Pig ear jellied recipe

Jellied pig's ears Jellied pig's ears Preparation time: 1 hour Production time: 6 hours Number of servings: 4 pcs. Ingredients Pig ear jelly To prepare a real…

Simple salad with chips recipe

Simple and tasty salads with chips; 6 traditional recipes Simple and tasty salads with chips - 6 traditional recipes Expand the contents of the article: Hello, dear readers. We are pleased to welcome…

Potato cutlets

8 recipes for potato cutlets instead of boring mashed potatoes 8 recipes for potato cutlets instead of boring mashed potatoes Combine cheese, minced meat, mushrooms, green peas, beans and fish with potatoes. 1. Ordinary potato…

Cabbage soup recipe

How to cook cabbage soup: time-tested recipes How to cook cabbage soup: time-tested recipes Shchi is a multi-ingredient dressing soup, the face of Russian cuisine. The dish has an old history and long-standing traditions...

Bulgur soup recipe

Soup with bulgur Soup with bulgur A selection of recipes for bulgur soup with step-by-step photos and instructions. We will tell and show you how to cook delicious bulgur soup quickly and...

Beef in a slow cooker

Recipes for beef dishes in a slow cooker Recipes for beef dishes in a slow cooker For those who prefer healthy food that only brings benefits to our body, the opportunity has arisen to make…

Classic okroshka with sausage recipe

Okroshka: 6 traditional recipes for okroshka with sausage Okroshka: 6 traditional recipes for okroshka with sausage Hello, dear guests. Agree, there is nothing better in the heat than a plate filled with...

Pizza with chicken and pineapples

Pizza with pineapples and chicken Pizza with pineapples and chicken Now we have a delicious pizza with pineapples and chicken. The individuality of our feast, in fact everywhere, is dominance on the table...

Viburnum jam recipe

Ordinary recipes for medicinal preparation of viburnum for the winter: making jam with and without seeds Ordinary recipes for medicinal preparation of viburnum for the winter: making jam with and without seeds Viburnum -…

Brownie with cherries

Brownie with cherries Brownie with cherries Sunday, August 14, 2016 Brownie is a South American tradition, much like our charlotte. Indescribable chocolate pastries that can be like...