Chokeberry jam through a meat grinder

Chokeberry jam through a meat grinder

Now we will tell you in recipes how to prepare excellent jam from chokeberries using a meat grinder.

Savory jam “Pyatiminutka” from apples and chokeberries through a meat grinder


  • chokeberry - 1.5 kg;
  • fragrant variety of apples – 1.5 kg;
  • sweet sand – 2.3 kg;


We carefully separate the rowan berries from the branches that we don’t need and put them in a deep colander, which we then put under running water and rinse everything. We remove the cores from the apples and if they have thick, dense skin, then cut it thinly. We cut half the apples into very small cubes and set them aside, and pass the rest of the fruit together with half the sugar through a large sieve in a meat grinder.

We do the same with the rowan: set aside half of it, and grind the other half mixed with sweet sand. Now we combine the ground fruits into one huge, stainless pan, put the set aside apple cubes with the remaining berries here, mix the whole mixture and send it to the burner of the switched on stove. Cook the fragrant jam for 5, maximum 7 minutes and set the pan aside for 3-4 hours. Then we repeat the process for the same time and pour the finished jam into sterile glass jars. We seal them all the way with lids and when everything has cooled down we put it in the refrigerator for storage.

Recipe for chokeberry and plum jam with lemon


  • rowan (chokeberry) – 1.7 kg;
  • plums – 1.3 kg;
  • large lemon - 1 pc.;
  • small sugar – 2.5 kg.


We wash all fruits and berries thoroughly. We take a meat grinder and pass all the aronia through its large sieve. Following this, we pass the peeled slices of blue plums into the same container. We change the sieve to the finest one and through it we scroll the lemon cut into comfortable pieces. Mix the entire contents of the pan, evenly pouring small sugar into it.

Next, place the container on the stove burner and, stirring, cook it for about 20 minutes. Then we take the pan to a cooler space and leave it there for 6 hours. We put the delicacy back on the stove and, after boiling it for 8 minutes, distribute it sparingly among the jars that have been roasted in the oven. We also seal them with fried lids and remove them after the jam reaches room temperature.

Chokeberry jam through a meat grinder recipe


Aronia berries 1 kg. 54
Sugar 1 kg. 374

Step-by-step recipe for making chokeberry jam through a meat grinder with photo

So, let's get down to business:

First, sort the rowan well and rinse the berries.

Just sprinkle the second part of the fruit with little sugar, remember with your hands, and let it sit for half an hour.

Place the ground berries with sugar on the fire and cook for 5 minutes.

Later, pour the finished treat into containers and roll up the lids.

Also place whole berries with sugar in jars, cover with nylon lids and store in the refrigerator. That's all, chokeberry jam is ready through a meat grinder!

Video recipe Chokeberry jam through a meat grinder

Chokeberry jam with apples

You can also make equally tasty, fragrant and healthy chokeberry jam with apples!

So, in order to prepare jam according to this recipe, you will need:

chokeberry – 1 kg;
apple – 400 gr;
sugar – 1.5 kg;
water – 2 glasses;
citric acid – 5 g;
cinnamon - to your own taste.

Now let's get down to business:

    Sort the rowan well, wash it and put it in hot water for three minutes, then transfer it to cool water.

Boil the syrup in a saucepan. To do this, add sugar to the water and boil.

Place the chokeberry into the bubbling syrup and cook for 4 minutes. Then turn off the heat and let the berries sit for 8 hours.

Now get to the apples. Clean them, remove the core and place them in cold water with salt.

After 5 minutes, cut the fruits into small slices and place them in hot water for 8 minutes.

  • When the rowan is infused, put the berries on the fire again, add sugar and cook the delicacy for 20 minutes. When the indicated time has elapsed, add apple slices, cinnamon, citric acid to the jam, cook everything together for another 15 minutes, then turn off the heat and place the jam in containers. That's all, now you understand how tasty and healthy jam is prepared!
  • Bon appetit!

    Chokeberry jam - simple recipes for making it at home

    Have a nice day, friends! Once upon a time, at the dacha they grew a lot of chokeberries and constantly made jam from them. The recipe for making it is quite simple, it is prepared mostly in several steps, like almost all other types of berry jams.

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    It is very tasty, despite the somewhat astringent, tart taste, which is why it is original. But there are methods on how you can improve your sense of taste with the help of various additives.

    After all, the main thing is that such a delicacy is useful not only for people with high blood pressure, but also for those with weakened immunity, apathy (from the Greek dispassion, a state of detachment) , because it contains many vitamins and microelements, including iodine. So let's cook at least a little bit.

    The usual recipe for making chokeberry jam at home

    In order for the chokeberry jam to turn out delicious and delicious, not very thick and not watery, with a viscous syrup, it is necessary to cook it in the following way.

    First of all, the proportion of goods should be observed:

    • berries – 1 kg
    • sugar – 1.2 kg
    • water – 1.5 cups (375 ml.)

    The situation with sugar is that they add different amounts of it - from 1 kg to one and a half. I prefer the average rate.

    Making jam is simple and not troublesome. Let's get started.

    We sort the rowan, remove stalks, leaves, warped berries and wash them in running water.

    First, you can prepare the syrup: pour water into a large saucepan and add sugar. It is better to spread it in small parts and stir until dissolved. It will be faster this way, and the sugar won’t burn. Although this is not important, do as you feel comfortable.

    When the syrup boils, place the rowan berries in it. Again, wait for active boiling, reduce the heat and cook for about 4 minutes. All this time the jam must be stirred.

    You will see that the berries have shriveled and released their own juice, which is how it should be at this step. After the 2nd and 3rd cooking they will take it back.

    Now close the pan with a lid and leave the brew until it cools completely.

    We put it on the stove again, turn on the highest heat and bring it to a boil while stirring. Reducing the gas, cook for 10 minutes.

    We repeat everything again and the final cooking time will also be 10 minutes.

    While this whole process is going on, we will prepare the containers, wash them, sterilize them, and then put them in hot jam.

    Screw on the lids and turn the jars upside down, insulate and cool.

    Chokeberry jam with apples

    Apples will somewhat soften the taste of rowan and make the jam even more pleasant.

    For a kilogram of berries you will need:

    • 1.3 kg sugar
    • 3-4 apples
    • 1 glass of water
    • 1 tsp cinnamon
    • 0.5 tsp citric acid.

    It is better to take sour, hard types of apples.

    Please note that we will first blanch the berries.

    Place them in a saucepan with just boiled water and leave in it for 7 minutes, no need to cook! This processing of rowan will make it more tender and, moreover, the berries will be moderately distributed in the jam throughout the jar.

    I do almost the same thing when making currant jam, although I still boil the berries in water for only 2 minutes.

    Later, we drain all the water through a colander, and to cook the syrup we use a new amount of water, measured according to the recipe.

    Dissolve sugar in water, pouring it in evenly, then lower the rowan and wait for it to boil. Next, boil the jam over moderate heat for 10-15 minutes. Don't forget to stir and skim off the foam.

    After standing for 5-8 hours, reheat and boil for 10 minutes.

    Remove the seeds from the apples, peel the skins and cut into small slices. Add them to the rowan during the third cooking.

    At the very end of the process (after 15 minutes), you still need to pour out the cinnamon and citric acid.

    Place the finished jam into jars. Although it is a little tart, it is fragrant and very tasty!

    How to make chokeberry jam with lemon and orange without water

    Well, with citrus fruits any jam becomes more refined, with a special wonderful taste and smell, while the astringency of rowan is smoothed out, but its taste is preserved. It’s not for nothing that amazing sweetness comes out even from zucchini!

    Ingredients needed: one kilogram of berries and sugar, one orange and one lemon.

    Citrus fruits must be doused with boiling water and immediately washed with cool water.

    When the water has drained, cut them into small pieces. With all this, it is imperative to remove the seeds.

    We sort the rowan, like all berries, clean it of leaves and debris, and then scald it with boiling water and immediately place it under running water.

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    Let the water drain and dry the berries naturally, and then grind them together with the lemon and orange through a meat grinder.

    We transfer the resulting mass into a huge bowl and fill it with sweet sand, which is included according to the recipe.

    Mix and put on fire. As soon as the jam boils, set the gas level to low and simmer the brew for about half an hour.

    We have prepared the containers and lids by this time; all that remains is to spread the jam into them while it is hot.

    Rowanberry chokeberry jam with cherry leaf

    Another recipe is worth trying, this jam comes out with a cherry smell, and it’s also very easy to prepare.

    • kilogram of rowan
    • 1 kg sugar
    • a lot of cherry leaves
    • liter of water.

    Wash the cherry leaves, add water and boil for 20 minutes.

    Then strain the broth, and the leaves can be thrown away.

    From this amount of water we need to take only 1.5 glasses and cook syrup with sweet sand in it.

    Then we immerse the rowan here and cook the jam in three batches as usual.

    There is another option.

    Place rowan berries in a saucepan with cherry leaves. Fill with water to cover them one hundred percent and leave for 4 hours.

    After removing the leaves, place the rowan in a colander. We prepare sweet syrup and cook jam using any method convenient for you, while adding a handful of cherry leaves, which will need to be removed at the end of cooking.

    These are the usual recipes for making chokeberry jam. Be sure to try it if you haven't tried it yet!

    Chokeberry jam - 4 delicious recipes with photos

    Already in the 2nd half of August, ripe chokeberry berries defiantly hang on the trees, attracting with their glossy barrels. But in order to collect a truly high-quality harvest, it is better to wait for the first cold weather. After all, the most healthy and fragrant jam with an unusual sweet-tart taste comes out of the October berry. In addition to the basic fresh or frozen chokeberry, the recipe for a sweet winter preparation can also include other good ingredients: apples, oranges, lemon, rhubarb, cherry leaves, cinnamon, rum, ginger, etc. It doesn’t matter which of these additives is capable of carefully and harmoniously changing the taste of the finished sweet, adding a tangible color, filling it with a rich aroma of citrus, spices, and summer berries. And also - to make a useful contribution to the vitamin and mineral composition. In order not to spoil it, chokeberry jam is often prepared according to the “five-minute” recipe for the winter, using a meat grinder, enamelware and natural preservatives. But even ordinary “long-lasting” jam is cooked by experienced housewives with no little pleasure.

    How to make jam from the freshest chokeberry - step-by-step recipe with pictures

    The question of how to make jam from the freshest chokeberry according to step-by-step recipes with pictures is a burning question among young housewives who are not very competent in preparation matters. Experienced people have long noted all the aspects and subtleties of manufacturing. For example, the need for more sugar, which neutralizes the bitterness of the berries, or additional blanching, which softens the dense skin.

    Ingredients needed

    • chokeberry - 2 kg
    • drinking water - 200 ml
    • sugar - 1.8 kg

    Step-by-step recipe with photos for making regular chokeberry jam for the winter

    1. Collect the ripest chokeberries. Already after the first frost, the harvest can be picked in whole bunches without fear of unripe berries.
    2. Carefully remove all the berries from the branches. Wash the collection under cool running water. Place the chokeberry in a colander to drain all the water.
    3. Weigh out the required amount of sweet sand. Measure the required volume of drinking water. Puree half the berries in a blender; lightly crush the other half with a potato masher.
    4. Combine pureed and whole rowan berries in a heavy saucepan. Add water and place the container on the burner. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat. Remove all foam.
    5. Pour suspended sugar into the boiling mixture. Carefully stir the jam and leave it to simmer over low heat for 30-40 minutes.
    6. In the meantime, prepare the container: wash the jars in a soda solution and steam over bubbling water, boil the lids for 2-3 minutes.
    7. Distribute the fragrant jam from the freshest chokeberries, prepared according to our step-by-step recipe with pictures, into sterile containers and roll tightly under the lids.
    8. Store the sweet preparation until winter on the shelf with the rest of the preserved food. Chokeberry does not need special criteria.

    Chokeberry jam with apples and rhubarb: video recipe

    For the first time, chokeberry was brought from distant Canada for the purpose of decorative feeding. And only thanks to the efforts of Michurin, all the useful characteristics of chokeberry were identified, and the plant itself was cultivated. Now thousands of housewives cannot imagine their winter supplies without jars of rowan jam with rhubarb and apples. This delicacy can amaze your guests and protect the whole family from annoying diseases.

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    Learn how to make chokeberry jam with apples and rhubarb in the video recipe:

    Five-minute jam from chokeberry with orange, ginger and cherry leaf

    Naturally, there is no doubt about the usefulness of chokeberry jam. Rowan has unusual qualities, which means that products made from it are full of vitamins and minerals. But the taste of the finished sweet is purely “for everyone”. Simply put, tart-sour-bitter. Fortunately, there are several fascinating tricks with the help of which the desired preservation becomes savory. Five-minute jam made from chokeberry with orange, ginger and cherry leaf reveals a completely different side. In this composition, the berry delicacy is replete with new flavors - cherry, citrus, spicy ginger.

    Ingredients needed

    • chokeberry – 1 kg
    • sugar - 1.3 kg
    • lemon juice - 100 ml
    • orange - 2 pcs.
    • fresh ginger – 15 g
    • cherry leaves - 10 pcs.

    Step-by-step preparation of “five-minute” chokeberry with ginger, orange and cherry leaf

    1. Collect a lot of chokeberries; you can never have too many “five-minute” berries for the winter.
    2. Carefully wash the chokeberry. Since the jam will not undergo long-term heat treatment, it is better to wash off the largest number of harmful microbes.
    3. Pour boiling water over the oranges to free the surface from the wax coating, cut into pieces and grind through a meat grinder. Then peel and chop the rhubarb in the same way. Measure out suitable size lemon juice, grate raw ginger.
    4. Lightly press unblemished berries with a potato masher. Mix rowan berries with washed cherry leaves and other ingredients in a deep saucepan. Cook for 5 minutes after boiling 3-4 times.
    5. At the last step, remove the cherry leaf from the workpiece, and pack the “five-minute” jam from chokeberry with ginger and orange into sterile jars. Roll the delicacy under tin lids or seal with plastic ones (for aging in the refrigerator).

    Chokeberry jam with apples and rum through a meat grinder

    Unusual chokeberry jam, minced and boiled with apples and rum, is a true remedy from your home medicine cabinet. This unusual delicacy is indicated for iodine deficiency, cholecystitis, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) , exhaustion of the nervous system, unstable blood pressure, poor digestion, etc. . But in order to enjoy the fragrant chokeberry jam with apples and rum (through a meat grinder), you don’t have to be unhealthy. Having even the best health, it is worth pampering yourself with berry dessert and sweet dishes prepared with the addition of this.

    Ingredients needed

    • chokeberry - 1 kg
    • apples - 1 kg
    • sugar - 2 kg
    • lemon juice - 100 ml
    • water - 1 tbsp.
    • rum - 4 tbsp.
    • cinnamon - 1 tsp.

    Step-by-step production of chokeberry jam with apples and rum using a meat grinder

    1. Remove the chokeberry berries from the branches and wash in cool water. Also rinse the apples and cut them into slices, removing the cores.
    2. Pass the main ingredients through a meat grinder.
    3. Add sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon powder and a glass of drinking water to the resulting mass. Thoroughly stir all the ingredients in a deep bowl or saucepan.
    4. Bring the jam to a boil over medium heat, remove all the foam with a slotted spoon. Continue cooking the mixture for 20-30 minutes, stirring frequently.
    5. After half an hour, pour half a glass of rum into the vessel. Stir the treat and cook for another 5-10 minutes.
    6. Steam glass containers with a capacity of 300, 500 or 700 ml over bubbling water. Boil the sealing tin lids.
    7. Pack chokeberry jam with apples and rum into a clean container through a meat grinder, seal and turn upside down.
    8. Move the cooled dessert to a permanent storage space until winter.

    If all the summer-autumn gifts have already been prepared for the frosty winter, start collecting and processing chokeberries. Choose better recipes. Make five-minute jam, minced with oranges and fresh ginger. Roll up chokeberry jam with apples, frozen rhubarb and cherry leaves. Don’t skimp on additional flavoring and aromatic additives, and your rowan jam will turn out not only healthy, but also incredibly tasty.

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