Pancakes with custard

Pancakes with custard


Chicken egg – 2 pcs.

Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. (+ for greasing the pan)

Baking powder – 1 tsp.

Flour – 1.5 cups


Egg (yolk) – 4 pcs.

Sugar – 1 glass

  • 166 kcal
  • 1 hour
  • 1 hour

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

For Maslenitsa or just for another tea party, I suggest preparing very tasty thin pancakes with the most delicate custard inside. The recipe is quite simple, despite the huge number of steps. Almost everyone is accustomed to combining such products to form pancake cakes. I often do this too, but now I wanted there to be even more cream. Custard on yolks is excellent as an interior. It is tender, but at the same time quite thick, which makes it easy to wrap it in a pancake.

This dessert is served with a cup of fragrant tea and coffee. I recommend trying it!

To prepare custard pancakes, prepare the ingredients according to the recipe list.

Pour warm milk into a deep bowl, add sugar, chicken eggs and vegetable oil. Stir with a whisk until smooth and crystals dissolve. If you wish, you can add a little vanilla sugar or a couple drops of essence.

Then add wheat flour with baking powder. Be sure to sift them through a fine sieve so that the bulk ingredients are saturated with oxygen.

Stir again, trying to break up all the flour lumps. If you want to reduce production time, use a mixer. Pancake dough mixed with milk should turn out quite watery and homogeneous. Cover the bowl with the dough with a kitchen towel and let it rest for 10 minutes.

Then pour a portion of the dough into a perfectly heated frying pan. Before the first pancake, it is better to grease it with vegetable oil, but this is in this case if you are not convinced of your own dishes. Using radial movements, spread the dough over the entire bottom.

Fry until golden brown on both sides over moderate heat. Place the finished pancake on a flat plate. Repeat until the end of the test. Leave the pancake stack for some time so that the crispy edges become soft.

Meanwhile, prepare the custard. Pour milk into a saucepan and boil it.

Combine egg yolks and sugar separately in a bowl.

Mix them using a mixer. The mass should noticeably turn white and increase slightly in volume.

Add sifted wheat flour and stir again. Pour hot milk into the resulting mixture in a narrow stream, without interrupting the operation of the mixer.

Then pour the contents of the bowl back into the pan and put on fire.

Cook for about 5 minutes on low heat, stirring continuously. The custard should become homogeneous and quite thick, the mixture reminiscent of homemade sour cream. Remove the pan from the heat, cover the surface of the cream with cling film and let it cool one hundred percent.

When all the pieces have reached the appropriate temperature, place 1-1.5 tbsp on the edge of the unrolled pancake. custard.

Tuck the side edges (as in the photo).

And form a typical roll. Fill all the pancakes in the same way.

OK it's all over Now! The custard pancakes are ready! You can start tasting.

Brew fragrant tea and invite your family to the table.

Arabic custard pancakes

“Napoleon” remains one of the favorite desserts of all generations, but preparing this cake takes a lot of time and requires a lot of skill.

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To simplify matters without denying yourself and your loved ones the joy of drinking tea with your favorite sweetness, Arabic custard pancakes baked according to a traditional recipe will help. Only now it is necessary to make the dough a little thicker than in an ordinary “pancake” case, and the cakes themselves must be thicker in order to retain the filling.

Thin pancakes with custard: traditional recipe

Dough ingredients

  • Fresh milk - 750 ml;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Wheat flour - about 2 cups;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp.

Products for cream

  • Milk - 750 ml;
  • Snow-white granulated sugar - 2/3 cup;
  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp;
  • Starch (potato) - 1.5 tbsp;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Butter - 100 g;
  • Vanillin is on the tip of the knife.

Baking custard pancakes according to a traditional recipe

The most common thing to have on your plate is pancake-envelopes with meat inside or pancake “fingers” with curd filling. And rolled into a tube, with a gentle cream inside, they are also indescribably good.

If you still want to enjoy your favorite dessert in the traditional way, then you can stack the pancakes and coat them with custard filling - the cake is ready!

Mixing the dough for Arabic pancakes

  • Mix eggs, sugar and salt, add milk to the mixture, stir it.
  • Now add flour. To avoid the formation of lumps, it is best to stir with a mixer.
  • The dough must be left for half an hour to improve its mixture. For now, let's move on to the cream filling.

Making custard for pancakes

  • Beat the eggs into a bowl, add sugar to them, add starch and sifted flour, then stir with a mixer or whisk until smooth.
  • Milk (about half a glass) is heated slightly and added to the egg mixture to make it thinner.
  • The rest of the milk, poured into an enamel container, is sent to the fire. When it boils, reduce the flame to low and slowly pour the sweet egg mixture into the milk liquid. At this time, you need to continuously stir the milk so that it does not burn.
  • When the cream thickens (this usually takes about 10 minutes), it will need to be placed in a cold space. When it cools down a little, add butter to it and mix everything.

Baking Arabic custard pancakes

  • The pancake dough is ready - let's start baking. Grease the bottom of a frying pan heated over high heat with vegetable oil and pour in the first portion of dough.
  • Distribute it moderately by turning the pan clockwise and begin baking the pancakes.
  • As soon as the edges brown and the wet spot disappears on the unbaked side, turn the pancake over to the other side. A few seconds - and you can shoot.

Rolling pancakes with custard into tubes

  • So we turn all the dough into pancakes. When they have cooled slightly, cover the inside of each with cream filling and roll it into a tube.

  • Place the cream rolls on a plate. They can be sprinkled with sweet powder, coconut flakes, or poured with your favorite syrup. That's all - the sweet, unique dessert is ready for tasting!

Traditional Arabic pancakes: recipe tips

  • In the recipe I give an approximate amount of flour. But it may be useful more or, on the contrary, less, everything will depend on the stickiness of the flour. In this matter, try to constantly focus on the thickness of the dough: it should be a little thicker than usual, because we need pancakes thicker than usual.
  • Flour can be either premium wheat or rye. The perfect option is to mix them in equal proportions.
  • You can add any vegetable oil to the test mixture, not forgetting to add a small amount to lubricate the pan.
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Unique Arabic triangle pancakes with Qataef custard


  • Flour (premium grade) – 1 cup;
  • Milk – 2 tbsp;
  • Heated water - ¾ glass;
  • Sugar – 3.5 tbsp;
  • Dry yeast – 0.5 tsp;
  • Baking powder for dough – 0.5 tsp;
  • Cream (any fat content) – 1 tbsp.;
  • Potato starch - 1/3 tsp;
  • Snow-white bread – 4 slices;
  • Vegetable oil – 2-3 tbsp.

How to make your own Arabian cream pancakes

  1. Add 1 tsp to the sifted flour. sugar, yeast, baking powder, mix everything well.
  2. Pour in warm water (reserving 3 tablespoons) and knead into a thick, homogeneous dough mass. Then you need to add warm milk (1 glass) and stir everything again. We leave the finished dough to “bloom”, covering it with a towel, in the meantime, we will make the cream filling.
  3. We take bread slices, cut out the crumb and divide it into small pieces. We put the skin aside - we won’t need it.
  4. Mix the second part of the milk, cream, sugar and heat the mass evenly over low heat, stirring it constantly until the sweet grains dissolve.
  5. Place the bread pieces into the sweet milk mixture and stir them so that they are one hundred percent immersed in the liquid, saturated with it and swollen.
  6. After stirring the starch in the remaining water, pour it into the milk without ceasing to stir.
  7. In order for the creamy mass to come out homogeneous, without bread lumps, after removing it from the heat, it must be mixed with a mixer or blender. Later we put the cream on the fire again until it thickens.
  8. Having coated the heated frying pan with oil (it’s easier to do this with a silicone brush or half a raw potato), pour the dough onto the hot bottom. If the frying pan has a non-stick coating, there is no need to grease it.
  9. Fry the tortillas on one side only. An indicator of readiness is the appearance of holes on the “raw” side and the disappearance of the wet sheen.

The amount of dough for one pancake is 1 tbsp. test mass. The diameter of 1 pancake is about 7 cm.

10. We lay out the custard for pancakes made by ourselves (it should be quite thick) on the unbaked side of the still-uncooled flatbreads, after which we pinch the pastries together using the triangle principle.

Arabic pancakes with custard look quite original. We suggest serving them with watery honey or any other syrup. A savory and spiritual tea party with such a dessert is guaranteed for you!

Homemade desserts are always tasty and healthy, so they can be given to children without the slightest fear. At the table, in the center of which the most delicate pancakes with your favorite custard are placed, the whole family will gather to have a small “belly celebration” and discuss the latest announcements.

True, this treat has one drawback - it quickly spreads across the plates, so you will have to additionally knead a second portion or immediately create a double one.

Custard pancakes

Similar recipes:

500 ml milk
200 g flour
2 eggs
2 tbsp.
vegetable oil 1 tbsp.
sugar 1 packet of baking powder
For the custard:

Read also:  January chamomile salad recipe

2.5 tbsp.
milk 3 tbsp.
flour 1 cup sugar
2 eggs
70 g butter
Coconut flakes for decoration

How to cook Crepes with custard

Custard recipe:

Combine eggs, sugar and flour.

Grind everything well until smooth.

Then very slowly pour in the milk.

Mix well until smooth, so that there are no lumps.

Place the pan over medium heat, and when it boils, remove and cool to room temperature.

Carefully knead the butter and add the cooled milk mixture a tablespoon at a time, stirring until smooth so that there are no lumps left.

Add all the milk evenly and mix very thoroughly.

So, everything is ready and now you can start making custard pancakes.

Place the pancake on a plate and cut off both sides.

Place 2-3 tablespoons of cream on the edge of the pancake, spread it a little over the pancake, but the main part of the cream should remain on the edge.

Carefully roll the pancakes into a tube.
In this way, we roll up all the pancakes and carefully place them on a plate.
Sprinkle the pancakes with coconut.

Pancakes with custard

Recipes Pancakes and pancakes Pancakes with custard

Pancakes with custard

For cream:

  • Milk – 2.5 cups
  • Wheat flour – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar – 1 glass
  • Vanilla sugar - to taste (you can also use vanillin in the recipe for pancakes with custard)
  • Testicle – 2 pcs.
  • Butter – 70 g

For pancakes:

  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Milk – 500 ml
  • Self-raising pastry flour – 200 g
  • Testicle – 2 pcs.


1. Mix all the ingredients for the dough and bring it to a suitable mixture (add a little more milk or a little more flour as needed). The dough should flow freely in the pan.

Instead of pastry flour, you can use regular flour mixed with baking powder/soda and a pinch of salt.

2. Fry the pancakes as usual, on both sides. Lightly grease the finished pancakes with butter.

3. Cream line. Place the milk over medium heat. While it is heating, beat the eggs with sugar (plain and vanilla) with a whisk. Beat thoroughly, the sugar should dissolve one hundred percent, and the eggs should become homogeneous. Then evenly add the sifted flour to the egg mixture, continuing to stir.

4. Turn the heat on the stove to its lowest setting. Pour half of the heated milk into the cream (in small portions), and then pour this mass into the remaining milk. Heat over low heat, stirring to avoid creating lumps. When the cream thickens a little, add oil. Remove the pan from the heat and stir until the butter is completely melted.

5. Trim the edges of the pancakes on both sides with a knife so that they become straight. Next, place custard cream on the round edge of each pancake and roll it into a tube. Place the finished rolls in a heap on a plate.

6. Decorate the dessert with coconut shavings and fresh lemon seeds.

Looking to simplify this dessert? Make pancake dough from the prepared flour mixture “Traditional Golden Morning Pancakes” by simply adding water and oil. And a fragrant filling for pancakes can be prepared from the consistency of “Parisian Custard”.

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