How to cook an open pie with jam according to a step-by-step recipe with photos

How to cook an open pie with jam according to a step-by-step recipe with photos

Juicy, soft and fragrant pastries with jam are a favorite dish at any time of the year and in every family. I am sure that, apart from various rolls and cakes, everyone has at least once made a pie with jam inside.

After all, pies are signs of home comfort and cuisine. They were usually cooked with meat inside. For every cuisine it has become a state dish, for each with its own characteristics. Now I will share with you recipes on how to bake an open pie with jam.

Recipe for an open pie with jam from yeast dough


Flour 2 tbsp.
Milk 0.5 tbsp.
Testicles 3 pcs.
Jam or jam 250 g
Dry yeast) 20 g
Butter 100 g
Sugar 25 g
Salt pinch

How to choose ingredients

  • Wheat flour is usually used. Be sure to sift it so that it mixes better with the other ingredients. Naturally, you can purchase ready-made yeast, shortbread or puff pastry in the store.
  • If you need to quickly knead the dough, choose dry yeast. Their advantage is that the dough will rise quickly, but they have many additives to extend the shelf life. There are no such additives in compressed yeast. So the choice depends on your wishes and time availability.
  • Jam, jam, marmalade - all this is suitable for the inside. The main thing is to inspect store-bought jam for freshness and naturalness. To make the inside thick, mix the jam with starch and a small amount of sugar earlier.

Step-by-step production

  1. Pour 100 ml of milk at room temperature into a bowl. Add two eggs to it.
  2. Add a pinch of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar. Mix everything with a spatula.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix 2 cups of flour with dry yeast.
  4. Add flour with 20 g of yeast evenly into the mixture of eggs and milk. Mix thoroughly.
  5. Melt 100 g of butter and pour into the dough.
  6. Knead the dough.
  7. Cover the bowl with the dough with film and a warm towel and leave for 40-50 minutes.
  8. Dust the table with flour and place the dough on it.
  9. We divide it into two parts. We leave 1/3 for decoration.
  10. It’s not enough to roll out the bottom of the pie. It does not have to be narrow to hold the filling during baking.
  11. Cover the form with parchment. If desired, you can grease it with a little butter.
  12. Place the rolled out layer of dough on the bottom. Form a side.
  13. Cover the dough with the jam interior. This will take approximately one glass of jam or 250-300 g.
  14. For decoration, take the remaining dough and divide it into strips. Roll into ropes.
  15. We lay out the ropes in a mesh pattern on top of the inside of the mold. Create a side around the circle of the pie from the first strand.
  16. Leave the pie to rise for 15-20 minutes. Brush the cake lightly with beaten egg.
  17. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°-220°C for half an hour.
  18. The finished pie must be left to cool.

Video recipe

See how the risen yeast dough comes out of the mixture, and if you have a little left, then, in addition to the open sweet pie with jam, prepare some sweet buns.

Open pie with strawberry jam and berries


Flour 520 g
Baking powder 1.5 tsp.
Sugar 180 g
Testicles 3 pcs.
Margarine 200 g
Berries (without juice) 200 g
Jam or marmalade 350 g
Corn starch) 4 tsp.

How to choose ingredients

  • You can choose the berries according to your own taste so that they go better with the jam. These can be either frozen or fresh berries.
  • You can choose any starch. Before use, it is necessary to calculate the correct proportions. For example, in our recipe for a lean dessert you can use potato starch. You will need 2 tsp.

Step-by-step production

  1. Melt 200 g of margarine in a water bath. Let it cool.
  2. Break 3 eggs into a bowl and add 180 g of sugar. Beat with a mixer until smooth.
  3. Stirring evenly, pour the egg mixture into the margarine.
  4. Mix 520 g of sifted flour and 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder.
  5. Pour the egg mixture into the flour portionwise.
  6. This is how you need to knead the dough evenly.
  7. Place a small part of the dough for an open pie with jam in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer for half an hour.
  8. Place the rest of the dough in a baking dish and form the bottom of the pie.
  9. Sprinkle berries sparingly onto the bottom.
  10. Mix 350 g of jam with 2 tablespoons of starch and spread on top of the berries.
  11. Take the remaining dough out of the freezer and roll it out slightly. Cut it into narrow strips.
  12. We lay the strips on the filling in a “mesh” and decorate the side of the pie.
  13. Send to bake in an oven preheated to 190°C for 40-50 minutes.
  14. The pie can be served on the table once it has cooled.
Read also:  Cheese sticks in the oven

Video recipe

For the pie you can use any berries, jam and preserves. This is how you can decorate your baked goods with a “grid”.

How and with what to serve an open pie

If there is absolutely not enough time left before the guests arrive, then these quick pies with jam will be a good addition to tea. On a formal table, such a dish will be the ruler of desserts. In order to please not only the stomach, but also the eyes, it is necessary to decorate it in an original way.

Conventional and Easy Making Tips

  • In a silicone mold, we cook the cake for 10-15 minutes longer, and we do not immediately remove it from the switched off oven. This form does not need to be greased or covered with parchment.
  • Be sure to grease the iron mold with oil or cover it with baking paper.
  • The shortcrust pastry pie must be placed in a dry baking dish.
  • When using insides from jam or berries, it is necessary to get rid of excess water so that there is no excess juice during baking.
  • It is better to create sides, so the cake will be of perfect shape, and also beautiful.
  • It is better to cut the finished pie after it has cooled. The inside should thicken.

Other manufacturing options

With the advent of various kitchen appliances, many methods arose for kneading dough and baking something tasty. To make a cherry pie in a multicooker, simply press the “Bake” button and set the required time. A classic is considered a grated pie with jam, which flies apart in a second, before you even have time to turn around. During church holidays, do not exclude baking from the menu, because the recipe for Lenten pie is very simple, and it can be supplemented not only with jam, but also with any other filling.

Yeast pie with blueberry jam

Preparation time: 1 hour 15 minutes.

Production time: 30 min.

Number of servings: 6 pcs.


Pie with jam

A very successful pie - the dough comes out airy, moderately sweet, soft and very tasty! Blueberry jam is perfect for baking, but instead of it you can take any other jam or jam, or even the freshest fruits or berries!

I decorated the top with a dough net, as an option - you can cut out various shapes, strips of dough and place them perfectly on the top of the pie! The pie is very, very tasty, and goes away with a bang with milk!

How to cook “Yeast pie with blueberry jam” step by step with photos at home

To make a yeast pie, we need the following products: wheat flour, refined sunflower oil, milk, sugar, salt, dry yeast, blueberry jam (or other to your taste).

Combine sifted flour, dry yeast, sugar, and salt in a deep bowl.

Mix dry ingredients.

Pour in warm milk (not hot, but specifically warm!). Mix lightly.

Add refined sunflower oil.

Knead the dough and form a ball.

Cover the bowl with the dough with a clean towel and leave for 1 hour at room temperature. After an hour, knead the dough slightly and it is ready for shaping and baking the pie.

Roll out 2/3 of the entire dough into a circle with a diameter slightly larger than the baking pan.

We put the dough in a baking dish (I have a silicone one with a diameter of 24 cm), form the sides.

Generously coat with blueberry or other jam.

We make a grid from the remaining dough using a special rolling pin, or cut it into pieces and lay out a grid of flagella, or cut out shapes.

Place the dough grid on top of the jam, pressing the edges.

Bake at 175°C for approximately 30 minutes. The cake rises perfectly and takes on a wonderful appetizing appearance.

Cover the cake with a waffle towel, let it cool completely and only later serve. With milk - very tasty!

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Yeast pie with jam

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Airy and wonderful homemade pie in the oven according to a proven recipe. Delicate yeast dough and a fragrant jam interior are a simple and delicious pastry for home tea drinking.

We will make yeast dough using whey - this is a product that remains in large quantities after making homemade cottage cheese. If necessary, you can replace the whey with kefir, yogurt or unsweetened drinking yogurt. True, in this case you will have to independently regulate the amount of flour in the composition.

Choose your favorite jam for the inside. You can even use jam, but it is important that it be thick enough. I love baking yeast pies with jam, which have large fruit slices and a sweet taste with a slight sourness.


Making a dish step by step:

To make a delicious homemade pie, we will need the following ingredients: jam, premium wheat flour, whey, chicken eggs, sugar, refined vegetable oil, yeast, salt. All products should be at room temperature.

Let's start making yeast dough right away. Sift 650 grams of wheat flour into a bowl (preferably twice), so it not only loosens and is saturated with oxygen, but also removes possible garbage. This is the exact amount of flour I use (I always use the same brand), but you may need a little more or a little less.

Add to the flour 1.5 teaspoons (1 heaped spoon) of high-speed yeast, 3 tablespoons (about 60 grams) of sugar and 1 incomplete teaspoon of salt (very finely ground).

Mix thoroughly with a fork or whisk so that all dry ingredients are moderately distributed in consistency. Make a well in the flour mixture and pour in 300 ml of whey.

The next step is to break 3 chicken eggs into a bowl, while putting one yolk in a separate bowl. We will need it later to lubricate the workpiece.

Mix all the products - you can use your hand or a fork (as you prefer). When the flour is moistened by absorbing water, add 2 tablespoons of unflavored vegetable oil. I use refined sunflower.

This yeast dough must be kneaded for quite a long time (at least 10, but preferably 15 minutes) and vigorously. As a result, it will become smooth, uniform, soft and non-sticky. We round the dough into a ball and place it in a bowl, which we grease with almost a teaspoon of vegetable oil so that it does not stick to the dishes during the fermentation process. Place the yeast dough in a warm place for 1 hour. Where is the best place for the dough to ferment and what does a warm space mean? There are several options. First of all, in the oven with the light on (it turns out to be approximately 28-30 degrees - an ideal temperature for fermenting yeast dough). Then we cover the bowl with the dough with cling film or cover it with a towel made of natural fabric (the structure of the tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) (linen is ideal) so that the surface does not become weathered and covered with a crust. You can also let the dough ferment in the microwave, in which you previously bring a glass of water to a boil. The dough will rise when the door is closed, and the glass will remain there. Then there is no need to cover the bowl with anything, because the water will evaporate, thereby maintaining the required humidity. Just make sure that no one accidentally turns on the microwave, otherwise the dough will disappear and there will be no cake.

After 1 hour (time is a relative concept, more or less may be useful) the yeast dough will rise very well, approximately 2 times in volume. It is very soft and fluffy. If the dough rises poorly, it means you have got old yeast - increase the fermentation time.

We do a light knead to release excess air, re-round the dough and return to the heat for another 40-50 minutes.

During this period of time, the yeast dough will again rise very well and become even more tender and shaggy. Now you can work with him.

Knead the dough, then divide it into 2 unequal parts. One piece will become the bottom of the future jam pie, and the second will be useful for the top. Round the dough, cover it with a towel or cling film and let rest for 5-7 minutes. If you don't let the dough rest for a little while, it will roll out poorly and pull back.

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Roll out a larger piece of dough into a layer (dusting with flour if necessary) to the size of the baking dish. I have a rectangular shape (32x22 centimeters), but a round one or any other would be perfect. You can even bake a yeast pie with jam directly on a baking sheet.

I advise you to cover the baking pan with parchment paper or grease it with vegetable oil. So that the parchment lies perfectly, I quickly wet it in cool water and squeeze it out.

Transfer the dough into the mold so that the sides come out.

Distribute the filling moderately (800 grams). I have this apple-pumpkin jam with citrus, but you can use your favorite one. It is important that it is quite thick.

All that remains is to decorate the future pie. There are possible design options here, but I suggest you create a completely ordinary method. Roll out the second piece of dough into a thin layer.

Using a pizza cutter (whichever is most convenient), cut the dough into long, thin strips.

We randomly fold the strips into these squiggles and place them on top of the jam.

Let the workpiece rest for about 20 minutes, and at this time heat the oven (180 degrees). Before baking, grease the dough with a mixture of water (1 tablespoon - I didn’t list it in the ingredients) and egg yolk (1 piece) for a golden brown crust.

Bake the yeast pie with jam for 40-45 minutes at 180 degrees on a medium level until golden brown. I have a gas oven, bottom heat, without convection (by definition it may not be there). You are guided by the character of your assistant. When finished, the yeast pie with jam weighs about 2 kg.

Let the cake cool completely, remove it from the mold and cut into portions. Elenochka, thank you so much for the delicious order – I’ll be glad if you need the recipe and you like the pie. Cook for your health, friends, and bon appetit!

Yeast dough pie with jam

Yeast dough pie with jam.

Ingredients for “Yeast Dough Pie with Jam”:

  • Yeast dough (ready) – 0.7 kg
  • Jam (thick) - 1 cup.
  • Margarine (for lubrication)
  • Chicken egg (for lubrication) - 1 pc.

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
3207.5 kcal
52.7 g
92.6 g
566.2 g
100 g dish
297 kcal
4.9 g
8.6 g
52.4 g

Recipe for “Yeast dough pie with jam”:

Ready dough.
You can make the dough yourself; I have already written a recipe for making the dough “Buns from buttery yeast dough”.

Grease the mold with margarine and lay out the dough. Not all of it, but about 0.5 kg. And the rest of the dough will be used for decoration (mesh).

Grease the dough with jam.

Create a mesh of dough.

Place the cake in a warm space to rise for approximately 40 minutes.
Beat the egg and brush the pie.
Preheat the oven and bake the pie at 200 degrees until done.
Bon appetit!

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October 29, 2016 migunova47 #

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