Homemade coffee kvass recipes

Homemade coffee kvass recipes

New research from the last two years proves that the benefits of drinking coffee significantly outweigh the possible harm. Thus, it is well known that coffee has a powerful diuretic property and reduces the risk of developing diabetes, breast and prostate cancer, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

How to create kvass from natural coffee

Taking into account all these necessary coffee parameters, we suggest you experiment a little and prepare kvass from coffee according to the recipes presented below.

There are several ways to create kvass from coffee: from natural coffee, from instant coffee or from a coffee drink, and also play with the added ingredients. The first, most common version of coffee kvass is a recipe using natural ground beans.

The ingredients are designed for 1 liter of finished drink. Use a two-liter jar as a container so that the foam formed during fermentation does not spill out.

Carefully mix all the ingredients together and leave the liquid under the lid to ferment for 7 hours in a warm and hazy place. After this time, the coffee kvass is ready and just needs cooling and perfect serving.

Homemade coffee kvass has a thick, rich coffee taste, even tastier than store-bought kvass, and yet it does not require a huge amount of time or foreign exchange costs to produce.

Homemade kvass from coffee drink

The components are designed for 10 liters of finished drink.

  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 liter of boiling water;
  • 1 pack of coffee drink (for example, “Galka”);
  • 0.25 packs of new yeast.

Pour boiling water over the coffee drink, stirring, to prevent the formation of lumps, dissolve the sugar in it and pour into a ten-liter container. Separately dilute the yeast in 200 ml of warm water and also pour this mixture into your container. Add cool water to the top and leave overnight (that is, in the dark) at room temperature.

During the day, pour the kvass into bottles and place them in the refrigerator. Should be drunk chilled.

Kvass from instant coffee and citric acid

In the following recipe for kvass made from coffee and citric acid, on the contrary, there is not a lot of coffee and its taste is not felt, but the addition of such a component has a very positive effect on the overall bouquet of the drink.

  • 3 liters of water;
  • 1 gr. Art. Sahara;
  • 15 g raisins;
  • 1 tbsp. l. citric acid;
  • 1 tsp. instant coffee;
  • 1 tsp. dry yeast.

Fill the fermentation container, for example, a 3-liter jar with warm water (temperature about 35 degrees), add sugar to the water and stir it until completely dissolved. Then add citric acid, coffee, yeast and raisins and stir thoroughly again.

Fermentation must take place in a warm place, you can place the container in the sun, so the manufacturing process will be completed quite quickly - in 3 hours maximum, just in a room - in 6 hours.

After this, pour the kvass into bottles so that several raisins get into each bottle, and leave for another 3 hours at room temperature, then store in the refrigerator.

On the first day, kvass will have a mild, sweetish and sour taste, and on the second day it will be completely balanced, sharp and foamy.

Kvass from instant coffee and apple-grape juice

As mentioned above, when making kvass it is always interesting to play with the added components. Try to make apple-grape kvass from instant coffee and the main drink of any festive table will be the result of your labors. The juice can be consumed either purchased or homemade.

Start making it closer to the evening and you will have the freshest kvass ready for breakfast.

  • 1.5 liters of boiled water;
  • 0.5 liters of clarified apple and grape juice;
  • 0.5 gr. Art. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp. instant coffee;
  • 0.5 tsp. yeast.

Boil the water and cool to 35 degrees. Place all the ingredients in an enamel or glass container with a volume of about 3 liters and carefully mix them together until the sugar is completely dissolved and the yeast dissolves.

Wrap the container filled with future kvass with a cloth (a collection of different and interacting tissues form organs) or a towel, cover it loosely to maintain air circulation and place it in a warm place.

After 12 hours, the kvass will be ready; before serving, it must be carefully filtered and cooled for an hour or two in the refrigerator.

Frisky kvass from coffee at home

Hello, dear readers. We have already started a hot summer, and a very hot one at that. It wasn’t that long ago that there was rain, but for a number of days now the temperature has been rising. For example, at the moment it’s 36 degrees in the shade, and we want to drink something cold, and with “bulbs” at that. The perfect option is kvass. So I’ll tell you how to create kvass from coffee. The recipe is very simple and affordable.

Although not everyone may have the ingredients, as we did. But more on that below. The main thing is that you can create it very quickly, and by the end of the day you can taste good kvass. For example, at 11 o’clock in the afternoon I decided to create kvass, and already at 6 o’clock in the evening I drank cooled kvass.

True, in the first photo there is kvass on the 2nd day. It is already the sharpest and even with foam, in a fogged glass.

And this is not the first kvass recipe on the blog. There is a slightly similar recipe, you can look at the article “How to make kvass at home.” But this kvass cannot be created so quickly. But it will taste like barrel kvass.

Read also:  Homemade chicory kvass recipe

Frisky kvass with coffee and citric acid

As you can guess from the name, we will use instant coffee. But don’t worry, there won’t be so much of it that you won’t even feel the taste.

And we will need:

  • Water - 3 liters
  • Sugar - 1 cup (250 grams)
  • Instant coffee - 1 teaspoon
  • Citric acid - 1 dessert spoon
  • Dry yeast - 1 teaspoon
  • Raisins – 10 – 15 berries

I wanted to write that the products are affordable and can be found in every kitchen. But unfortunately, or not so much, we didn’t have instant coffee. I drink coffee very occasionally, and then brewed, and mostly not at home. So we had to use a sticker, which is equivalent to one teaspoon. It’s a great idea for now, and you don’t need to take a lot. So I bought one sticker and prepared some frisky kvass with coffee.

Now let’s move on specifically to our recipe for coffee kvass. To do this, take a container in which we will make our drink, and fill it with warm water. The water doesn’t have to be hot to prevent the yeast from steaming. My water temperature was about 35 - 40 degrees.

Water can be taken either boiled or spring. As you can see in the photo, I used a 3 liter jar to make kvass.

We pour a 250 gram glass of sugar into the water.

Then pour in one teaspoon of instant coffee. In our case it was a sticker. The type of coffee or its type is not so important here. You can even take the regular drink "Galka", which is sold as a cheap coffee substitute. Coffee is added not so much for taste, but as a coloring agent. This is how kvass acquires its usual color. And the taste of coffee is not felt at all. Then we add citric acid. We added one dessert spoon, without a large slide. This is approximately 8 - 9 g. From my own experience I will say that we tried adding 10 grams, and we tried adding 7 grams (a teaspoon). According to my taste, where 10 grams is tastier. I just love sour kvass. But I don’t recommend this kvass to people with high acidity.

If you add one teaspoon, then, for my taste, it is a bit sweet. This kind of kvass was most often drunk, both on tap and in bottles.

At this step you can dissolve the sugar in the container. Now add yeast, one teaspoon of dry yeast. This is completely enough for our kvass to ferment. Don't add too much yeast. There is about 4 - 5 grams of yeast in a teaspoon. For best fermentation, add raisins. I added 15 berries, I like foamy kvass so that it is sharp. And raisins add sharpness to our kvass. You can take any raisins, there is no difference.

Mix everything well and leave it to ferment. I put it in the sun, and after three hours it was already possible to bottle it.

The first fermentation began almost immediately, but it was noticeable in large numbers after 15 minutes. After 2 hours, uniform fermentation was already underway. The raisins rose and then sank back to the bottom.

Three hours later I decided to bottle the kvass. The fermentation was clearly visible, and so that the kvass was sharp and not too acidic, I bottled it into two 1.5 liter bottles. Removed from the sun and left to cool at room temperature.

Because the room was hot, it took almost three hours to cool down. And it wasn’t just cooling down, it was also wandering.

You can leave it to wander and not in the sun. But then be sure to look at the fermentation. You can even taste it. The main thing to understand is that the taste of the finished kvass will be slightly sharper and sour, because fermentation will also take place in the bottle. At room temperature, kvass will ferment for about 6 - 7 hours.

But this is just a guess. There will be different reasons for the readiness of kvass. This includes the amount of sugar, the amount of yeast, and even the freshness of the yeast, the amount of raisins, and, of course, the ambient temperature.

Our kvass came out sharp and tasty on the 2nd day. And on the first - sweetish with sourness, and not so sharp. Both I and Lena (my wife, if anyone doesn’t understand) like this taste, and even the kids appreciated this kvass. And the son even asked to create such kvass when it was completed.

And now some subtleties of making kvass. You can use less acid and let the kvass ferment more. Then it will be more sour, but there will be no sweet note. And this particular note makes kvass savory, and not mash. If it peroxidizes, then you will end up with an ordinary brew.

You can add a little less sugar. Then be sure to add less acid. And remember that you can always add acid and sugar later, but you can’t remove it, just dilute it with water. But this may affect the taste of coffee kvass.

You can add less raisins. Raisins impart sharpness. Therefore, when bottling, try to get the raisins into each bottle. 2 - 3 berries will be enough.

What’s also great is that it only comes out to 3 liters, and if you don’t like the taste, for example, very sweet or sour, you can simply correct it in the next batch of kvass. You can always find your own impeccable kvass, your own signature recipe for kvass in 3 hours with coffee. And you can drink it after three hours, but it won’t be refreshing. It’s better to put it in the refrigerator and enjoy cold kvass made from coffee and citric acid. As you can see in the first photo, kvass foams perfectly after refrigeration and, believe me, it’s very refreshing.

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Kvass becomes tastier on the 2nd day. Children like to drink foamy kvass through a straw.

From personal experience, it is better to store kvass in the refrigerator. This way it foams better and does not peroxide. And what I especially like is that kvass from coffee is prepared quickly and is easy to drink.

And if you are a supporter of natural goods and drinks, then we have a recipe for making kvass from barley. The advantage of this recipe is that it is made without yeast or acid. Barley, water and sugar. At the same time, the capacity of barley will be enough for the whole summer.

What kind of kvass do you prefer? Write a short recipe for your kvass. And if we like your recipe, we will prepare it and describe it with a photo. And of course we will thank you on the pages of our blog.

How to make delicious kvass from coffee

Coffee kvass is an excellent thirst reliever in the summer heat. Anyone can prepare it at home, because the necessary ingredients are available in most kitchens.

What is coffee kvass and what is it made from?

The tasty drink comes out as a result of fermentation of two ingredients - sweet sand and dry yeast. Coffee here plays the role of a natural coloring and flavoring; its taste and smell are virtually invisible, especially during long-term production of kvass. The recipe can use ground beans or instant coffee, as well as cheap coffee powder.

Recipes for kvass from coffee at home

A common recipe is one that requires, in addition to coffee, yeast, sweet sand, and citric acid. Those who are afraid of the extreme component can exchange it for juice.

Quick kvass made from coffee, citric acid, sugar and yeast in 3 hours

This recipe uses a small amount of coffee - it is only needed to add flavor and beautiful color. The taste of prepared kvass is actually no different from traditional kvass, but the difference is small.


  • 3 liters of warm water at a temperature of 35-40°C;
  • 250 grams of sweet sand;
  • 9-15 g raisins;
  • 5 g yeast;
  • 8-10 g citric acid;
  • 7 g instant coffee.

Manufacturing procedure:

  1. Fill a three-liter jar with water (the liquid does not have to be hot, otherwise the yeast will cook).
  2. Add sugar, then add 1 teaspoon or a single bag of coffee. The variety is not important - it could be any instant or even a cheap substitute for this drink.
  3. Add 7 to 10 grams of citric acid to taste. The more it is, the more sour the drink.
  4. Stir the contents to dissolve the ingredients.
  5. Pour in a teaspoon of yeast to start the fermentation process.
  6. Add raisins (up to 15 berries, but not less than 7). The more berries, the sharper the taste of kvass.
  7. Mix the contents. Place the jar in the sun to ferment. You can also wrap the container in a blanket and put it in a warm space. The jar must be covered with gauze or a piece of fabric (the structure of the tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) so that the carbon dioxide formed comes out.

The contents of the container begin to ferment after 15 minutes, the process continues for several hours. The raisins will cause foam to appear on the surface. The longer kvass is exposed to the sun, the more striking and pronounced its taste will become. To get a refreshing and not harsh drink with the most colorful coffee notes, you need to wait 3 hours. On the 2nd day it will become sharpest and most invigorating.

The drink is carefully strained, bottled, and then put in the refrigerator. Low temperature actually stops fermentation, but the maturation of the drink does not stop, so after a day the taste will change little.

There is no rational amount of ingredients and no specific fermentation time. It is recommended to adjust these characteristics to your own taste.

Recipe for coffee kvass with juice

In the recipe, citric acid is replaced with apple or grape-apple juice.

For production you will need:

  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 180-200 g sugar;
  • 7 g instant coffee;
  • 4-5 g yeast;
  • 0.5 liters of grape and apple juice;
  • From 7 to 10 g of raisins.

The amount of sugar and raisins in this recipe is less because it does not contain citric acid. This is due to the fact that the juice contains sugar and fruit components, which allow the water to ferment intensively.

It is necessary to dissolve the bulk ingredients in a jar of heated water. Next add juice and raisins. Cover the container and place it in the sun or in a warm room. The liquid will begin to ferment within 15 minutes, kvass can be drunk after 3-5 hours, but the longer the process continues, the sharper and more pronounced the taste will become.

Kvass with ground coffee beans

This recipe does not use instant, but natural ground coffee. This drink has a rich taste and differs significantly from the store-bought one.


  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sweet sand;
  • 1 tbsp. l. ground coffee beans;
  • 1 tsp yeast.

To make it, you need to take a two-liter jar, pour in water heated to 35-40°C, and add bulk ingredients. After mixing, cover, carefully wrap and leave to ferment in a warm, dark room for 7 hours. Next, the liquid must be thoroughly strained and then cooled.

Read also:  Sea buckthorn tea recipe

It’s easy to prepare coffee kvass at home on your own, because the necessary ingredients are available in every kitchen. The drink comes out savory, invigorating, similar to the traditional one. The soluble powder produces a familiar color and captivating scent. To get the distinctive taste of coffee, you need to use ground beans for making it.

Ristretto is one of the methods for making dark coffee in a coffee machine.

The taste of mochaccino brings ecstasy to both coffee connoisseurs and those with a sweet tooth.

Each type of coffee has its own smell, taste and history.


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Kvass from coffee drink

Friday, June 24, 2011 12:29 + to quote book

I would like to share a recipe for kvass. I bought a coffee drink at the market and the merchant gave me a hint that it makes tasty kvass. We have been making it for the 2nd summer season now. And here is the recipe: for a
3 liter bath

dilute 3 tablespoons of coffee drink (instant coffee drink made from chicory or barley, we sell from Galka office)
with boiling water and pour into a jar, add water to the top

Sprinkle yeast on top (I used dry and simple, both are delicious) for about
5-6 hours in a warm space, later in the refrigerator, when it cools down you can use it. It turns out better than store-bought and the main thing is you know what it’s made of.

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