Homemade lemonade; Duchess

Homemade lemonade “Duchess”

The drink first appeared in France in the 17th century. during the reign of Louis I. At court it was prepared from weak lemon tincture and lemon juice. According to legend, the appearance of the drink is actually connected with the fatal mistake of the court cupbearer. Inadvertently, instead of wine, he scooped lemon juice into the monarch’s glass; in order to somehow correct this imprudent act, he added water and sugar to the glass. The ruler appreciated the drink and gave orders to prepare it on hot days.

Ingredients for “Homemade lemonade “Duchess””:

  • Sparkling water – 1.5 l
  • Sugar - 250 g
  • Lemon (juice) – 5 pcs.
  • Pear (duchess) – 2 kg

Production time: 60 minutes

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
2375 kcal
14.8 g
6.8 g
591.8 g
100 g dish
59.4 kcal
0.4 g
0.2 g
14.8 g

Recipe for “Homemade Duchess Lemonade”:

Rinse the pear and squeeze the juice out of it. I got almost 1.5 liters of fresh pear juice.

Pour fresh pear juice into a deep saucepan and add sugar, cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Let it sit, preferably at night (that is, in the dark) . Or until completely cooled.

Squeeze juice from lemons.
5 lemons yield 200 ml.

Strain the pear syrup through cheesecloth. Mix with lemon juice and sparkling water. As a result, 3 liters of the most delicious, homemade, fragrant and healthy lemonade came out.

Natural homemade lemonade made from freshly squeezed lemon juice has the most positive parameters. Like lemon itself, lemonade contains vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) C, A, D, P, B1 and B2;
trace elements potassium, copper, calcium, phosphorus and ascorbic acid. Lemonade perfectly relieves thirst on hot summer days and has disinfecting properties. Rich lemonade helps in the treatment (process for alleviating, relieving or eliminating symptoms and diseases) of atherosclerosis (atherosclerosis is a chronic disease of the arteries of the elastic and muscular-elastic type) , diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract - the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, intended for processing and extraction of nutrients from food) with a reduced level of acidity, as well as metabolic disorders in the body.
At high temperatures accompanied by fever, sugar-free lemonade is prescribed to maintain fluid balance and alleviate the condition.
Lemonade also helps with scurvy, decreased appetite, colds and joint pain.
Pregnant women are advised to drink lemonade in the first trimester to relieve toxicosis, but it should be noted that excessive consumption (more than 3 liters per day) can cause swelling of the limbs and heartburn.
Pears contain apple, citric, ascorbic, chlorogenic acids, pectins, carotene and tannins, essential oils, fructose, carbohydrates, the antibiotic arbutin, flavonoids, vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) PP, C, B1 , iodine, potassium, zinc, magnesium silicon, vanadium, cahetins, iron, boron (in dried form, which is not found in other dried fruits), silver ions, folic acid (the content of which pear exceeds currants), nutritional fiber.
Modern medicine also takes this fruit seriously, recommending eating boiled and baked pears for bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis, pear decoction and fresh fruits for cystitis, urolithiasis, inflammation of the urinary tract, diseases of the liver and biliary tract (in this case, sour and tart fruits are useful fruits, although they are difficult to digest by the body; 2 pears eaten in the morning will soothe pain (anxiety associated with true or potential tissue damage) with cholecystitis and gastritis, relieve heartburn), cardiovascular diseases, pear compote - with prostatitis and how a prophylactic for guys over 40 years old, the freshest pears and pear juice - to strengthen capillaries and for diabetes, because they normalize blood sugar levels (the internal environment of the human and animal body) .
Pear jam and baked fruits will help with coughs, pears in all forms, but especially the freshest ripe fruits - against depression, their smell increases the mood and doctors recommend that if you are not in the best state of mind, eat pears rather than sweets.
The freshest pears - to strengthen the immune system, for obesity and weight loss, because the energy value of the product is low (100 g of pears contain 246 kcal), carbohydrates and pectins (a type of soluble fiber) help the stomach work well, burn fat, remove heavy alloys and toxins ( Ancient Greek toxin (toxikos) - poisonous - poison of biological origin) from the body, lowers cholesterol levels (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) .

Homemade lemonade “Duchess”

Homemade lemonade “Duchess”


Recipe for making homemade lemonade “Duchess”; The drink first appeared in France in the 17th century. during the reign of Louis I. At court it was prepared from weak lemon tincture and lemon juice. According to legend, the appearance of the drink is actually connected with the fatal mistake of the court cupbearer. Inadvertently, instead of wine, he scooped lemon juice into the monarch’s glass; in order to somehow correct this imprudent act, he added water and sugar to the glass. The ruler appreciated the drink and gave orders to prepare it on hot days.

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  • Sparkling water 1.5 l
  • Sugar 250 g
  • Lemon (juice) 5 pcs
  • Pear (duchess) 2 kg


Rinse the pear and squeeze the juice out of it. I got almost 1.5 liters of fresh pear juice.

Pour fresh pear juice into a deep saucepan and add sugar, cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Let it sit, preferably at night (that is, in the dark) . Or until completely cooled.

Squeeze juice from lemons.

5 lemons yield 200 ml.

Strain the pear syrup through cheesecloth. Mix with lemon juice and sparkling water. As a result, 3 liters of the most delicious, homemade, fragrant and healthy lemonade came out.

Natural homemade lemonade made from freshly squeezed lemon juice has the most positive parameters. Like lemon itself, lemonade contains vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) C, A, D, P, B1 and B2; trace elements potassium, copper, calcium, phosphorus and ascorbic acid.

Lemonade perfectly relieves thirst on hot summer days and has disinfecting properties. Rich lemonade helps in the treatment (process for alleviating, relieving or eliminating symptoms and diseases) of atherosclerosis (atherosclerosis is a chronic disease of the arteries of the elastic and muscular-elastic type) , diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract - the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, intended for processing and extraction of nutrients from food) with a reduced level of acidity, as well as metabolic disorders in the body.

At high temperatures accompanied by fever, sugar-free lemonade is prescribed to maintain fluid balance and alleviate the condition.

Lemonade also helps with scurvy, decreased appetite, colds and joint pain.

Pregnant women are advised to drink lemonade in the first trimester to relieve toxicosis, but it should be noted that excessive consumption (more than 3 liters per day) can cause swelling of the limbs and heartburn.

Pears contain apple, citric, ascorbic, chlorogenic acids, pectins, carotene and tannins, essential oils, fructose, carbohydrates, the antibiotic arbutin, flavonoids, vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) PP, C, B1 , iodine, potassium, zinc, magnesium silicon, vanadium, cahetins, iron, boron (in dried form, which is not found in other dried fruits), silver ions, folic acid (the content of which pear exceeds currants), nutritional fiber.

Modern medicine also takes this fruit seriously, recommending eating boiled and baked pears for bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis, pear decoction and fresh fruits for cystitis, urolithiasis, inflammation of the urinary tract, diseases of the liver and biliary tract (in this case, sour and tart fruits are useful fruits, although they are difficult to digest by the body; 2 pears eaten in the morning will soothe pain (anxiety associated with true or potential tissue damage) with cholecystitis and gastritis, relieve heartburn), cardiovascular diseases, pear compote - with prostatitis and how a prophylactic for guys over 40 years old, the freshest pears and pear juice - to strengthen capillaries and for diabetes, because they normalize blood sugar levels (the internal environment of the human and animal body) .

Pear jam and baked fruits will help with coughs, pears in all forms, but especially the freshest ripe fruits - against depression, their smell increases the mood and doctors recommend that if you are not in the best state of mind, eat pears rather than sweets.

The freshest pears - to strengthen the immune system, for obesity and weight loss, because the energy value of the product is low (100 g of pears contain 246 kcal), carbohydrates and pectins (a type of soluble fiber) help the stomach work well, burn fat, remove heavy alloys and toxins ( Ancient Greek toxin (toxikos) - poisonous - poison of biological origin) from the body, lowers cholesterol levels (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) .

This recipe is part of the “Cooking Together – Culinary Week” campaign. Discussion of production on the forum - http://forum.povarenok.ru/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=5744

Estimated time: 45 minutes
Preparation time: 10 minutes

Homemade lemonade recipe "Duchess"

Are you planning a children's party, in honor of your child's birthday, or just a home party? In this case, the acute question arises, what is still tasty and immediately useful to treat your little guests? In this article we will try to answer it. Naturally, natural foods and drinks are the least unsafe. Compote, fruit drink, brew? But this is a bygone century, and these drinks look sad on a formal table. Therefore, we would like to offer to put on the table “Duchess” lemonade, prepared with our own hands. This drink is not only tasty and looks great, but is completely harmless for children with allergies to dyes and preservatives, which are becoming more and more common in modern realities.

The history of lemonade

This excellent drink, so beloved by children and adults, was born in Paris. In those days, France was ruled by the ruler Louis Bourbon, who was one of the first to taste this drink. Naturally, the drink we usually drink differs from what was drunk at the court of the French crown. Then lemonade was not carbonated and consisted of only 3 components: water, sugar and lemon juice.

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In Russia, the emergence of lemonade is associated with the naming of Peter the Great. And the appearance of gases in drinks is associated with the invention by Joseph Priestley in the 18th century of a saturator that saturates water with carbon dioxide.

Calorie content of Duchess lemonade

Any lemonade is, first of all, a carbonated drink that contains carbon dioxide, which creates bubbles that hit the nose. In Russian times, siphons or soda slaked with citric acid were used to create these same bubbles. But soda spoiled the taste of the drink, so over time they began to drink carbonated water with syrup.

It should be noted that the calorie content of homemade Duchess lemonade is low. Only 24 kcal per 100 g of drink, while 12 g are carbohydrates. To reduce the calorie content of the drink, you can use sugar substitutes or not sweeten it at all.

Regular lemonade recipe

This is a fairly ordinary, but very tasty recipe for Duchess lemonade. So, the following ingredients will be useful for its manufacture:

  • 300 ml pear juice;
  • 50 ml lemon juice;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 350 ml sparkling water;
  • a pack of vanilla.

  1. Before all this, you need to boil the syrup. To do this you need to prepare the fruit. We sort through and leave only whole fruits without damage. Cut the pears into small pieces and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Then we fill some of the juice with sweet sand and add a little vanillin, just to enhance the smell.
  3. Put the liquid on the fire and cook for a couple of minutes.
  4. As soon as the juice boils, stir it for 3 minutes and remove.
  5. Cool the purchased syrup.
  6. To the other part of the juice, which is not boiled, add the juice of 1 or 2 squeezed lemons.
  7. Mix sparkling water, syrup and juice.

It is especially pleasant to drink this drink during a hot period of time with ice and an additional slice of lemon.

Making "Natakhtari"

In the previous recipe, we looked at the traditional type of lemonade. But now there are quite a few versions of this invigorating drink among various peoples of the world. "Natakhtari" is like one of them. This is the Georgian version of lemonade.

So, what is Georgia most famous for? Natural mineral springs, seaside resorts, unpolluted mountain air. It was in such a wonderful environment that this excellent lemonade was born. It contains natural fruits and mineral water from mountain springs. This drink in itself is already a healing agent. The presence of mint adds an elusive zest to the recipe. In addition, the composition of the drink is very similar to the classic version of Duchess lemonade.

  • 1 kg of Duchess pears;
  • 250 g sweet powder;
  • 2 liters of mineral water;
  • fresh mint leaves.
  1. It is necessary to grind mint with sweet powder into a paste and brew with boiling water in a thermos for an hour.
  2. Then a pear syrup is prepared with sweet powder and water. This particular variety of pear is recommended because it is particularly sweet and juicy. We make puree from the fruit.
  3. Mix the finished mass with the strained infusion and sweet powder. We get a ready-made saturated infusion, very thick in mixture.
  4. “Natakhtari” is prepared from pear concentrate and mineral water just before serving. To do this, two-thirds of the pear-mint consistency is diluted with mineral water. To do this, it is better to purchase a good mineral water from Georgia.
  5. For larger groups, the drink is diluted in a larger container immediately and must be covered with a tight lid.

The drink is served chilled, garnished with mint sprigs.

Italian lemonade

The Italians did not stand aside and made their own version of the pear drink. The Italian version of Duchess lemonade is prepared using exotic fruits such as grapefruit and mango. Thanks to these components, a drink with an unusual, tonic taste is obtained.

  • 1 ripe grapefruit;
  • 2 large pears;
  • 1 small mango;
  • a glass of raspberries;
  • sweet syrup;
  • lemon juice.

As in the previous recipe, first an extract of fruits and berries is prepared, which is diluted with very carbonated water. This version of lemonade is usually generously decorated with pieces of fruit and whole raspberries.

Lemonade "Duchess", prepared with your own hands, will become a beautiful drink that quenches thirst in hot weather, and will also be the main table decoration for both children and adults.

How to make pear lemonade at home

Answer the question, which product can be considered more harmless and natural; and the answer is very clear, naturally, the one that is made by us personally. Especially when it comes to carbonated drinks, because any juice in the store is a set of chemical parts, so why not make pear lemonade with your own hands at home. The taste of such a soft drink is a hundred times better than industrial drink, and one can talk endlessly about its usefulness, and the main thing is that it is easier to prepare than usual.

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The history of lemonade goes back to medieval France. Specifically, in the 17th century, at the court of Louis the First, for the first time, the court cupbearer incorrectly served the monarch lemon juice, sweetened and diluted with cool water, instead of a glass of wine. The ruler appreciated the refreshing drink, which made lemonade a real asset to the public.

Now the traditional recipe for lemonade is undergoing significant modernization in pursuit of the discovery of new flavors. But the base of any homemade drink remains the same.

Pear lemonade: composition and calorie content

Any carbonated or non-carbonated lemonade contains lemon, sugar and water. But with regard to fizzy drinks, the presence of carbon dioxide in the composition remains constant, which creates the bubbles that hit the nose. Previously, siphons were used to carbonate drinks from water and fruit syrup. And those who did not have them at their disposal resorted to the simplest method of extinguishing soda with citric acid or vinegar.

To be fair, it should be seen that the presence of soda in the drink distorts the unique taste of lemonade, so these days the most common solution is the use of highly carbonated water to dilute the syrup.

But if you want to reduce the calorie content, then to sweeten the drink it is better to use sweeteners: fructose, stevia, sorbitol and other popular additives. In some cases, you can completely avoid the sweetness of drinking.

How to make pear syrup

Having dealt with water and gas, we smoothly approached the main task of making lemonade - syrup. What is syrup? This is fruit juice boiled until thickened with sugar. In principle, the answer lies in the entire development of the production of pear syrup:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the pear pulp using a juicer;
  2. Mix it with sweet sand and a small amount of water;
  3. Cook the syrup over low heat until the syrup thickens and the sweet crystals dissolve;
  4. Cool the finished syrup and filter through a sieve.

The base for pear lemonade is ready. And oh, learn how to prepare a real drink ala “Duchess,” our step-by-step recipe for lemonade with pear will tell you.

Homemade pear lemonade


  • Freshly squeezed pear juice – 200 ml + –
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice – 40 ml + –
  • Highly carbonated water – 400 ml + –
  • Plain water – 80 ml + –
  • Snow-white granulated sugar – 80 g + –
  • Vanilla sugar – 2 packs + –

Making homemade pear lemonade

Not only children, but also adults, especially during the summer heat, will be ecstatic from such drinking.

  1. First, let's prepare the syrup. Pour 80 ml of water into an enamel container and add regular and vanilla sugar, then, with constant stirring, cook the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cool the finished syrup.
  2. In a glass container, mix pear and lemon juice, add syrup and pour in the full amount of sparkling water.

Lemonade should be served chilled.

Homemade lemonade “Natakhtari” with pear and mint

This ordinary Georgian lemonade is very popular not only in its own homeland, but also in our latitudes. An all-natural, lightly carbonated drink that perfectly relieves thirst. In Georgia itself, natural spring water is used to make Natakhtari, which, combined with the energy of ripe summer fruits, charges you with vital forces for the whole day.


  • Ripe pears – 800 g;
  • Sweet sand – 200 g;
  • Spring water with gas – 1.5 l;
  • Filtered water – 500 ml;
  • Fresh mint – 10-15 leaves;

How to make pear lemonade

  1. Place mint leaves and a spoonful of sweet sand into the blender bowl, then grind the herb to a mushy state.
  2. Pour boiling water (0.5 l) over the mint mixture and leave in a warm place for 60 minutes. After the required time, drain the infusion through a strainer.
  3. Wash and core the pears, then put the fruit slices on low heat, add ½ tbsp. water and cook the juice-puree over low heat for about an hour.
  4. Then grind the cooled mass through a fine sieve, mix with sugar and mint infusion. Place the purchased extract in the refrigerator.
  5. Before serving, pour pear-mint syrup into a third of the glass and top up the rest with sparkling water. You can immediately mix a larger size of lemonade with gas and water only before serving in a carafe with a lid.

When serving lemonade, not only the taste of the drink is important, but also the design. For the most beautiful look, fill the glass 1/3 full with ice cubes, and then fill the container with the drink. Place a slice of lemon or lime on the edge of the bowl; a sprig of mint, a cherry, or a decorative cocktail umbrella with a straw also looks very nice in this drink.

In this design, your pear lemonade, prepared at home, will become a real decoration for any cocktail party.

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