Homemade apple pastille from apples - 10 homemade delicious recipes

Homemade apple pastille from apples - 10 homemade delicious recipes

Apple marshmallow is not only a tasty, but also a healthy treat for sweet tooths of all ages. It is also good because it can be prepared at home without much hassle using several methods. Read more...

  1. Main
  2. Best selections
  3. Preparations for the winter
  4. Preparations from fruits and berries
  5. Homemade pastila
  6. Apple marshmallow
  • In the oven
  • Dishes with apples
  • Dessert
  • Preparations for the winter
  • Apples for the winter
  • Recipes for kids
  • Diets (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) recipes for weight loss
  • Russian cuisine
  • Dishes with quince
  • Lenten table
  • Apples with cinnamon
  • Homemade sweets
  • Vegetarianism
  • Ancient recipes
  • Drying, drying
  • Veganism
  • Apple desserts
  • Ranetki for the winter
  • Recipes without butter and margarine
  • Preparations from fruits and berries

How to make apple marshmallow quickly and easily

Before making apple marshmallow, you should stock up on something that will greatly facilitate the drying process and subsequent storage. In the first case we are talking about silicone mats, in the 2nd case we are talking about special parchment paper.

5 most commonly used ingredients in apple marshmallow recipes:

Product Calories kcal per 100g Proteins g per 100g Fats g per 100g Carbohydrates g per 100g
Apples 47 0.4 0.4 9.8
Sugar 398 99.7
Ground cinnamon 247 3.9 3.2 79.8
Honey 400 0.8 81.5
Bananas 89 1.5 0.1 21.8

No matter what, even the stickiest mass can be removed from the silicone surface without any problems. To avoid wasting a lot of time, you need to have at least three oven-sized mats. They can be used immediately laid out on baking sheets (or grids) at different levels. The already completely dried marshmallow is removed from them, which is then stored, rolled into “rolls”.

The second method, using parchment paper, is considered more successful. The apple mixture is applied to the surface of parchment lined on a baking sheet. Dried in the oven according to the instructions in the recipe. Then, perfectly dried, it is rolled into tubes along with parchment. The advantage of this storage method is that the layers of marshmallow do not stick together, and it comes off the paper easily and easily when needed. Then it is simply cut into portions along with parchment. You get some sweets for yourself.

By the way, you can transform not only apple puree into marshmallows, but also any jam, marmalade, jam. Prepare in the same way as for puree.

5 lowest-calorie apple marshmallow recipes:

Name of the dish Preparation time Calories kcal per 100g User rating
Apple marshmallow without sugar 7 hours 20 minutes 38 +56
Regular apple paste 3 hours 50 +89
Apple marshmallow with honey and cinnamon 40 min 57 +25
Apple pastille in the oven 4 hours 35 minutes 73 +40
Apple marshmallow in the dryer 12 hours 25 minutes 73 +36

The average temperature for drying marshmallows is 100C. Time (again, approximate) – about 2 hours. The oven door must be ajar.

Store it rolled up in a dry, black place. Can be wrapped in plastic film.

Apple marshmallow recipes: ordinary and very ordinary

  1. Articles

If there are tons of apples ripe in your garden, you, too, are probably wondering where to put them. The apple pies are baked, the jam is made, it’s a pity to throw away the rest. Culinary blogger Maria Sorokina shares simple recipes for making apple marshmallows, which she has been using herself for a couple of years.

Pies are not a bad thing, but when the problem arises of adding a really large volume of apples, this is no longer the way. I realized this in the summer, when I came face to face with 20 kilograms of Antonovka, carefully collected by friends in their garden and given to us with all my heart. The apples were very tasty and fragrant, but usually small and crooked - I didn’t even want to think about peeling them. In addition, they deteriorated quite quickly - categorical measures were required. Such that the consumption of raw materials is rapid, and the output product is small-sized and fits perfectly.

I never adored apple jam, so that’s why I thought about marshmallows. At first, about a very ordinary one. Narrow leaf fruit marshmallows are available in many places. We usually call it left-handed, in old books it’s called fig. Sometimes it’s just apple or with berries, and sometimes it’s just berry. The Georgian analogue is tklapi, usually made from cherry plum or tkemali and without sugar, used more for cooking (in soups and stews) than for eating just like that. But the essence of the method is the same - to create a puree from fruits, then pour it into a narrow layer and dry it.

The amount of sugar is up to your taste, the main thing is to keep in mind that it also affects the texture. The smaller, the denser and tougher the pastille. One way or another, the output will be a narrow plastic sheet that can be rolled up and stored in the refrigerator indefinitely. Just tear off pieces or cut into beautiful snails. A heart-warming dessert or snack that practically came off the cover of a healthy eating magazine. In addition, it is very comfortable to carry with you, which is what I actually did for six months later.

© Maria Sorokina

In general, somewhere in the middle of the apple supply, I got bored with creating ordinary marshmallows. Besides, when people shout from all sides about Belyovskaya and Kolomenskaya, no, you start to think. I was not able to establish a serious difference between these concepts, but the essence of both is whipped marshmallow. Lush and light in contrast to the narrow and dense leaf. Some people add egg whites to it, some don’t, some add a lot of sugar, some don’t add a lot.

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No matter how mind-blowing, applesauce whips up in any case, and perfectly. So, in the end, I don’t add proteins and add very little sugar - the taste is more pleasant and the product is untainted. After whipping, we also pour the puree into a layer, but already quite thick, and dry it. And later we cut them into rectangles and stack them on top of each other in 4-5 layers, gluing them together with raw puree. The result is a very beautiful and generous dessert with a wonderful texture and a catchy apple flavor. Almost any seasonal apples are suitable, the main thing is that they are simply boiled. If desired, you can mix them, for example, with currants or cranberries, or add honey, cinnamon, lemon juice (if they are not sour enough) and whatever your soul requires. It is also stored in the refrigerator and is also virtually endless. I was in ecstasy and, despite my natural laziness, I did it until the apples eventually ran out.

Regarding optimizing efforts and speeding up actions. There is really only one thing that is labor-intensive in any marshmallow - the transformation of whole apples into puree without peels and cores. Everyone here has their own approach, but this is easiest for me. Without peeling or cutting anything, cut the apples into quarters and place them in a suitable-sized pan. The wider it is and the smaller the layer of apples, the better. Pour a little water into the bottom, cover with a lid and put on fire. Stir occasionally until the apples are pureed (usually this takes 15-20 minutes). The final mixture is very simply rubbed through a large sieve or colander, on which all the excess remains.

If you plan to make whipped marshmallows, then it is important to really cool the puree. At least four hours in the refrigerator, preferably overnight (that is, the dark time of day) , otherwise it will not whip up. Well, about drying. The best option here is a convection oven, about 70°C. One pass takes 6-8 hours, so the easiest way is to leave the marshmallow to dry overnight (that is, in the dark) . And during the day you get up and spin the rolls for yourself, tearing off pieces as you go and washing them down with coffee.

Narrow leaf apple marshmallow (levashi/fig)

© Maria Sorokina

  • Apples - 1.5 kg (raw, unpeeled weight);
  • sugar - 300 g (less is possible, or completely without sugar).

Cut the apples into quarters, place in a medium saucepan with a thick bottom, add 50 ml of water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat under the lid, stirring occasionally, until all the pulp is pureed (about 15 minutes).

Remove the lid and continue cooking, stirring for 8-10 minutes, until the puree thickens slightly. Strain through a colander or large sieve. You should get about 1 kilogram of puree. Add sugar, mix.

Preheat the oven to 70°C fan. Cover the baking sheet with foil (covering the bottom and sides). Lightly grease the foil with vegetable oil. Pour the puree into a baking tray and smooth it out (you will get a layer of about half a centimeter).

Dry in the oven for 6-8 hours. The marshmallow should become hard, and the surface should be almost dry (small droplets of syrup will remain) and glossy.

Let cool, remove from foil (if the edges are stuck, just cut them off). Roll it up and cut it into 3-4 pieces (for convenience). Wrap in film and store in the refrigerator. The output is 2-3 rolls with a total weight of about 600 grams.

Lush apple marshmallow (Belyovskaya/Kolomenskaya)

© Maria Sorokina

  • Antonovka - 1 kg (weight in raw, unrefined form);
  • sugar - 100 g (more is possible, for example 200 g, or you can leave it out completely).

Cut the apples into quarters, place in a medium saucepan with a thick bottom, add 50 ml of water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat under the lid, stirring occasionally, until all the pulp is pureed (about 15 minutes).

Remove the lid and continue cooking, stirring for 8-10 minutes, until the puree thickens slightly. Strain through a colander or large sieve. You should get about 600 grams of puree. Add sugar, stir and chill in the refrigerator for at least four hours.

Preheat the oven to 70°C fan. Line a deep baking dish measuring about 25 by 15 cm with parchment, covering the bottom and sides.

Beat the puree with a mixer until the mass becomes light and airy and approximately doubles in volume (with a hand mixer this takes 10-12 minutes, with a massive stationary one - 7-8 minutes).

Set aside 100 grams of puree for the next pastille coating, cover and put in the refrigerator. Pour the rest of the puree into the mold and smooth it out. Dry in the oven for about eight hours. The surface should become dry, and the marshmallow should spring back when pressed, like foam rubber. If, when pressed, you feel bubbles exploding inside, it means it’s too early and you need to continue drying.

Remove from the oven, cover with a second sheet of parchment and invert onto a baking sheet. Remove the parchment that is now on top. If, after all this, it turns out that the bottom of the marshmallow is still dry, return it to the oven for 30 minutes to one hour.

Cut the marshmallow layer into four rectangles and stack them on top of each other, spreading any layer with the reserved whipped puree. Coat the block with the same puree on top and along the edges. Return the marshmallow to the oven for one hour (the surface should be dry). Remove from the oven and let cool completely. The output is about one block of marshmallow weighing about 200 grams. Store in the refrigerator, wrapped in parchment, then in film.

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Apple marshmallow

Belyovskaya apple marshmallow

Belyovskaya pastila is one of the delicious attractions of the Tula region, popular for a century and a half. It is made only from Antonov apples. I don’t understand whether this recipe has anything in common with the ancient one, but, in any case, this pastille does not differ in taste from the one sold under the name “Belevskaya”.

Pastila from the dryer

Pastilles from the dryer, based on Belevsky apple pastilles. Perhaps this is one of those rare cases when it can be said that sweets prepared according to the proposed recipe are not only very tasty, but also healthy. Using natural products - apples, egg whites and brown cane sugar, we not only get a delicacy that brings great pleasure to both children and adults, but also partially solve the issue of preserving the grown apple harvest. The website already has a recipe for making Belevsky marshmallow in the oven. I would like to share my two-year experience of making apple lozenges in an electronic dryer. I hope that it will be needed by those housewives whose ovens do not have the ability to keep the temperature below 100 degrees, but still have a desire to cook.

New apple marshmallow

A recipe for a very tasty and healthy marshmallow made from new apples. This marshmallow differs in that for its production the freshest (!) apples are used, which are not boiled, stewed, baked..., which means that all vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) and enzymes ! And besides, it is prepared without sugar. Detailed recipe in the video below.

Apple marshmallow

This particular delicacy was the main treat for children in the Krasnodar Territory on the Mikhailovsky Pass, where my grandparents lived all their lives. The farm was always huge, and it was made from everything - plums, apples, currants! My grandmother gave me and my brother marshmallow rolls or sliced ​​strips, how can you refuse the sweetness that was lovingly prepared especially for the rare arrival of your grandchildren? While I don’t have my own children, I decided to pamper my niece, Varenka, she’s such a lover of all kinds of berries “from the bush,” even though she’s only a year and a half old.

Pastila at home

I decided to present this not even a recipe, but an advice to thrifty housewives: in which another option you can eat your favorite jam or frozen fruit. And most importantly, children really adore this dessert.

Pastila with nuts

Our answer to Churchkhela!

Homemade marmalade “good”

It has a natural apple flavor, the dense mixture contains a lot of pectin and fiber. It can be used for baking, it holds its shape unsurpassedly and does not spill. Or you can cut and serve like sweets, for tea and with cookies. In any case, a piece of marmalade for breakfast will improve your mood for the whole day.

How to cook marshmallow

Making marshmallows is a good method for preserving a huge harvest of apples, plums, and other fruits. But it must be admitted that marshmallow made from apples turns out to be more savory, more special, with a memorable taste. Pastila contains a minimum of sugar, which is excellent for maintaining your figure. And most importantly, for its production you can use a variety of fruits (which should be indescribably pleasant for gardeners) - spoiled, overripe, unripe, fallen to the ground. We will create a traditional narrow marshmallow, the taste of which has been known to us since our youth, when such marshmallows were sold by neat grandmothers-dacha owners, rolled into rolls and wrapped in clean paper.

To make such apple marshmallow, it is best to take apples with sourness, for example, the Antonovka variety or others. Therefore, such apples contain a huge amount of pectin, and the marshmallow made from them will be the most healthy and well-gelled. So, step-by-step production of narrow traditional marshmallow (if desired, you can create the most “plump” one from it).

Step 1. We wash the selected apples for making marshmallows, place them on a baking sheet (can be in a slow cooker, in a saucepan), add a little water to the container with the apples so that they do not burn and bake or cook them over low heat until soft.

Step 2. Cool the fruits, wipe them together with the skin on a sieve, you can grind the apples in a blender.

Step 3. The puree that comes out after processing with a sieve or blender must be boiled in a saucepan, stirring, for half an hour.

Step 4. Cool the apple puree, strain the juice, otherwise the marshmallow will take a long time to dry out and settle too much.

Step 5. Now beat the apple puree, you can add sugar to it to taste. Only a little sugar is needed (some housewives do not add it at all), otherwise the mass will be viscous, and this will affect its final taste. Beat the puree until the mass becomes light in color and increases in volume.

Step 6. Cover a baking sheet or ordinary cardboard boxes with unstained kitchen parchment (for baking products). We spread the apple mixture on it in the same width as the marshmallow is needed. Here it is to the taste of the housewives. If you want pieces 2-3 cm wide, this means that they are thick and you need to place the mass on a baking sheet. If we are planning a marshmallow, which we will then roll into rolls, then we spread the mass 5 mm thick.

Step 7. Dry the marshmallow at home, in the apartment. If possible, expose it to the sun during the day. It is necessary to dry the marshmallow naturally for almost a couple of days. If in the oven (ajar and at 100 degrees), then six to seven hours of drying the marshmallow will be enough. After drying the marshmallow, turn the parchment sheet with it upside down.

Check the resulting pastille. It must be dry and strong to the touch. If the marshmallow is damp, dry it some more.

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Homemade apple marshmallow: the best recipes for making raw apple marshmallow

A large apple harvest constantly shakes the minds of gardeners about how to process the harvest. A beautiful option is drying apples. With all this, you can prepare not only a compote mixture, but also a wonderful vitamin dessert - homemade marshmallow. Apple marshmallows are prepared not only from heat-treated fruits, but also from raw ones. Now we will talk about this in more detail.

Which apples to choose for marshmallows

Any apples are suitable for making marshmallows, but preference is always given to sweet and sour varieties. If you have fruits from your own garden, then that’s just wonderful! If you buy apples in a store, then do not forget to thoroughly wash them to remove the top waxy layer that manufacturers cover the fruit with for better shelf life. Apples must be ripe, firm, without damage, wormholes or rotten parts.

Raw apple marshmallow recipe


  • apples – 2 kilograms;
  • sweet sand – 200 gr;
  • cinnamon - to taste.


The washed apples are cut into quarters and the seed box is cut out from them.

Next, the tenderloin is crushed with a blender, meat grinder or grater with the smallest cross-section. It is best to first pass the apples through a meat grinder, and then puree them in a blender until smooth.

Then sweet sand is added to the apple mass. The quantity indicated is approximate, because different varieties of apples have different degrees of sweetness. In this case, it is better to focus on your own taste. If you absolutely do not accept sugar in your diet, you can either completely avoid it in the recipe, or replace it with a sweetener or honey.

At the final step, add cinnamon.

The finished sweet mass is sent to dry as quickly as possible. Don't be alarmed if the puree turns dark. This happens because apples oxidize when exposed to air.

You can dry marshmallows using several methods:

Option number 1. In the air.

Baking trays or trays are covered with baking paper or cling film. Using a cotton ball, lubricate the surface with a small amount of vegetable oil. Lay the apple mass on top in a layer of no more than 5 mm. With all this, the thickness of the workpiece at the edges must be greater than in the middle.

Dry the marshmallow on the balcony, on the windowsill or on the kitchen cabinet, but in all cases the workpiece must be protected from insects. This can be created using a piece of gauze fabric (The structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) . It is important to cover the system so that the tissue (medical system of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common origin, structure and functions) does not touch the puree. Otherwise, it will be impossible to tear the gauze away from the marshmallow.

Option number 2. In the oven.

The fruit mass is laid out on trays with paper in the same way as in the previous case. Containers with marshmallows are placed on the upper level of the oven. To allow air to circulate easily, keep the oven door ajar.

The oven heating temperature must reach 100 degrees. Experienced housewives also set the convection mode, if there is one in your oven model. The average drying time is 5 – 8 hours.

Option No. 3. In a dryer for vegetables and fruits.

The fruit mass is laid out on grids covered with parchment or on special trays for making homemade marshmallows. The main thing is not to forget to lubricate the containers with a thin layer of vegetable oil. The highest heating temperature is set on the unit, and the product is dried until ready, remembering to rearrange the trays once an hour. Approximate drying time in an electronic dryer is 6 – 9 hours.

The finished marshmallow does not stick to your hands, and, at the same time, remains elastic and flexible. It is carefully removed from the paper or film and rolled into a roll while warm. If the marshmallow was made from apples grated through a grater, then its structure is unlikely to allow it to be rolled into a tube. Therefore, such marshmallows are simply cut with kitchen scissors into small rectangles or squares.

Watch the video from the channel “Tomochka Smart” - Recipe for homemade apple marshmallow in the dryer

Recipes for making “living” marshmallows from apples and other fruits

Apple marshmallow with peaches

  • apples – 500 gr;
  • peaches – 500 gr;
  • sweet sand – 50 gr.

The fruits are cleared of seeds and punched in a blender along with the skins. Sugar is added to the fruit mass and sent for drying.

Marshmallow made from raw apples, sunflower seeds and walnuts

  • apples – 5 pieces;
  • crushed walnuts - 2 tablespoons;
  • sunflower seeds – 1 tablespoon;
  • sweet sand – 1 tablespoon;
  • cinnamon - a pinch.

Pastila from apples, pears and cherries

  • apples – 500 gr;
  • pears – 300 gr;
  • cherry – 300 gr;
  • sweet sand - 3 tablespoons.

Grind the fruits in a blender and place in a colander to drain excess juice. Then add sugar to the puree and dry.

Apple and banana paste

  • apples – 500 gr;
  • banana – 2 pieces;
  • sweet sand - 3 tablespoons.

Watch the video from the channel “Cooking healthy and tasty - Evgeniy Arefyev’s channel” - Pastila from new apples

How to store homemade marshmallows

The prepared marshmallow can be kept in the main compartment of the refrigerator for 1 month. If the product is intended for later consumption, then it is better to freeze it. To do this, a mark is placed on the packaging bags indicating what type of marshmallow is frozen and the date it was prepared.

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