Homemade jam wine - 9 delicious homemade recipes

Homemade jam wine - 9 delicious homemade recipes

For jam wine, it is better to use old, candied wine. It is believed that this is what can give an alcoholic drink the taste and smell for which it is valued. But this theory still requires proof. You can check it personally by choosing any recipe with a photo from this catalog. Read more...

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How to make wine from jam: the best selection of recipes with photos

Almost all sources, both paper and electric, say that wine is best made from old, candied jam. Not enough people can clearly explain why. Most likely, most of them simply dispose of jam in this way, which is shameful to put on the table, and a pity to throw away. In fact, you can create wine from jam from any kind of jam, if you have the intention.

The 5 most commonly used ingredients in jam wine recipes:

Product Calories kcal per 100g Proteins g per 100g Fats g per 100g Carbohydrates g per 100g
Jam 271 0.3 71
Sugar 398 99.7
Raisin 280 2.9 0.6 66
Yeast 109 12.7 2.7 8.3
Rice 344 6.7 0.7 78.9

And all because, in addition to this main product, homemade wine includes another, no less important one - one that will provide the alcohol with the necessary microbes that activate the fermentation process. This is if you don’t take sour jam as a base. This product is raisins or yeast. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to wash raisins, and it is better to take them loose, and not in bags, where they have already been washed and sorted.

Various recipes for wine made from jam require a different approach to both the choice of glassware and manufacturing technology. In other words, if you still dare to experiment, then you must strictly follow everything that is written in the recipe. And if something doesn’t work out, don’t be shy to ask for advice from the most experienced users.

You can start the fermentation process in jam diluted with water not only with raisins, but also with a handful of freshly picked berries. It doesn’t matter what kind of berries they will be: blackberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, grapes. The main thing, again, is not to wash them at any time. Therefore, what is needed with them is what is on the skin.

5 of the fastest jam wine recipes:

Name of the dish Preparation time Calories kcal per 100g User rating
Raspberry jam wine 7 d 152 +18
Homemade jam mash 7 d 1 h 99 +74
Homemade jam wine 30 d 108 +62
Homemade wine from old jam 50 d 35 min 120 +9
Wine made from jam without yeast 55 d 130 +13

The fermentation process itself can take varying amounts of time, so it depends on almost all reasons. Not the least of them is the viability of yeast cultures. The container with diluted jam must be kept in the shade at room temperature. If left in the sun, the mass can ferment, which will turn the wine into something not very pleasant to taste. On average, the process takes up to 5 days. Then the pulp is partially or completely separated, the wort is purified (or not), certain manipulations are done with it (will be in the recipe) and left to ripen until ready for about two months.

TOP 7 common recipes for making wine from jam at home

Almost everyone prepares homemade alcoholic drinks from berries and fruits, but wine made from jam is even less common, although it tastes quite pleasant, which depends on the material used. The smell is also transmitted from the initial raw materials, therefore it is recommended to create wine from one type of jam, and not stir different ones, which will interrupt each other.

Subtleties of making wine from jam

At home, a wine drink is usually made from soured, old jam or covered with a layer of frozen sweet syrup. You can, of course, eat a fresh delicacy, brewed in the current or last year, but this is not necessary. This dessert is perfect for tea drinking, like the inside of pies, pies, and rolls.

Preparing wine is quite simple. Before adding the wort, the starting material is carefully mixed with water. Sugar is not added, since there is already enough of it, but raisins, rice, and yeast are additionally used for the fermentation process.

Requirements for the main ingredient

Wine can be made from jam. They can contain any fruit. The only requirement for the starting material is that it should not be moldy.

If a sweet product turns sour, then it’s okay, because, according to technology, a wine drink goes through a fermentation stage. But if mold has appeared on the surface of a fruit sweet, it is better not to consume it, because the moldy smell will be transferred to the alcoholic drink, even despite the fact that the mold has been removed. It also has the ability to decompose wine into water and carbon dioxide.

How to make wine from jam at home

To obtain good wine, the main thing is to correctly prepare the container for fermentation and maturation. The best option for these purposes would be a glass bottle.

An enamel pan or tank is suitable, but this is for large sizes, but for jam it is still better to use a bottle or a three-liter jar.

The container and all equipment are well washed and doused with boiling water or sterilized to prevent pathogenic microbes from getting into the drink. The wort should be stirred with a wooden spatula or a spoon with a long handle.

Wine is prepared from various jams, the production design may also vary slightly, as well as the time spent from the start of production of the drink to the finished product. In any case, use a water seal. This could be a nylon cap with a rubber tube, a cotton plug, or a honey glove, which is used most often. A balloon is suitable for a narrow neck.

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From raspberry jam

The wine made from raspberry jam comes out with a catchy, dark pink color, with a subtle aroma of raspberries.

  1. A liter jar of raspberry jam, jam or thin jam.
  2. A liter of boiled, warm water.
  3. 5 tablespoons light raisins.
  1. Place all products in a three-liter jar, do not wash the raisins. Cover the carefully mixed contents with gauze and place in a dark, warm space for a week and a half.
  2. After this, remove the floating pulp, strain the wort, and pour into a clean bottle. Place the jar with a glove placed over the neck of the container in the same space for approximately 6 more weeks. Pierce several fingers of the glove with a needle.
  3. While the wort ferments, the glove remains inflated like a balloon. The moment it falls, fermentation will end.
  4. Now the drink needs to be carefully poured into bottles without disturbing the sediment. The container must be filled completely. Send the drink to the basement for several months to infuse and develop the taste and smell.

From strawberry jam

Surprisingly, wine made from fermented strawberry jam tastes quite pleasant. Its production differs slightly from the previous recipe.

  1. A liter of fermented strawberries.
  2. The same amount of warm boiled water.
  3. One and a half glasses of sugar + another half glass.
  4. Dessert spoon of unwashed raisins.

Dissolve the jam and the first part of the sugar in warm water, add the raisins, mix well. A three-liter bottle is suitable for this amount of ingredients. Put a rubber glove on top of it, piercing a couple of fingers in it with a needle.

The bottle is kept in a warm place, protected from light, for the entire fermentation period of the wort. This will take several weeks. All this time, the glove will be filled with carbon dioxide released during the fermentation process. When the glove is deflated, fermentation stops.

In the next step, the wort must be strained through three layers of gauze, add the second part of sugar, mix, bottle, and close. Place in a cold space for three or four months.

After clarification and precipitation, the wine is carefully drained, corked, and stored in the basement.


You can make wonderful dry or semi-dry wine from apple raw materials.

  • 1.5 liters of apple jam;
  • 1.3 liters of clean water;
  • a glass of light raisins.

For such a quantity of raw materials you will need a five-liter bottle. Combine all the ingredients of the upcoming drink in it, mix well. Cover with gauze folded in four layers and place in a black, warm space for 5 days. Once a day, stir the contents of the bottle with a wooden spoon with a long handle.

After this, collect the pulp that has risen to the top, strain the wort into a clean bottle, and put on a honey glove with a pierced finger. Place for fermentation in the same space until it finishes.

Remove the clear wine material from the sediment, taste it, if it is very sour, you can sweeten it to taste. Then keep the drink for a couple more days in a dark place.

Take the spilled, capped wine to the basement and watch for the formation of sediment, from which the drink must be skimmed from time to time. When the sedimentation of wine impurities is complete, the wine is ready for drinking.


You can make wine from apricot jam using the same technology as apple jam. Its color comes out amber, with a golden color.

Regular recipe without yeast

As a base for wine without yeast, you can make a drink from raspberry jam, replacing the base with any other. A very tasty dessert drink comes from pitted cherry jam, which has a catchy, ruby ​​color.

Currant jam with rice

Rice-based wine is stronger than raisin wine, a kind of Japanese sake.

  • 1.5 liters of currant jam;
  • 4.5 liters of water;
  • 1.5 cups round rice.

You need to start creating wine by mixing the ingredients. If the berry is whole, then it needs to be mashed. The resulting mixture is placed in a bottle under a water seal and sent to a black room for a month.

After this, the drink is poured into three-liter jars, which are left open for a day in the same room. After this time, you can take a sample. The wine, dark ruby ​​in color, has a tart taste.

A quick two-week recipe

According to this simple recipe, wine can be prepared in just 2 weeks, and it will taste pleasant, with a fruity smell, and the main thing is from natural products, without any chemicals. The accelerated manufacturing process is justified by the introduction of yeast and rice, as well as sour jam.

Components for manufacturing:

  1. 1.5 liters of fermented jam.
  2. 1.5 liters of warm boiled water.
  3. 1.5 cups round rice.
  4. A small packet of dry yeast.
  5. A tablespoon of sugar.

First, mix the yeast with sugar and a small amount of water in a glass. While the activation process is taking place, mix the jam with unwashed rice, add water, and mix thoroughly. Pour the yeast into the resulting mixture and stir.

Put a rubber honey glove on the neck of the bottle and prick three fingers with a needle. Place the vessel in a dark, warm room for 12 days. Once the wine has become clear, place it in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

Strain the finished drink, taste it, sweeten as necessary. Pour into bottles, close, and take to the basement.

On a note! When making wine with yeast, you can use not only one type of jam, but also combine a number of types of sweet preparations.

Drink storage rules

Any alcoholic drink is best stored in a cool place.

A basement or cellar is suitable for this; if you have small supplies, a refrigerator will also do.

The finished product is poured into glass containers: bottles, jars, carboys of various sizes. When filling the container, they try to pour the drink right up to the lid or as completely as possible, so that there is no room left for the release of carbon dioxide and the upcoming fermentation.

Homemade wine from old jam

Every year, thrifty housewives have at least a few jars of last year's jam left over. I don’t feel like eating it anymore, because a new one has been prepared, and it’s a pity to throw away a natural product, on the production of which you spent effort and money. I suggest the next solution is to create homemade wine from jam. We will look at the recipe and technology further.

In advance, I advise you to find a three-liter jar, a nylon lid, gauze and a honey rubber glove (you can install a water seal instead). In this recipe we will do without yeast, since wine yeast is difficult to get, and ordinary compressed or dry yeast is not used in winemaking, turning the wine into an ordinary mash. The role of yeast will be played by raisins, on the surface of which the necessary fungi live.

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For making homemade wine, jam from apples, currants, raspberries, strawberries, plums, cherries and other fruit crops is suitable. But I do not recommend combining different types of jam in one drink: the unique taste of each berry disappears in the consistency. It's better to create several separate portions.


  • jam – 1 liter;
  • water – 1 liter;
  • unwashed raisins – 100 g;
  • sugar – 10-100 grams per liter of water (optional).

The amount of water depends on the sugar content in the jam (natural in the raw material and added during the cooking process). It is necessary to strive to ensure that the sugar content in the wort does not exceed 20%. Dilute with more water as needed. If the jam is not sweet at first, you can add more sugar.

Recipe for wine from old jam

1. Rinse a three-liter jar with soda, rinse a couple of times with warm water, then sterilize by adding a little boiling water. This will destroy tiny pathogenic organisms that can spoil the wine.

2. Transfer the jam to a jar, add water and sugar (if necessary), add unwashed raisins. Stir until smooth. Instead of raisins, you can use any unwashed fresh berries that must be crushed in advance.

The creators of some recipes recommend adding a handful of rice to the raisins. But rice does not promote fermentation, it is a worthless idea.

3. Cover the jar with gauze to protect it from flies, transfer it to a warm (18-25°C) black space or cover it with thick fabric (A collection of different and interacting tissues form organs) . Leave for 5 days, stir once a day with a clean hand or a wooden tool. After 8-20 hours, signs of fermentation should appear: hissing, foam and a slight sour smell. This means that everything is going fine.

4. Remove the pulp (floated pulp) from the surface and strain the contents of the jar through gauze folded in several layers. Pour the filtered wort into a clean jar, previously washed with soda and boiling water. The container can be filled to a maximum of 75% of its size, so that there is space for foam and carbon dioxide that will appear during fermentation.

5. Create a hole in one of the fingers of the honey glove with a needle, then put the glove itself on the neck of the jar. To make the system hold better and not fall off during fermentation, tie a rope around the neck over the glove.

Water seal designs for wine, mash and beer

Another method is to install a water seal. There is no difference between these 2 variations. If you make homemade wines all the time, it is better to design a water seal; it is universally suitable; in other cases, a glove (a new one each time) will do.

6. Place the jar in a black, warm space for 30-60 days. Fermentation will be completed when the inflated glove is one hundred percent deflated or the water seal does not release bubbles for a certain number of days. The wine itself should become lighter, and sediment will appear on the day.

Attention! If fermentation does not stop after 50 days from the moment the water seal is installed, the jam wine must be drained without touching the sediment on the bottom. Then put it under the water seal again to ferment. If this is not created, the drink may become bitter.

7. Drain the fermented young wine from the sediment. Taste, if desired, add sugar for sweetness or vodka (alcohol) to increase the strength (2-15% of the size). Fortified wine made from jam stores better, but is not as fragrant and has the firmest taste.

Pour the drink into clean containers, it is better to fill it up to the neck so that there is no contact with oxygen. Close tightly and move to the basement or refrigerator. Keep for at least 2-3 months (preferably 5-6). The best temperature is 6-16°C.

At first, once every 20-25 days, later less often when sediment appears in a layer of 2-5 cm, filter the wine by pouring it into another container. Sitting on lees for a long time can lead to bitterness. The finished drink (there is no longer any sediment) can be poured into bottles and hermetically sealed with corks.

The strength of the prepared wine is 10-13%. Shelf life when stored in the basement or refrigerator is up to 3 years.

Homemade jam wine: my signature recipes - a divine drink!

I love homemade wine, so I constantly update my notebook with new production methods. Now I would like to tell you how to create wine from jam at home - ordinary recipes will help the housewife entertain her household with beautiful drinks.

Homemade wine from jam: the usual recipe with a glove

Homemade wine made from jam will be a worthy candidate for store-bought alcohol. This does not require any special abilities or expensive equipment. At the moment, I will share the usual recipe for a beautiful homemade wine from your favorite jam, prepared using a glove.

  • liter of jam;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • liter of water.

How to make wine without yeast:

  1. Take a sterile 3 liter jar and put the jam and unwashed raisins into it. Fill it with water, cover the dish with a cloth (A collection of different and interacting tissues form organs) and put it in a warm, black space for a week. Stir the mixture every day.
  2. Remove the pulp from the surface, filter and pour into a sterile container. You need to leave about a third of the free space so that carbon dioxide escapes. Place a glove with a hole over the container's larynx.
  3. Place the container in a black space for at least a month. A dropped glove indicates the product is ready.
  4. You need to remove the wine from the sediment using a flexible hose, add alcohol and sugar to taste.
  5. Pour the drink into dark bottles and put it away for a couple of months - let it ripen. The finished product becomes transparent.

How to create delicious wine from fermented jam

Not long ago I had several jars of my favorite strawberry jam ferment. At first I was upset, but later my mother-in-law told me that it was possible to create wine from fermented jam. I would like to share with you her recipe for a beautiful wine made from spoiled jam, prepared at home without yeast.

  • one and a half kilograms of jam;
  • one and a half liters of water;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 20 grams of raisins.
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How to make this wine:

  1. Take a container of suitable size (ideally five liters). Pour heated water and jam into it. Add unwashed raisins and sugar.
  2. Pull the glove over the larynx of the container, making a hole in one finger. Let the product sit in a dark and warm room for 4 days, then remove the glove and use a narrow straw to drain approximately 100 ml of water. Dissolve 50 grams of sugar in it and pour it back.
  3. After 5 days, repeat this function. When the glove falls off (in a month or more), the wine must be strained through cheesecloth and poured into bottles. After closing them with corks, they need to be sent to the basement for storage.

Good wine from jam - a recipe for making it in 2 weeks

If you want to create wine quickly, then a recipe for making good homemade wine from any kind of jam in just 2 weeks is suitable for you. We will prepare this drink with yeast.

  • liter of jam;
  • liter of water;
  • a glass of round rice;
  • 7 grams of dry yeast.

How to prepare a spirited wine:

  1. Take a sterile three-liter container. Pour rice and yeast into it, add warm water and mix thoroughly. Then pour in the jam and stir again.
  2. Make a hole in the medical glove. Place it over the neck of the container and secure it with a rope. Place it in a dark, warm space for a couple of weeks. When sediment appears and the wine becomes clear, it must be put in the refrigerator for a couple of days.
  3. Strain the wine and take a sample. Add sugar if necessary. Pour into bottles and close with lids.

Tip: Use only wooden utensils to stir wine.

Favorite wine made from dark currant jam

I really love currant jam, and this year I had a few half-eaten jars left over. So I decided to make wine - and it turned out very tasty!

  • liter of jam;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 200 grams of rice;
  • 200 grams of fresh grapes.
  1. Pour the jam into a suitable sterile container, add grapes and rice.
  2. Boil water in a separate bowl and wait for it to cool. Then pour it into the container with the jam, mix thoroughly and put a pierced glove on the neck.
  3. Place the wine in a dark, warm space for 3 weeks. Readiness indicator - dropped glove and transparency of the product. When sediment appears on the day, you need to strain the drink through cheesecloth and bottle it. Although at this moment you can taste the wine.

Unusual wine made from apricot jam at home

I would like to tell you how to make wine from apricot jam at home according to my signature recipe with yeast. It turns out very tasty and special. My husband especially loves this drink and constantly asks me to make it - and I’m happy to try.

  • liter of jam;
  • 150 grams of rice;
  • 20 grams of yeast;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 20 grams of sugar.

How to make wine from apricot jam:

  1. Take a sterile three-liter jar, put jam and rice (not washed) in it. Lightly dilute the yeast with water and place it in a jar as well. Add water little by little, stirring the mixture constantly. The water must reach the hangers of the jar.
  2. Leave the wine at room temperature for 8 days. Then pour it into another clean container, put on a pierced glove and leave it in a black, warm place. Leave for a day (the wine should become transparent).
  3. Strain the drink and take a sample. If the taste seems sour, add 20 grams of sugar per liter of water and let it brew for three days.
  4. Pour the finished product into bottles.

The usual recipe for homemade wine from raspberry jam

Raspberry jam wine has a pleasant, sweetish (but not cloying!) taste. I cook it all the time, and later I offer it to my friends to try. Every time they are satisfied with the drink. Try to cook it and I think you will like it!

  • kilogram of jam;
  • liter of water;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a handful of raisins.
  1. Mix jam and boiled water at room temperature. Add unwashed raisins. Put half of the sugar, which should dissolve one hundred percent.
  2. Fill a suitable glass container two-thirds full with wine, and put a rubber glove with a hole over the neck.
  3. Place the container in a warm place, protected from sunlight. Let the drink ferment for several weeks. When the glove comes down and the berry mass rises, you need to strain the wine through cheesecloth. Take a taste - if there is not enough sweetness, add sugar.
  4. After pouring the wine with added sugar into a clean container, put on the glove again and put the product in a warm place. When sediment appears and the drink becomes clear, you need to pour it into bottles almost up to the larynx.
  5. Close the bottles of finished wine tightly with lids and put them in a cool place to ripen. If sediment occurs from time to time, it is necessary to pour the wine into another bottle and put it away in the same space. It takes about 2-3 months for the product to mature.

Is it possible to make wine from jam with mold?

Not long ago, a friend approached me with a problem. She had a lot of jars of jam left over from the winter, but most of them were also affected by mold. She was quite upset because she wanted to create wine, and asked if it could be created from moldy jam?

I can say the following: you can make wine from virtually any kind of jam. Both fermented and candied will do, but spoiled with mold requires close attention.

If the entire product is already saturated with mold, then it will spoil the entire taste of the wine and make it unfit for consumption. But if it is only on the surface, and the jam itself smells normal, it can be used.

Just carefully remove the moldy layer. Therefore, do not rush to throw away damaged pieces - if the mold has not yet penetrated deeply, you can find a use for them!

I think any lady should know how to make wine from jam at home: ordinary recipes and my advice will help her with this. After all, store-bought drinks will not always be successful, but those made at home will always amuse you with their unusual tastes. If the manufacturing methods seem incomprehensible to you, watch the video I found for you.

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