Dry yeast Saf-Moment – ​​review

Dry yeast Saf-Moment – ​​review

Step-by-step photo recipe for excellent pizza using this yeast. Pizzeria at your home!

Well, it’s worth starting with the fact that I’m not a housewife at all))) Well, I’m one for myself, handless in terms of housekeeping. Fortunately, my husband is smart - he takes care of himself and me, and also manages to look after the cat)) But time flies, and at 30 it’s somehow shameful to have your hands out of your ass. That’s why not so long ago I got into housekeeping, and at the same time into baking. I haven’t even held live yeast in my hands, and for me it’s just a stinky block)))) That’s why, when I decided to make pizza for the first time, I chose this particular yeast. The choice was random, but since then I have been using only them. By the way, I can already do so many things with this yeast. She turned out to be not as armless as she thought she was. But first things first. Now I would like to tell and show what remarkable pizzas can be prepared with this yeast.

I had never tinkered with the dough much before, so, to put it mildly, I didn’t believe in the success of the company))) But here magic happened. Believe me, even if it turned out amazing for me, then it’s probably bound to turn out divine for you. The dough comes out unusually soft, tender, melting in your mouth, and the edge always remains constantly crispy, even if the pizza cools down.

For pizza, we will naturally need Saf Moment yeast in the amount of one teaspoon

And other products:

wheat flour - 1.5 cups

water - 0.5 cups

olive oil (extra virgin) - 2 tbsp. l + for lubricating the base

tomato - 1 small

bell pepper - 1/2 pcs

raw smoked sausage/salami/ham – 60 g

champignons - 2 large

tomato sauce - 2 tbsp

spices (garlic, mixture of Provençal herbs) - to taste

It is better to take mozzarella cheese; when melted, it has a viscous, flexible texture. But now God sent me a different piece of cheese)))))

So. The amount of ingredients is indicated for a medium-thick pizza, for a 30 cm pan. We dilute the yeast in 0.5 cups of warm water and add sugar. Leave for about 10 minutes. Sift the flour into a bowl, add salt. Then add diluted yeast and 2 tbsp to the flour and salt. l. olive oil. Knead the elastic, soft dough for about 5 minutes. Please note that the dough should not stick to your hands or be rubbery. It should be silky to the touch. Olive oil can be replaced with refined sunflower oil, but when tested, the taste and texture are no longer the same. Leave the dough in a bowl, cover with a towel, and leave to rest for at least 40 minutes, but preferably an hour and a half.

After the specified time, the dough should increase in size at least 2 times and become airy, filled with air bubbles. We remove it from the bowl and mix it a little again on a table sprinkled with flour.

Then we make a flat, round cake from the kolobok and begin to stretch it with our hands on the table, pressing it. You can try rolling it out, but I would recommend not “killing” the airiness of the dough. Lightly grease the baking dish with oil and sprinkle lightly with flour. But I have a non-stick baking sheet, so I don’t do this. We place the flatbread in the form in which we will bake the pizza, and form the sides. The thicker you lay the dough, the fluffier the pizza will be. I try to place the dough no thicker than 3 mm, because we don’t like thick pizzas.

Be sure to brush the base with olive oil before spreading the sauce and adding the filling so that the dough is perfectly baked and does not collect moisture from the inside.

To lubricate the base, I always use olive oil infused with crushed garlic, herbs and spices. I always have this oil in the refrigerator - it’s indispensable for salads, croutons and dressing main courses. Grease the base with tomato sauce. I don't buy it, I make it myself. I peel the tomatoes and stew them with salt and herbs de Provence. Then I rub it through a sieve. But any other sauce will do too.

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Let's start collecting pizza. Sliced ​​champignons come first. Yes, specifically they are, therefore, like the freshest mushrooms, they will absorb all the juices that cheese, vegetables and meat will release during baking. Provençal herbs for champignons. You can do without them, of course. But for me personally, these herbs give me an Italian mood))))

Then the meat of your choice. I have raw smoked salami and raw smoked beef.

Top with half the cheese, grated on a large grater.

Top the pepper with the remaining cheese and finish with tomatoes. Do not put vegetables at the very bottom or in the middle if your base is greased with sauce and butter, otherwise the vegetables will give juice and the inside will be watery.

Place in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 15-17 minutes. I don't have an oven, so I bake on convection in the microwave.

Remove the finished pizza and cool for 1-2 minutes.

Transfer to a plate, cut and... We try to grab at least one piece))) Therefore, as tested, it disappears right from under your hands.

Since the first time I made this pizza at home, we have tried a lot of entrails, overfed all our relatives and friends, and everyone unanimously said that in the rarest pizzerias they were able to experience something as tasty. Be sure to try! Naturally, if you are not afraid of guests who will sometimes ask you for this pizza))))))

In general, I strongly recommend Saf Moment yeast to all those who love hassle-free, simple and delicious baked goods!

Regular pizza dough with yeast Saf-moment will become a winner in every housewife's culinary repertoire

Have you ever noticed that the most delicious pizza consists of an airy, fluffy and crispy base? The method of making it is no secret to anyone, since even kids know that to create delicious Italian pastries, you just need to learn how to knead pizza dough with Saf-moment yeast. His recipe is considered almost the gold standard, allowing any housewife to handle the yeast mass and create an excellent dish from it.

Yeast base recipe

The dough is prepared so simply that the whole process will be a pleasure. Useful:

  • 500 g wheat flour;
  • 2 tsp. (0.5 sachet) instant yeast Saf-moment;
  • 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 250 – 300 ml of warm boiled water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.

The base is made as follows:

  1. The yeast is combined with the sifted flour and other bulk ingredients, everything mixes well.
  2. Water heated to 35 - 38 degrees and oil are poured into the mass, after which the mixture is intensively mixed with a spoon until a homogeneous mixture.
  3. The thick dough is laid out on a floured surface and kneaded with hands previously greased with vegetable oil.
  4. As a result, the yeast base should become elastic and soft.

Importantly: as you knead, flour should be sprinkled onto the work surface in small portions so that the dough does not turn out to be extremely hard, as it will not rise well and will turn out hard.

A suitable method for preparing a main dish

Fans of savory Italian pastries will appreciate the filling made from the following components:

  • 400 g smoked sausage (Salami);
  • 400 g hard cheese;
  • 50 ml tomato sauce;
  • 35 g pitted olives;
  • 4 – 5 tbsp. l. olive oil.
  1. The dough is divided into 3 parts, each of which is rolled out into a layer no more than 2 cm wide.
  2. The flatbreads are pierced in several places with a fork so that the pastry does not bubble during baking, and generously spread with sauce.
  3. Sausage, cut into slices and pieces of olives are laid out on top of the sauce.
  4. At the final step, the base is sprinkled with grated cheese.
  5. The dish is placed in an oven preheated to 380 degrees for 5 - 7 minutes.
  6. The finished hot pizza is lightly sprinkled with oil to give it the most appetizing smell and softness.

Tip: it’s best to stretch pizza flatbreads with your hands rather than roll them out with a rolling pin, so as not to destroy the structure of the dough. And it is also necessary to spread the base with sauce at a distance of 3 - 5 cm from the edge, otherwise the sides will not be able to rise during baking and the inside will leak out.

From the listed quantity of goods, you can immediately bake 3 pizzas with a diameter of 28–31 cm or 1 huge one (on a regular-sized baking sheet).

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If, for any reason, you don’t have an oven in your home, you can create quick pizza dough in a frying pan. It comes out crispy, juicy and airy. And lovers of everything ordinary and immediately delicious will not be able to resist the famous Pepperoni - such a dish will be a winner even for the most experienced gourmets! When you want to relax in the company of friends and not waste time making snacks, you should pay attention to the recipe for quick pizza dough in the oven. Kneading it will not be difficult even for a lazy housewife!

Review: Instant yeast for pizza “Saf-Moment” – The secret of perfect dough inside

I won’t tell you the weight of the flour, because firstly, I never asked myself how much there is, and secondly, the flour is different. And it may take a different amount. And absolutely. This is all by eye. I put the flour in front of me in a plastic jar, in which I store it, and add it during the kneading process.
Enough talking.
Let's cook! I have a big favorite Avon mug, I wrote about it once. Here I fill it with warm water. Quite warm, but not hot. I have 350 ml there. I pour this happiness into a bowl. I pour about 3 tablespoons of oil there. And salt. A normal pinch. I think there's a full teaspoon in there. Maybe with a slide. I'm just by eye)

Set aside the bowl.
We'll remember about it later. Pour 50-60 grams of water into that mug.
Warm. Throw in a spoonful of sugar. A dining room without a slide. We chat well. And pour half a packet of yeast here. Again, mix well, and cover this contentment with film or a saucer (I broke the saucer at one point - the foam pushed it off, and hello). If there is film, then we make a hole. You can place a bowl of hotter water under the mug. But this is not necessary. Without that, everything that is needed will rise. We record the time and leave))

In 15 minutes, a little more, maybe upon arrival we will find such a luxurious foam cap.

We take this thing and barbarously pour it into a bowl of salty oily water)). And now we mix in the flour. I hold the bowl with my left hand and constantly stir with my right. With a fork. Easily. Sounds more difficult) I add flour from time to time. The main thing is not to overdo it.

At this step, you can add herbs or seasonings.

At some point the dough will finish kneading with a fork, then grease your hands with oil and knead slightly with your hands. You don’t need to knead for half an hour, my word of faith) the dough is sticky, but it practically doesn’t stick to oily hands.

The task is to leave it with such a consistency that it’s hard on the inside if you unscrew it)) and the bun on the outside is practically not sticky, but it’s clear that it won’t hold its shape.
In other words, the dough is not cool. It sounds really creepy, but in reality you will understand. And so we cover such a short bun with film and put it in the refrigerator.
How long? Yes, from an hour to 4 days! And here we have the main secret. The dough arrives in the refrigerator. At the same time, our best pozzeria in the city lasts from 3 to 5 days, and that’s why they really have the best dough. I learned this trick, and now my dough is just as luxurious. See for yourself. After 5-6 hours I listen to the cup. I separate half of the dough.

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I put the other half in a bag and throw it back into the refrigerator.
For a day. Knead the dough on the baking sheet only with your hands. Myakgo. It comes out quite thin. The dough is very elastic and tender. I do not lubricate the silicone mat with anything. Layer of dough about 5 mm Mayonnaise, melted. cheese, chicken, onions, cucumbers from a container, herbs, cheese. This is what I used in this pizza. But the options can be very different.

Place in oven preheated to 150 (both heats - top and bottom) at medium level for approximately 30-35 minutes. Later the cheese melted. Top and let stand in a hot, but now turned off oven for a couple of minutes. By this time, even the neighbors are choking on saliva.

This is the pizza that came out on the side. Very tasty, but the dough is very tender and soft, but that bun, which was baked for another day, gave us an even more delicious pizza! The bun has grown and swelled in the refrigerator.

The dough itself is also tender and fluffy, but the very bottom is denser, because of this the pizza is literally like in the best pizzeria! And you don’t eat pita bread with entrails. AND PIZZA!

Excellent yeast)

And the secret is revealed.
I don’t dare detain you any longer, everyone is running to the store for flour and yeast.

Lesson No. 2. Pizza/Competition “Author’s Baking Course”

Lesson #2: Pizza

Now I will share with you the pizza recipe that I have been using for the last 3 years. And there is absolutely nothing secret in this recipe; moreover, it is in plain sight, because it is written on a packet of SAF-MOMENT pizza yeast!

This dough can be prepared in a bread machine ( for example, mine has a pizza dough mode ), the main thing is to put all the products in the order in which it is provided for your model of bread machine. But this dough can also be prepared using a mixer or by hand! The dough comes out very soft in texture and remains slightly sticky. The main thing is no need to add flour.

The amount of dough given below is enough for 2 huge pizzas with a diameter of 28-30 cm or 4 small ones. This dough is also easy to store in the freezer! After it has proofed and before rolling out, I wrap it tightly in film and put it in the freezer, not forgetting to sign the date when I prepared it. There it can be stored for up to a month!

Now I will offer you a recipe for my favorite pizza with pesto, mozzarella and chicken! The chicken must be boiled! The more cheese, the tastier the pesto. You can make it yourself or use ready-made pesto!


For two huge pizzas:

  • 11 g dry yeast
  • 300 ml warm water (35-38C)
  • 500 g flour
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 4 tbsp pesto sauce
  • 1 boiled chicken breast
  • 1 large mozzarella ball
  • 100 g soft cheese


Mix yeast, sugar, olive oil, flour and salt. Add water and knead the dough at low speed. The dough should come together into a ball, come off the walls and be smooth.

Transfer the dough to a bowl, cover and leave in a warm space for about an hour. It must double over this period of time.

When the dough rises, divide it into 2 parts and leave for another 15-20 minutes.

Roll out the dough on a floured surface to about 4-5 mm wide.

Spread a thin layer of pesto sauce, chicken pieces and cheese.

Bake at 180C for 12-15 minutes.

Homework from Maria Nemova for the week from November 15, 2016 to November 21, 2016: prepare homemade pizza (your own version) from yeast dough using Saf-Moment instant pizza yeast.

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