Light and tasty dessert - jam jelly

A light and tasty dessert - jam jelly. Ordinary and unique recipes for jam jelly with gelatin and agar-agar

What could be easier than creating jelly? Pour boiling water over the prepared powder from the bag and you’re done! After a couple of hours, you can enjoy a tender, cool dessert. But it’s even more fun and much healthier to give up store-bought goods and make jelly from jam - homemade, fragrant, from ripe berries or fruits.

What’s great is that you can experiment endlessly with variations of jelly made from jam with gelatin, delighting yourself and your family with different combinations of flavors.

How to create jelly from jam: general rules

In principle, all recipes for jam jelly are similar. The filler changes, but the development remains constant. You can take any preserves, jams, marmalade.

Gelatin is a constant ingredient in any jelly. Both an ordinary granular or sheet product and an instant product are suitable. The first two are soaked in water (water, milk, yogurt) for 20–30 minutes to swell. The advantage of an instant product is that you simply add water and stir. No need to wait!

What do you need to know about making jelly from jam with gelatin? Any fruit (berry) already has gelling qualities to a greater or lesser extent. For example, desserts made from currants, apples, and gooseberries freeze perfectly. Less gelatin will be needed to make jelly from such jam. Raspberries, cherries, and strawberries have less gelling substances. To ensure that the jelly hardens perfectly, use a slightly larger quantity in the recipe.

You can take the amount of sugar at your own discretion. It's a matter of taste - whether the dessert is very sweet or not.

Thick jam from berries and fruits with seeds and pulp is strained and rubbed through a fine sieve. The syrup from preparations with large whole fruits (berries) is drained. Only this part of the jam can be used to make jelly. Leave the rest for the design and decoration of the dessert.

Basic recipe for jam jelly with gelatin

Just understand this recipe and you can prepare a wide variety of jelly from jam with a unique and ordinary serving. The quantity of ingredients indicated is approximate - during the tests you can independently select the size of water, jam, gelatin. But in order for the jelly to harden perfectly, it is necessary to dilute and use gelatin strictly according to the instructions.

Basic set of goods:

• any kind of jam (to taste) – 250 ml;

• boiled water – 1 l;

• granulated or sheet confectionery gelatin – 2 sachets.

How to cook:

1. Soak gelatin in water according to the instructions on the package. Let it swell.

2. Dilute the jam with water to taste.

3. If necessary, filter the solution through cheesecloth so that there is no pulp or seeds left in the syrup.

4. Heat the gelatin in a steam bath, ensuring that the granules are completely dissolved. We filter.

5. Combine jam diluted with water and gelatin. Mix.

6. Pour the jelly into bowls (silicone molds, glasses). We wait until it hardens - from 3 to 6 hours in the refrigerator.

Serve to the table, garnishing the cool dessert with berries, pieces of fruit, and whipped cream.

Cherry jam jelly

An unusually savory dessert with no cloying sweetness and a beautiful pomegranate color. It's simple and enjoyable to prepare.


• cherry jam (with or without pits - to taste) 500 ml;

• boiled water – 250 ml;

• instant gelatin – 25 g.

How to cook:

1. Drain the syrup from the jam. Place the berries on a sieve.

2. Dilute the cherry syrup with water to taste.

3. Soak the gelatin in warm water and stir until the gelatin dissolves.

4. Mix with diluted jam.

5. Place several cherries in bowls. Pour in the jelly.

6. Send the dessert to the cold (3-4 hours).

Decorate with fresh mint leaves, curd cream, and use to decorate pastries and cakes.

“Drunk” cherry jelly made from jam with gelatin

The dessert is very tasty, but it should not be given to children due to the presence of alcohol in the composition. To add spicy notes to the smell of cherry jelly with wine, you can add vanillin, cinnamon, cloves, and anise to the recipe.


• cherry jam – 150 ml;

• reddish dry wine – 3.5 tbsp.;

• freshly squeezed lemon juice – 125 ml;

• sugar – to taste.

How to cook:

1. Soak the gelatin.

2. Mix wine with lemon juice. Add the swollen gelatin.

3. Drain the syrup from the cherry jam. Combine with other ingredients

4. Put it on fire. We wait until the solution begins to slowly boil. Heat, stirring, for 1 minute.

5. If necessary, add sugar.

Pour hot jelly into glasses. We wait until it cools down. We send it to completely harden in the refrigerator.

Raspberry jelly made from jam and orange juice

A small difficulty in making raspberry jelly is that there are many small, unnecessary seeds in this dessert. They must be disposed of by rubbing the jam diluted with water through a sieve.


• raspberry jam – 300 ml;

• fresh orange juice – 125 ml;

• boiled water – ½ cup;

• sugar – to taste.

How to cook:

1. Soak gelatin for 20 minutes.

2. Dilute the jam with water. Pass and grind through a fine sieve.

3. Add orange juice and sugar (if necessary) to the syrup.

4. Place the container on the fire. Pour in the swollen gelatin.

5. Heat the mixture over low heat until the gelatin granules dissolve completely.

6. Pour hot jelly into bowls.

Cool to room temperature. Place in the refrigerator for 3–6 hours. Before serving, decorate with mint leaves, fresh raspberries, and orange slices.

Two-layer raspberry jelly made from jam and homemade sour cream

A dessert made from two layers of contrasting colors turns out not only beautiful, but also very tasty. The recipe uses raspberry jam and full-fat sour cream, but these ingredients can be changed. For example, take cherry or plum jam, replace sour cream with yogurt, cottage cheese, soft cream cheese.

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• raspberry jam – 250 ml;

• milk (low-fat cream, water) – 200 ml;

• lemon juice – 1 tsp;

• sugar – to taste;

How to cook:

1. Soak gelatin according to instructions on the bags.

2. Dilute the jam with water, strain, and grind through a sieve.

3. Dilute sour cream with milk (water). Add lemon juice, sugar, vanillin.

4. Divide the swollen gelatin in half. We send one part to the jam, the second to the milk part of the jelly. Mix well.

5. Fill the bowls halfway with raspberry jelly (or sour cream - it doesn’t matter). Place in the refrigerator to harden.

6. When the solution has completely set, pour the second part of the jelly into the bowls, forming the top contrasting layer of the dessert.

7. Return the molds to the refrigerator.

When it hardens, decorate the dessert with the freshest berries, grated dark chocolate, and butter cream.

Pear jelly made from jam with gelatin and banana liqueur

In the recipe you can use jam, jam or pear jam. You can use any kind of liqueur, since the purpose of this ingredient is to give the dessert special flavor and aromatic notes.


• pear jam – 250 ml;

• banana liqueur – 2 tbsp. l.;

• granulated gelatin – 1 ½ sachets;

• boiled water – 350 ml;

How to cook:

1. We prepare gelatin for work according to the annotation.

2. Dilute the pear jam with water. Grind through a sieve or puree with a blender.

3. Pour sweet liqueur into the fruit syrup, sweeten to taste.

4. Place the solution on low heat. Heat until sugar dissolves.

5. Heat the gelatin in a steam bath until completely dissolved.

6. Combine gelatin strained through cheesecloth and pear jam with liqueur. Stir.

Cool the jelly to room temperature. Pour into bowls. Place the dessert in the refrigerator to harden (2-3 hours). Before serving, decorate as desired.

Apple jelly made from jam and fresh mint

Thanks to the high pectin content, apple desserts freeze well even without gelatin. Although apple jam jelly still needs this ingredient. True, a little in smaller quantities than usual.


• apple jam – 300 ml;

• fresh mint – 4–6 sprigs;

• sugar – to taste.

How to cook:

1. Pour gelatin into 50 ml of water. Let it swell.

2. Grind the apple jam through a sieve or punch it with an immersion blender. Dilute with water and add sugar to taste.

3. Wash the mint and dry it. We cut it finely.

4. Pour the fragrant herb into the diluted jam. Put it on the fire and let it boil. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes.

5. Strain the gelatin and combine with hot syrup. Stir until the gelatin crystals dissolve.

6. Pour into molds.

7. Cool, refrigerate until completely frozen.

Decorate the finished dessert with fresh mint leaves.

Jam jelly: manufacturing secrets, presentation subtleties

  • Despite the simplicity of the technology, there are still aspects of making jelly. Let's list the main ones.
  • It is more convenient to soak gelatin in an iron container. This will make it easier to warm it up before adding it to the syrup.
  • Duralumin utensils are never used to make jelly. Due to oxidation, the dessert changes color and acquires a nasty iron taste.
  • For a unique presentation, jam jelly can be created in multiple layers, alternating contrasting colors. Or divide the layers into thin layers of milk, coffee, chocolate jelly.
  • The freshest berries and fruits are consumed not only to decorate a cool, light dessert. You can place them inside the jelly, placing them in bowls on the bottom or in layers before pouring.
  • You can pour the jelly into bowls, glasses, and clear glass glasses. Or use silicone molds. It’s easier to get the frozen cool dessert out of them. If other dishes are used, before turning the jelly onto a plate, lower the mold for a few seconds into a wide bowl of hot water.

Jam jelly: ordinary making recipes - how to create jam jelly in molds and prepare it for the winter

Housewives spend most of the summer and dawn working at the stove, making countless jars of jam from various fruits for the winter. If the year was fruitful, and you managed to enjoy the freshest berries and fruits to your heart’s content, then the winter preserves, for the most part, remain untouched. It's a pity? Naturally, it’s a pity: both time, effort, and goods! This article will help you manage your jam supplies and process it into another dessert dish - jelly.

Which jam to choose

To make jelly, a preparation made entirely of all fruits is suitable. The main thing is that the contents of the jars are not candied, fermented or have mold on the surface.

If the jam was ground, in other words, the fruits in it were crushed, then to make the jelly you will need an additional fine sieve or a piece of gauze fabric (The structure of the tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) .

The most popular ones for making jelly are those made from cherries, currants, gooseberries and raspberries. They have a catchy rich taste.

The manufacturing process for all jam desserts is approximately the same: the jam is diluted with water, the fruit drink is boiled for 5-10 minutes, and then a gelling agent is added. The hot sweet mass is poured into small plastic cups, silicone molds or bowls. Depending on what exactly the jelly was thickened with, the storage space for the dessert before serving will depend. For example, gelatin-based jelly must be kept in the refrigerator, because it becomes liquid at room temperature. But pectin and agar-agar can perfectly retain the jelly shape even without cold.

Recipes for jelly in forms

From currant jam with gelatin

A glass of dark currant jam (you can also take jam from a reddish berry) is diluted in 3 glasses of water. If the jam {in itself} was not very sweet, then its norm can be increased. Taking into account that gelatin will be added to the fruit drink, the jelly base should be quite sweet.

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Gelatin is diluted in a separate container. To do this, the powder (5 heaped tablespoons) is poured into a glass of boiled, and certainly previously cooled, water. The ingredients are mixed and left to swell for 15-20 minutes.

At this time, the jam was already completely dispersed in the water. The fruit drink is put on fire and boiled for 5 minutes. Then the heat is reduced, and the swollen gelling component is introduced into the hot liquid. Actively stirring until the gelatin is completely dissolved. But the most important thing is to prevent the water from boiling again, otherwise the jelly will not be able to “freeze.”

At the final step, the mass is filtered. It is best to pass the jelly mixture through cheesecloth. It will help get rid of small parts of berries and grains of gelatin that did not have time to disperse.

The purified syrup is poured into molds and sent to the refrigerator before serving. After 5-6 hours, the delicious currant dessert is ready!

An example of making jelly from the freshest reddish currants is here.

The “Yummy” channel allows you to prepare gelatin jelly from jam with reddish wine

Cherry jelly on agar-agar

The base of jam and water is prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe, in a ratio of 1:3.

The fruit drink is immediately filtered through a sieve. Because cherries are a fairly large berry, the use of gauze is not necessary.

The syrup without berries is boiled for 5 minutes over medium heat, and then agar-agar powder is added. For a given size of water, 1.5 tablespoons are needed. Pour the powder evenly, in a thin “stream”, preventing it from clumping in the sweet base.

Once the entire amount of the gelling component is in the pan, the countdown begins. Cooking jelly with agar-agar for more than 5 minutes is not allowed!

After turning off the heat, the hot jelly is poured into molds and left to cool at room temperature.

The most delicious jelly from the freshest cherries is produced by the channel “Granny Emma’s Recipes”

Raspberry jelly with pectin

For this recipe, you need to use pure pectin powder specifically. Such gelling compositions as “Zhelfix” or “Quittin” contain quite a huge amount of citric acid. The dessert may end up being too sour.

So, to make jelly, take raspberry jam (1/2 cup) and water (1.5 cups). The products are mixed, and the purchased fruit drink is filtered. Boil the fragrant liquid for 5 minutes, add a pinch of citric acid, and boil for another minute. Turn off the heat for 20 minutes so that the mass cools down a little.

Pectin (1 teaspoon) is combined with 2 small spoons of sugar. This is necessary so that the powder does not clump when added to a hot fruit drink.

After adding the pectin thickener, the pan is returned to the stove and heated slowly. The main thing here is to bring the mass to a boil. Boiling for more than 2 minutes is unacceptable. It is best to keep the dessert on the stove for 30 seconds after boiling.

Pectin jelly can also “harden” at room temperature, but it is better to put it in the refrigerator for several hours to speed up the setting process.

Jam jelly in jars for the winter

Typically, winter jelly preparations are made from new fruits and juice, but the option of using jam is also appropriate. Manufacturing development, in principle, does not differ from making jelly in molds, but there are some aspects:

  • It is better not to use gelatin for preparation, because when the product is heated above 100 ºC, gelatin loses its characteristics, and winter preparation implies the use of high temperatures for the longest-term preservation of the preserve.
  • When choosing containers for preparations, you should consider the option of serving the finished dish on the table. If the jelly will be removed from the jar with a spoon, and its perfect shape is not important, then you can use any glass container. If you plan to maintain the shape of the jelly, then the containers must be wide and low. Also, it is better that there are no narrowings at the top. The perfect option is two-hundred-gram glass cups with a screw-shaped lid!

Gooseberry jelly with pectin

A half-liter jar of jam is diluted in 2 liters of water, sugar is added as needed. The fruit drink should be very sweet, but not cloying. The liquid is immediately filtered, getting rid of whole fruits and berry skins.

The sweet mass is boiled for a quarter of an hour, and then citric acid powder (0.5 teaspoon) diluted in water is added to it. Bring the fruit drink back to a boil and turn off the heat.

Pectin, 2 tablespoons, mixed with 4 identical spoons of sweet sand. The resulting mixture is added to the slightly cooled fruit drink. Carefully stirring the jelly mixture, the pan with the food is returned to the stove. As soon as the mixture boils, the countdown begins. 1-2 minutes and the jelly is cooked!

It is immediately poured into prepared sterile jars. It is better that the container is hot - this minimizes the entry of bacteria. The top of the workpiece is screwed with scalded lids. After a day of being under a warm blanket, the jars are sent to permanent storage space.

Fresh gooseberry jelly is no less popular. {Instructions} here.

From apple jam on agar-agar

Apple jam is diluted in water according to the instructions in the previous recipe. Strain the fruit juice through a sieve with cheesecloth, because apple juice contains a lot of sediment. Boil the purified sweet base for 25 minutes.

One and a half tablespoons of agar-agar are evenly added to the fruit drink, remembering to constantly stir the contents of the pan. Cooking after boiling is continued for no more than 3 minutes. The finished jam jelly is packaged in jars. The workpiece is covered with a warm towel and left for a day.

Raspberry-apple dessert from new fruits can be prepared using the recipe on our website.

How to store jam dessert

Jelly in molds is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days, and winter preparations, provided the jars and lids are kept sterile, for no more than a year. They keep jars with preparations in the basement or underground, where it is cool and gloomy.

Jam, Jelly, mousses, Step by step

Sweets recipes → Jelly, mousses

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Sweets recipes → Jam

Step by step

An unusual way to prepare plums for the winter is to make plum jelly.

Young zucchini is a unique vegetable. Thanks to the distinct taste and juiciness of zucchini, you can use them to prepare not only vegetable dishes and snacks, but also desserts - you can add them to baked goods and even make jam from them. Zucchini jam comes out thick, moderately sweet, with a delicate citrus taste and smell. This jam can be used in pies and puff pastries, applied to toast and added to unsweetened cereals.

I am sharing with you my homemade recipe for red currant jelly without gelatin. This is not only very tasty, but also healthy!

This recipe came about spontaneously; I just had some berries left over from previous preparations. I was going to make a currant jelly mix. I really liked the result; the alliance of reddish and dark currants gelled perfectly. And the taste was also quite interesting. I thought that the taste of dark currant would prevail, but the reddish currant did not give up and also brought its own flavor note.

Strawberry jelly for the winter is a tasty treat for the whole family. Strawberry jelly can be added to any desserts, baked goods, or simply spread on bread. The usual recipe is in front of you, and to make the jelly thick, gelatin will be useful.

Original, tasty and colorful gooseberry and raspberry jam for the winter. Gooseberry picking usually takes longer than raspberry picking. Therefore, it is possible to create such a symbiosis. Raspberries have a very distinctive taste and smell, and some of them surrounded by gooseberries make a very interesting version of jam.

Red currant jelly and a little on the topic of preparations. A recipe from the “two (or even more) in one” series.

Pamper yourself in the winter with delicious strawberry jelly-like confiture. This is pure pleasure and enjoyment.

Fragrant, beautiful and savory jam is a delicious preparation for the winter. I would like to share our family recipe for reddish currant jelly. This year I decided to make reddish currant jelly the old fashioned way, without using a juicer.

With the hot method of making raspberry jelly, jam or preserves, so necessary for colds or to strengthen the immune system, most of the vitamins are lost. This jelly is prepared using the cool method. Therefore, in winter it will be just a godsend.

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Jam jelly

Simple, fast and delicious. It can be made from any kind of jam.

Ingredients for Jam Jelly:

  • Jam (any kind, approximately) - 1 cup.
  • Water (approximately) - 1.5 l
  • Gelatin - 2 packets.

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
1044.3 kcal
44.6 g
0.2 g
234.4 g
100 g dish
75.7 kcal
3.2 g
0 g
17 g

Recipe for “Jelly from jam”:

Dilute the fruit drink to taste. I got 1 stack. jam (currant) - 1.5 liters of water.

Soak gelatin in warm boiled water to swell.

Pass the fruit drink through a sieve.

and put on fire. As soon as it boils, pour in the gelatin and keep on the fire for another 2-3 minutes, avoiding boiling.

Pour into bowls and place in the refrigerator to set completely.

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December 8, 2017 marusjala #

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July 7, 2015 sveta yps #

October 19, 2014 Bacteria #

June 12, 2014 Olga Moore 2014 #

October 6, 2011 Shadrin #

October 6, 2011 Trushkova # (recipe creator)

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I only found jelly from new berries and unique recipes. But there is no such thing as too ordinary jam. Maybe someone will need it. If the moderators don't delete it

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