still want to make pickle? Vegetables and meat alone will not be enough; you need to find a substitute for cereals. Pickled cucumbers go well not only with pearl barley. Let's look at the more popular options.

Yes, it is organic not only in kharcho. The rice perfectly balances with other ingredients, cooks quickly and does not affect the color of the soup. It can be served raw or cooked in the first dish. In addition, rice will help your dish from over-salting, as it will take on the lion's share of the salt.

  • Barley grits

This is a universally suitable option, since the egg is cheap, cooks quickly and tastes good. It does not particularly affect the satiety of the dish, so it is suitable for those who like light soups.

  • Cereals

Oatmeal is rarely added to pickle soup, but you should try this recipe. Flakes make the dish taste better and make it healthier. Hercules cooks very quickly, so don’t leave the pan forever. Choose flakes that are designed for ordinary cooking; the rest can completely spread out.

Which pickle recipe is the most delicious for you?

Preparing pickle soup at home

Rassolnik is one of the favorite soups of Russian cuisine, very pleasant in taste, slightly sour, nutritious, light and tonic. The soup is prepared on the basis of pickles, cereals and potatoes, although it can be meat or vegetarian. Pickle soups have been cooked in Rus' since the 15th century, seasoning the dish with lemon juice or cucumber pickle. It is curious that a couple of centuries ago, rassolnik was a pie with entrails made from buckwheat porridge, eggs and pickles, and rassolnik soup was known under the name kalya. There are a huge number of pickle recipes for making at home, one is tastier than the other, but they are all prepared using the same technology. The first pickles were seasoned with cream and yolks, adding fish roe, beets and plums to the soup in addition to the traditional ingredients.

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Rassolnik at home: general principles of production

Meat pickle is cooked using beef, pork, chicken or offal, of which the most popular are beef and pork kidneys, as well as any offal. From time to time, fish is used to prepare the dish - salmon, stellate sturgeon or beluga. If you want to cook a truly tasty pickle, take meat on the bone or whole fish - this dish will have the most catchy and rich taste. Meat and fish are removed from the broth, separated from the bones and added back just before the dish is ready. It is better to first soak the offal in water for 2 hours, then boil it and cut it into cubes or strips.

In addition to potatoes, carrots and onions, cereals are added to the soup - barley, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal or barley. In almost all recipes you can find cabbage, celery root, parsley, parsnips and all sorts of spicy herbs - dill, parsley, celery, leeks, tarragon and thyme. The most commonly used spices are bay leaves and peppercorns.

Cucumbers and pickle - pickle base

The most basic ingredient of the soup is cucumber brine and pickled cucumbers without heat treatment, also stewed or fried. Beforehand, remove the seeds from the cucumbers, peel them and pour boiling water over them to preserve their shape. Pickled and lightly salted cucumbers are not suitable for this dish, although from time to time they are replaced with pickled mushrooms. Marinated milk mushrooms are especially good in pickle. By the way, it is better to cut the cucumbers not very large - it will be tastier, and it is better to add them at the end of cooking, otherwise the potatoes will harden and acquire a grayish color. The cucumber brine is first boiled and filtered and later added to the broth. Boiling the brine makes its taste more intense and prevents the effects of fermentation. How much brine to add is up to any housewife to decide on her own, but as a standard it makes up a quarter of all the water in the soup.

Rassolnik, despite the name, should not be very salty, therefore it is not salted during the manufacturing process. Properly cooked soup usually has a very soft, gentle and slightly acidic taste.

How to prepare rassolnik at home: secrets and subtleties

The choice of grains for pickle depends on what kind of meat you use. Barley mixes well with beef and kidneys, rice is suitable for turkey and chicken giblets, and barley is very tasty with duck giblets. Buckwheat and rolled oats feel great in vegetarian pickle sauce.

Do not get carried away with very spicy herbs and spices, so that they do not drown out the taste of pickles; after all, you are cooking pickle, and not some other dish. If you are preparing soup with barley, it is better to cook it separately, otherwise the broth will not look very presentable. Black olives, olives and capers give the pickle a special and unique taste, while rutabaga and turnips make it thicker and more satisfying. Some housewives add tomatoes to them when frying vegetables.

Traditional recipe for making pickle soup at home

This fragrant thick soup is prepared according to a classic recipe and contains traditional products. First, cook the broth from a liter of water and 200 g of beef, and while it is cooking, cut half a carrot and a small onion into strips. Sauté the vegetables in the melted butter, stirring until they turn golden brown. Also chop 100 g of white cabbage into strips, small roots of parsley and celery, and cut a couple of potatoes (180 g) into cubes. Peel a few pickled cucumbers (60 g), cut into round slices and lightly simmer in a small amount of broth.

Once the meat is cooked, remove it from the broth and set it aside, strain the broth. Add cabbage to it, bring to a boil and throw potatoes and roots into the pan. Let the pickle cook for 5 minutes, then add carrots and onions and stewed cucumbers to it. Season the soup with ground black pepper and bay leaf and cook until the vegetables are tender. Add boiled and strained cucumber brine to the prepared pickle to taste. Pour the soup into bowls and add pieces of boiled meat, aromatic herbs and sour cream to each serving.

Unique pickle with squid

If rassolnik is cooked with fish, why not replace it with seafood? Peel 300 g of squid from film and cartilage, boil them in water for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam. When the squids have cooled, remove them from the broth and cut into strips, and strain the broth. Fry medium-sized carrots cut into strips, a couple of onions and 2 parsley roots in vegetable oil. Peel 2 pickled cucumbers, chop them into strips and lightly simmer on the stove in a small amount of broth. Chop 200 g of cabbage into strips, cut 4 potatoes into small cubes, boil the brine. Next, the soup is prepared according to the usual procedure - add cabbage to the broth, and when it boils, throw the potatoes into the pan. Once it becomes a little soft, add the sautéed vegetables. After 10 minutes, add the remaining ingredients - squid, cucumbers and brine. Season the pickle with black pepper and serve with sour cream and a huge amount of fresh dill.

Vegetable pickle with mushrooms

You can add mushrooms to the Lenten pickle for nutritional value - this will make the soup more satisfying and tasty. For a vegetarian pickle, cook vegetable broth from carrots and onions, and while it is cooking, fry carrots and onions cut into strips in melted butter, add chopped mushrooms. Stew 2 pickled cucumbers, cut into thin slices, in the broth.

Add 50 g of pearl barley, 4 diced potatoes and fried carrots with onions and mushrooms to the bubbling broth. Cook until the cereal is ready. After this, add pickles and dark ground pepper to the pickle, and serve with sour cream and at least some herbs.

Kuban rassolnik with lard

This wonderful pickle soup at home turns out to be especially tasty and appetizing. Boil beef kidneys and heart weighing approximately 500–600 g each. Chop 2 onions into strips and fry them in melted butter with 2 tbsp. l. tomato puree. Add 4 pickled cucumbers, cut into thin slices, into the broth. Boil 30 g of pearl barley in broth until soft and add 6 potatoes, cut into cubes. As the soup boils, add carrots, onions and cucumbers. Throw the offal cut into strips or cubes into the prepared pickle and season the soup with black pepper. Pour the pickle mixture into plates and add lard and herbs, mashed with garlic, into each bowl.

The rassolnik is first allowed to brew so that its taste becomes more intense, rich and captivating. This dish is served with sour cream, fresh bread, pies or puff pastries. It is customary not to add sour cream to fish pickles, but it all depends on the gastronomic preferences of your family, because the main thing is that it is tasty! On the “Eat at Home” website you will find a huge number of exciting recipes on how to prepare pickle soup at home. Share your delicious thoughts and suggestions with us!

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Preparing pickle soup at home

Rassolnik is one of the favorite soups of Russian cuisine, very pleasant in taste, slightly sour, nutritious, light and tonic. The soup is prepared on the basis of pickles, cereals and potatoes, although it can be meat or vegetarian. Pickle soups have been cooked in Rus' since the 15th century, seasoning the dish with lemon juice or cucumber pickle. It is curious that a couple of centuries ago, rassolnik was a pie with entrails made from buckwheat porridge, eggs and pickles, and rassolnik soup was known under the name kalya. There are a huge number of pickle recipes for making at home, one is tastier than the other, but they are all prepared using the same technology. The first pickles were seasoned with cream and yolks, adding fish roe, beets and plums to the soup in addition to the traditional ingredients.

Rassolnik at home: general principles of production

Meat pickle is cooked using beef, pork, chicken or offal, of which the most popular are beef and pork kidneys, as well as any offal. From time to time, fish is used to prepare the dish - salmon, stellate sturgeon or beluga. If you want to cook a truly tasty pickle, take meat on the bone or whole fish - this dish will have the most catchy and rich taste. Meat and fish are removed from the broth, separated from the bones and added back just before the dish is ready. It is better to first soak the offal in water for 2 hours, then boil it and cut it into cubes or strips.

In addition to potatoes, carrots and onions, cereals are added to the soup - barley, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal or barley. In almost all recipes you can find cabbage, celery root, parsley, parsnips and all sorts of spicy herbs - dill, parsley, celery, leeks, tarragon and thyme. The most commonly used spices are bay leaves and peppercorns.

Cucumbers and pickle - pickle base

The most basic ingredient of the soup is cucumber brine and pickled cucumbers without heat treatment, also stewed or fried. Beforehand, remove the seeds from the cucumbers, peel them and pour boiling water over them to preserve their shape. Pickled and lightly salted cucumbers are not suitable for this dish, although from time to time they are replaced with pickled mushrooms. Marinated milk mushrooms are especially good in pickle. By the way, it is better to cut the cucumbers not very large - it will be tastier, and it is better to add them at the end of cooking, otherwise the potatoes will harden and acquire a grayish color. The cucumber brine is first boiled and filtered and later added to the broth. Boiling the brine makes its taste more intense and prevents the effects of fermentation. How much brine to add is up to any housewife to decide on her own, but as a standard it makes up a quarter of all the water in the soup.

Rassolnik, despite the name, should not be very salty, therefore it is not salted during the manufacturing process. Properly cooked soup usually has a very soft, gentle and slightly acidic taste.

How to prepare rassolnik at home: secrets and subtleties

The choice of grains for pickle depends on what kind of meat you use. Barley mixes well with beef and kidneys, rice is suitable for turkey and chicken giblets, and barley is very tasty with duck giblets. Buckwheat and rolled oats feel great in vegetarian pickle sauce.

Do not get carried away with very spicy herbs and spices, so that they do not drown out the taste of pickles; after all, you are cooking pickle, and not some other dish. If you are preparing soup with barley, it is better to cook it separately, otherwise the broth will not look very presentable. Black olives, olives and capers give the pickle a special and unique taste, while rutabaga and turnips make it thicker and more satisfying. Some housewives add tomatoes to them when frying vegetables.

Traditional recipe for making pickle soup at home

This fragrant thick soup is prepared according to a classic recipe and contains traditional products. First, cook the broth from a liter of water and 200 g of beef, and while it is cooking, cut half a carrot and a small onion into strips. Sauté the vegetables in the melted butter, stirring until they turn golden brown. Also chop 100 g of white cabbage into strips, small roots of parsley and celery, and cut a couple of potatoes (180 g) into cubes. Peel a few pickled cucumbers (60 g), cut into round slices and lightly simmer in a small amount of broth.

Once the meat is cooked, remove it from the broth and set it aside, strain the broth. Add cabbage to it, bring to a boil and throw potatoes and roots into the pan. Let the pickle cook for 5 minutes, then add carrots and onions and stewed cucumbers to it. Season the soup with ground black pepper and bay leaf and cook until the vegetables are tender. Add boiled and strained cucumber brine to the prepared pickle to taste. Pour the soup into bowls and add pieces of boiled meat, aromatic herbs and sour cream to each serving.

Unique pickle with squid

If rassolnik is cooked with fish, why not replace it with seafood? Peel 300 g of squid from film and cartilage, boil them in water for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam. When the squids have cooled, remove them from the broth and cut into strips, and strain the broth. Fry medium-sized carrots cut into strips, a couple of onions and 2 parsley roots in vegetable oil. Peel 2 pickled cucumbers, chop them into strips and lightly simmer on the stove in a small amount of broth. Chop 200 g of cabbage into strips, cut 4 potatoes into small cubes, boil the brine. Next, the soup is prepared according to the usual procedure - add cabbage to the broth, and when it boils, throw the potatoes into the pan. Once it becomes a little soft, add the sautéed vegetables. After 10 minutes, add the remaining ingredients - squid, cucumbers and brine. Season the pickle with black pepper and serve with sour cream and a huge amount of fresh dill.

Vegetable pickle with mushrooms

You can add mushrooms to the Lenten pickle for nutritional value - this will make the soup more satisfying and tasty. For a vegetarian pickle, cook vegetable broth from carrots and onions, and while it is cooking, fry carrots and onions cut into strips in melted butter, add chopped mushrooms. Stew 2 pickled cucumbers, cut into thin slices, in the broth.

Add 50 g of pearl barley, 4 diced potatoes and fried carrots with onions and mushrooms to the bubbling broth. Cook until the cereal is ready. After this, add pickles and dark ground pepper to the pickle, and serve with sour cream and at least some herbs.

Kuban rassolnik with lard

This wonderful pickle soup at home turns out to be especially tasty and appetizing. Boil beef kidneys and heart weighing approximately 500–600 g each. Chop 2 onions into strips and fry them in melted butter with 2 tbsp. l. tomato puree. Add 4 pickled cucumbers, cut into thin slices, into the broth. Boil 30 g of pearl barley in broth until soft and add 6 potatoes, cut into cubes. As the soup boils, add carrots, onions and cucumbers. Throw the offal cut into strips or cubes into the prepared pickle and season the soup with black pepper. Pour the pickle mixture into plates and add lard and herbs, mashed with garlic, into each bowl.

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The rassolnik is first allowed to brew so that its taste becomes more intense, rich and captivating. This dish is served with sour cream, fresh bread, pies or puff pastries. It is customary not to add sour cream to fish pickles, but it all depends on the gastronomic preferences of your family, because the main thing is that it is tasty! On the “Eat at Home” website you will find a huge number of exciting recipes on how to prepare pickle soup at home. Share your delicious thoughts and suggestions with us!

Rassolnik soup according to a traditional recipe - made at home

Rassolnik soup is the first dish that was prepared in Rus'. Almost all housewives still prepare this yummy dish. We decided to help you with the production, and prepared three mind-blowing recipes:

  • with rice;
  • with pearl barley;
  • in a slow cooker.

Please note that the traditional recipe is made from offal. We use ordinary meat, but this does not mean that you should do the same. If your family really loves belly buttons, stomachs, etc., then use these ingredients.

Recipe for traditional rassolnik soup with rice

The first dish is easy to prepare. The main thing is not to overdo it with salt. Experienced housewives add this ingredient at the last moment, when all the products have already given their own taste.

The method for making rice soup is not very complicated. The end result is a tasty dish.

Ingredients you will need:

  • meat – 400 g;
  • carrots and onions – 2 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumbers – 300 g;
  • rice – 3 tbsp;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • butter – 30 g;
  • pepper, bay leaf, herbs, salt and other spices - to your taste.

Total time – 1 hour 40 minutes.

We start with the broth. Take the meat on the bone. Pork, chicken or beef - no difference. It's better to take several types.

Put it in a saucepan. Simmer for a few minutes after the water boils. Later we take it out, rinse it and put it in a saucepan with clean water.

Keep it under a closed lid for 40 minutes after boiling.

To prepare the meat, add vegetables (1 piece each), bay leaf, a mixture of peppers and a little salt. Cook for half an hour.

Advice! In order for the onion to smell one hundred percent, it is necessary to create a cut with a cross or several punctures with a knife.

At the end, we take out the meat, remove it from the bone and cut it into random pieces. Strain the broth.

The broth is ready. It's time to move on to the main step.

Peel the remaining onions and carrots. Cut the first one into pieces. Grate carrots and cucumbers.

Advice! Cut off the skin and put it in the broth to simmer for 5 - 7 minutes if it seems that the cucumber skin is very tough.

Sauté the carrots until translucent, then add the onion.

Sauté the onion until done. Then add oil and fry for 5 minutes.

The next step is to add some of the pickles and brine. We continue to fry.

Wash the rice until the water is clear.

Now return the broth to the stove. Add cereal. The water will boil, reduce the heat, cover with a lid and continue cooking.

Place the fry after 7 minutes. Cover with a lid and bring to a boil. Then cook for another 7 minutes.

Cut the potatoes into slices and add to the pan. Add other cucumbers 5 minutes after cooking. We continue to simmer for another 15 minutes.

At this time, make a dressing of herbs and garlic. Chop both ingredients.

Butter should soften at room temperature. After mixing all these ingredients and adding a little ground pepper.

When the potatoes are soft (about 15 minutes), add the dressing.

Leave to cook for another 1 minute. Then cover tightly with a lid and let the dish sit for about 30 minutes.

The soup is ready. Pour into plates and add a spoonful of sour cream. Your family will definitely love it. Bon appetit.

Rassolnik with pearl barley at home

Usually rassolnik is cooked with pearl barley. Therefore, we will not hide the recipe for this dish from you. We will use pork ribs as meat.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • pork ribs – 500 g;
  • potatoes – 200 g;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • onion – 50 g;
  • pearl barley – 100 g;
  • pickled cucumbers – 100 g;
  • tomato paste – 4 tbsp;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil and salt - to taste.

The total production time is 2 hours.

We start early in the evening. We wash the cereal, fill it with cool water and put it away at night (that is, in the dark) .

The next day we begin to deal with meat. Wash the ribs well in cool water. Place them in a saucepan, pour in and place over medium heat.

As soon as it boils, drain the broth and pour clean water over the meat. Back on the stove. As soon as it boils, reduce the heat and cook for 40 minutes.

It's time to create a roast.

Peel the onion and carrots. Finely chop the first ingredient, and grate the second on a large grater. Cut the cucumbers into cubes or randomly.

Heat oil in a frying pan. Add onion and carrots. Sauté until golden brown. Then add cucumbers. Cover with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes.

Heat the tomato paste in another frying pan. Place bay leaf and other seasonings there.

Once the meat is cooked, remove it. Remove from the bone and cut into random pieces. Pour the cooked cereal into the broth. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 20 minutes.

The next step is to add the potatoes, which were randomly cut in advance. Cook for 20 minutes.

Later we add the roast, tomato paste and meat. Simmer everything for about 5 minutes.

When everything is ready, let it sit covered for about 10 minutes. Later, pour into plates, add sour cream and serve.

Video recipe for you:

How to cook pickle in a slow cooker

Making soup in a slow cooker wasn’t left out. Every housewife has this technique in her kitchen. Cooking in it is a pleasure, “throw it in and forget it.” It's not all that difficult. And with our recipe everything will become even easier.

For the pickle we will need:

  • beef – 200 g;
  • pearl barley – ½ cup;
  • carrots and onions - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes and pickles - 2 pcs.;
  • cucumber pickle – ½ cup;
  • tomato paste – 3 tbsp;
  • salt and seasonings - to taste.

Total time – 2 hours.

Chop all the necessary vegetables in advance.

Advice! For pickle, it is recommended to take cucumbers that are covered with ordinary pickling - they are more sour. This works better for soup.

Pour vegetable oil into a bowl. Then add the chopped ingredients. Activate the "Baking" mode. Fry everything for about 10 minutes until done. Afterwards you can add tomato paste.

When everything is ready, you can add chopped potatoes and meat, as well as cereal. Fill everything with water.

Later, activate the “Stew” mode and forget about the soup for 2 hours.

That's all. Serve warm. You can add sour cream and decorate everything with herbs.

Watch another video recipe:

You see, with our photo recipes it is very easy to cook. Try it, you will certainly succeed, and your family will appreciate this tasty soup.

Cook, try and leave your comments. Bon appetit everyone!

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