For spicy lovers: prepare juicy pizza with cheese and jalapeno peppers

For spicy lovers: prepare juicy pizza with cheese and jalapeno peppers

If you want to add plenty to your diet, then try preparing a snack according to the following recipe. The pizza comes out quite spicy, very tasty and, most likely, your family or guests will like it. You will learn more about its production further from the article.

About the product composition. List of ingredients used

The composition of the pizza is presented as follows:

  • Chicken eggs in the amount of 4 pieces.
  • Milk. I take one glass of it.
  • Chorizo. You'll need 240g of these spicy Mexican sausages.
  • Jalapeño. Eight peppers will be enough.
  • Butter (3 large spoons).
  • Yellowish onions. When crushed, half a glass of this product is enough for you.
  • Red pepper (one 4th part of a glass).
  • Chilita cheese (180 g). If not, then replace it with Monterey Jack. You will also need Colby-Jack cheese (240 g).
  • Flour (half a glass and one third part).

Also stock up on black pepper, ground cumin, Tabasco and garlic salt.

1st step: preliminary

I tackle the jalapenos first. I carefully cut each peppercorn, removing the seeds and membrane. Then I cut out a piece in the shape of a wedge. I then chop this part into slices, transfer it to a separate container and set it aside. I cut off a few slices from the chilita. It is necessary that its thickness does not exceed 10 mm. It is better that the slices correspond to the size of the pepper cavity. If you still have cheese, set it aside as you will need it later.

Next, I finely chop the reddish pepper and pour it into a container with the chopped cheese. Remove the skin from the sausages. Then I place the chorizo ​​in a frying pan and pour in water (one quarter of a glass). It must be brought to a boil, then cook the sausages for eight minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.

Then fry the yellow onion in butter and sprinkle with garlic salt. Now all that remains is to grate the cheese. For the inside of this product, one and a half glasses is enough, another half is useful for a side dish.

Step 2: prepare the shortbread

Place two chicken eggs in a huge bowl and beat them with a mixer.

Then I mix the products with cumin, flour, Tabasco, milk and garlic salt.

Pizza with hot jalapeno pepper will invigorate and drive away the autumn blues

Our competition for making state dishes is gaining momentum. The recipe for Italian pizza was sent to the editorial office of SK by Kaliningrad resident Alexander Evseev.

“For the second summer in a row, my family and I have been traveling around Italy,” said the 45-year-old furniture maker. – This time we drove our own minibus near Naples and spent a week relaxing on the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea in the small village of Licolo.

The hotel did not have its own kitchen and only breakfast was provided to tourists.

“We didn’t have lunch on the first day, we decided that we would have a break during dinner,” says Alexander. – When we got together for dinner, it turned out that there was only one pizzeria in the entire village. I had to go to this establishment.

The menu listed two 10-piece pizzas and nothing else.

– We decided to take our wife and son each for pizza with salami and mozzarella cheese. The dishes were prepared for us in the kitchen, which opened directly into the hall, so we saw how the old pizza maker twisted the dough and made a circle out of it. Then he laid out the toppings and sent the pizza on a shovel into the wood-burning oven with hot stones laid out. It was a real performance,” Alexander shares his impressions.

In almost a matter of minutes, steaming pizzas with a thin, crispy edge were served on the table.

– I’ve eaten pizza in Italian restaurants before, but this rustic one turned out to be the most delicious. Greenish hot pepper added piquancy. They told us it was a jalapeno,” Alexander said.

The next few days, the family tried other pizzas, but the first one was beyond competition. The owners of the establishment shared with the Russian family the secret of making spicy pizza with salami. Arriving home, Alexander bought all the listed ingredients, found jalapeno peppers, and prepared the dish in the oven.

– Naturally, the pizza from the oven was tastier, and my creation also turned out well. The wife and son liked the tender dough and tasty interior,” says the head of the family.

Nowadays, beloved Italian pizza appears on the Evseevs’ table both on weekdays and on holidays.

Prepare the dough, interior to taste

What is needed (for 2 pizzas with a diameter of 28-30 cm):

10 g of new yeast or dry (1/3 of a small bag),

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2 tbsp warm water,

for test:

250 g flour (1 cup),

½ glass of warm milk,

½ cup warm filtered water,

1 tsp olive oil,

1 tsp melted butter;

for greasing the finished pizza: 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil;

for the inside (ingredients are added to taste) :

canned or pureed tomatoes, salami, cherry tomatoes, hot jalapeno peppers (sold in the deli department) or chili.

How to cook: Sift the flour. First, prepare the dough and let the yeast “play” for 15-20 minutes. in a warm place. Mix the ingredients for making the dough (not including flour and oils) and the dough in a deep bowl. Add flour evenly to this mixture, adding melted butter at the end. If the mixture turns out watery, add a little more flour, but do not overdo it: the dough should be elastic and manageable. Cover the bowl with a towel and let sit for about an hour. Divide the dough into 2 parts, roll into balls, cover again with a towel and let stand for another 15 minutes. Stretch the dough with your hands (not a rolling pin!) into 2 pitas no more than 5 mm wide. Place on a non-stick baking sheet or in a regular pan, sprinkled with a little flour. Add the filling (to taste). First, add a small layer of canned tomatoes (you can grate the peeled vegetables yourself with a little salt, sugar and olive oil, dark pepper, fresh or dried basil), then sprinkle grated mozzarella over the entire surface. On this “pad” place thin 3 mm slices of salami, halves of cherry tomatoes, dark olives, and some peeled pepper cut into 2 cm rings. For 1 pizza, 4-5 circles of hot seasoning are enough. Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 200-220 degrees. Bake for about 10-15 minutes. The pizza is ready when browned. Brush with olive oil and place on large plates. The dish can be served with olive oil infused with herbs or sour cream mixed with garlic and dill. Bon appetit!

Neapolitan pizza sauce

What you need: 400 g canned chopped tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 0.5 teaspoons of dried oregano, salt, dark ground pepper.

How to cook:

Drain the tomatoes and leave in a sieve for 10 minutes to drain the liquid.

Place the tomato pulp, crushed garlic, olive oil and oregano in a saucepan and cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes until thickened. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Can be stored, covered, in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. If frozen, the sauce will not spoil for up to 2 months.

Pizza with fire

Tatyana Zhuravel on how to cook the right pizza

With the arrival of cold weather, friendly gatherings are slowly moving from the street to indoors. If you are hosting guests at home, instead of the Russian version of the menu with salads and pickles, you can offer them an Italian one - delicious pizza. Unlike hot and other ordinary treats, preparing this dish will take no more than 15 minutes, and the rest of the time can be reserved for guests! Andrey Vitiugov, chef of the beer restaurant “Beerman&Pizza” (Novosibirsk) , teaches how to properly prepare real Neapolitan pizza.

Spicy pizza with jalapeno pepper

Ingredients for dough 1 (for one pizza):

half a raw egg;

cool water - a quarter glass (it is better to use filtered, but not boiled);

raw yeast - on the tip of a knife;

vegetable oil - a teaspoon.

Jalapeño is a type of chili pepper. These greenish fruits, 5–9 cm long, can be medium or very sharp, depending on the feeding and manufacturing conditions. The hotter parts of the pepper are those to which the seeds are attached, so if you want to reduce the heat of the pepper and its special sour taste, carefully remove them. When choosing a jalapeno in the store, pay attention to its color - reddened fruits are considered the lowest quality.

Ingredients for the inside:

cream – 100 ml (fat, 38% fat is normal);

doorway blue cheese – 40 g;

mozzarella for pizza (or other cheese that melts well in the oven) – 100 g;

bacon – 6 strips, approximately 80 g;

cherry tomatoes or regular tomatoes – 60 g;

canned jalapeno pepper – 80 g;

feta cheese for decoration – 30 g;

reddish chili pepper for decoration - one piece.

For making pizza, the finest flour is ideal - then the dough after heat treatment will turn out tender and soft.

In Italy, flour is classified according to its mineral content, or rather ash. The ash content of flour is what remains after burning the flour (minerals and their oxides do not burn). The lower the ash content, the whiter the flour. According to Italian standards, soft wheat flour is divided into types 00, 0, 1, 2 and coarse flour.

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Andrey Vitiugov recommends using Italian-made flour marked 00, 0 or 1, which is certainly indicated on the packaging. Also, flour containing 10.5–11.5% proteins is more suitable for pizza - the strength of the flour, which describes the density and elasticity of the finished dough, depends on this indicator.

Despite the fact that pizza is a striking representative of Italian cuisine, its homeland is not Italy at all. More precisely, not only Italy: the state version of this dish, specifically flatbread with inside, is found in almost all countries. It was also eaten by the ancient Etruscans and Phoenicians, ancient Persians, Greeks, Romans and a huge number of other peoples. But it enjoys special love specifically in Italy, and it is logical that specifically in this country, in the town of Naples, the world's first pizzeria, Antica Pizzeria, was opened in 1830, which exists to this day.

Pizza began its victorious march across the planet from the USA (the United States of America is a state in North America) . In the late 19th century, countless Italian immigrants brought the common Italian pizza recipe to their new homeland, and it captured Yankee hearts. The Americans made the most recent “revolution” in the history of pizza - they “invented” semi-finished pizza.


1. Prepare the dough. In a large bowl, mix flour, salt and sugar. Make a funnel in the resulting consistency and pour in the yeast, ground with the egg. Add water and oil there and knead the dough.

2. Place it on the table, previously sprinkled with flour. Knead the dough with your hands for about 25 minutes. You can use a dough mixer: it will handle this in 10 minutes. It may be useful to add a little more flour or water - go by your feelings. The dough should be soft, elastic and not stick to your hands.

3. Leave the dough for 8 hours at room temperature. During this period of time, the dough will approximately triple in size - this must be taken into account when choosing dishes. The finished portioned piece of dough should be approximately the size of a fist.

4. Now we are preparing blue cheese sauce. In a saucepan, evaporate the cream by 40%, add chopped Doorway Blue cheese to it and simmer over low heat until the cheese melts. The sauce can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

5. They are actually passionate about pizza. Cut the filling: mozzarella into small cubes, jalapeno pepper into rings, cherry tomatoes into quarters (no need to peel).

For a long time, pizza was considered the food of common people; only at the end of the 19th century, the Italian royal family, while celebrating the birthday of Queen Margherita, dared to try pizza. Now “Margherita” is one of the most recognizable and favorite types of pizza.

6. Place a “bun” of dough on a previously floured table and use your hands to evenly shape it into a round cake, the thickness of which should be about 0.5 centimeters.

7. Place the finished circle of dough on a baking sheet (you can line it with baking paper) and grease it with blue cheese sauce.

8. Lay out the filling. We slightly twist the strips of bacon and place them from the center to the edges, indicating portion segments. Distribute the mozzarella, peppers and tomatoes sparingly over the dough circle.

9. Andrey bakes pizza in a special wood-burning oven for about 7 minutes. At home, we place the pizza in an oven preheated to 250–270 o C. Baking time is at least 10 minutes. We check readiness by lifting the pizza circle with a spatula - the pizza is ready when the dough does not actually bend.

10. Decorate the finished pizza with pieces of reddish chili and feta cheese. We cut it into portions and serve it to guests, for example, as an unusual snack for beer.

“Beerman&Pizza” is two floors of gastronomic delights and the widest selection of pizza in the town (more than 30 types). The pizza here is baked in an authentic wood-fired oven from Genoa, and prepared only according to unusual recipes. Which one will you choose now - Italian, South American, Alsatian? For the first time in Novosibirsk, Beerman is offering a wide selection of sweet pizzas for dessert!

The editors would like to thank the beer restaurant “Beerman&Pizza” for their assistance in filming.

Novosibirsk, pl. Karl Marx, 7. Tel.: (383) 362-95-05.

1 Note: Usually Andrey Vitiugov makes the dough according to a special recipe, which is a commercial secret of the beer restaurant Beerman&Pizza . He prepared the dough for us according to the classic recipe.

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Mexican pizza. The apogee of “sharp pleasure”

At the beginning of the 2000s, when pizzerias were spreading throughout Russia, users were still poorly acquainted with the different types of this dish - they did not know the “classics” and relied only on their own taste, intuition or ideas of cooks and waiters.

The world famous “margarita”, “pepperoni”, “Hawaiian” then quickly became popular in our country. In individuality - thanks to its own harmony and balance in taste and ingredients. But one more pizza was also memorable then (one might say it was a hit), which amazed the newfound fans of this Italian treat with its uncompromising spiciness, spicy aroma and “meaty” satiety.

We are, of course, talking about Mexican pizza.

"No Mexico"

And, as usual, the main motive for the origin and “evolution” of Mexican pizza is that it has nothing to do with Mexico itself. Perhaps to migrants from this country to the USA (the United States of America is a state in North America) .

It is believed that in the middle of the 20th century, New York chefs noticed that all the pizzas on the menu of their establishments were rather bland. Even the spicy “pepperoni” seemed very ordinary to the public of a cosmopolitan town - not at all hot. Visitors from the south, who were accustomed to adding chili pepper sauces, vegetables and/or various hot seasonings to virtually all dishes, were especially indignant.

Naturally, solving the problem itself was not so difficult - the chefs simply mixed tomato sauce with hot cayenne pepper sauce. But figuring out the balance of such a dish was even more difficult - the guests of the establishments did not particularly like the combination of strong “spice” with ordinary ingredients. Only in the middle of the 50s, the cook of one of the pizzerias in Brooklyn proposed a recipe that became canonical - salami (from time to time minced meat), bell peppers, tomatoes, Parmesan cheese, mozzarella, hot greenish jalapeno peppers, a unique sauce.

The important thing is that a similar set of basic ingredients actually constantly provides the familiar “powerful” taste of this dish - even in an expensive imported pizzeria, or “for delivery near your home.” But aspects and details don’t influence that much.

In Europe, for example, jalapeno peppers are not always added, and Mexican pizza in Balashikha is prepared with a base of 3 types of “meat” - ham, salami and pepperoni.

Almost everything depends on how satisfying the chef wants to create his pizza, and how spicy the guests of the establishment are willing to get it.

Mexican pizza at home

It is believed that preparing such a dish at home is quite difficult. Especially if you have not developed the “mechanics” of adding spicy ingredients. So, if you take it, you risk creating a pizza that is virtually inedible.

But it's not all that scary. And Mexican pizza can turn out quite tasty if you follow a few tips for “working” with certain ingredients:

  • Dough. Here you should rely on your taste. If you really like spicy things, you can roll out “true Italian” yeast-free dough - it will only emphasize the spiciness of such a dish. But if you want the most “ordinary” pizza, then knead the dough with a small addition of yeast and let it rise for 15-20 minutes. Such a base will later do little to balance the sharpness.
  • Sauce. The most important component of Mexican pizza. From time to time it is made in a very obvious way - by adding a huge amount of reddish pepper to the tomato paste. But it will be completely different. If you want to quickly and easily achieve a more or less authentic taste, add a little Tabasco and/or habanero sauce to the pasta. Just add them one drop at a time and try what happens each time.
  • Interior. Here, perhaps, it is worth paying attention to the combination of peppers. “That same” feeling, as almost everyone says, is given to Mexican pizza by the harmony between sweet bell peppers (barely baked) and hot jalapeno peppers. Place them in a ratio of approximately 4:1. And other vegetables should only emphasize and complement the taste. As in fact, the meat base consists of sausages, minced meat, and ham.

And a little about cheese! Mexican pizza, by the way, is good because, unlike almost all other types of pizza, it doesn’t bother the cook at all about adding more cheese or using some rare or expensive types. If you prepare this dish at home, you can completely get by with regular “lumpy” Russian mozzarella, which you can find in any store. The pizza will still turn out great!

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