Recipe for quince jam with lemon

Recipe for quince jam with lemon

Various fruits and berries are used for jam. But there is one fruit that looks unprepossessing, but has a lot of advantages. It contains a lot of iron, tannins, vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, PP, E, and also provitamin A. This is quince. Quince jam with lemon preserves all the beneficial characteristics of the fruit.

It’s not difficult to cook the dessert, the main thing is to follow the recipe tips.

  1. Traditional recipe for quince jam with lemon
  2. Recipe No. 1
  3. Recipe No. 2
  4. A lighter version of quince jam with lemon
  5. Quince jam with lemon in a slow cooker
  6. Quince with lemon in a bread maker
  7. Conclusion

Traditional recipe for quince jam with lemon

There are a huge number of recipes for quince jam with lemon, but almost all housewives stick to the classics.

Recipe No. 1

To make quince jam you need to take:

  • 1 kg of ripe fruits;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1 large lemon.
  1. To wash quince, use hot water and a sponge. This must be done painstakingly.
  2. Then they cut off the skin, because it is very rough and is not suitable for cooking.
  3. The fruits are cut into 4 parts, the core and seeds are removed. There is no need to throw them away; these parts will be needed to improve the taste of the jam.
  4. Any piece of fruit is cut crosswise into slices. They are transferred to a basin and covered with sugar (half the norm indicated in the recipe). The fact is that the fruits are very hard, and after standing in their juice with sugar, they will become softer.
  5. The peel and seeds are placed in water, the remaining sugar is added and syrup is prepared.
  6. Hot syrup is poured over chopped fruits and set to cook. After 10 minutes from the moment of boiling, the quince is removed from the stove.
  7. Cooking must be continued after 12 hours; the bowl of jam is boiled on the stove for 30 minutes. Then they set it aside again for 12 hours. A total of 3 approaches are done.
  8. The washed lemon is crushed in a blender and added to the jam before extreme cooking.
  9. Hot jam is rolled with metal or screw-shaped lids into steamed jars.

Recipe No. 2

If you don’t like the long process of cooking quince jam with lemon, you can use the rest of the traditional recipe. Ingredients:

  • quinces – 1 kg;
  • sweet sand – 1 kg;
  • lemon – 1 piece.

Method for making quince jam:

  1. Wash the fruit, peel and cut into small pieces.
  2. Mix quince with some sugar and leave for 24 hours. During this period of time, the slices will produce juice.
  3. Add the rest of the sweet sand and let it brew for another day.
  4. Then place the bowl with the quince pieces on the stove and cook from the moment it boils for 60 minutes. The resulting foam must be removed.
  5. About 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add lemon zest and squeezed lemon juice.

Transfer the finished dessert with amber slices into prepared containers. Quince jam can be covered with ordinary lids.

A lighter version of quince jam with lemon

For cooking you need to prepare:

  • 1 kg of ripe fruits;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 500 g sugar
  • 1 lemon.
  1. You need to pour the amount of water indicated in the recipe into the pan and blanch the pieces of fruit for 25 minutes.
  2. Place the slices in a colander to strain the broth. Add sugar to it, bring to a boil.
  3. After 10 minutes, add quince to the syrup and set aside for 24 hours.
  4. Every other day, the jam should be boiled over low heat, a couple of minutes before it’s ready, add chopped citrus, removing the seeds first.
  5. You need to cook for another 20 minutes, then transfer to jars and close.

Quince jam with citrus, amber pieces, a charming taste and smell will appeal to any person.

Quince jam with lemon in a slow cooker

A slow cooker is a good option for making jam. The finished dessert has the most intense taste and color.

  • 1 kg of ripe fruits;
  • 0.5 kg sugar;
  • citrus – 1 piece.
  1. The quince, washed in hot water, is cut into 4 parts, the core and seeds are removed. Then cut into slices. It is necessary to work quickly so that the pieces of fruit do not darken in the air.
  2. Place the tenderloin in a multicooker bowl and add sugar. Cinnamon lovers recommend adding little of the spice given to us.
  3. Pour in hot water and set the multicooker timer to “simmer” mode for 25 minutes. During this period of time, the quince will not only swell, but also absorb the sweet syrup.
  4. After the designated time, turn off the multicooker, remove the bowl and cool the quince jam with lemon at room temperature for 12 hours.
  5. On the 2nd day, place the container with jam in the multicooker, limit the stewing time to 15 minutes.
  6. Cool the dessert, then reheat and simmer for 15 minutes.
  7. Place the hot jam into sterile jars and seal with metal or screw-shaped lids.

This citrus jam goes great with pancakes and pancakes.

Quince with lemon in a bread maker

A bread machine is used to make fresh buns. This equipment is completely suitable for making jam, because you don’t have to do anything special. Under the influence of high temperature and vacuum, dessert is prepared much faster than on an ordinary stove or in a slow cooker.

Since the bowl in the bread machine is small, you will have to take a certain amount of goods:

  • ripe fruits – 700 g;
  • sugar – 600 g;
  • 1 citrus.
  1. Preparing fruits for cooking in a bread machine is no different from other recipes. The fruits are carefully washed in hot water. Then the hard skin is peeled, because it is not suitable for jam.
  2. The fruit is cut into quarters to make it easier to cut out the core with seeds. All trimmings are folded separately, they are later added in a bag when cooking quince jam with lemon.
  3. The lemon is washed, dried, and cut into slices. If there are seeds, they should be thrown away so as not to spoil the taste of the finished dessert. Pieces of citrus are placed in a blender and crushed.
  4. Quince slices are combined with crushed lemon, sweet sand is added and mixed. The dishes are left alone for 2 hours. The sugar will begin to dissolve and juice will come out of the fruit.
  5. The mixture is placed in the bowl of the bread machine, the scraps with seeds are added, put in a fabric bag, and the “jam” program is connected.
  6. A delicious dessert with amber syrup is prepared within 1.5 hours.
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During this period of time, the slices will become transparent and soft. The bag is removed and squeezed out. When hot, the quince dessert is poured into sterile jars, rolled up and stored in any cold place.


Quince jam with lemon is a good way to use the fruit. After all, it is simply impossible to eat it raw: it is hard and tart. But in jam the slices are soft and transparent. A good addition to tea and warm rolls.

Another recipe for quince jam:

Quince jam: the most delicious with lemon

Quince grows in the south, although it is also found in gardens in the middle zone. Fruits in their freshest form are of little use for food: they are hard and sour. But after cooking, they become soft and sweet, and also emit a breathtaking smell. Due to its yellowish color and external similarity, the fruit is called a golden apple. Quince jam is unusually fragrant and tasty. Almost all housewives do not engage in home conservation, as they unfairly consider this process to be long and painful. In fact, to make savory jam you need only the most ordinary ingredients, the main one of which will be quince. You should choose it depending on the method by which it will be prepared. If it must remain in pieces in the jam, hard varieties are suitable. You can make jam from the soft fruits with the addition of various ingredients. Quince jam has an unusual taste with a slight sourness, and when fresh, the fruit can seem very strong. Now we will talk about how to prepare delicious quince jam with lemon.

Useful characteristics of quince jam

In folk medicine, yellowish fruits can free a person from a whole list of diseases and ailments, provide the body with such necessary substances as pyridoxine (B6), thiamine (B1), ascorbic acid (C), nicotinic (B3) and pantothenic (B5), as well as riboflavin (B2).

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This product has an incredible ability to lower body temperature, which is why quince is often recommended as an antipyretic. Quince jam and jam have a positive effect on digestion, as well as on the functioning of the liver and stomach. Another magical property of this fruit is that it can stop bleeding. Quince leaves are also quite successfully used in folk medicine. An infusion made from quince leaves lowers blood sugar (in the internal environment of the human and animal body) and is recommended for people who suffer from diabetes. Also, the juice of this fruit is excellent for asthma and upper respiratory tract diseases. In addition to all this, the positive effects of quince are also noticeable on the kidneys, because it is a diuretic. Therefore, when suffering from cystitis, it is recommended to eat quince. In addition to everything listed above, this fruit helps fight stress (Stress from the English stress - pressure, pressure, pressure; oppression; load; tension) , relieves tension and lifts your spirits. In addition to everything listed above, this fruit helps fight stress (Stress from the English stress - pressure, pressure, pressure; oppression; load; tension) , relieves tension and lifts your spirits.

Compared to all the positive properties of quince, its harm is completely insignificant. People who are engaged in teaching activities or any other activity where voice is needed are not recommended to consume this fruit. It has been medically confirmed that quince has a negative effect on the vocal cords and throat.

Quince jam with lemon

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • quince 1kg;
  • medium lemon 1 pc;
  • sugar 1kg;
  • water 200-300ml.

How to make quince jam with lemon:

Let's prepare the quince fruits: rinse thoroughly under running fairly hot water and wipe dry.

Cut any fruit in half and remove the core and seeds. Cut the halves into medium-sized pieces, approximately 1.5-2 cm, and place them in a suitable sized pan.

Add sugar and let the juice simmer for several hours. If in the end there is not a lot of juice (this happens if the quince is not fully ripe), you can add a glass of water.

We put our container on the stove and after it boils, cook for about 5 minutes, stirring, then remove from the stove and let it cool completely. We perform this function a couple of times (usually 3 times is enough), the jam eventually acquires a pleasant red color, and the quince slices become transparent.

Before boiling our not yet ready jam for the last time, cut the lemon into thin slices. You can also grind it with a blender.

Boil for 5-7 minutes and pour into prepared, washed and sterilized jars.

When finished, turn the container with jam upside down and leave to cool, wrapped in a blanket. Ready!

Quince jam with ginger and lemon zest

  • lemon juice - 7-8 ml.
  • quince - 550 gr.
  • lemon zest - 10 gr.
  • sweet sand - 520 gr.
  • ginger root (fresh) - 7 gr.
  • untainted water (drinking) - 230 ml.

Grate the lemon zest. Wash the ginger root and chop it very finely. Rinse the quince, remove the skin (you don’t have to do this if the surface is not damaged). Remove the stems and core from the fruit.

Quince jam - the most delicious recipes

Have a nice day everyone! On the agenda is quince jam. Here - now she will ripen in my garden. I highly recommend creating this sweetness, especially if you have never tried it before, because quince jam is the most delicious of all types of processed berries and fruits, without exaggeration - it’s so fragrant that it’s simply beyond words! I will tell you my own ancient recipe for making it at home, which I consider the best.

There is a worldview that quince is not consumed raw. This is a complete misconception, I want to convince you. Naturally, the fruits that are sold in the store in September cannot be eaten, because they are most likely not yet ripe.

By the way, they are also not suitable for jam.

Quince is fully ripened by the end of October and even in November, then it becomes softer and tastier.

But in any case, it is not eaten like an apple, by biting it. You need to cut the fruits into thin slices and put them in your mouth one at a time, slowly savoring and enjoying!

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But let's get back to the jam. At first it was anti-advertising)). Quince has a lot of benefits for the body; I wrote about its properties on my second blog. But this applies to new fruits. And no matter what they say, I believe that there is zero usefulness in jam, this is a translation of sugar)). But I still really want to cook a little for contrast, because it’s hard to resist this temptation!

Quince jam - the most delicious ancient recipe

I will share with you a recipe from an ancient cookbook that I have kept since the times of the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also the Soviet Union - a state that existed from 1922 to 1991 in Europe and Asia) , from which I constantly cook myself. And I think that this one is the most delicious, the jam is prepared in syrup using a decoction with seeds and it comes out fragrant, thick and transparent.

So, for jam we take only ripe and even better ripe quince.

  1. Carefully wash the fruits, wiping off with your hands all the bristles that cover them.
  2. Next, you need to peel the skin, cut the fruit into four parts and remove the core, being careful not to destroy the seeds. In principle, you don’t have to peel off the skin; I didn’t see much of a difference.

We don’t throw away the peel and seeds, because the skin contains most of the aromatic substances, and the seeds make the syrup thickest.

For 1 kg of clean and chopped quince you can take 1.2 kg of sugar.

It is very important that the fruits soften perfectly - this is the success of good jam. Once boiled, they will later quickly become saturated with sweet syrup.

But you don’t have to rush to finish cooking: the more times you cook, just bringing it to a boil, the more transparent the jam comes out.

Quince jam can be cooked with a variety of additives: lemon, orange, apples, nuts, pumpkin. To be honest, I haven’t tried all of them, but I think that the most delicious of them are the ones with lemon and nuts, their names alone speak for themselves, and it’s not in vain that these are prepared more often than others. The recipes are similar to those described, only at the end of cooking the indicated ingredients are added.

How to make delicious quince jam with lemon

Quince jam usually comes out dark in color, and if you add lemon to it, it will turn into a beautiful amber color, and it has a special, even more pleasant taste.

At the same time, lemons are cut into small pieces along with the zest, but be sure to remove the seeds, because they impart bitterness. Excellent jam comes out with lemons cut into very thin slices.

I won’t show the entire manufacturing process with photos; it is similar to the first one, although you can experience it a little differently.

  • 1 kg quince
  • 1 kg sugar
  • ½ lemon.

The washed fruits are completely immersed in water and, after boiling, kept for another 3-5 minutes so that they become softer.

The cooled quince is divided into parts and the middle is taken out, then cut into cubes.

The cores are sent into the water where the fruits were boiled, let them boil there for 10-15 minutes. During this period of time, they will transfer all their own smell and characteristics to the water.

Pour sugar into a pan with pieces of quince and pour a glass of strained broth.

Let it boil and cool twice, and the third time, bringing it to a boil, cook over low heat for 30 - 35 minutes, skim off any foam that appears.

Then add lemon slices and cook for about 10 minutes. By the corresponding smell of jam you can understand that it is ready.

You can also try making jam with orange.

These recipes remind me of zucchini jam, which is also always cooked with citrus fruits.

Azerbaijani recipe for quince jam with walnuts

Walnuts enrich the taste of quince jam, if you want, you can experiment, it will also be very tasty.

It is interesting to create it in Azerbaijani style; in this recipe, the nuts are soaked in advance so that they lose their bitterness.

  • quince – 2 kg
  • sugar – 1.2 kg
  • nuts – 200 gr
  • juice of half a lemon.

Fruits should be washed, peeled and cut into slices.

Cover the slices with sugar and leave for 2-3 hours until the juice appears.

Peel the nuts, divide into halves and add warm water. After they have been left for 2-2.5 hours, they will need to be washed and cut into quarters.

In the meantime, add a glass of water to the peel, boil for 5 minutes, leave for an hour and squeeze.

Pour this liquid into the quince with sugar and cook until the jam is ready.

After two hours of cooking, add the juice of half a lemon and walnuts, just boil the mixture for another 10 minutes and the jam is ready.

Quince jam with nuts and lemon: video recipe from Grandma Emma

Quince jam can be prepared immediately with lemon and nuts, as Grandma Emma does. By the way, her recipe is very similar to my ancient one. Absolutely, not a bad video, everything is clear and visual, what is what and how to create it, but the skin and seeds are not used.

I recommend everyone to make the most delicious quince jam in the world!

With respect, creator of the blog “Comfort and Warmth of My Home” Olga Smirnova

Quince jam: traditional recipe, with lemon, cinnamon, pumpkin or orange

Do you often spoil your own family? Everyone loves when they are spoiled with something delicious. In the winter season, tea appears on the table more often, which is not interesting to drink without tasty treats.

Buns, buns, cakes are ordinary and boring, but a true homemade delicacy will never get boring. Apple, raspberry, strawberry, plum, cherry - this list can be continued endlessly. How about something unusual, say, quince jam, the recipes for which we have prepared for you?

Not everyone has been able to experience such magic, and those who have been lucky say that its taste is indescribable. Below are several delicious and unusual recipes for quince jam, take note.

Quince is very useful, but it is difficult to eat this fruit raw; not everyone is ready for such a feat, even taking into account all its usefulness. After heat treatment, especially if done correctly, the “golden apple” becomes soft, tender, and tasty.

How to make quince jam, slices, traditional

Taking into account the fact that we are preparing jam, not jam, the quince must be cut into slices. To do this, the fruit must be thoroughly washed using a dish sponge. Make sure that all the fluff is washed off, otherwise the jam will have fluff, and this is not particularly tasty.

Remove the core and remove the seeds from the fruit. We also cut off all the barrels, bruises, and abrasions. Now we cut it into slices, there is nothing complicated here, it is cut the same way as an ordinary hard apple. Quince has a specific, astringent taste, so stock up on sugar at the rate of:

For 1 kg of slices you need 1 kg of sugar.

Rinse the slices again with water, and then place them in the container in which you will cook the delicacy, and immediately cover them with sugar! If you are too late, the slices will not be transparent, but darkened and unappetizing.

We don’t turn on the gas yet, let the fruit stand for several hours so that the slices release juice, to speed up the process, you can stir the mixture from time to time. So much juice should be released so that it covers almost everything; if you come across a quince that is not particularly juicy, you can add a little water - this is not critical.

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Turn on low heat, bring the mixture to a boil, skim off any foam that appears, then turn off the jam, wait for it to cool and repeat the function 3 times. After the third use, the slices will become transparent and the syrup will be slightly red - this is a sign that the delicacy is ready.

A tiny clarification: before you turn on the jam for the last time, take care to sterilize the jars and lids.

The finished delicacy must be put into jars, closed with lids, rolled up and certainly covered with something warm, then put away in a black space. This was a traditional recipe for quince jam, and lovers of something unusual should read the article to the end.

Quince jam - recipe with lemon

Those who consider themselves a gourmet and prefer the most complex recipes will appreciate jam with the addition of lemon. Pleasant citrus notes lift your spirits, and the taste of fruit will open up in a completely different way.

The usual recipe for making it is not easy; it takes 4 days to prepare. It’s not all that scary, you don’t have to spend the night in the kitchen, you just need to heat and infuse the fruit in syrup a couple of times, in total it will take about an hour and a half a day.

3 medium sized lemons.

About 400 ml of unstained water.

Wash the fruits, peel them, cut them into 4 parts, cut out the seeds, cut into slices. This is difficult, because quince is very hard, sharpen your knife and start cooking.

Fill the fruit with water so that the preparation does not darken, otherwise you will not get transparent red slices. Try to find a copper cooking basin or any other copper utensils. Enameled dishes are also suitable, but it is better to use copper, so the delicacy will not burn.

Pour water into the container and put it on fire. You need to wait until it boils, reduce the heat, and add sugar evenly. It must be stirred to avoid the formation of lumps, this is done to form a homogeneous syrup. In general, the process of cooking syrup takes about an hour, take your time, then your efforts will be rewarded.

We wait for the syrup to boil, after which we put chopped quince in it, stir, turn off the gas, cover with a towel, and wait a day.

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During this period of time, the quince will release juice, and the sugar will dissolve in it; after 24 hours, place the slices in a separate bowl, and boil the syrup. Place the fruit in the boiling sweet mixture and leave for another 24 hours.

On the 3rd day, rinse the lemons, pour boiling water over them, cut into slices, and then remove the seeds. The slices must again be removed, the syrup boiled, and after boiling, add the quince and lemon to the bowl. All this should be boiled for about 5 minutes.

Later, cover the container with a clean cotton towel and store for another day. The next day, without removing the ingredients, boil the mixture for 20 minutes. Then pour it into sterilized jars and roll it up. Place them with the lids down in a black room, cover with a blanket.

Quince jam with cinnamon, pumpkin or orange

For something fun, you can experiment and test making jam with new ingredients. The most delicious thing comes out with the addition of oranges, cinnamon and pumpkin. The unusual combination will not leave even the most demanding gourmet phlegmantic.

The manufacturing principle is the same, only the additional components change, which will be useful to us:

Lemon juice 100ml.

Cinnamon 10g/oranges 1kg/pumpkin 1kg.

Wash the fruits, cut them into slices, removing the cores and seeds, add cool water to prevent them from darkening.

We make the syrup in the same way as in the recipe with lemon, add quince and other ingredients to it and stir with a wooden spatula. Be sure to stir the cinnamon and cut the oranges into thin slices. With pumpkin it is a little more difficult; you need to chop it into small cubes or thin slices (as it may be).

Next, we follow the instructions of the traditional manufacturing recipe (it was the very first).

You can put a jar of fragrant jam on the New Year's table or pamper your family on any other day.

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