Chocolate butter at home

Chocolate butter at home

Friday, May 10, 2019

Do you think only kids love a loaf of chocolate butter and a cup of tea for breakfast? Believe me, their ancestors are also not averse to enjoying such a delicacy! Now I have a tried and tested recipe for chocolate butter, which we can prepare at home without any hassle.

We will need high-quality butter as a base for this dessert. Fat content of 82% is perfect, but you can also use Peasant (fat content of 72%). It is clear that we will leave margarine and various spreads for their manufacturers - I never buy such products and do not recommend them for you.

The amount of sweet powder can be changed according to your own taste, but for the first time I recommend strictly adhering to the proportions indicated in the chocolate butter recipe. The fat content of milk is not important (I took 2.5%). Choose unsweetened cocoa powder, and preferably bitter chocolate. True, milk will also work, but the butter will be sweeter.


Making a dish step by step:

To make homemade chocolate butter, we need the following ingredients: butter, milk, sweet powder, cocoa powder and chocolate.

First, let's prepare the chocolate base for our dessert. In a small bowl or saucepan (if you use a stove), pour 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder (be sure to sift through a sieve) and sweet powder. Add 3 tablespoons of milk. Stir and place in the microwave at high power for almost 20 seconds. Stovetop option: heat everything, stirring until the sweet powder melts.

The result is a fairly thick mass. Now we break 30 grams of chocolate in there and melt everything again. In a microwave oven, I advise you to do this on the Defrost mode and check the chocolate for every 10 seconds so that it does not curl.

It is better to create a water bath on the stove so as not to overheat the chocolate. As a result, this is the mass that comes out, which will be a little thicker than just melted chocolate.

200 grams of butter must be removed from the refrigerator several hours in advance so that it has time to soften.

Add the still warm chocolate paste to the soft butter.

It remains to connect the two components. Naturally, you can carefully stir with a spoon or spatula, but an immersion blender will make this much easier and faster. It will not leave lumps and irregularities any chance.

Transfer the soft and delicate chocolate butter into a suitable container. I took a plastic container like this, which I placed in the freezer to let the butter harden for about 1 hour. You can immediately place the dessert in the refrigerator and wait several hours until it hardens to a suitable mixture. By the way, as an option, you can transfer the soft butter onto parchment (foil, cling film) and roll it into a sausage - later you will simply cut off the required amount (round pieces).

In the freezer, the chocolate butter, which comes out to about 340 grams, is perfectly stabilized and can be carefully removed from the container and transferred to a saucer. I recommend storing homemade chocolate butter for 2-3 days in the refrigerator, covered with a bowl. Before using, let it warm up a little on the table so that the oil becomes a little softer.

Delicate, smooth, fragrant, savory, moderately sweet and truly chocolate butter spreads perfectly onto a slice of loaf. Children really love these sandwiches with warm milk or tea.

Be sure to make chocolate butter at home - your family will appreciate this dessert. Cook for your health and bon appetit, friends!

Chocolate butter at home: from Russian GOST to fat bombs

Almost all of us remember chocolate butter from the 1990s. Then it cost 3 rubles 50 kopecks, and not everyone could afford it for themselves, not to mention making chocolate butter at home, although cocoa powder was completely available. The fact is that such a dessert was considered more of an indulgence.

In the Russian Union, it arose under Brezhnev and was sold by weight. Now manufacturers play on our nostalgic emotions and release “that” product. But every now and then it contains either potassium sorbate or flavorings. Fortunately, recapturing the taste of youth is not as difficult as it seems.

Traditional recipe

You only need 4 ingredients to create this delicious chocolate butter with the taste of youth, and, of course, a knife to spread it on a fresh (for example, French) loaf in the morning!

  • an ordinary pack of good butter;
  • 3 tbsp. l. unsweetened cocoa powder;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • half a glass of milk.

Be sure to choose products from large and respected manufacturers, because the taste of your homemade dessert depends on the properties of the ingredients.

  1. A few hours before making it, remove the butter from the refrigerator.
  2. In a glass bowl, mix cocoa powder with sweet sand, pour in milk and whisk.
  3. Pour the mixture into a ladle or saucepan and place over high heat. Do not put down the whisk: the liquid should always be stirred until it boils.
  4. Once you notice the beginning of boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for a couple more minutes. You will see how the liquid thickens and acquires a gloss that is pleasant to the eye, reminiscent of glaze.
  5. The purchased liquid must cool down. If you immediately pour it into the oil, it will separate and you will have to start all over again.
  6. Pour the cooled “glaze” into the butter and mix using the same hand whisk. Stirring must be continued until you see a uniform, noble chocolate color, and oil lumps disappear from the mass.
  7. Transfer the mixture into a mold (the material does not matter: it could be plastic, glass, silicone, etc.) and place it in the freezer.
  8. So that the dessert can be eaten, a few hours before consumption it is moved to the upper chamber of the refrigerator.
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Fat bomb

This is what English-speaking followers of the keto diet call low-carb, but high-fat snacks. The basic ingredient of such a snack is oil (including butter).

For the chocolate fat bomb you will need:

  • 4 tbsp. l. creamy, unsweetened peanut butter and cocoa powder;
  • 8 tbsp. l. coconut oil;
  • sweetener or sugar to taste;
  • silicone mold or 24 cupcake molds.

  1. Place all non-dry ingredients in a microwave-safe container. Melt ingredients on high for 35 seconds and whisk to combine.
  2. Add cocoa powder and sweetener (sugar) and mix.
  3. Pour into mold and freeze (fat bombs should sit in the freezer for at least 30 minutes). Then remove from the mold and store in the freezer in a Ziploc bag.

Belgian spread

How to create chocolate butter according to European standards, and not according to Russian GOST? In Belgium, for example, there is no such dessert, but there is choco, a chocolate spread close to it. Variations of the simple recipe are passed down to daughters from generation to generation. It is spread on toast, waffles, pancakes, and muffins.

  • 200 g dark chocolate;
  • 125 g small sweet sand;
  • 125 g unsalted butter;
  • ½ glass of bubbling milk;
  • 2 testicles.

  1. Break the chocolate into a bowl, add sugar and butter cut into small cubes. Place in a water bath to obtain a smooth chocolate mixture.
  2. Meanwhile, in a separate saucepan, bring the milk to a boil, and then add to the chocolate mixture.
  3. Mix well with a blender for 30 seconds.
  4. Then add the eggs to the mixture and run the blender for another minute until you get a smooth paste. Let it harden to create a soft, smooth homemade spread.

A little about serving and recipes

Chocolate butter is a profitable (both in terms of cost and health benefits) substitute for chocolate candies. It contains vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) A and D and a lot of necessary microelements. At the same time, it is high in calories (although not as nutritious as regular butter, due to cocoa powder), therefore it is not recommended for obese people in the absence of sufficient physical activity, it also contains bad cholesterol (an organic compound, a natural fatty, lipophilic alcohol contained in in the cell membranes of all living organisms with the exception of non-nuclear ones) . But healthy people can use it in moderation.

With all this, there are a huge number of options for using it on the menu.

  • Put a piece into your morning porridge. Breakfast will immediately become tastier!
  • Grease newly baked pancakes or pancakes with butter.
  • If you are baking a cake, you will need chocolate butter for the cream: just beat it with a mixer.
  • For crouton lovers, you can suggest adding a little chocolate butter to the pan at the end of frying. As a result, you will get a wonderful crust and a mind-blowing taste.
  • Make a potato cake. True, for the rich color of the famous dessert, adding cocoa still cannot be avoided.

While nutritionists are discussing the benefits and harms of chocolate butter, almost all of us make delicious cocoa-colored briquettes with milk that are not inferior to factory-made ones for breakfast. Maybe for our children, homemade chocolate butter will also become an important part of children's memoirs.

Chocolate butter: recipe with cocoa, chocolate, nuts, condensed milk

Almost all housewives are curious about how to create chocolate butter at home. This dessert, familiar from youth, can be purchased in the store, but its taste is no longer the same. At the moment it is made with the addition of flavors, dyes, and flavor enhancers. Often it doesn’t even contain butter, just trans fats. Therefore, it is better to create chocolate butter without the help of others, then it will really be useful.

  1. Chocolate butter: benefit or harm
  2. Chocolate Butter Recipes
  3. With cocoa
  4. With dark chocolate
  5. With nuts
  6. With condensed milk

Chocolate butter: benefit or harm

This delicious dessert can be eaten alone, spread on bread, or added to baked goods. True chocolate butter provides health benefits. Thanks to the presence of fatty acids, it improves brain function, increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots. This delicacy helps to cope with lethargy, strengthens memory and tones the body.

Whether chocolate butter is beneficial or harmful depends almost entirely on its composition. It will only be useful if it is made from high-quality natural ingredients. Various synthetic additives, artificial fats and flavor enhancers make it not only worthless, but also a harmful product.

But even natural delicacies can be harmful in some cases. This is a fairly high-calorie product, so it is not recommended to use it if you are prone to weight gain. And due to the huge amount of sugar, it is contraindicated for diabetics. Excessive consumption can lead to diarrhea, nausea (a feeling of heaviness in the pit of the stomach and throat) and abdominal pain, even in healthy people.

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Chocolate Butter Recipes

The composition of chocolate butter is usual: the main components are butter and chocolate. From time to time it is replaced with cocoa powder. In addition, you can add sugar, condensed milk, cream, nuts, vanillin or cinnamon. The taste of the finished product changes due to this. To make a high-quality dessert, you need to take natural, preferably homemade, butter without additives and milk powder. You can have any kind of chocolate: either bitter or milky if desired.

Preparing this delicious dessert is simple, but you need to know some subtleties that will help avoid the appearance of lumps and a nasty aftertaste:

  • The chocolate must first be melted in a water bath and cooled slightly;
  • It is not necessary to melt the butter itself; you can simply keep it at room temperature for a couple of hours;
  • when using cocoa powder, it is better to combine it not with sugar, but with sweet powder;
  • to obtain a homogeneous product, it is better to use a mixer or blender;
  • Place the mixture in a mold, preferably on cling film, and place in the refrigerator.

The finished dessert should be homogeneous, without lumps, and soft. The photo shows that it can be of different colors: from light to dark brown. The advantage of making dessert at home is that you can create it to your own taste.

With cocoa

The most common recipe for making this sweet involves the use of cocoa powder. A pack of butter, 8 tablespoons of cocoa and 4-5 tablespoons of sweet powder will come in handy. How to create chocolate butter at home from cocoa powder?

  1. First, it is important to soften the product. You don’t need to heat it up, you can just keep it at room temperature for 2 hours and then mash it with a fork.
  2. Mix cocoa and sweet powder. The mixture must be homogeneous, so you can sift it through a sieve.
  3. Add dry powder evenly and beat until smooth. It is recommended to stir the mass with a mixer with a special attachment or a blender.

Be sure to set the mixer to low speed, otherwise you will get a cream that will flake.

With dark chocolate

The most delicious dessert with a rich color comes out if you prepare it with bitter chocolate. This will require a little more time and other components. For a stick of butter you need to take a bar of dark chocolate, half a glass of sugar and a packet of vanillin. The step-by-step recipe for making such a dessert is not very different from the usual one.

  1. First, break the chocolate into pieces and melt in a water bath.
  2. After it has cooled slightly, start whipping the butter with a mixer, adding chocolate evenly.
  3. When the mass becomes homogeneous, add sugar and vanillin and mix again.

It is recommended to leave the finished chocolate butter at room temperature for a while so that the sugar grains dissolve perfectly, and then beat again. Only after this place it in the refrigerator. But it is better to use powder, not sugar.

With nuts

Just make chocolate butter with nuts and cinnamon at home. Such a dessert will have a special unusual taste. It’s a little more difficult to create than regular chocolate cocoa butter; there are more ingredients. The following products will be required:

  • 200 g butter;
  • 100 g chocolate;
  • a spoonful of milk or cream;
  • a spoonful of cocoa and sweet powder;
  • a packet of vanillin;
  • nuts;
  • a little cinnamon.

First you need to melt the chocolate in milk, add sugar, cinnamon, cocoa and vanillin. After cooling, mix the mixture with softened butter and beat well with a mixer. Add nuts crushed in a blender to taste. Most often it is recommended to create this dessert with walnuts.

With condensed milk

To get a delicate creamy thickness of the dessert, it can be created on the basis of condensed milk. This oil product is more suitable for coating pie crusts, for the inside or cream. Moreover, this recipe for homemade chocolate butter is very simple and does not take much time to make.

The following products will be required:

  • a pack of butter or 150-180 g;
  • regular chocolate bar;
  • 150 ml of regular or boiled condensed milk;
  • 2 tbsp. milk or cream.

First you need to melt the chocolate pieces in milk, then add condensed milk and softened butter. Beat with a mixer at leisurely speed until you get a homogeneous mass. It should be remembered that when using ordinary condensed milk, the color of the finished product will be the lightest, and it will acquire a pleasant creamy taste.

Chocolate butter can be spread on buns

Those housewives who know how to create chocolate butter at home always have the option of a tasty and healthy breakfast for adults and children. With all this, it is important that the dessert is made from natural products.

Chocolate butter at home - 6 recipes

You can’t buy a high-quality and unusually delicious dessert in a store - you can only prepare it yourself. If you make chocolate butter at home, it will become just such an impeccable dessert that can be spread on toast, put on hot pancakes, or used as the inside of baked goods, while always getting a result that tastes amazing. And what’s even more important is that the homemade delicacy will be 100% natural and harmless for children.

Making chocolate butter at home

There is no dessert tastier than one that was created with your own hands, and the supply of which can be constantly renewed. If you create chocolate butter at home, you can enjoy the most delicious dessert at any time and without restrictions.

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  • chocolate (bitter, at least 55% cocoa) – 100 g;
  • cocoa – 1 tsp;
  • butter – 200 gr.;
  • milk – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cinnamon – 1 tsp;
  • nutmeg – ½ tsp;
  • vanillin – ½ tsp;
  • sweet powder – 2 tbsp. l.

Melt the chocolate and milk in a water bath - place a small saucepan with the ingredients in a huge saucepan with bubbling water. When the mass becomes soft, add butter, then sugar - vanilla and in the form of powder. While the composition is heating up, cocoa, nutmeg and cinnamon are poured into it alternately, with stirring. Next, the chocolate butter is poured into molds and kept in the freezer for 1 hour. The finished mass can be stored in the refrigerator.

Advice! If you take high-quality butter and expensive real chocolate, homemade butter will turn out not only tasty, but also healthy, containing vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) and microelements that are essential for health.

Cocoa treat

When you don’t have chocolate on hand, but want delicious homemade chocolate butter, you can make a cocoa dessert. The recipe is completely simple, so even a beginner in the kitchen can handle it.


  • cocoa powder – 150 gr.;
  • sugar – 50 gr.;
  • butter – 250 gr.

Melt the butter, leaving it out of the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, add cocoa powder and sugar to the mixture (you can turn it into sweet powder). Using a blender, the future chocolate butter is whipped until smooth, then transferred to molds and frozen.

Butter with chocolate and cognac

This recipe allows you to make the most delicious homemade butter with chocolate with a unique special taste. This sweetness was created for adults who have not lost their affection for extraordinary desserts.


  • chocolate (bitter, up to 90% cocoa) – 100 g;
  • butter – 250 gr.;
  • cognac – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • milk – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar (vanillin and powder) - 1 tsp each.

Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt with milk until soft in a water bath. Combine the hot mixture with vanilla sugar and sweet powder, mix (you can beat with a blender at low speed). Next, add the softened butter and beat with a spoon until shiny and smooth, while carrying out all procedures without removing the mixture from the water bath. After removing from heat, cognac is poured into the finished chocolate butter and sugar is added to taste. Upon completion of production, the delicacy is poured into molds and allowed to freeze for 1-2 hours.

Recommendation! It is better to taste the warm mass from time to time so that more sugar can be added as needed.

Unusual dessert made from sour cream

Chocolate butter from sour cream comes out tender and airy, but the most watery, which allows you to use such a mass for coating cake layers or for laying out as the inside of various baked goods. With homemade butter, desserts will turn out much more delicious than if they were bought in a store.


  • butter – 250 gr.;
  • sour cream – 100 gr.;
  • cocoa – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 100 gr.

Melt the butter slowly in a water bath, pour sugar into the watery mass, which should also melt. Next, you need to add sour cream and cocoa powder, carefully mix the composition or beat it, and then put it in the freezer for 1-2 hours.

Chocolate butter with condensed milk

Chocolate butter with condensed milk is best used for filling tubes, “nuts”, baskets or eclairs. The main condition is to use the oil immediately after production, because after freezing in the refrigerator the mass becomes unyielding.


  • butter – 200 gr.;
  • cocoa – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • condensed milk – 125 gr.

Melt the butter at room temperature, beat with a blender on low speed, add condensed milk little by little (in small portions). When the mixture becomes homogeneous, you can add cocoa powder and beat again.

If the butter is planned to be used as a filling for baking, it only needs to be cooled a little; if the chocolate mass is to be spread on sandwiches, it is better for it to stand in the freezer for 1-2 hours.

Butter from 2 types of chocolate with vanilla

Butter from two types of chocolate with vanilla will turn out especially velvety and tender. Its taste will not be like anything else, and its smell will force any person to become a particular delicacy.


  • chocolate (bitter and snow-white) – 50 g each;
  • butter – 200 gr.;
  • sugar – 100 gr.;
  • milk – 150 ml;
  • vanillin – 1 tsp.

Combine butter softened at room temperature with chocolate and melt in a water bath. Warm the milk separately, stirring in vanilla and sugar evenly. Pour the milk into the chocolate-butter mixture, stir or beat, after reaching the appropriate thickness, pour the delicacy into a mold and cool (1-2 hours in the freezer).

Advice! For an even more high-quality result, it is worth looking in stores not for vanilla sugar, but for real vanilla pods. Soaked in milk, vanilla imparts a unique sweet smell to the finished chocolate butter.

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