Lightly salted cucumbers - recipes

Lightly salted cucumbers - recipes

Cucumber, without exaggeration, is considered an ordinary vegetable in the kitchen of every housewife. Bright green, juicy and crispy, they are good either freshly cut or kept in salty brine with spices. They are called lightly salted cucumbers. They enjoy popular love not only in the summer. Experienced housewives have learned to create such preparations for the winter. Lightly salted cucumbers are a popular cool appetizer, also often served with meat and vegetarian menus. At home, making lightly salted cucumbers is time-efficient, because they are distinguished by a laconic salting period. Choose any of the recipes, and in just a couple of minutes, fragrant lightly salted cucumbers will be ready, which do not lose their taste even in long-term winter supplies. Step-by-step recipes with photos will help you cook both deliciously and quickly.

The best recipes with photos

Savory lightly salted cucumbers in a jar, recipe with photos - how to create lightly salted cucumbers using the hot and cool method.

When the summer season is in full swing and not just a few beautiful and fragrant new cucumbers ripen in the garden once a day, but a lot, and they are no longer eaten, then the best way not to let them go to waste is to prepare lightly salted cucumbers. I offer the usual recipe for pickling in a jar.

Last entries

Spicy and crispy lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan in their juice - an extraordinary recipe for creating lightly salted cucumbers using the cool method.

Lightly salted cucumbers in their juice, or more precisely in gruel, are prepared according to this recipe within 2 days. The hot pepper in the recipe will give them a spicy kick, and the presence of horseradish will help them stay crispy. This ordinary, but unusual pickling recipe will not take you much time, but the cucumbers will be very tasty. They go perfectly with meat, fish and vegetable dishes.

How to create lightly salted cucumbers for the winter - recipe and production of lightly salted cucumbers for future use.

Some of us prefer fresh cucumbers or a salad made from them, some like pickled or salted, some pickled from a barrel... and only lightly salted cucumbers are loved by everyone. They are moderately sour, saturated with the smell of spices and garlic, hard and crispy. But is it possible to preserve this taste and smell for the winter? You can, and this recipe will help with that. It is quite ordinary, but makes it possible to preserve all the above properties of cucumbers at home for the whole year.

Frisky lightly salted cucumbers - how to cook lightly salted cucumbers quickly.

Almost all ladies love to little by little add to their arsenal of recipes during any preparation season. I hasten to share with other housewives this unusual, not “hackneyed” and usual recipe for home-made pickling of lightly salted cucumbers with the addition of sour lime juice.

Lightly salted cucumbers without vinegar, but with apples - an extraordinary recipe for lightly salted cucumbers.

Try to prepare an unusual recipe for lightly salted cucumbers without vinegar. Apples will give the preparation a sweet and sour taste. This method of pickling cucumbers will be needed for those who are contraindicated from eating food seasoned with vinegar.

Frisky lightly salted cucumbers with apples - a recipe for lightly salted cucumbers made using the hot method.

I hasten to tell you a secret one of my favorite and reliable methods for making quick, lightly salted cucumbers with apples. Cucumbers made using this method are lightly salted, strong and crispy, and quickly become salted.

Frisky lightly salted cucumbers in a bag with apples. How to create - a frisky recipe from a bachelor's neighbor.

I learned this beautiful, frisky recipe for lightly salted cucumbers from a neighbor. The guy lives on his own, is not a cook, but he cooks... you'll lick your fingers. His recipes are excellent: playful and tasty, because... A person has a lot of troubles, but little time to bother with villages.

Young lightly salted zucchini and cucumbers: a simple, frisky and unique recipe for an appetizer of lightly salted cucumbers, dry salting.

Fresh summer vegetables, what could be healthier? But from time to time you get tired of such familiar tastes, you want something special, an unusual combination of goods, and, moreover, in a hurry. Young lightly salted zucchini and cucumbers are a beautiful idea for a frisky summer snack for housewives who love to amaze and value their time.

Recipe for making lightly salted cucumbers in your own juice.

Everyone has probably tried lightly salted cucumbers. The recipe, it would seem, is so perfect that there is nothing to add. But it was not there! Now we will cook lightly salted cucumbers in our own juice! The recipe is very simple, but the result will outshine any expectations!

Lightly salted crispy cucumbers in a jar - a unique and common recipe for the winter.

This recipe for pickling cucumbers for the winter is quite easy, it doesn’t require any special expenses, but it has its own unique personality. Master the production and guests will beg for the recipe for your lightly salted crispy cucumbers. When you eat it, it seems like they were just brought from the garden and lightly salted.

Freshly-salted cucumbers with oak leaves. The usual recipe to note.

Having finally received new cucumbers from the garden, I can’t wait to cook them lightly salted in a jar. In order to speed up the pickling process, get the desired product and the opportunity to show yourself as a good cook, there is an easy homemade recipe for freshly made lightly salted cucumbers.

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Homemade lightly salted cucumbers using the cool method are crispy. Fast and delicious, video recipe

How to create delicious lightly salted cucumbers using the cool method, so as not to heat up our kitchens on an already hot summer day. This is a simple and frisky recipe.

Lightly salted cucumbers, freshly made, crispy, in cool water, step-by-step recipe

How to make lightly salted cucumbers deliciously, quickly and in cool water. After all, in the summer it’s so hot, and you don’t want to turn on the stove too much.

It turns out that pickling lightly salted cucumbers using the cool method is a very pleasant experience.

Frisky lightly salted cucumbers - a recipe for quick preparation in a bag or jar, will be ready just two hours before eating.

We start making lightly salted cucumbers according to this recipe by preparing the greens.

Dill, take young seed heads, parsley, cross lettuce, chop everything not very finely, add salt, mix and knead so that the smell begins to move.

Cucumber recipes for the winter: lightly salted, pickled, pickled cucumbers

Preparations for the winter. Tested recipes for making cucumbers in jars

Marina Yaroslavtseva, culinary blogger, mother of four children, creator of several books

Gardeners in the Moscow region are already harvesting the first cucumbers in greenhouses, and they are being transported from the south in industrial quantities. The winter preparation season is open! The creator of the book “Homemade Preparations for the Modern Housewife” and mother of many children, Marina Yaroslavtseva, shares recipes for cucumbers: salted, lightly salted, pickled cucumbers and gherkins “like from the store.” Ordinary recipes for cucumbers for the winter have been used in her family for more than one year, so if it’s been tested, you can create preparations.

If you are planning to make preparations from cucumbers grown on your own plot, water the beds at night (that is, in the dark) , and remove the harvest early in the day, while it is still cool, and immediately begin canning. If you purchased cucumbers, soak them in ice water for several hours.

For canning, choose unripe fruits with tender seeds and thin skin. Use only varieties of cucumbers suitable for pickling (for example, “Nezhinsky”, “Vyaznikovsky”, “Muromsky”, “Khrustashchiy”, “Khabar”, “Pickling”, “Scion of the Regiment” and others). If you are in doubt about your choice, give preference to fruits with dark thorns.

Lightly salted cucumbers

Just imagine: steaming young potatoes, sprinkled with the freshest dill, and lightly salted cucumbers on top. Naturally, such preservation is short-lived, but what would a summer table be without it! Are you already craving lightly salted cucumbers? Nothing could be easier!

For 1 jar of 3 liters:

  • 2 kg cucumbers
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • 3 dill umbrellas

For the brine:

  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 3 tbsp. l. salt
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
  1. Wash the young cucumbers, cut off the ends, place in a clean jar, adding spices.
  2. Boil water with salt and sugar and pour the bubbling brine over the cucumbers.
  3. Cover with a lid and leave at room temperature.
  4. After one or two days, the crispy cucumbers can be put in the refrigerator and then served.

Gherkins - store-bought cucumbers, recipe

My family simply loves “store-bought” gherkins. I tried for a long time to find their recipe on the Internet, until a friend told me the secret of making such cucumbers. The recipe turned out to be very simple, and I am happy to share it with you. These cucumbers can be stored at room temperature.

For 2 cans of 2 liters:

  • 4 kg cucumbers

For the marinade:

  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 6 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt
  • 200 ml 5% vinegar
  • 1 tsp. dark peppercorns
  • 1 dill umbrella or 1 tsp. dill seeds
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 tbsp. l. mustard seeds
  • 4 cloves garlic
  1. Carefully wash the cucumbers with a soft brush and place tightly in sterilized jars. If the fruits have been picked from the garden for a long time, soak them in cool water for several hours beforehand.
  2. For the marinade, add salt, sugar and spices to the water, boil for 2-3 minutes. Pour in the vinegar, stir and carefully pour into jars.
  3. Cover with lids and screw them on. Turn the jars upside down and cool.

Pickled cucumbers “Traditional”

Despite the fact that almost every housewife has a tried and tested recipe for pickled cucumbers, I will give you my own. And you can experiment: using a traditional recipe as a base, add various spices and thereby change the taste of the dish. It’s not scary if you don’t like a certain preparation for the winter: agree, you can sacrifice one jar of cucumbers if true taste discoveries await you in the rest!

For 1 jar of 3 liters:

  • 2 kg cucumbers
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1 tsp. vinegar essence
  • spices to taste
  1. Carefully wash the cucumbers and sterilize the jar.
  2. Place the cucumbers and spices in a jar and pour boiling water over them. After 10 minutes, drain the water and bring to a boil again, adding salt and sugar.
  3. I deliberately do not indicate the amount of water: it may vary depending on the variety of cucumbers and a number of other criteria.
  4. Add spices of your choice to the jar.
  5. Pour the bubbling brine into a jar and add a teaspoon of vinegar essence.
  6. Close the jar with a sterilized lid and screw it on. Let the cucumbers cool. Store at room temperature.
  7. Don't forget to turn the jar over and check that the lid is sealed, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain!
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Pickled cucumbers

I inherited this recipe from my grandmother. Since my youth, I really adored pickled cucumbers, but for some reason for a long time I thought that preparing them was indescribably difficult. And then at one fine moment I dared. . . Imagine my amazement when I got literally the same “grandmother’s” cucumbers! It turns out that you can prepare them without a barrel - in ordinary three-liter jars. The downside of the recipe is that it needs to be stored in a cool place. If you have to store the cucumbers in a warm pantry, the recipe will become slightly more complicated. By the way, with these cucumbers and their brine, a very tasty meat hodgepodge comes out!

For 1 jar of 3 liters:

  • 2 kg cucumbers
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 3 tbsp. l. salt
  • 30–50 g horseradish root
  • 3–5 cm hot pepper pod
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 3 oak leaves
  • 3 cherry leaves
  • 5 dark currant leaves
  • 5 dark peppercorns
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1–2 dill umbrellas or 1 tsp. dill seeds
  1. Place cucumbers in a clean three-liter jar, alternating them with spices. Try to pack the cucumbers very tightly: they may float during fermentation!
  2. Sprinkle 3 heaped tablespoons of salt on top and pour water into the jar up to the neck.
  3. Leave the cucumbers in a warm place for a certain number of days to ferment. In the summer at the dacha, I take jars of cucumbers out into the garden, place them in the shade of trees and cover them with saucers to protect them from insects.
  4. As soon as the brine becomes cloudy or even a snow-white coating appears on the fruits, they are ready! Close the jars with plastic lids and put them in the cold, for example in the basement. If you don’t have a cool place at your disposal, but you want homemade pickled cucumbers, drain the brine, boil it and pour it over the cucumbers again. After 15 minutes, drain again and boil again. Add a teaspoon of acetic acid, pour the brine over the cucumbers, cover the jar with an iron lid and screw it on.

Lightly salted crispy cucumbers in jars for the winter

To make lightly salted cucumbers according to this recipe, you need to soak freshly picked fruits in brine for a certain number of days, and then roll them into sterilized jars.

The preparation will stand until winter, but the vegetables will remain the same lightly salted as they were before spinning.

For preparing lightly salted cucumbers for future use, 2 rules work unsurpassed:

1. You need to choose vegetables that are pimply, dense, durable and not very large in size.

2. Cucumbers pickled during the first week of the new moon turn out crispy and tastiest, and remain firm.

What you will need:

  • 3 kg of strong and pimply cucumbers;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 1/2 pod. hot reddish pepper;
  • 3 liters of distilled water;
  • 150 g table salt;
  • 100 g horseradish (new leaves);
  • dill umbrellas, currant/cherry leaves and a few peppercorns.

How to cook lightly salted cucumbers for the winter

1. Pour water into a saucepan, pour salt into it, stir and boil for 5 minutes. Cool.

2. Take an enamel bowl for four to five liters. Place horseradish leaves (can be coarsely chopped), finely chopped pepper, and sliced ​​garlic on the bottom. Place washed cucumbers on top.

3. Pour the cooled brine into a bowl with vegetables and spices. Cover the dishes with a clean cloth (a collection of different and interacting tissues form organs) and leave them in a room with a temperature of 20-23 degrees for three days.

4. After three days have passed, rinse the lightly salted cucumbers with cool, pre-boiled water. Arrange vertically in sterilized jars with herbs and peppercorns.

5. Boil the brine in which the vegetables were kept for three days. Be sure to remove the foam.

6. Fill the jars with the preparations with hot brine, leaving about 3 cm of space to the edge. Place the boiled lids, then the preparations for 20 minutes of sterilization - over low heat.

7. Quickly tighten the lids and place the jars on them - on some rug. Cover with a thick blanket. Rearrange for storage the next day.

Lightly salted cucumbers - recipes

Cucumber, without exaggeration, is considered an ordinary vegetable in the kitchen of every housewife. Bright green, juicy and crispy, they are good either freshly cut or kept in salty brine with spices. They are called lightly salted cucumbers. They enjoy popular love not only in the summer. Experienced housewives have learned to create such preparations for the winter. Lightly salted cucumbers are a popular cool appetizer, also often served with meat and vegetarian menus. At home, making lightly salted cucumbers is time-efficient, because they are distinguished by a laconic salting period. Choose any of the recipes, and in just a couple of minutes, fragrant lightly salted cucumbers will be ready, which do not lose their taste even in long-term winter supplies. Step-by-step recipes with photos will help you cook both deliciously and quickly.

The best recipes with photos

Savory lightly salted cucumbers in a jar, recipe with photos - how to create lightly salted cucumbers using the hot and cool method.

When the summer season is in full swing and not just a few beautiful and fragrant new cucumbers ripen in the garden once a day, but a lot, and they are no longer eaten, then the best way not to let them go to waste is to prepare lightly salted cucumbers. I offer the usual recipe for pickling in a jar.

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Last entries

Spicy and crispy lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan in their juice - an extraordinary recipe for creating lightly salted cucumbers using the cool method.

Lightly salted cucumbers in their juice, or more precisely in gruel, are prepared according to this recipe within 2 days. The hot pepper in the recipe will give them a spicy kick, and the presence of horseradish will help them stay crispy. This ordinary, but unusual pickling recipe will not take you much time, but the cucumbers will be very tasty. They go perfectly with meat, fish and vegetable dishes.

How to create lightly salted cucumbers for the winter - recipe and production of lightly salted cucumbers for future use.

Some of us prefer fresh cucumbers or a salad made from them, some like pickled or salted, some pickled from a barrel... and only lightly salted cucumbers are loved by everyone. They are moderately sour, saturated with the smell of spices and garlic, hard and crispy. But is it possible to preserve this taste and smell for the winter? You can, and this recipe will help with that. It is quite ordinary, but makes it possible to preserve all the above properties of cucumbers at home for the whole year.

Frisky lightly salted cucumbers - how to cook lightly salted cucumbers quickly.

Almost all ladies love to little by little add to their arsenal of recipes during any preparation season. I hasten to share with other housewives this unusual, not “hackneyed” and usual recipe for home-made pickling of lightly salted cucumbers with the addition of sour lime juice.

Lightly salted cucumbers without vinegar, but with apples - an extraordinary recipe for lightly salted cucumbers.

Try to prepare an unusual recipe for lightly salted cucumbers without vinegar. Apples will give the preparation a sweet and sour taste. This method of pickling cucumbers will be needed for those who are contraindicated from eating food seasoned with vinegar.

Frisky lightly salted cucumbers with apples - a recipe for lightly salted cucumbers made using the hot method.

I hasten to tell you a secret one of my favorite and reliable methods for making quick, lightly salted cucumbers with apples. Cucumbers made using this method are lightly salted, strong and crispy, and quickly become salted.

Frisky lightly salted cucumbers in a bag with apples. How to create - a frisky recipe from a bachelor's neighbor.

I learned this beautiful, frisky recipe for lightly salted cucumbers from a neighbor. The guy lives on his own, is not a cook, but he cooks... you'll lick your fingers. His recipes are excellent: playful and tasty, because... A person has a lot of troubles, but little time to bother with villages.

Young lightly salted zucchini and cucumbers: a simple, frisky and unique recipe for an appetizer of lightly salted cucumbers, dry salting.

Fresh summer vegetables, what could be healthier? But from time to time you get tired of such familiar tastes, you want something special, an unusual combination of goods, and, moreover, in a hurry. Young lightly salted zucchini and cucumbers are a beautiful idea for a frisky summer snack for housewives who love to amaze and value their time.

Recipe for making lightly salted cucumbers in your own juice.

Everyone has probably tried lightly salted cucumbers. The recipe, it would seem, is so perfect that there is nothing to add. But it was not there! Now we will cook lightly salted cucumbers in our own juice! The recipe is very simple, but the result will outshine any expectations!

Lightly salted crispy cucumbers in a jar - a unique and common recipe for the winter.

This recipe for pickling cucumbers for the winter is quite easy, it doesn’t require any special expenses, but it has its own unique personality. Master the production and guests will beg for the recipe for your lightly salted crispy cucumbers. When you eat it, it seems like they were just brought from the garden and lightly salted.

Freshly-salted cucumbers with oak leaves. The usual recipe to note.

Having finally received new cucumbers from the garden, I can’t wait to cook them lightly salted in a jar. In order to speed up the pickling process, get the desired product and the opportunity to show yourself as a good cook, there is an easy homemade recipe for freshly made lightly salted cucumbers.

Homemade lightly salted cucumbers using the cool method are crispy. Fast and delicious, video recipe

How to create delicious lightly salted cucumbers using the cool method, so as not to heat up our kitchens on an already hot summer day. This is a simple and frisky recipe.

Lightly salted cucumbers, freshly made, crispy, in cool water, step-by-step recipe

How to make lightly salted cucumbers deliciously, quickly and in cool water. After all, in the summer it’s so hot, and you don’t want to turn on the stove too much.

It turns out that pickling lightly salted cucumbers using the cool method is a very pleasant experience.

Frisky lightly salted cucumbers - a recipe for quick preparation in a bag or jar, will be ready just two hours before eating.

We start making lightly salted cucumbers according to this recipe by preparing the greens.

Dill, take young seed heads, parsley, cross lettuce, chop everything not very finely, add salt, mix and knead so that the smell begins to move.

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